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Book reviews for "Krzyzaniak,_Marian" sorted by average review score:

Westward Vision: The Story of the Oregon Trail
Published in Hardcover by Univ of Nebraska Pr (1985)
Authors: David Sievert Lavender and Marian Ebert
Amazon base price: $30.00
Used price: $15.95
Collectible price: $18.52
Average review score:

A magnificent tale of stubborn true grit
David Lavender's WESTWARD VISION spans the period from the mid-17th century to 1849 as he chronicles the search for a reliable overland route to, and the subsequent settlement of, what would become known as Oregon, principally that area which borders the Willamette River as it flows into the Columbia (at present-day Portland). As the subtitle of the book indicates, this is "the story of the Oregon Trail".

For the sake of summary, I arbitrarily divide this book into five parts: early exploration of the Upper Mississippi River by French-Canadians seeking a route to the "western sea", the Lewis and Clark Expedition and the subsequent unsuccessful efforts to establish an easy route to Oregon via the Missouri River and its headwaters, the influx of "mountain men" into the area and the discovery of a more southerly route (the Oregon Trail), the early settlement in Oregon of Christian missionary groups sent to proselytize the Indians, and the massive immigration of land-seekers in the 1840's which ultimately resulted in the establishment of a U.S. Oregon Territory.

WESTWARD VISION is the result of extensive research on the part of the author. Its wealth of details is both its strong point and its undoing. Probably the most commendably concise chapters (5 and 6), considering the length of the event, deal with the amazing Lewis and Clark Expedition. Perhaps Lavender thought the history of the two-year trek adequately covered elsewhere. In any case, the following chapters on the exploits and travails of the fur-trapping mountain men and the missionaries are so full of minutiae that it would require the reader to take extensive notes in order to keep track of the various groups and individuals endeavoring to cross the Great Divide into Oregon in the 1820s and 30s. (Reading this book for pleasure, I wasn't prepared to expend that much effort.) Only in Chapter 19, which gives an account of the 1843 journey of the first large immigrant train - almost 1000 persons- over the Oregon Trail, does the narrative regain a concise clarity. A major failing of the the volume is the lack of adequate maps to locate the majority of the named and innumerable places and geographical features: rivers, river forks, buttes, mountains, rocks, forts, mountain passes, river fords, trapper rendezvous, and settlements. Perusing contemporary state highway maps didn't help much. And in a work this extensive, I would have expected a large section of illustrations. Except for several very crude drawings, there were none.

What elevates WESTWARD VISION, and compels me to award four stars, is that the author makes his point magnificently, i.e. that it took many tough people with large reserves of true grit to expand the fledgling United States to the Pacific's shores. The crossing was hard:

"At the rainswept crossing of the North Platte, blue with cold, cramped by dysentery and pregnancy pangs, Mary Walker (an 1838 pilgrim) sat down and 'cried to think how comfortable my father's hogs were' (back home). As for Sarah Smith, Mary sniffed, she wept practically the entire distance to Oregon." And even recreation had a sharp edge, as at the 1832 trappers' rendezvous:

"... a few of the boys poured a kettle of alcohol over a friend and set him afire. Somehow he lived through it, and fun's fun."

Finally, Lavender eloquently suggests the reason so many embarked on the Oregon Trail at all:

"What matters is not whether fulfillment was attainable in reality (at the Trail's end), but rather that at long last in the world's sad, torn history an appreciable part of mankind thought it might be. That was both the torment and the freedom - to go and look."

This is an excellent account of the great quest for the Northwest, which eventually culminated in the vast migrations of Americans along the Oregon Trail. From the early exploration efforts of Jacques Cartier (1530's); Jean Nicolet (1630's); Marquette and Joliet (1670's); LaSalle (1680's); Bourgmont (early 1700's); the Verendryes (1730's to 1740's); Jonathan Carver (1760's) and others too numerous to mention, we see how the English, French, Spanish and Americans all had the goal to establish roots in Oregon. When the mountain men came into the picture searching for their beaver pelts in the early 1800's, it was this breed of men that finally opened the routes across the Rocky Mountains which lead the wagon trains through to the Northwest. Lavender then takes us up to the first overland migrations (1840's) of the missionaries and others in search of a better way of life, along with all their sacrifices and perils. This is a great book and very insightful of events leading up to the Oregon Trail.

