Book reviews for "Horwood,_William" sorted by average review score:

Toad Triumphant
Published in Hardcover by HarperCollins Publishers (19 October, 1995)
Amazon base price: $
Average review score: 

I thought the original Wind in the Willows and the sequel Willows in Winter were better executed than Toad Triumphant. Toad Triumphant is a little disjointed, the characterization a little unbelievable at times (e.g. mole's depression) and the story sags in parts (although things pick up with Horwood's clever ending). On the other hand, Patrick Benson deserves high marks for his excellent illustrations which accompany the text. I suppose Mr. Horwood wanted to try something a little different by delving into the histories of the river bank animals and bringing romantic love into their world, but I don't believe this approach worked as well. I feel the book is better than average, but as I said, I like Kenneth Grahame's orginal and Horwood's first sequel better.

A Midsummer-Night's Dream (The New Clarendon Shakespeare)
Published in Paperback by Oxford Univ Pr (1939)
Amazon base price: $8.95
Average review score: 

I can't believe how you nice little English people can actually edit such terrible and unbelievable books! I hope you'll never ever get another book published!

This play by Shakespeare has had a tremendous influence. First it was trasnformed into an opera by Purcell under the title of The Fairy Queen. Second it was widely known in Germany at the time of Goethe, but under the title of The Walpurgis Night. Goethe himself alludes to it in Faust and composes his Walpurgis Night at the end of the Faust as the prolongation of the end of Shakespeare's play. What is interesting in this play is the fact that the world of spirits, the night in the forest are used as elements to create a marvellous and light comedy. No witchcraft in all this. An entertaining though slightly grotesque tale. The Queen and King of the fairies use their powers to make fun of simple men, even providing Bottoms with the head of an ass (an old practice from the Middle Ages when the bishop of the pope were shown as being asses in the Masses of Fools or of Asses, some « carnival » rites authorised by the Church). But what is most important in this play is the fact that the fairies, with all their antics, make three marriages possible, and that is the end of the play. Three marriages, two times three people, three men and three women, the sacred number of Salomon. This ending is a christian ending. And when we add to these three marriages the couple of the Queen and King of Fairies, we come to the number of four couples, which is the sign of perfect equilibrium in Shakespeare. We find such a umber (four marriages) in As you Like It. Finally the whole play, or nearly it all, takes place in the night, the realm of Selene, the goddess of the night and the moon, who is only one of the three facets of Diana, the goddess of forests, animal life and hunting, whose third facet is Hecate, the goddess of death. This threeforld nature of Diana is constantly present in the play. It is the very symbol of the fairies. We must understand that for Shakespeare three is the number of disruption, chaos and the fairies bring chaos, though, in the end perfect equilibrium is achieved. The last element concerns the style of Shakespeare. He adapts his style to every character, moving from the highest and most perfect poetry with the King and Queen of fairies or with Theseus and Hippolyta, to a very simple language with the six (six again) craftsmen who prepare a play for Theseus and Hippolyta's wedding. In other words it is a light comedy that carries Shakespeare's whole art in its lines. A perfect introduction to this art, and with a lot of fun, thanks to the pranks fo Puck, a light-headed fairy of his own.

I loved this book so much. This story is just so magical with mischevious Puck and glimmering Titania. I enjoyed this book from cover to cover!

The Willows and Beyond
Published in Audio Cassette by Griffin Trade Paperback (1999)
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Average review score: 

This book is good, but not great. The first two books are excellent after that it gets kind of old. If you are a fan of the series, you can handle it.

The Willows and Beyond is a fine novel. The storyline of it follows the classic characters from "The Wind in the Willows". The river is polluted and the characters go on a journey to save it. It is beautifully written and the story is excellent. It has to many pictures though(although the illustrations are beautiful). I would reccomend this to fans of the original classic "the Wind in the Willows"...

William Horwood truly transports one to the real life of his created animals. I cried a lot and that means it was very, very good.

