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Book reviews for "Hudson,_Jan" sorted by average review score:

Dawn Rider
Published in Paperback by Puffin (1900)
Author: Jan Hudson
Amazon base price: $4.99
Average review score:

a great book
Kit Fox visits a horse her tribe took from the snake indians(their enemy) in the mornings before everyone's awake. When she is found out she isnt allowed to visit the horse again. Then, when their enemy threatens to ambush her tribe, Kit Fox must race against time to get help.

Danger and self discovery
Kit, a young Blackfoot girl, feels like she can't do anything because of the social taboos the tribe has for young women. When warriors bring back a horse, the first of its kind the tribe has ever had, driven by her curiosity she secretly visits the horse with the help of her friend and eventually learns how to ride it. Caught in the act she is banned from visiting the horse much less riding it. But when the tribe is in danger it is up to her to ride for help and defy all the rules.

Hudson Valley Bounty: A Guide to Farms, Fine Foods, and Open-Air Markets
Published in Paperback by Berkshire House Pub (1996)
Author: Jan Greenberg
Amazon base price: $16.95
Average review score:

A great guide especially for peole who love to cook and eat.
We bought this book before heading up to the Hudson Valley and it proved to be invaluable. When we weren't visiting sites like the Roosevelt Museum and Vanderbilt Mansions, we stopped at many of the farms mentioned in the book. All of the farmers knew Jan Greenberg and treated us like old friends. We returned to New York with a hamper full of food which we enjoyed for days afterwards. A book like this is certainly different from your standard guidebooks and gave us a special dimension to our visit to the Hudson Valley.

Great resource for food lovers
When my family moved to the Hudson Valley, we had heard about its agricultural resurgence but it was difficult to find out where to go and who was growing and producing what. Jan Greenberg's book has been a wonderful source for the freshest, just-picked fruits and vegetables. We now buy most of our meat and poultry locally as well. We know that we are eating food that not only tastes good but is grown and raised in a way that makes us feel good about eating it. We also like being able to tell our children the stories about the farmers who raise the food that we are eating. All in all, this is a great resource.

Hudson Valley Harvest: A Food Lover's Guide to Farms, Restaurants, and Open-Air Markets
Published in Paperback by Countryman Pr (2003)
Author: Jan Greenberg
Amazon base price: $13.27
List price: $18.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

Must have for Hudson Valley travel
This is THE book for anyone who lives, works, visits or is even thinking of a trip to the Hudson Valley, this bucolic but agriculturally threatened area, just an hour north of New York City. Jan Greenberg not only tells where to buy and eat these outstanding (and tasty) products but in a non-preachy way makes the reader understand why it is important to support these local farmers and producers. Her profiles and stories of the farmers who grow the fruits and vegetables and raise the livestock are truly heartfelt and gave me, and will do the same I think for anyone else who reads them, a new understanding of what is like to be a grower where everything, from weather to the economy, is out of your control. This is the high risk profession!! It makes Wall Street look safe.

Above all, though, this is a book about enjoying food --buying it, serving it and tasting it. As Danny Meyer, owner of New York City's Union Square Cafe and other restaurants known for their support of local farms, writes - "This book deserves a place on the bookshelf (or in the glove compartment) of every itinerant aficionado of New York's bounty." He's right.

We loved it
We bought this book before a weekend trip to the Hudson Valley and can't imagine traveling to the area without it. It has everything you would want to know about the farmers and what they are growing and producing. It tells you where and what to eat and how to use what you buy at a farmstand or local farmers market. It also made us really think about the people who grow the food. Their stories are uniformly interesting, even moving. The author has a pleasingly gentle touch when she writes about issues so much in the news today like organics, the humane treatment of animals and keeping small farms viable. Even if you aren't visiting the Hudson Valley, this is definitely a worthwhile book to have and read.

Plain Jane's Texan (Silhouette Desire, 1229)
Published in Paperback by Silhouette (1999)
Author: Jan Hudson
Amazon base price: $3.75
Average review score:

I absolutely LOVED this book!
Just a quick note to say I thoroughly enjoyed this book and her sister Irish's book, One Ticket to Texas. Eve and her sister Irish are great heroine's and the couisin's they marry (who happen to belong to a millionaire's club) are great. These millionaire's are down to earth and funny, and the grandfather (Cerokee Pete) is hilarious. When he finds a woman that he thinks his grandson's should marry he offers them a million dollars to marry them (and he has it to give), in fact, that's all his grandkids got their start by his giving them a million dollars, and if they double it in the first year, he gives them 10 million (oil was found on his property).... You won't go wrong with either of these books. You will laugh and really enjoy the whole courtship.

A deliciously humorous tale! Bravo Jan Hudson!
Matt Crow knew an angel when he saw one, and he saw one in Eve Ellison as she glided down the aisle of her sister's wedding. Now he just had to convince her that she was the woman for him. Pulling every string in the book to get her near him, Matt will use his charm and influence, and even a little good old-fashioned deceit, to win Eve's heart for his own. Would his plan backfire on him?

Eve Ellison had always felt ugly sister next to her beautiful sister, Irish. So it came as a total surprise when the wealthy and incredible handsome Matt Crow seemed interested in her. It also came as a total surprise when she found herself falling in love with him, and he with her. It seemed almost too good to be true. And when she discovered Matt's little secret, Eve wasn't sure she'd ever love again. Will love triumph over all?

Reigning princess of the light romance, Jan Hudson once again exhibits her incredible talent for mixing humor and romance in her latest release, "Plain Jane's Texan." Fans of her work will delight at this charming tale, and newcomers to her writing will beg for more.

