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Book reviews for "Kandaouroff,_Berice" sorted by average review score:

Electronic Music Circuit Guidebook
Published in Paperback by McGraw-Hill/TAB Electronics (1975)
Author: Brice. Ward
Amazon base price: $10.25
Used price: $39.99
Collectible price: $70.00
Average review score:

Excellent Technical book with many circuit diagrams
This is an excellent book. Hard to come by as no one wants to give up their copy. Many excellent schematics, easily updated and modified as new devices have become available. An excellent guide for the person designing their first audio effects box. Most basic audio effects theory and applications are discussed with at least one schematic for every type of effect. Explanations are very complete, making the book good for novices to experts

Fanny Brice: The Original Funny Girl
Published in Paperback by Oxford University Press (1993)
Author: Herbert G. Goldman
Amazon base price: $23.75
Used price: $11.50
Buy one from zShops for: $14.65
Average review score:

one of the most unbiased, yet loving tributes to a real star
I had the pleasure of reading FANNY BRICE by Herbert Goldman when it first came out in 1992. I am sorry that it is now out of print, as it is one of the most detailed writings on a stage/vaudeville star I have ever encountered. From her early struggles, to the height of her stardom, to her untimely death, this grand lady lead a memorable life that few can ever hope for. This lady conquered every medium she went out for. It should be read by young people aspiring to the arts to show them just how real troupers their ancestors really were......Mr Goldman also wrote the definitive book on another great, Al Jolson..I am looking forward to the one that he is writing now on Eddie Cantor. What a perfect trilogy on old Broadway......Kudos to you Mr Goldman...

For She Is the Tree of Life
Published in Hardcover by Fine Communications (1997)
Authors: Kack-Brice Ed and Valerie Kack-Brice
Amazon base price: $7.98
Used price: $2.89
Collectible price: $4.44
Buy one from zShops for: $6.98
Average review score:

I thankyou deeply Valerie
When I was Sixteen, Valerie was my counselor. She ended up taking me into her home and giving me the support I needed to regain my life. Iam thirty years old now and have a wonderful life,because someone showed me I matter. Valeries books are enjoyable to read and have useful insight. I highly recommend this book. Love, Tricia

Forrest at Brice's Crossroads and in North Mississippi in 1864
Published in Hardcover by Morningside Bookshop (1987)
Author: Edwin Bearss
Amazon base price: $35.00
Average review score:

Excellent treatment of a classic battle
Brice's Crossroads was the most classic battle of the Civil War. It demonstrated the innate military genius of Confederate general Nathan Bedford Forrest, who out-manuevered a Union force twice the size of his. The battle duplicated Hannibal's tactics at Cannae and was considered by Rommel as a classic. Edwin Bearss is the retired chief historian of the National Park Service and cannot be equalled in Civil War battlefield knowledge. This treatment of the battle follows the ill-fated Union forces from Memphis to their defeat in Mississippi and their disorganized retreat back. Having had a great-great grandfather who fought the rear-guard action in the battle with the 9th Minnesota Volunteers, I had a particular interest in the book. Mr. Bearrss' explanation is thorough and compelling. He explains why, even though the battle was lost, the greater strategy i.e. preventing Forrest from interupting Sherman's March To the Sea, was accomplished. Mr. Bearrss has been designated as a "National Treasure" b

The Illusion of Excellence, and Other Seasonal Sermons
Published in Paperback by Chalice Press (1990)
Author: Eugene W. Brice
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $5.20
Collectible price: $11.99
Average review score:

Great book-- I heartly recommend it!!
I loved this book! It's a work of rare insight and sparkling wit. The writing was lovely with pared down, simple prose evocative of the vast biblical landscapes traveled, and of this landscape's intersection with our own emotional and spiritual lives.

I could not recommend it more highly.

Mrs. Brice's Mice
Published in Library Binding by HarperCollins Children's Books (1988)
Author: Syd Hoff
Amazon base price: $15.89
Used price: $0.99
Collectible price: $6.00
Average review score:

I liked the part about the little mouse outsmarting the cat
I liked this book because the mice got away from the cat and also when the story was almost over the 24 mice were dancing and the little mouse was still eating the cheese.