Twin-Souls: Forever In Love
Published in Paperback by Morris Publishing (24 March, 1999)
Author: Marian Mason
Amazon base price: $10.95
Average review score:

Pure Dreck
This is the worst book I have ever read! Absolutely horrible! It should be titled, "Diary of a Obsessed Stalker". I couldn't even remember how many times I read the phrase "scheming to win his love", or how often the author's narrative rambled on about how to win his love, and on and on. By the way, this book is marketed as a guide to twin-souls, but as the inside cover stated- this is a work of fiction, and is to quote exactly- "the product of the author's imagination". Filled with rambling, redundant, repetitive lovesick nonsense, the main character is a woman obsessed with a married man who will step on anyone in her way to be with her supposed "twin soul". If this is based on a true story, thank GOD the man had the good sense to run in the opposite direction!

If anyone reading this is into soulmate stories, true or fictitious, try "Hot Chocolate for the Mystical Lover" by Arielle Ford- one of my personal favorites. Love is about truth, beauty, understanding, and often- fate. Not scheming, manipulative, or obsessive as this author would have you believe.

Twin Souls forever in love
This book has touched me in a way I can not describe. I cried till I sobbed. It was as though Marion wrote this about my life. She is wonderful. She was able to put into words how I feel and what I have been going through in the past 2 years. I would love to tell her my self how she has helped me and to thank her for sharing. If anyone knows her e-mail address or how I can contact her please let me know it for I must thank her.

FINALLY! The book that I have been searching for.
I have spent the last 5 years researching the Twin Soul concept because I too, share this very same experience with the author. The book really helped me to see that I was not alone and not crazy for loving as the author does. I truly feel for the author and hope that she will be able to make peace once and for all. I have desperately been searching for someone to talk to who truly can understand the pain and sorrow that this kind of love can bring. If only we can endure, the future holds the rewards and probably not in this lifetime! Best of Luck to the author and God Bless you.

Magic Trees of the Mind : How to Nurture Your Child's Intelligence, Creativity, and Healthy Emotions from Birth Through Adolescence
Published in Paperback by Penguin USA (Paper) (1999)
Authors: Marian Diamond and Janet Hopson
Amazon base price: $11.16
List price: $13.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $4.84
Buy one from zShops for: $4.75
Average review score:

Attention ALL parents: You must read Magic Trees
The school at which I work has immersed itself with brain research. This book was suggested to us by an administrator heavily involved with brain-friendly research activities. In her words: "If I could get every parent and every educator to read this book, my job would complete!" I have to say, I strongly agree. Anyone even thinking of having children or currently do have them will benefit immensely from this read. It is well written and easy to understand. Their are numerous ideas to try with your kids that are simple. I guarantee you that you will not be disappointed with Magic Trees.......mike limmer, beresford elementary

A good addition to your parenting library
This book explains in detail the results of numerous brain research studies. The most important part, though, are the implications for parents, in terms of the type of experiences, toys, and caring that we should provide at particular stages of child development. At first, browsing this book in a bookstore, I decided not to buy it because I also thought that it espouses a pressured, pushy kind of parenting. But now that I've read it, I realized I was wrong. In fact, the authors emphasize that a child's intellectual growth is inevitably tied to his or her emotionoal growth, and so an important part of stimulating our children's minds is to provide an emotionally stable home and unconditional love. I disagree with an earlier reviewer who said this book encourages parents to push their children into over-achievement. Instead, the book brings our attention to the fascinating changes and growth that our children's brains and intellect go through, with suggestions for gently nurturing them. In fact, on p. 167 the authors cite books by David Elkind, who "warns parents and educators about the dangers ... in teaching academic subjects to young children." The chapters are divided by age group. Each chapter discusses the particular stage in terms of development in language, math, science, music, etc. Then each chapter ends with a description of an "enrichment program" appropriate to that stage. The end of the book is composed of a resource guide and enrichment tools including books, games and toys, models and puzzles, muscial instruments, art materials, lessons and classes, outins and trips, sports equipment, cds/tapes/records, videos, and computer software. Altogether this book is a valuable resource for parents.

Required Reading for Parents, Educators, and Politicians!!!
As an elementary teacher and future parent, this book is perhaps the most influential work that I have ever read. While participating in a Brain-Research Workshop a few months ago, our facilitator mentioned this as the #1 book (in terms of child development) for parents, teachers, and anyone else who spends time with children. I must say that I am in complete agreement! Dr. Diamond and Janet Hopson not only touch on the scientific aspects of brain research, but provide readers with "real-life" examples and ideas proven to develop the minds of children from conception to adulthood. This is a terrific book that is a must read. I recommend it to the parents, teachers, and administrators in my district. Don't miss out on the potential enrichment of your children.