The Willows in Winter
Published in Audio Cassette by Chivers Audio Books (1997)
Amazon base price: $69.95
Average review score: 

Horwood's effort, writing a sequel to another author's classic work, fails as one might expect. The characters are wooden cutouts from Grahame's wonderful classic and the humor and charm of Grahame's work is only imitated here. If you read part or all of this abomination, after tossing it out the window, go and re-read Grahame's "The Wind in the Willows" and cleanse your mind and heart of this book and as usual with readings of "The Wind in the Willows" of much else as well.

This book was a brave attempt by Horwood to follow up Grahame's Classic, the Wind in the Willows. I enjoyed every page of this book to the fullest. All the misadventures of Rat, Mole, Badger, and (of course) Mr. Toad were just as imaginative and humourous as the first book. This time, instead of automobiles, it's flying machines Toad has his eyes set on!! Some readers may not be so inclined to agree *so I give it 4 instead of 5 stars*. I should leave it up to each individual to check into it. I do highly suggest this book, though. A great read!

What bothered me most about "The Wind In The Willows" (that it ENDED)... is here resolved! From the first line "The Mole sat toasting his toes in front of the fire" I was glad to be once again in the presence of these unforgettable Edwardian animal bachelors. In my estimation, Horwood has done a superb job of capturing again the spirit of the River Bank.
Apparently, he was inspired after acquiring in 1992, several of E.H. Shepard's original illustrations for Grahame's 1908 classic, The Wind In The Willows. Observing them in his study, they began to take on a life of their own... and then "One day, quite unexpectedly (though the drawing had not changed at all), it seemed to me that Mole was off on a journey rather different than his original one. True, he had set off from the same comfortable home he loved so much, but now he was no longer heading towards the comfort and safety of Badger's house, but instead towards the River - the frozen River - and towards disaster. The story of The Willows In Winter had begun."
This is a great book that will appeal to young and old alike. It's full of the perils and consequences of misadventure, the peace and calm of friendly reunion and the importance of forgiveness. Oh ya, and a hilariously inebriated Toad!
I find it funny that Horwood is sometimes criticized for keeping the characters so similar to what they were in the original story. Isn't that what a good sequel does? Keeps things consistent, but brings them further along the road?
Apparently, he was inspired after acquiring in 1992, several of E.H. Shepard's original illustrations for Grahame's 1908 classic, The Wind In The Willows. Observing them in his study, they began to take on a life of their own... and then "One day, quite unexpectedly (though the drawing had not changed at all), it seemed to me that Mole was off on a journey rather different than his original one. True, he had set off from the same comfortable home he loved so much, but now he was no longer heading towards the comfort and safety of Badger's house, but instead towards the River - the frozen River - and towards disaster. The story of The Willows In Winter had begun."
This is a great book that will appeal to young and old alike. It's full of the perils and consequences of misadventure, the peace and calm of friendly reunion and the importance of forgiveness. Oh ya, and a hilariously inebriated Toad!
I find it funny that Horwood is sometimes criticized for keeping the characters so similar to what they were in the original story. Isn't that what a good sequel does? Keeps things consistent, but brings them further along the road?

Structural Engineering: The Nature of Theory and Design (Ellis Horwood Series in Civil Engineering)
Published in Hardcover by Ellis Horwood Ltd (1991)
Amazon base price: $84.50
Average review score:
No reviews found.

The book of silence
Published in Unknown Binding by HarperCollins Publishers ()
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Cellulose and Its Derivatives: Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Applications (Ellis Horwood Series in Organic Chemistry)
Published in Textbook Binding by Ellis Horwood Ltd (1985)
Amazon base price: $98.95
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Cellulose Sources and Exploitation: Industrial Utilization, Biotechnology and Physico-Chemical Properties (Ellis Horwood Series in Polymer Science A)
Published in Hardcover by Ellis Horwood Ltd (1991)
Amazon base price: $75.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Cellulose: Structural and Functional Aspects (Ellis Horwood Series in Polymer Science and Technology)
Published in Hardcover by Ellis Horwood Ltd (1989)
Amazon base price: $100.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Cellulosics: Chemical, Biochemical and Material Aspects (Ellis Horwood Series in Polymer Science and Technology)
Published in Hardcover by Ellis Horwood Ltd (1993)
Amazon base price: $95.00
Average review score:
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