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Book reviews for "Iiams,_Thomas_M.,_Jr." sorted by average review score:

Queen of the South: New Orleans, 1853-1862: The Journal of Thomas K. Wharton
Published in Hardcover by Historic New Orleans Collection (1999)
Authors: Thomas Kelah Wharton, Samuel Wilson, Patricia Brady, and Lynn D. Adams
Amazon base price: $39.95
Used price: $12.92
Average review score:

Thomas Wharton's World
Journals are my favorite historical reading. I was amazed at TKW's World - and his view of the final antebellum years in New Orleans.

The read is interesting for what it includes and what it excludes. TKW knew and met every major citizen of the time; from Polk to Beauregard to Dr. Barton. You get a very detailed picture of what it was like for a man of the times; his everyday travels and travails. What it excludes is equally interesting - very little on the women he lived with, slavery, Mardi Gras and occupation.

The accent is definitely architecture and I found myself scanning - rather than reading - page after page of discussions on bricks and beams. Also, novice that I am, I found two errors (in the footnotes).

Still when I reached the end, it was a shock to the system. It felt as though TKW could not deal with occupation - of New Orleans and of his beloved Custom House - and just decided to die. It left me wanting more.

A very luxurious book, richly printed with tons of illustrations.

Favorite passage: "Some are Americans, but the French predominate, and the difference between them appears to be that the former have a little to say about everything, the latter a great deal to say about nothing at all."

A Treatise on Angel Magic: Being a Complete Transcription of Harley Manuscript 6482 in the British Library (Magnum Opus Hermetic Sourceworks, No 15)
Published in Hardcover by Phanes Pr (1994)
Authors: Adam McLean, Thomas Rudd, and British Library
Amazon base price: $35.00
Used price: $265.30
Average review score:

This volume is mostly a reprint of the manuscript mentioned in the title. Adam McLean gives some brief observations on the material and the manuscript's history then let's the user do the interpretation.

Why I call it invaluable is that it really constitutes one of the most important links between John Dee and the late 19th century schools of occult (i.e the Golden Dawn and the Aurum Solis). For those who, like myself, question the why's of the correspondeces formulated by the GD (esp. in terms of geomancy) this book unravels that mystery. While Rudd did not actually describe the specifics of his attributions, it becomes clear where the GD was borrowing from. It's catalog of spirits also contain entities from other Grimoire traditions and their associated sigils which probably make it useful for anyone investigating those traditions (e.g. Solomon).

BCRAN: Building Cisco Remote Access Networks (Book/CD-ROM package)
Published in Hardcover by McGraw-Hill Osborne Media (23 May, 2000)
Authors: Thomas M. Thomas II, Adam Quiggle, and Thomas M., II Thomas
Amazon base price: $29.99
List price: $60.00 (that's 50% off!)
Buy one from zShops for: $16.95
Average review score:

The time for passing the exam is right now.
In every certification process there is a beginning, in this case CCNA. Then there is the ongoing certification process and tests and BCRAN is just one step in obtaining the CCNP certification. Leading experts in the Cisco certification process puts the book together and now you get to benefit from their knowledge and experience.

To give you the best chance of passing, this 750-page fountain of information is packed with diagrams, actual router screen shot examples, tables, figures and real world examples to make sure you are completely prepared for the exam.

Coverage of topics like identifying remote connections, assembly of WAN components, configuration, DDR, X.25, the 700 series router configuration, frame relay and ISDN and many others. The detail of the information is great and the author's way of presenting the information is also excellent.

Included in the book are review questions, case studies and tasks, all of which will enhance your chances of passing the exam first time around. The breakdown of this book makes it sure-fire winner and for those serious about CCNP this should be your first stop.

A Great Book to Own: Both for Test and for Work
I use this book as a main reference book for Remote Access network setup/maintenance in my daily work. And this was the only book I read throughly during preparing my BCRAN test ( I took test the first time last week and passed with a score of 853). I did NOT read Graig Dennis' Cream book but I did all practice questions. I spent one day read briefly on Catherine Paquet's BCRAN book and did all questions on each chapter(Very good questions). I believe ANY single one of those books contains ALL the information you will need to pass the test. The question is how much you can understand the technology only based on the reading. I have to say, I work on the remote access on the daily basis, but still there were a couple of questions on the test I was clueless (the solutions are on Catherine's book but I doubt if I would pay attention on them even I read). So the best bet is get your hands on. At least do all the Case Study on each chapter of this book. Good Luck!