This Body
Published in Hardcover by Little Brown & Company (1998)
Author: Laurel Marian Doud
Amazon base price: $23.95
Used price: $1.75
Collectible price: $7.41
Buy one from zShops for: $3.69
Average review score:

Bland, unfinished....
I'm sorry - normally I only write reviews of books I've enjoyed and found useful, but this book was such a disappointment, I have to put my two stars worth in.

The concept is great - I really like the notion of being reincarnated and knowing as a new person what you know now. The idea of coming back in the body of a young junkie, and then helping her out (since you're body is definitely dead, anyway), is also interesting.

But after the introduction, this book didn't go where it could have. There are underdeveloped characters, side plots that don't go very far before fizzling off and a bit of incest that is, but isn't.

This is Laurel Doud's first novel, and this reads like a first novel with a mediocre editor. If you think you'll like it, borrow it from a friend or from the library.

But do look for her second novel - she's got what it takes, she just isn't quite there yet.

Definitely worth it because...
despite the mixed reviews, it's more than worth the eleven dollars just to be able to have an opinion on the matter. I remember not being able to put it down. THe Shakespeare tie-ins were an interesting aidditon. I read it about three years ago and have checked a few times to see if Ms. Doud has anything else in print. I'm interested to see what she will write after hearing the encouraging reviews and also the criticism

Middle-aged housewife "reincarnated" in body of drug addict
Imagine that you die and find yourself in another person's body and in a different city! Then imagine the horror when you find that this body is the emaciated shell of a 22-year-old woman who is a drug addict and alcoholic! Katherine Ashley (I think that's her last name and I don't have the book to check it) is a middle-aged wife and mother who dies from a heart attack. When she "comes to" a year later, she is inhabiting the body of Thisby who has come close to dying from a drug overdose. From there Katherine must navigate her way around the relations of her new family, including Quince, Thisby's Shakespeare spouting little sister, and at the same time come to terms with her previous family's new life.

I had a difficult time putting this book down, and what kept me from giving it a 10 was the fact that there were a few convenient coincidences that were necessary to keep the plot going.

Lady of the Forest
Published in Hardcover by Kensington Pub Corp (1992)
Author: Jennifer Roberson
Amazon base price: $22.00
Used price: $3.25
Collectible price: $6.00
Buy one from zShops for: $9.95
Average review score:

Mixed emotions
How to explain my feelings about _Lady of the Forest_? A romantic historical novel about Maid Marian and Robin Hood, it was an enjoyable escape and post-work-stress-reliever for a couple of weeks. I did enjoy it. Unfortunately, when I shut the back cover, I realized I had just read a six-hundred page book containing almost no surprises.

Marion Zimmer Bradley, author of the stellar _Mists of Avalon_, gushes about this book in the cover blurb, and so I was hoping for a novel that would make me rethink the Robin Hood legends, just as Mists made me look at the Arthurian corpus differently. Part of what made Mists fascinating was that it took an old tale and reexamined it, humanizing the "bad guys" and telling another side of the story. Mists questioned all of our assumptions about Arthur and Morgan. _Lady of Sherwood_ questions nothing, challenges nothing. The characters are just what we expect them to be... It doesn't rethink the legend any more than does Disney's kids' movie on the same theme. It may be a nice romance, but it's not in the same league as the best historical fiction. If you want a romance, you might like this, but for a haunting tale of mysterious forests and renegade Crusaders, go read _The Black Chalice_ by Marie Jakober.

Well-written, though i think Roberson should write a sequel.
This book was well-written and captivating; you had to read it to the end. i think, though, that her ending was a bit inconclusive and almost screams for a sequel. the reader is left to wonder what became of each of the characters they grew to love (or hate) while reading the book. Roberson's book gives Robin Hood fans a new concept to think about: Maid Marian. Marian was previously not a central figure and i think it is good that she has finally been given due credit. . .and Robin Hood needs a lover. it adds to the romantic side of the old ballads.

