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The general conclusion as I understand it is that Cayce had little interest in reading about esoteric subjects in his normal (non trance) life. In any case he wasn't that much of an intellectual. So there is very little verifiable evidence that the psychic info was influenced by existing sources to any significant degree.
The psychic info about things like Atlantis and past or future events is presented as being less than completely accurate and reliable. However I disagree with this.
Problem: Cayce said earth changes and other historical events would occur in 1958 and 1998 such as New York City would sink under the ocean.
Answer: He didn't say '1958' and '1998'. He said '58 and '98. This could mean any years such as 2058, 3198, etc. (Other supporters of Cayce have said that he was correct but people changed so the future events didn't occur. However this is not an accurate description of a prophet. Prophets only say things that happen. Anyone can say something 'might' happen.)
Those 20 years cycles come up in relation to the time travel experiments that were performed by the navy during The Philadelphia Experiement which later became The Montauk Project.
The earth is on some type of 20 year cycle.
Problem: It is highly unlikely that such a high percentage of those who received psychic readings would have personally known Cayce and Jesus Christ in past lives.
Answer: It was Cayce's hope and prayer to help people understand themselves and their relationship to God in his own unique way. God answered his prayer and sent those people into his life to help him accomplish his goal. (Cayce said he wrote the gospel of Luke in a past life.)
Problem: If a highly advanced civilization such as Atlantis existed we would have some evidence of their advanced technology.
Answer: Such evidence does exist. It's called 'the great pyramid'. In his book The Giza Power Plant Christopher Dunn proves that the great pyramid was a machine like a form of nuclear reactor. The gigantic granite blocks inside the pyramid contain crystals which transformed energy to generate a cosmic energy beam. This is eerily similar to Cayce's description of the temple in Atlantis with its crystal technology and death ray.
Any other discrepancies found in the Cayce readings can be attributed to misunderstandings which occurred when the information was recorded or to misinterpretation.
I think I have demonstrated that everything Cayce said while he was in the trance state is true.

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