Nice book
This book has good coverage of ISDN, Frame Relay, and PPP. I find the material here is well presented, especially the step by step instructions on how to configure ISDN PRIs. The test questions are sometimes very difficult, too difficult for the BCRAN. They do make you think about the topic so that you can really understand what is going on. For those who have left negative comments, I can only guess they don't "get it" and would have difficulties with any of the books describing this topics. I also liked Cisco's BCRAN book by Catherine Paquet and Todd Lammale's book. Unlike the other BCRAN books this book describes other topics that are relevant to the topic, but not the exam, like configuring IPX over PPP. Good information, keep it up!

The Ghost of Thomas Kempe
Published in Audio Cassette by BBC Consumer Publishing (26 July, 1993)
Authors: Penelope Lively and Rosalind Adams
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

The Ghost Of Thomas Kempe
The Harrison family move into their new house and James wants the attic turned into his bedroom but whilst they are cleaning out the attic they find a bottle with a message in and they accidentally smash it and what they don't know is that a spirit is released.After this there is lots of messages being left around.No one believed james and no one ever did until things got too bad and they all wish they had believed him. It is written by Penelope Lively who is a very affective author.

it's a good mystery/ghost story -sarah
The ghost of Thomas Kempe is a spooky story written by penelope lively. The Harrison family have strange things going on in their new house. Messages are being left in places in werid writting and odd things have been happening. James Harrison is sure there's a ghost haunting the house but no-one will beive him until things start to get too out of hands........ This book makes a good read and is suitable for anyone who is willing to sit down and get engrossed into solving the mystery of the Harrisons house.

Chris's Review
The Ghost of Thomas Kempe is a very good story of which the Harrison family move from their old house to a new Countryside Cottage but they dont knpw that a 300 year old bloke is trying to haunt them. The family recieved letters and messages as if the GHOST was trying to haunt them.The atmospheric detail and Archaic language used,was to a good effect. The book was quite good but the ending was not very well thought out!

Police Field Operations
Published in Hardcover by Prentice Hall (1990)
Author: Thomas Francis Adams
Amazon base price: $42.80
Used price: $3.99
Collectible price: $11.35
Average review score:

Police Field Operations
Too vague and general for someone using the book to use as a reference. Does not go into a lot of key points you actually use on patrol. Also, tends to make remarks that do not reflect the reality of todays police work. The author seems out of touch with policing today.

Very basic, good book
I had to read this book for a promotional examination and found it to be a good refresher of the very basic points that we all learned at the beginning of our police careers. When I am approached by someone who is not yet in police work and wants to read a good, simply written and understandable book on law enforcement, I always recommend this one. It may seem to be too basic for those of us in this field for the years I have served, but many areas are still very relevant.

Inflation Targeting
Published in Hardcover by Princeton Univ Pr (23 November, 1998)
Authors: Ben S. Bernanke, Thomas Laubach, Frederic S. Mishkin, and Adam S. Posen
Amazon base price: $80.00
Used price: $2.99
Collectible price: $7.93
Buy one from zShops for: $17.00
Average review score:

I have never been a fan of condensed books for the obvious reason that they leave out content and motivation. This book, however, could be shrunk by 3/4 without any real loss. Yes, there is much in-depth case study information here, but the paper could have been much better used by substituting much of it for some harder, theoretical motivation and analytical discussions. The authors are capable of this. Also, despite the painstaking redundent detail and a few regressions, for me the authors fail to place inflation targeting and inflation targeting countries into the greater context of inflationary policies and countries facing inflation. It surprises me that there is no mention of some of the, especially developing countries, where inflation has been a serious problem and where most battles of the future are likely to be fought.