Mr Temptation (Desire)
Published in Paperback by Harlequin Mills & Boon Ltd (17 January, 2003)
Authors: Jan Hudson and Cait London
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

Read this!
Precious Blossom's parents still lived in the age of tie-dye shirts, demonstrations, and living out of their wildly colored van. Neither understood business or money for bills. At twenty-one, Precious legally changed her name to Leigh Van Dolph. She had grown up like a gypsy and loved her parents and brother beyond anything else. But the responsibility fell on her shoulders to keep her brother out of trouble, her parents' bills paid (without their knowledge), as well as, her own. Needless to say, Leigh was a work-aholic.

Leigh's boss sent her to the small town of Amoteh, in Washington State. She was to somehow get Mikhail Stepanov to agree to have a Bella Sportswear shop in his resort. If she succeeded, she would receive a huge bonus. After paying her parents' medical bills, that would be a blessing! Armed with her determination and grit, she prepared for battle. However, she never saw Jarek Stepanov (Mikhail's younger brother) coming! He plowed through all her defenses and intended to claim her as his own!

***** For all the fans of Jayne Ann Krentz and Christina Skye, look this way! The only bad thing about this book is having to wait for the author to write another story! Mr. Temptation is an outstanding read! Don't miss it! I can't stress that to everyone enough. READ THIS! Highly recommended! *****

Reviewed by Detra Fitch.

One Ticket to Texas (Silhouette Desire, No 1071)
Published in Paperback by Harlequin (1997)
Author: Jan Hudson
Amazon base price: $3.50
Average review score:

She wants to merry a millionair and he wants to be loved for himself. They meet and are very attracted to each other. She tries not to fall for him but he sets out to make her love him. The author does a great job with this book. There are others in the series.

Slightly Shady (Loveswept, No 667)
Published in Paperback by Bantam Classic and Loveswept (1994)
Author: Jan Hudson
Amazon base price: $3.50
Average review score:

the third book of three; goes with Big and Bold and Call Me Sin.
The first two are about two Texas Rangers who are twins; one wears a white hat the other wears a black hat. The third book is about their older brother.
Each book is good on its own, but, they are better as a set.

Published in Turtleback by Demco Media (1991)
Author: Jan Hudson
Amazon base price: $10.00
Average review score:

We had to read 4 books for English, one of my choices was SWEETGRASS! When my teacher explained it to my class she said there was just enough romance for the girls and enough action for the guys! I recommend this book to everyone!!!

Sweetgrass; the book I enjoyed
Sweetgrass, a phenomenal book, by Jan Hudson is a suspenseful and informative book. Sweetgrass, a Native American teenager, describes her everyday life in such a way that you learn a lot about Native American lifestyle. All through the book, Sweetgrass experiences difficulties, which she deals with in different ways. When Sweetgrass's mother falls into a depression over her dead baby, Sweetgrass has to "grow up" and become the new mother in a matter of hours. While acting as "mother", the disease, smallpox hits her tribe and Sweetgrass has to help those with smallpox, while caring for the rest of her family and proving to her father that she is mature enough to marry.

I recommend this book because it teaches you a lot about Native American culture and because it is very exciting! Sweetgrass tells about her everyday life, so it is easy to learn about life as a Native American teenager. I hadn't known that Native American men usually had more than one wife. The book also taught me that young girls were usually married to men, almost twice their age. The book was suspenseful, because while Sweetgrass's mother is in a depression, her brother catches the disease smallpox, and Sweetgrass is forced to take over the household. Sweetgrass also has to find ways to prove to her father that she is mature enough to become a wife. These are just two of the many aspects of the book any reader can take away from this book! Though I thoroughly enjoyed the book, others might not because it is slow to start. The book is slow to start which makes reading the beginning difficult to enjoy. Even thought the book takes a while to get going, the information you learn and the agony you feel for Sweetgrass makes it a wonderful book! I thoroughly enjoyed this book and feel that it would be a great read for anyone!

This book is sooooooooo good! It says that it is for childern from ages 10-12 but I am 13 and I think that it was great! If you love Native Americans this is a book for you!

A Hitch in Heaven
Published in Paperback by Fawcett Books (1999)
Author: Jan Hudson
Amazon base price: $6.50
Average review score:

Romantic and Fun!
Jan Hudson is one of my favorites and she outdid herself on this one. Amanda is charming and refreshingly different, and Beau is a real hunk. If you like humor along with your romance, then A Hitch in Heaven is the book for you. Highly recommended!!!

It's Jan's women who make the heroes look this delectable.
Jan Hudson uses her unique talent to bring us an unforgettable story. In an interesting blend of 'The Wild Wild West' flavor and 'Agatha Christie' ensemble mystery ingredients, Jan cooks up a pot of historical stew for the palettes of her fans everywhere. Always a step ahead of the crowd, I marvel at the rare way Jan fills her stories with eccentrics and never before read plots.

A classic Jan Hudson keeper!!!!
As usual Jan Hudson has come through for her millions of fans! A Hitch in Heaven is a classic example of her wit, humor, and encomparable style. Hudson has the magic flare for the perfect combination of romance and humor. She takes us on the greatest adventures in her books and I pray she keeps right on writing. She's the BEST!!!!!

Big and Bright (Loveswept, No 464)
Published in Paperback by Bantam Classic and Loveswept (1991)
Author: Jan Hudson
Amazon base price: $2.75
Average review score:

It was great!
I felt this book was one of the best I've read in a long time. I readin most of my spare time, and let me tell you, I couldn't put itdown. It was plotted good, with a dash of romance when Cory was recieving threats and Holt was there as the sexy Lone Ranger to find the bad guys. Since I know I've read it at least 5 times, doesn't that give you a clue? It was great! END

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