OK, so this wasn't exactly what I was expecting when I first read it and damn it took me a long time but I found out that I really enjoyed it. The author already explains that this is not a retelling of the CLASSIC, but more of how it came to be. After seeing Kevin Costner's movie, I expected more action (thievery, fighting, etc.) but that did not change the outcome. I love this book!!! Marian is a great heroine (I hate that word, it sounds like the drug) who develops emotionally as the story continues, and Robin is more believable than Kevin Costner's Robin, who was not affected mentally by the Crusades at all and went home happy and started a civilization in the forest. (Not that I'm complaining - I liked the movie too.) The characters were drawn out pretty completely and realistically, too. If there is one part of the book I didn't feel is great, it is the section about Robin's thievery. I would have liked it even more if Ms. Roberson had made Robin's time in Sherwood more impressive. But all in all, this is an awesome book and hope the sequel will be just as good!

The Mill on the Floss (The Clarendon Edition of the Novels of George Eliot)
Published in Hardcover by Oxford Univ Pr (1994)
Authors: George Eliot, I.E. Marian Ds Cross, Evans, Gordon Sherman Haight, and T. S. Eliot
Amazon base price: $130.00
Used price: $5.28
Collectible price: $10.59
Average review score:

In THE MILL ON THE FLOSS George Eliot provides an insightful and intelligent story depicting rural Victorian society. Set in the parish of St. Ogg's, Maggie and Tom Tulliver endure childhood and young adulthood while experiencing the harsh realities of poverty, devotion, love, and societal reputation. I emphasized greatly with Maggie as I have experienced some of her own lived experiences. I truly loved every chapter of this book and didn't want it to end. It is indeed very rare that I have this type of reaction to a book. Although this book was published during the Victorian era, it's amazing how Eliot's prose flows virtually unobstructed. The reader is given a rare glimpse into rural life during the 19th century and is treated to how strictly structured society was then. I am now a fan of Eliot and look forward to reading her other novels.

Bottom line: THE MILL ON THE FLOSS is an excellent novel. Enjoy!

Wonderful, grim novel
The Mill on the Floss has one of the most appealing young girl characterss of all 19th c. literature--Maggie Tolliver. The relationship between her and her brother is at once beautiful, horrible, and probably indicative of much that was true for boys and girls in 19th century England. Whenever I read the book (and I've read it a few times), I am again in love with Maggie, delighted with the people around her, and saddened by the heavy events that bring her down. George Eliot doesn't pull punches--when you've read one of her books, you know you've been somewhere else, experienced something powerful

Great book for some, including me, contrived for others..
This was my first (of four, so far) George Eliot novel. It's also my favorite. Unlike Adam Bede or Silas Marner, I found the characters to be interesting and enjoyable. No, it's not a finely-crafted piece of literature like Middlemarch. And it might be a bit on the melodramatic side. But for some odd reason I found the story to be ultimately quite moving.

Other folks who I gave the book to gave it mixed results. No one disliked it, but most found the "brother-sister" element to be a bit corny. And pardon my sexism, but I thought the book would appeal more to women than men (since the main character is a teenage girl). Not so. This book is definitely "not for women only".

I imagine if you have a sentimental streak through your bones you will probably love this book.

Absolute Beauty: The Secret to Radiant Skin and Inner Vitality Through the Art and Science of Ayurveda
Published in Hardcover by HarperCollins (1997)
Authors: Pratima Raichur and Marian Cohn
Amazon base price: $27.50
Used price: $5.34
Collectible price: $15.84
Buy one from zShops for: $6.92
Average review score:

not for me
I naturopath recommended Ayurveda as we looked for a way to heal my acne. I liked making my own products and getting out of the gloss-advertisement world of the beauty industry. But my copy eventually ended up in a used bookstore.

1)It's expensive to start. One bottle of rose essential oil is $... and many mixes call for more than one kind of oil. If the directions in the book work for you, then you're set, since a little goes a long way.
2)Like many others, I had to run all around town to find ingredients.
3)I learned I like skin products with preservatives. Too often I would open my facial cleanser (which had lemon zest in it) to find it moldy and stinky, even though I made small batches and tried leaving it in a cool place or the fridge.
4)The products were really no better or worse than anything else I used. It finally took Accutane to clear my skin.

The silver lining: in the past, if I bought a beauty product that didn't work for me, I gave it to someone else, used it anyway, or threw it out. This time I could the avocado oil to cook with, eat the barley cereal, scent my house with the oils, etc.

Excellent and Comprehensive
I really like Ms. Raichur's detailed and thorough approach to Ayurvedic philosophy. I've been very pleased with the results of the homemade products. I have been using the sensitive skin recipes, and have been getting a lot of compliments on my glowing skin. Plus, I used the concoctions while I was pregnant with very good results. I highly recommend this book. I also like being liberated from buying expensive skin care products and their wasteful packaging.

