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Book reviews for "Kaufman,_Martin" sorted by average review score:

Henry M. Jackson : A Life in Politics
Published in Hardcover by University of Washington Press (2003)
Author: Robert Gordon Kaufman
Amazon base price: $21.00
List price: $30.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $14.00
Buy one from zShops for: $20.80
Average review score:

Thought-provoking but sloppy
Having seen "Scoop" Jackson's name in a dozen places yet knowing little about who he was, I thought I'd learn something about the man by reading this book. I wasn't disappointed. Kaufman's biography does a good job of detailing his political life, especially his role and legacy in foreign affairs. Yet the book is more than just an examination of Jackson's life, as Kaufman also offers an interesting examination of both Jackson's philosophical approach to Cold War foreign policy as well as the historiography of late-Cold War memoirs in an effort to award Jackson with the title of "Soviet Union-killer."

That being said, it was also a disappointingly written book in a number of respects. By focusing so much on Jackson's role in foreign policy and defense matters, Kaufman overshadows what the senator did in domestic policy. Moreover, after an initial examination, Kaufman virtually ignores Washington state politics, which leaves me wondering if the author might not have supplied a complete explanation as to how Jackson was so dominant in his reelection campaigns. Finally, Kaufman's habit of continually refering to political figures by their full titles was a little annoying, while the editing of the book was a little sloppy (every time I saw "Republic senator" on the page I wanted to grab a pen and add in the missing letters). In the end, it was an informative book, but not definitive.

A model biography of a good man
Henry 'Scoop' Jackson is rarely referred to in contemporary political debate. The American polity and indeed the western alliance are much the poorer for his absence. This is a fitting - indeed, a model - biography of a notable American patriot.

Senator Jackson represented a distinctive, honourable and above all prescient tradition in American politics: that of the liberal hawk. He was unfortunate, in respect of his presidential ambitions, to hold consistently to his pro-western principles at a time when the Democratic Party was abandoning (or at least, compromising) the staunchly anti-Communist tradition of Truman, Kennedy, Johnson and Humphrey. Rent asunder by the experience of Vietnam and the rise of the New Left, the Democrats polarised around Jackson, on the one hand, and the party's disastrous 1972 presidential nominee, George McGovern, on the other. Only because of Watergate - and even then, only by a whisker - did a Democrat win the White House in 1976, and his presidency proved to be the most ineffectual in living memory.

Kaufmann describes this political background with a sure touch. He is unflinchingly honest in his depiction of Jackson's personal flaws, such as periodic irascibility with aides, but the essential Jackson - a man of deep humanitarian impulses, evident in such causes as his campaign for persecuted Soviet Jewry, and searing moral insight into the nature of Communist totalitarianism - shines through. The book is a fine political biography, but also a most touching personal portrait. It depicts admirably and with fine insight the circle around Jackson, some of whom later held office in the Reagan administration. I was unaware, for example, that the common view that Jackson's adviser, Richard Perle, was responsible for Jackson's unwavering support for Israel has it exactly the wrong way round. In fact, Perle, a secular Jew, came to see the urgency of supporting Israel because of the influence of Jackson - a Niebuhrian Protestant who understood better than any post-war American politician the moral import of a liberal democracy's struggle for survival while assailed by totalitarian states and terrorist organisations.

Jackson has the biography he deserves; I hope it is widely read and studied.

A great look at Scoop's influence on U.S. politics
There is no doubt that here in Washington state, the U.S. Senate tandem of Henry "Scoop" Jackson and Warren Magnuson were a valuable asset to Washington's - and the nation's - development in the 20th century. So much of our state's infrastructure, institutions, and industries can be credited to these political heavyweights. But yet, so little had been written about their immense legacies up until a couple of years ago. First we got a decent bio of Magnuson written by Shelby Scates. But then came this book - "Henry M. Jackson: A Life In Politics" - which is an outstanding portrait of the man and the legacy.

The author's main focus in this work is the profound and unquestioned effect Sen. Jackson had on U.S. foreign policy. The book brilliantly delves into Jackson's evolution from simple legislator to foreign policy guru. Much attention is made to Jackson's stances on a variety of foriegn policy issues, including his infamous battles with Henry Kissinger over the issues of detente, Soviet dissidents, and pro-Israel issues. Jackson proved a great foil for - and perhaps huge thorn in the side of - Dr. Kissinger, but with time and further examination, their debates likely benefitted U.S. foreign policy in the long run.

Make no mistake: while there is much on Jackson's foreign policy expertise, this is a solid biography of the man in total. We get a good look at his upbringing in and around Everett, his entry into politics, his failed presidential bids, and - eventually - his sudden and surprising death in the early '80's. Also included are the events at the infamous 1960 Democratic convention, where Jackson was very nearly chosen as JFK's running mate.

All in all, this is a very fair and solid biography, presenting an excellent look at the life of Sen. Jackson. This should be a must-read for political-junkies. Those of a conservative/Republican ideology should also make it a must-read, because it is made very evident how much of the current Republican stances on foreign policy were founded by Henry Jackson.