Multimedia and Virtual Reality Engineering
Published in Hardcover by Newnes (1997)
Author: Richard Brice
Amazon base price: $47.95
Used price: $24.00
Buy one from zShops for: $39.74
Average review score:

This book rocks!
I never new that an engineer would be able to write such a broad base book with so much groovy detail... :-) :-0 wowee

The Sacrificial Lion : George Armstrong Custer (Montana And The
Published in Hardcover by Upton & Sons (27 September, 1999)
Authors: Brice C. Custer and Gregory J. W. Urwin
Amazon base price: $42.50
Collectible price: $44.99
Average review score:

A Clear View of Gen. Custer
Mr. Custer tells a very bare bones version of his great-great uncle's life. It is startling how much is cleared away when only basic facts are discussed. The author cuts through hype, politics, revisionism, and decades of venomous build up to paint a simple, sympathetic view of Custer's life and death. He makes a compelling case against those who have crucified the general for fun and profit, not to mention political and social motives. I liked this cleaned up story.

Walk Tall
Published in Paperback by Beacon Press (1997)
Author: Carleen Brice
Amazon base price: $9.60
List price: $12.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $3.00
Buy one from zShops for: $5.75
Average review score:

This book is inspiring, compelling, original and comforting.
This book has become a mainstay. I read it before I begin my meditation and when I need to lift my spirit and/or connect with my spirit. I have given it to numerous friends. It is the first inspirational book I have seen for people of color, and the quotes are original and compelling. Ms. Brice has tremendous insight into the human spirit and is an extremely sensitive, kind and ambitious young woman. I look forward to reading more by this talented author.

Thanks For The Memories ... The Truth Has Set Me Free! The Memoirs of Bob Hope's and Henry Kissinger's Mind-Controlled Slave
Published in Paperback by Brice Taylor Trust (15 March, 1999)
Author: Brice Taylor
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $194.91
Buy one from zShops for: $165.00
Average review score:

Thank God for Brice Taylor !!!
This book is clearly one of the most revealing autobiographical accounts of the 20th Century. As a survivor of decades of unspeakable abuse, Brice Taylor shares the horrific details of her unusual life among the powerful and famous with astonishing clarity, insight and even humor. After repressing countless trauma-based mind control tortures she had endured in order to shatter her psyche and condition her for use as a secret operative leading a 'double life,' the amnesiac parts of Brice that held these memories finally emerged from deep within herself to chronicle, like a modern-day Anne Frank, surely one of the darkest episodes in America's history. Her experiences make the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal seem by comparison like the farcical sideshow it was.

Brice Taylor describes exactly what mind control techniques were used on her (including electric shock, drugs, sensory and sleep deprivation, hypnosis, starvation, brainwashing and virtual reality equipment, torture, and sexual abuse) and names specific locations where this was done. Her experience builds upon the documented, declassified government mind control projects that were sponsored by the CIA and other such agencies for over 25 years, such as MKULTRA, MKDELTA, MKSEARCH, BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE, all exposed over two decades ago during 1977 Senate Hearings. Quoting from an article in U.S. News & World Report (1/24/94), her book points out that these mind control projects were conducted on a "vast" scale throughout the U.S. The CIA's behavior modification Project MKULTRA alone consisted of 149 subprojects and, according to CIA Director Stansfield Turner, was carried out at 80 institutions, including 44 colleges and universities, 15 research facilities or private companies, 12 hospitals or clinics, and 3 prisons. These projects remained classified and therefore invisible to the American public for more than two decades. Only the incredibly naive could believe that such programs no longer exist in secrecy today.