I should also note that while she does mention her own line, everything in the book can be made very easily at home. I probably will try purchasing the liposomes that the Bindi line offers, though...I was puzzled that one reviewer noted that she couldn't find amber colored eyedropper bottles, and the basic ingredients for the potions--many are straight from the food store (like orange peel, bananas, milk powder, almond powder--or you just buy almonds and grind them up in a coffee grinder) or the health food store (essential oils, bottles). Some of the ingredients are from Indian grocery stores (like chickpea or lentil flours). You can always order stuff off the web if you don't live near a good health food or Indian grocery store.

I should note that I did not care for the body cleanser (milk powder & chick pea flour) because it clogged up my tub drain...otherwise everything else has worked beautifully.

I love this book!
Absolute Beauty is an absolutely beautiful read the first time through, and it continues to be one of the most frequently used books on my reference shelf. It's so wonderful to be able to skip all of the hype associated with women's cosmetics, secure in the knowledge that everything I need to care for myself is in my kitchen. I have saved untold time and money since implementing the self care recommendations of this book -- and my skin has never ever looked better. I credit Pratima Raichur with putting the sparkle back in my eyes!

Lucy Sullivan Is Getting Married
Published in Paperback by Perennial (30 April, 2002)
Author: Marian Keyes
Amazon base price: $11.16
List price: $13.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $4.40
Buy one from zShops for: $4.40
Average review score:

Not what I expected.
When I buy a paperback book with a brightly colored cover and a title like: "Lucy Sullivan Is Getting Married", this is what I expect: a lighthearted comedy about a slightly shallow, single, city-dwelling, young woman and her love life.
So when I read, "Lucy Sullivan is Getting Married" I was a little confused. Paperback, Pretty Cover, Cutsie what is this? A heroine with bouts of depression? Alcoholic fathers? Broken Homes?!
Yes, that is my main complaint about Marian Keyes witty yet occasionally grim novel; "Lucy Sullivan is Getting Married" it is far too realistic.
Set in downtown London, the book stars (surprise, surprise) Lucy Sullivan, an insecure, nine to five worker with an infamously unsuccessful love life which takes an interesting twist when a fortune-teller predicts that she will get married within the year.
Keyes' style is intelligent and funny, and her characters are likable and diverse. However, as I said before, this book is not the light piece of fiction is appears. Lucy suffers from depression and major insecurity and around three-quarters of the way through; the book takes a strange and unexpectedly dark turn.
I liked it, but while I originally thought that it belonged to the same category of books as the 'Shopaholic' series, I now see that it is quite different.

Light - Hearted Fun
Twenty-six year old self-pitying Lucy Sullivan will captue your heart and make you laugh in Marian Keyes' "Lucy Sullivan is Getting Married". Though the book is not serious or deep, it is light-hearted fun for women everywhere.

Meet Lucy, who wallows in a dead-end job and lack of self-confidence. One night, she and three of her co-workers, the rich yet boring Hetty, the gigantic Meredia, and the laid-back sharp-tongued Megan, travel to the outskirts of London to have their tarot cards read. When Mrs. Nolan predicts that Lucy will be married within eighteen months, she sets out on a journey to find the perfect man, and learn a little bit about herself along the way.

Throughout the book, Lucy fights to keep her head held high despite disastrous relationships, dealing with her alcoholic father, arguing with her self-confident roommates, and losing touch with her best friend. But when Lucy finally realizes she's met the love of her life, you will feel the joy and amazement with her, and will be left wanting more.

Bridget Jones meets Sex in the City
I had such fun reading this book. The title alone made me laugh and once I opened the book I was not disappointed one bit. This is the first of Marian Keyes books that I have read and I will certainly pick up the rest. She has a wonderful witty style that comes across to the reader in abundance yet she can also write about the hard times in life that we must all go through with a sense of dolefullness and a softness that keeps the reader involved.

Lucy Sullivan is single, desperately so, works at a dull, dead end job and lives with two flatmates - Karen, the egotistical and ruthless one and Charlotte, the sweet and somewhat ditzy other one. The reader can't help but take Lucy's view of these characters.

Her office workers convince her to go to a fortune teller who announces, among other things, that Lucy will be married within the year. Lucy, like the reader, laughs this prediction off but as her officemates' predictions begin to come true one can't help but think that Lucy has a chance.