Heavy on the case studies and mildly repetitive.
An easy to read book for people of all levels. It takes the reader through case studies on the various countries which have introduced inflation targeting. This is interesting from a historical perspective, but since inflation targeting really is a very simple concept (announce an inflation target, describe why you aim to hit this target, make it clear how you shall go about achieving this target and at all times be transparent in your pursuit of that target) the book tends to be repetitive. This book simply goes over too many similar regimes and thus cannot help but cover the same points over again. The last chapter is a study of the U.S. (a rare example of a country with very steady inflation which has not introduced an explicit inflation target) with some recommendations on how (and why) it should implement an inflation target. This book is recommended if you want very indepth case studies on the introduction of inflation targeting in countries as different as Sweden, New Zealand, The U.K. and Australia, but if you only need a quick overview of what inflation targeting is then buy a good general Economics textbook and read the section on it.

Jump Start the HP 48G/GX Calculator
Published in Paperback by Great Lakes Press (1999)
Authors: Thomas K. Adams and Merle C. Potter
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $34.78
Average review score:

Yes, it's that bad
The book claims to be "known to be far superior to the generic manual provided." It isn't. As noted in previous reviews, the examples are worthless if you've every heard of, say, an if-then-else statement. If you know the basics of RPL, you won't need this book. If you don't, read the manual that came with your HP. I should also note that reviewing a book that you admit to not having read is rather bad form. And yes, it does claim to be what the reviewer from Loiza believed. Oh, and racial stereotyping, also, is bad form. Have a nice day, hopefully with a better book. (Or, hell, just go to your neighborhood friendly search engine and type in "hp48g" and you'll get a ridiculous amount of resources, many of which are utterly excellent.)

It's not even what it claims to be
What this book offers is basically the same thing as the user's manual, adorned with words we mortals understand. I think that the user's manual, and a little practice, is all you need to get started with a HP 48G.

Not for programming.
Just wondering why 11 of 13 people found Pablo's review helpful?

From the title and description of this book, it does not claim to be a HP48 programming book.

There are plenty of those, this is obviously a better user manual.

No offence to Pablo, but giving a book a poor rating because it does not meet criteria that it never claims to, is really bad form.

I have'nt read it (yet), but my rating is an attempt to help rectify the poor first reader review.

Mastering the Hp 48G-Gx: A Step by Step, Easy-To-Read Introduction to Operating and Programming the Hp48G/Gx
Published in Paperback by Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company (1994)
Author: Thomas Adams
Amazon base price: $31.95
Average review score:

Unfortunately the title is very misleading ' Mastering '.
I bought this book thinking I was going to learn how to use the equation library. It dose not even mention it.

The overall style of the book is lacking and the quality of type face is patchy. At least Amazon will allow you to change the book or refund your money.

V. Jones

Too much needless narrative, weak examples and explanations.
This is a very basic book for true beginners. It has very long narratives that include statements like, "Be prepared to be amazed and astonished." If you want to learn to program the HP 48, I do not recommend this book. It does give several examples but it does not tell you HOW to do specific programming functions. The various examples do include things like subroutine and system calls but it does not explain what each part of the example actually does. If you buy this book, Don't throw out your HP User's Guide! If you know of a good programming guide that tell's how to do different functions, including examples, please notify me.

Structural Analysis: A Unified Classical and Matrix Approach
Published in Paperback by Routledge mot E F & N Spon (01 April, 2003)
Authors: Amin Ghali, Adam Neville, Thomas G. Brown, and Deirdre Anne Pettipiece
Amazon base price: $63.95
Average review score:

Jack of all trades but master of none!
Within 800 pages, the authors have tried to include everything from basic structural equilibrium to finite element method. The effect is obvious, it has touched all topics superficially without any details. It has finished structural dynamics in one chapter and finite elements in two chapters! Examples lack details and jumps steps and are too complex to comprehend. Moreover it contains numerous printing mistakes. Theories are too obscure to follow. In overall, not a good book.

Police Patrol: Tactics and Techniques
Published in Hardcover by Prentice Hall (1971)
Author: Thomas Francis, Adams
Amazon base price: $26.67
Used price: $10.94
Average review score:
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