Walter Bowart, a pre-eminent authority and author of the book, Operation Mind Control (1978), wrote the Forward to Brice Taylor's book and further investigated the Senate revelations about the large-scale government mind control program. What he found runs counter to the ignorant claims that total mind control of an individual is impossible. In fact, his 1978 book supports Brice Taylor's experience by revealing that the objective of the government program was to "take human beings, both citizens of the United States and citizens of friendly and unfriendly countries, and transform them into unthinking, subconsciously programmed 'zombies,' motivated without their knowledge and against their wills to perform in a variety of ways in which they would not otherwise willingly perform... and involved techniques of hypnosis, narco-hypnosis, electronic brain stimulation, behavioral effects of ultrasonic, microwave, and low frequency sound, aversive and other behavior modification -- in fact there was virtually no aspect of human behavioral control that was not explored in a search for the means to control the memory and will of both individual and whole masses of people..."

Brice Taylor's book eludes to the existence of a secret program, known as MONARCH, that utilizes hypno-programmed 'slaves' like Brice Taylor to, among other things (such as memorize documents photographically and act as a human tape recorder or computer at high-level meetings), sexually service politicians, including U.S. Presidents, and dignitaries as their 'perk' or 'fringe benefit,' supposedly for the purpose of protecting the immoral needs of such officials from outside sources of venereal disease and 'Lewinskyesque scandals' (but in reality for purposes of blackmail and subliminal control over them by their hidden puppetmasters). In fact, Brice Taylor's book details how this secret program was implemented, based on her own experience with it as one of its secret 'operatives.'

Yes folks, on the surface what Brice Taylor describes in shocking detail is almost beyond belief, but once the reader absorbs the fact that her experience is part of an intentional program (paid for by your tax dollars) to ultimately control our nation's highest officials, it all makes perfect sense. Her allegations have been corroborated by others and its theme is well-known among healing professionals working to help other victims of these unconscionable projects. Two adult survivors of MKULTRA testified about their childhood mind control abuse before the President's Committee on Human Radiation Experiments in 1995. During her many years in recovery and after her attempts to reveal what happened to her, Brice Taylor received and survived many death threats. And, uniformed or deluded individuals, and those with a 'hidden agenda,' continue to attack her with false allegations and disparaging remarks, in an attempt to prevent this information from achieving wider distribution.

Years ago, the Pandora's box of mind control was opened and the atrocities descibed in Brice Taylor's book are now escalating worldwide as the black market for robotic humans (spies, patsies, assassins, informants, couriers, recorders, sex slaves) expands and rising dictatorial governments succumb to the corrupting influence of a totalitarian-bent and pedophile-infested global elite. It is high time for the entire spectrum of post-Cold War cryptocrats propogating the madness she describes to sit down for an East-West/Trilateral summit and throw off the yoke of their sick and moneyed global puppetmasters. Through this book, Brice Taylor offers a precious gift of stunning awareness to those among us who still care about human dignity and freedom!!!

Brice Taylor Exposes the Mind Control Underworld!
Brice Taylor's brutally honest memoir is fascinating, heartbreaking, and at times humorous. As a former CIA operative, I can verify that she is indeed telling the truth; all of her anecdotes are right on the money!

I am familiar with her case and am suprised she has left out Janet Reno and Nancy Regan's involvement because she has irrefutable proof of it. Janet Reno stained a blue dress of hers with her own DNA and Nancy Regan is shown on video directing Brice's gang bang by the members of OPEC in 1980.

Even with these glaring omissions, Ms. Taylor has written a compelling book! A must read! Her experiences in Roswell will blow your mind!

Yes! Thanks For Your Memories
Brice Taylor has written an incredible and courageous life account of the darkest side of human existence. This book moves the readers out of the "Matrix," upsets their comfort zone, shatters their reality, opens them to the truth of what has been occurring on the planet for a long time and then, simaltaneously, empowers them to seek their own truths, healing and connection to Spirit. We, as therapists, healers and citizens of the world, must understand the facts and implications of world mind control through all the facets that it presents itself, particularly with the information available through the release of the Freedom of Information Act documents. This book is an amazing testimony to a woman who has risked her life over and over to break through the entanglements of complete mind control and present the world with her healing and Truth. I cannot thank her or her memories enough for helping us all to be directed closer to freedom.

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