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The author filled the books with tons of great, vivid details. " To come to Cobbler's Bay during wartime and find ugly growths all over it and great monstrous ships sitting in its innocent water, like big metal leeches, made me both angry and unhappy." (Page 83) I had no trouble picturing everything in my head.
I would recommend this book to anyone who likes to read thrilling and capturing books. When you start reading it, you never want to put it down. The characters that the author created were very realistic with their own personalities that make them sound even more real. I gave this book 5 stars!

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Collectible price: $14.00
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Turns out I was wrong.
I got a copy of Tomorrow When the War Began in a pile of second hand books from my Aunt. It was the summer holidays and I thought I might as well read it. I'm 18, by the way, studying at University, and I had previously read some of John Marsden's books and found them to be absolutely amazing. From the moment I picked up Tomorrow When The War Began, I was hooked.
John Marsden is without a doubt one the best author that I have come across. His portayal of Ellie and the rest of the gang, with their faults, their emotions...everything about them, is so amazingly real.
Tomorrow is in no way just another war book, as I previously thought. If you are over the age of 15, I would recommend it, especially for those up to the age of about 25...but even beyond that. After reading Tomorrow, I proceeded to buy the rest of the set, one by one, every day for a week. I was even getting so desperate to know what was going to happen next that I was buying and starting them in my lunch breaks at work. I have since basically forced one of my good friends, who also wasn't really into the idea of reading them, into starting, and she actually put down Lord of the Rings to finish the Tomorrow Series instead. My mum also read them all in the space of a week.
Being Australian (I live not far from the bush in an area where places like Hell actually exist), Tomorrow is a book I can relate to very much. Anyone who doesn't read the series, and has the chance to, is really missing out on something great.
Oh and for the people who wanted the names of the rest of the books:
Tomorrow When The War Began
The Dead of the Night
Darkness, Be My Friend
The Third Day, the Frost
Burning for Revenge
The Night Is For Hunting
The Other Side of Dawn

Used price: $27.84
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If you are looking for a great story to read during these rainy winter months, look no further than "In the Lord's Library"

We read it aloud. Reading, as if it were a script.
Each character was brought to life, as P.J. Marsden described them in detail.
"In the Lord's Library" was the book we chose to end the year with.
It was the perfect selection, for best friends to read together.
I look forward to reading more books, by P.J. Marsden.

The only honest relationship the girl has is with her mongrel dog, Checkers. She seeks comfort in his company as the media circles like vultures around her house, looking for a way to connect the girl's father to the stock market scandal that's brewing. She would never have thought that the connection they were looking for was sleeping on the rug in front of her fire.
I really liked this novel, and would have loved it if it wasn't about the fortieth book I've read that's set in a mental hospital. Mental hospitals have become way too clichéd in young adult literature. Other than that, though, it was a terrific story.

List price: $16.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.12
Collectible price: $11.05

But this book probably is the worst of the seven. It wasn't such a thrill reading it as the others, as this book's just made to build up the tension for the grand finale in "The Other Side of Dawn". The only thing that really happens is that they run a daycare center for some feral kids, and that they get aware of soldiers lurking outside Hell.
Luckily, Marsden can with his spell-binding writing still capture the reader in this book.

The amazing story starts off with a group of teenagers going camping, and when they return the find the Australia has been taken over by another country, they go to the bush again to hide, but can't just sit back and do nothing and decide to fight back in what ever way they can, although unconventional, when all is said and done and the series is over they made a huge impact on the war, sometimes planned, sometimes fluked, of coarse not all survive and with every loss you can not help but feel the emotional pain of the others, it is the best comming of age story I have read, and although it is listed as a young adult series, it will be unforgetable to all ages and you will develop a bond with Ellie, Homer, Kevin and the rest of the gang, I have never fell in love with any fictional charactors the way I did with these guys, not even in T.V series
A story like this comes along once in a life time, do not, and I mean do not missss this book

List price: $16.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.99
Collectible price: $15.00
Buy one from zShops for: $11.12

The amazing story starts off with a group of teenagers going camping, and when they return the find the Australia has been taken over by another country, they go to the bush again to hide, but can't just sit back and do nothing and decide to fight back in what ever way they can, although unconventional, when all is said and done and the series is over they made a huge impact on the war, sometimes planned, sometimes fluked, of coarse not all survive and with every loss you can not help but feel the emotional pain of the others, it is the best comming of age story I have read, and although it is listed as a young adult series, it will be unforgetable to all ages and you will develop a bond with Ellie, Homer, Kevin and the rest of the gang, I have never fell in love with any fictional charactors the way I did with these guys, not even in T.V series
A story like this comes along once in a life time, do not, and I mean do not missss this book