It has been said of "Scoop" Jackson that he was "the last good Democrat". For the citizens of Washington state, that is unquestioned and still lamented to this day. For the nation, the realization of this statement is slow to develop, but hopefully with this book, "Scoop"'s legacy will be recognized with the respect and stature that it truly is.

Design Hotels & Destinations
Published in Paperback by Lebensart Media (16 June, 2000)
Authors: David Kaufman and Martin Kunz
Amazon base price: $49.00
Average review score:

Dream vacations...
Take advantage of the various destinations in this book to plan your next "dream vacation". The photos are spectacular and the descriptions accurate and useful. Based on my experiences at some of the hotels and locales, the authors have captured the true essence of the destinations.

If You Can't Stay At These Hotels....Then Read About Them!
I've stayed at a few of the hotels featured in this book and the authors and of course, the photographers, really capture what these ultra-hip places are about. The photos are very cool. The book is not chock full of PR-speak lingo, but instead some interesting tidbits. It's a great coffee table book.I also like that the book features hotels from all over the world--from Vienna to New York to the UK.

Beautiful review of amazing hotels
This guide, while using members of the Design Hotels chain, also focuses on a variety of fantastic hotels around the world. The guide is a fantastic coffee table book that always entices conversation when entertaining. Beautiful hotels and a georgous guide.

I and Thou
Published in Hardcover by MacMillan Pub Co (1978)
Authors: Martin Buber, Walter Kaufman, and S. G. Smith
Amazon base price: $14.50
Used price: $0.55
Collectible price: $4.50
Average review score:

This small book is obscure at times and difficult to grasp, yet it completely changed my life. I honestly think Buber wrote it poetically to encourage the reader to slow down and potentially I have a true encounter with the ideas. Most of Buber's later books seem to be developing the ideas expounded in I and Thou, so it might be helpful to read another Buber text, like Between Man and Man, alongside I and Thou. He becomes his own commentary. If you have the patience, I think you'll find this book opens a whole new perspective on relationships, our perspective on the world, and the potential for truly divine encounters.

A must read for all who deal with humans
I Thou is truly one of the books that changed the way people think. I Thou is a book that has changed the world, and that is not an exaggeration. Buber's influence on counseling and psycho therapy is undenieable. Carl Rogers revised his thinking after his encounter with Buber and I Thou. I Thou teaches fundamental truths about interaction, interpersonal relationships, and true dialog. Martin Buber will long stand as the seminal work for dialog and interpersonal interactions. But, don't take my word for it, read the book.

Theistic Personalism: the Classic Statement
Buder's "I and Thou" proved to be years ahead of its time when written. Remarkably, it still is. It is the classic text for theistic personalism. Anyone who is embarking upon a spiritual path would be advised to read it. In an age when impersonalism in all its trendy forms permeates the religious universe of discourse, this small book might just save the spiritual seeker many years that would otherwise be squandered in pursuit of an illusory state of "liberation." The sole purpose of spiritual practice is to redirect one's yearning from frivolous material pursuits and distractions to the Divine Person --- to return home to Godhead. Walking the path is difficult; finding it beneath the accumulated rubble of impersonalist ideologies is an even more daunting task. With the help of Buber's insights, the honest God seeker will find it much easier. Having gotten a sense of direction, he has only to tune out the siren song of New-Age cant to avoid running aground on the shoals of Impersonalism. Justin Thacker

American Medical Education
Published in Hardcover by Greenwood Publishing Group (1976)
Author: Martin Kaufman
Amazon base price: $62.95
Used price: $47.99
Average review score:
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Best Designed Hotels in Asia, Australia and New Zealand: Fascinating Top Houses and Resorts for Aesthetes
Published in Paperback by avedition Gmbh (2001)
Authors: Martin Nicholas Kunz and David Kaufman
Amazon base price: $40.00
Average review score:
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Best Designed Hotels in North- and Southamerica: Fascinating
Published in Paperback by avedition Gmbh (2001)
Authors: David Kaufman, Martin Nicholas Kunz, and David Kaufmann
Amazon base price: $24.50
List price: $35.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $24.38
Buy one from zShops for: $23.80
Average review score:
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Dictionary of American Medical Biography : Set
Published in Hardcover by Greenwood Publishing Group (14 August, 1984)
Authors: Martin Kaufman, Stuart Galishoff, Todd L. Savitt, and Joseph Carvalho
Amazon base price: $210.00
Buy one from zShops for: $107.81
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Dictionary of American Nursing Biography:
Published in Hardcover by Greenwood Publishing Group (24 February, 1988)
Authors: Martin Kaufman, Joellen Watson Hawkins, Loretta P. Higgins, and Alice Howell Friedman
Amazon base price: $75.00
Average review score:
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Dred Scott's Advocate: A Biography of Roswell M. Field (Missouri Biography Series)
Published in Hardcover by University of Missouri Press (1996)
Author: Kenneth C. Kaufman
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $11.99
Collectible price: $14.82
Buy one from zShops for: $19.98
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A Guide to The History of Massachusetts
Published in Hardcover by Greenwood Publishing Group (08 March, 1988)
Authors: Martin Kaufman, John W. Ifkovic, and Joseph Carvalho
Amazon base price: $78.50
Average review score:
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