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Book reviews for "Ibrahim,_Abdel-Sattar" sorted by average review score:

To Bed...or Else: Arabic and English
Published in Hardcover by Magi Publications (1996)
Authors: Ewa Lipniacka, Basia Bogdanowicz, and Ibrahim Elmoutawakil
Amazon base price: $16.95
Average review score:

Just okay
I bought it to help introduce arabic to my child. It is good because it is in arabic and english. The english translation is correct but it is written in British english and may not be easily understood by american children. The story was not very interesting and the illustrations are just "okay". It is not a bad book but it is not on my childs top ten list.

A Very Good Book
I found this to be a very funny and interesting story. it wa svery funny when the little girls were thinking about what the mom could possibly mean when she said or else, they thought of all sorts of outlandish this that will make any child laugh. I would rcomend this story to anyone who is looking for a good book for their children.

Islam for Beginners (A Writers and Readers Documentary Comic Book)
Published in Paperback by Writers & Readers (1992)
Authors: Nabil Ibrahim Matar and Haitham N. Haddad
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $8.70
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Average review score:

Islam for Idiots?
If you want to convince a non-Muslim to stay well away from Islam, this is the book for you! It will a) reinforce negative sterotypes, b)blur the distinctions between religion and culture, and c)leave out information that non-Muslims find problematic, and in so doing promote the idea that Islam can't be questioned BECAUSE it has no concrete answers to offer. It might as well be sub-titled: "There is no room for moderation or logic in Islam."

The constant use of "He" or "Him"--capitalized--when referring to the Prophet is very revealing. On the one hand, we hear that Muhammed was a human being and not to be worshipped like God, but I have been told by many Muslims privately that he is "Divine". This book obviously bows to those who deify the Prophet and accords Muhammed the same status as Allah. I guess it's time for that old politically-incorrect term, "Mohammedan", to come back into use when referring to people who worship Mohammad.

The book is written in a warm and cuddly, user-friendly cartoon style, which makes it somehow creepy--like Communist propoganda or a Joe Camel ad.

If you're looking for a good, unbiased history of Islam, and an introduction to Muslim beliefs, don't waste your money on this book. But if you're a Muslim searching for a clue as to why some people take a dim view of Islam, you might want to read this so you know what non-Muslims are being fed.

Outstanding Primer for the Uninitiated
If you have no knowledge or very little knowledge of Islam, and you want to get a quick overview, I found this to be a remarkable title. I've personally given away 1/2 a dozen or so.

If you are looking for more in depth answers to questions that you have, I recommend visiting your local mosque or Islamic center to see if they have classes.

Perfect as an introductory reading.
The author does a good job in remaining sensitive towards all factions of Muslims, and gives a great explaination of what Islam is to the outsider. Even the artwork in the book is conformant with Islamic traditions. I would recommend this to anyone who has little or no knowledge about Islam. For those who already have a descent understanding, pass this one up.

Mastering the Internet and HTML
Published in Textbook Binding by Prentice Hall (22 December, 1999)
Author: Ibrahim Zeid
Amazon base price: $58.00
Used price: $7.00
Collectible price: $31.76
Buy one from zShops for: $7.99
Average review score:

piece of garbage
Nice cut and paste job of basic information freely available out on the web. Don't waste your money..

Good for Basics
Good for Basics, Textbook like approach.Easy to follow

Anthropomorphism and Interpretation of the Qur'an in the Theology of Al-Qasim Ibn Ibrahim: Kitab Al-Mustarshid (Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science, Vol 26)
Published in Hardcover by Brill Academic Publishers (1996)
Authors: Qasim Ibn Ibrahim Mustarshid Fi Al-Tawhid and Binyamin Abrahamov
Amazon base price: $68.00
Used price: $44.95
Buy one from zShops for: $57.95
Average review score:

A Good source book
This book as the name indicates is the translation of Kitab-al Mustarshid. Al-Qasim in his book touches few fundamental concepts mostly about non-muhkem ayats such as visibility of God, location of God, hearing of God etc. Al-Qasim in principal tries to clarify these concepts using the Arabic usage of the words and also refering to Qur'an itself. Mostly he follows Mutazilite way of interpretation. He also refers to earlier interpreters such as Mujahid. This book is definitely a must read for persons who wants to read concepts and interpretations direct from the source. Book has Arabic original and English translation

PIC Basic: Programming and Projects
Published in Paperback by Butterworth-Heinemann (19 September, 2001)
Author: Dogan Ibrahim
Amazon base price: $34.95
Used price: $32.47
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Average review score:

Looking For An Intermediate Guide to Program In Basic ?
I found the book to be helpful with writing code in basic.The applications in the book include interfacing to a LCD; Seven segment displays; And measuring temperature using the DS1620.The author has done a good job introducing some good code for these applications, however I found the book to fall short, some of the code may be up to you to figure out on your own. It's seems to start off great in the introduction, then the author forgets about his audience towards the middle of the book. On the plus side, he describes how to make your code more efficient, however this can only gained by experience, and I would not recommend this book to a beginner.