Used price: $51.31
Buy one from zShops for: $51.31

Chapter one is an overview of differential equations and dynamical systems. All the concepts needed for a study of such systems are discussed in great detail and also very informally, stressing instead the understanding of the concepts, and not merely their definition. Some of the proofs of the main results, such as the Hartman-Grobman and the stable manifold theorems, are omitted however.
This is followed in Chapter 2 by a very intuitive discussion of the van der Pols equation, Duffings equation, the Lorenz equations, and the bouncing ball. Numerical calculations are effectively employed to illustrate some of the main properties of the systems modeled by these equations.
A taste of bifurcation theory follows in Chapter 3. Center manifolds are defined and many examples are given, but the proof of the center manifold theorem is omitted unfortunately. Normal forms and Hopf bifurcations are treated in detail.
Averaging methods are discussed in Chapter 4, with part of the averaging theorem proved using a version of Gronwall's lemma. Several interesting examples of averaging are given, along with a discussion of to what extent the bifurcation properties of the averaged equations carry over to the original equations. Most importantly, this chapter discusses the Melnikov function, so very important in the study of small perturbations of dynamical systems with a hyperbolic fixed point. A full proof that simple zeros of the Melnikov function imply the transversal intersection of the stable and unstable manifolds is given.
Chapter 5 moves on to results of a more purely mathematical nature, where symbolic dynamics and the Smale horseshoe map are discussed. The proofs of the stable manifold theorem and the Palis lambda lemma are, however, omitted. Markov partitions and the shadowing lemma are discussed also but the latter is not proven. The authors do however give a proof of the Smale-Birkhoff homoclinic theorem. A purely mathematical overview of attractors is given along with measure-theoretic (ergodic) properties of dynamical systems.
The (local) bifurcation theory of Chapter 3 is extended to global bifurcations in the next chapter. A very detailed discussion of rotation numbers is given but the KAM theory is only briefly mentioned. The main emphasis is on 1-dimensional maps, the Lorentz system, and Silnikov theory. The authors give a very detailed treatment of wild hyperbolic sets.
The book ends with a discussion of bifurcations from equilibrium points that have multiple degeneracies. The discussion is more motivated from a physical standpont than the last few chapters. But some interesting mathematical constructions are employed, namely the role of k-jets, which have fascinating connections with algebraic goemetry, via the "blowing-up" techniques.
The concepts in the book have proven to have enduring value in the study of dynamical systems, and this book will no doubt continue to serve students and researchers in the years to come.

I obtained Guckenheimer and Holmes' classic when it first came out in 1983. It was so clear, concise and intellectually engaging that it inspired me to wonder whether the system of equations I was studying for my Ph.D. research at the time--the governing equations of thermal convection at infinite Prandtl number (which govern plate tectonics in the earth's mantle)--might have a chaotic solution. Guckenheimer and Holmes outlined a clear methodology to find out the answer.
My advisor at the University of Chicago thought not. Only steady solutions could be admitted in the absence of external forcing due to the lack of momentum transfer--this belief was widely held at the time, despite certain oscillatory solutions found by Fritz Busse (then at UCLA) and chaotic solutions found in certain limiting cases by Andrew Fowler at Oxford.
In despair, I left my studies at Chicago to work as a Unix sysadmin at my undergraduate alma mater --Cornell, where (unbeknownst to me when I took the job) John Guckenheimer had just relocated from UCSC. Delighted to find him there, I sat in on his courses. Later, with his help, I wrote a proposal to NASA to support the completion of my thesis--with him and Donald Turcotte serving as my advisors.
The 3-year fellowship was approved, and during this time I demonstrated and published that thermal convection at infinite Prandtl number--a condition that pervades many planetary interiors including our own--is indeed chaotic in the absence of external forcing.
Prior to this, planetary convection codes primarily looked for steady state solutions. Since, numerical analysts in the field have upgraded to time-dependent models. The source of chaos at infinite Prandtle number I identified--the heat advection term--is now widely accepted as the source of what is now called "Thermal Turbulence" in planetary interiors.
The defense at Chicago was quite an event. Since my new advisors were flown in from Ithaca, you might say my thesis--The Nonlinear Dynamics of Thermal Convection at Infinite Prandtl Number--passed with flying colors. Someone at Chicago might disagree, but his opinion is irrelevant.
Demonstrating the many possible solutions to a single set of equations and showing how the choice of solution depends very sensitively on the rather poorly-constrained initial conditions of the earth--does render mantle modeling itself rather superfluous and indeed, scientifically suspect. However, many important professors who stayed in the field nonetheless continue to run their time-dependent mantle convection codes, and never cease to wonder at the fact that they all get different results. It's rather amusing, really.
When all that too has passed away, the truths so beautifully put forth in Guckenheimer and Holmes will remain. Like I said, it's a classic. Furthermore, being number 42 in its series, it's got to be the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything. Was for me, anyway.
The amazing story starts off with a group of teenagers going camping, and when they return the find the Australia has been taken over by another country, they go to the bush again to hide, but can't just sit back and do nothing and decide to fight back in what ever way they can, although unconventional, when all is said and done and the series is over they made a huge impact on the war, sometimes planned, sometimes fluked, of coarse not all survive and with every loss you can not help but feel the emotional pain of the others, it is the best comming of age story I have read, and although it is listed as a young adult series, it will be unforgetable to all ages and you will develop a bond with Ellie, Homer, Kevin and the rest of the gang, I have never fell in love with any fictional charactors the way I did with these guys, not even in T.V series
A story like this comes along once in a life time, do not, and I mean do not missss this book