Through the book we meet her best friend Daniel, who Karen has the hots for, Meridia, her over weight and fabulous co-worker, Gus, the man of Lucy's dreams as well as her parents. Lucy tries to keep her head about her while her flighty boyfriend comes and goes, her job becomes duller and her family begins to fall apart.

But will Lucy find the man of her dreams? Will she be able to hold it all together? Only time will tell (as will readers of this book). While Marian Keyes seems to follow a bit of a pattern in the book, it doesn't seem to hold her back one bit.

I laughed along with Lucy and felt sorrow along with her. With lines like, 'If I had left then, that second, I would have missed the arrival of my anger. But no, I met it me at the door as it staggered in, gasping and panting, worn out from the crosstown journey. "Sorry I am late," it wheezed, cluthing it's chest. "Awful traffic..."' one can't help but totally know what Lucy feels like. Her struggles are very true to life as are the situations she finds herself in. If female readers don't see a bit of themselves in her I'd be surprised.

Anyone that enjoys watch 'Sex in the City' or has read and enjoyed Bridget Jones or Girls Guide to Hunting and fishing will certainly enjoy this book.

Published in Hardcover by William Morrow (28 May, 2002)
Author: Marian Keyes
Amazon base price: $17.47
List price: $24.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $5.75
Collectible price: $10.54
Buy one from zShops for: $13.75
Average review score:

Fly Away Angels
I was shopping for a light summer read with and found Angels, by Marian Keyes with the phrase "Best Bet" boldly emblazened on it. I read it, but it is pretty lackluster. The outcome seems predetermined at the start. I was hoping for funny characters with an edge. If you enjoy a quirky "sit by the pool" summer novel, find one by Olivia Goldsmith, Carl Hiassen, or Randy White. These are the masters of odd but endearing characters.

Not up to snuff
Marian Keyes is probably my favorite writer and I looked forward to reading her newest offering, Angels, for sometime. Its not that it was a bad read per se, I just expected more from the woman who gave me such great reads as Rachel's Holiday and Last Chance Saloon. What I got instead was a regurgitation of Watermelon but told about Maggie, the least interesting of the Walsh sisters, set in LA instead of Ireland. The characters had different names, drive different cars and lived in different countries, but to me it was essentially the same story - husband and wife split up, wife runs home to kooky family (then on to friends in this case) to lick her wounds, has a few new adventures, and finds out what she wants from life just as hubby returns for a reunion attempt. The endings differ but the whole premise to me was the same. I had already read this story once and I was looking forward to something new.

The most redeeming aspect of this book was the return to print of the two Walsh sisters who haven't gotten their own books yet, Helen and Anna. I love these two (although Anna was a bit lackluster this go round too) and I hope that we are treated with books dedicated to each of these characters. Mum and Dad Walsh are also a joy to read about and I hope that Keyes continues to add them into her future work.

Again, this wasn't a bad read, it just didn't meet the standards Keyes has set for herself. She can and has done much better in the past. Hopefully she will dazzle us again with her next effort.

Marian Keyes never fails!
I've now officially read every book written by Marian Keyes that has been published in the U.S., and she has yet to disappoint me. Granted, Angels isn't my favorite book by her (Rachel's Holiday holds that honor), but I was still very entertained and will continue to buy anything she has in print.

Angels tells the story of another of the Walsh sisters -- this time around it's Maggie, the well-behaved one, the one with the perfect life...until she loses her job and her husband in one fail swoop. Slinking back home to her family, Maggie quickly realizes she needs to turn her life around. So when her friend, Emily, invites her to stay with her in Los Angeles, Maggie jumps at the opportunity. L.A. has a sort of backwards effect on Maggie, however -- instead of turning her life around, Maggie somehow turns it upside-down, doing things she never thought she'd do. And the journey ends up being more than just a flight over the Atlantic...

I really enjoyed reading about another Walsh sister. I love the dysfunctional, eccentric qualities about each of them, and I think I could relate to Maggie the most. Marian Keyes has continued to write engaging, wonderful stories that are both funny and heartwarming, but also serious in subject matter. Undoubtedly she will remain on my favorite authors list for a long, long time.

Kids Talk Hair: An Instruction Book for Grown-Ups & Kids
Published in Hardcover by Cornrows & Co (1999)
Authors: Pamella Ferrell, Pamela Ferrell, Sabrina Holcomb, and Marian Wright Edelman
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.87
Buy one from zShops for: $13.82

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