The Best Test Preparation and Review Course for the Fe/Eit: Fundamentals of Engineering: Am Exam
Published in Paperback by Research & Education Assn (1998)
Authors: Nesar U. Ahmed, Research and Education Association, V. Gerez, and R. A. Ibrahim
Amazon base price: $34.97
List price: $49.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $28.00
Buy one from zShops for: $28.00
Average review score:

Beware - Mistakes
Just beginning to review for EIT using this book, and finding typographical errors both in text portions and in the solutions, which makes study slow, more confusing and more difficult. For example in the Mathematics section, there are two errors on a complex numbers problem solution. In the companion PM for Mechanical Engineers edition, there is a mistake on Test 1, problem 14, where the problem asks to solve for one variable, but the solution outlined solves for a different problem variable. I'm looking for a better book that is more trustworthy. It is appears comprehensive and has a good format, but mistakes which could have been caught by better editing are a stumbling block.

When all else fails...
With five days until the FE, I decided to purchase this book. Given the choice again, I would still purchase it because it gave me an idea of what would be on the test, which is the greatest asset the book provides. In fact, some of the example problems were very similar to the actual test questions. The book does contain numerous errors, however, and the solution explanations are generally inadequate. I felt swindled after looking at the poor proof-reading of the text.

You might be better suited by downloading a free copy of the pdf of the equations given during the exam, which you can find by typing "fundamentals of engineering supplied reference handbook" in a search engine. Since the questions on the AM test are fairly general, look over the examples of the first few chapters of your engineering books.

The book might appeal to some because of its massive size - "If it's this big it's gotta be good." I don't like paying the high price and lugging around this type of large exam review book and would buy a smaller one given the opportunity.

This text is good.
The text is an improvement over prior texts by the REA. All the areas contain more topical material. I've passed AM twice and these problems look good. My concern is the PM which is a bit more slippery. This book alone will not suffice for PM; however, it's a good starter for PM-GENERAL.

Intellectual Origins of Islamic Resurgence in the Modern Arab World (Suny Series in Near Eastern Studies)
Published in Hardcover by State Univ of New York Pr (1996)
Author: Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabi
Amazon base price: $59.50
Used price: $39.52
Average review score:

Intellectual Origins of Islamic Resurgence in the Modern Ara
Abu-Rabi‘ finds the origins of fundamentalist Islam lying as much in European colonialism as in Islam. The latter “is as strong a component—sometimes negative, sometimes positive—in modern Arab societies as the Qur’anic impact on the Arab mind.” To prove his point, the author devotes half his book to the analysis of what he calls the “grandiose exegesis” of Sayyid Qutb, the vituperative Egyptian thinker who helped establish so many of modern fundamentalism’s main features, including its hatred of moderate Muslims and its anti-Semitism.

To say that Abu-Rabi‘ is sympathetic to Qutb (and several other fundamentalist authors) would be an understatement. In fact, he serves as their apostle to an English-speaking audience. For example, he explains Qutb’s concept of intellectual imperialism, segues into his own elaboration of this topic, then returns to Qutb. Author and subject meld into a nearly seamless whole. The sharp-eyed reader will not be surprised that Abu-Rabi‘ sanitizes a hateful brand of fundamentalism: in the book’s acknowledgments, he thanks Ramadan ‘Abdallah (of the University of South Florida in Tampa) for reading his manuscript. In October 1995, as this book was in press, Ramadan ‘Abdallah surfaced in Damascus as Ramadan ‘Abdallah Shalah, the head of Islamic Jihad, the most murderous anti-Israel outfit anywhere in existence. As The New York Times headline about this story put it, “Professor Talked of Understanding But Now Reveals Ties to Terrorists.” No, the surprise is not that Abu-Rabi‘ apologizes for killers; but that the State University of New York Press should print such propagandistic ....

Middle East Quarterly, March 1996

The Mystical Teachings of Al-Shadhili: Including His Life, Prayers, Letters, and Followers (Suny Series in Islam)
Published in Paperback by State Univ of New York Pr (1993)
Authors: Ibn Al-Sabbaghs, Elmer H. Douglas, Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabi, and Muhammad Ibn Abi Al-Qasi Ibn Al-Sabbagh
Amazon base price: $20.95
Used price: $7.98
Buy one from zShops for: $4.89
Average review score:

Dont waist your money
Not only has this poor translation done no justice to the Shadhili tariq, it has done no justice to Tawawwuf in general. The Arabic is not translated correctly, the Hizbs and the prayers of Abdul Hasan AlShadhili are incorrect, if you want to know more about the tariq that still exsists today, I suggest pray to Allah that He sends you a Shaykh, and steer clear away from this waist of time and money.

Spoken Uyghur
Published in Hardcover by University of Washington Press (1991)
Authors: Reinhard F. Hahn and Ablahat Ibrahim
Amazon base price: $35.00
Used price: $133.41
Average review score:

misleading title
Instead of samples of the colloquial language, this book presents standard literary Uighur, termed "spoken" only because it is in dialogue format. Has lengthy sections giving technical description of the (literary)language. Overall, a strange combination of meticulous research and glaring omissions. While useful as a reference for the study of standard Uighur, those wanting to learn spoken Uighur should look elsewhere.

The First Well: A Bethlehem Boyhood
Published in Hardcover by Univ of Arkansas Pr (1995)
Authors: Jabra Ibrahim Jabra and Issa J. Boullata
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $24.24
Buy one from zShops for: $24.24
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