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Book reviews for "Hippocrates_fl._B.C.-_c._B.C." sorted by average review score:

Hippocrates (Loeb Classical Library, L477)
Published in Hardcover by Harvard Univ Pr (1994)
Authors: Hippocrates, Wesley D. Smith, and Hippocrene Books
Amazon base price: $21.50
Used price: $20.28
Average review score:

Mistake on Website
Just to reiterate the point, the review above is for a book on Hippocrates by Jaques Jouanna. It only references the Loeb book in its critique, and was probably attahced to this Loeb page by accident. The Loeb books on Hippocrates come in several volumes.

Writer of previous review need to re-read the review, above.
The previous review writer seems to have misunderstood the review presented above. The review, in fact, DOES allude to Jouanna's text. The Loeb version is merely discussed in Jouanna's text in the "Notes" section.

you've attached your book info to the wrong book
table of contents and editor review are of Jouanna's book on hippocrates not the Loeb Library No 482. it appears under Jouanna's book also

Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics
Published in Paperback by Peripatetic Press (1984)
Authors: Aristotle, Hippocrates G. Apostle, and by H. G. Apostle
Amazon base price: $19.00
Used price: $4.99
Collectible price: $21.18
Average review score:

a careful rendering
this is a very useful text for graduate and under grad students alike. an english and ancient greek glossary provides the preliminary understanding in vocabulary required to delve into the seemingly simple and plodding nature of this deceptively complex work. Also including is an excellent summary of each book, section by section, as well as an extended commentary located after the main body of the text. a must have for anyone entering the 'wonderful' world of philosophy.

Aristotle's Physics
Published in Paperback by Peripatetic Press (1980)
Authors: Hippocrates G. Apostle, Aristotle, and H. G. Apostle
Amazon base price: $18.00
Used price: $4.50
Buy one from zShops for: $7.47
Average review score:

Ancient Philosophy at its Best
Aristotle's Physics is a brilliant compilation of his notes that he lectured from. This translation is stunning, with lots of commentaries and clarifications. This book encompasses everything from space, biology, potentiality, being, and luck, and much more. Whether reading for knowledge or pleasure, I would recommend this book.

Genuine Works of Hippocrates
Published in Hardcover by Krieger Publishing Company (1972)
Authors: Francis Adams and Hippocrates
Amazon base price: $46.50
Used price: $37.50
Collectible price: $30.71
Buy one from zShops for: $30.70
Average review score:

I want to review about medical aports
i want to review about medical aports of hipocrates in to the pharmac

Hippocrates Assailed
Published in Hardcover by University Press of America (17 June, 1999)
Author: Gerhard Falk
Amazon base price: $64.00
Used price: $32.00
Average review score:

A vital review of the current state of our health delivery
The book has been published. It is truly encyclopedic in its coverage of everything from medicine including medical education to surgery, nursing,pharmacy, psychotherapy, dentistry, execise and nutrition as well as hospitals, mental hospitals and nursing homes. Very important is a thoroughgoing analysis of the HMO and insurance company entrance into the lives of physicians and their patients. There is also a good deal of discussion of the role of government in health care. This is a must for everyone interested in this topic, whether professional, patient, medical student or political activist.

Plague Legends: From the Miasmas of Hippocrates to the Microbes of Pasteur
Published in Paperback by Schimmel Visions (2001)
Author: Socrates Litsios
Amazon base price: $24.95
Average review score:

Author's Comments
Author's Comments

Before microbes were discovered and shown to be the cause of infectious diseases, there existed a very rich and imaginative literature concerning the origin of epidemics. Introduced by Hippocrates and blessed by Galen, the role of a 'tainted' atmosphere (miasmas) was central to nearly all systems of beliefs well into the late 19th century. Many causes were imagined to explain the coming of miasmas, including rotting bodies and vegetable matter, volcanic action that freed poisonous emanations from the 'bowels of the earth' and God-driven mechanisms, including disease-carrying demons. Plague Legends illustrates how these ideas evolved as old and new disease epidemics occurred in the western world, particularly in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Today, when the threat of bioterrorism is sweeping the world, one might ask of what relevance is such a book. For myself, I think that there are two aspects of this history that are of particular interest. The first is how very recent dramatically erroneous ideas concerning disease causation dominated the medical literature. Only in the latter part of the 19th century did medicine free itself from more than two millennia of false and dogmatically held beliefs. Very quickly in the 20th century medical science advanced to the point where, at least for the western countries, most plague terrors became a thing of history, something to be read about but no longer feared.

Secondly, the epidemic threats of the past provoked a terror that in many ways was greater than that of today. There were no cures for any of the major diseases that moved from one part of the world to another, so as the newspapers reported outbreaks the most reliable response, for those who could afford to do so, was to flee as quickly as possible. Such was the case when yellow fever struck Philadelphia in 1793 and cholera New York in 1832 and 1849. Comparing one generation's fear with that of another is in itself a meaningless effort, but for some it might provide a degree of solace to know that the world has seen far worse and has managed not only to survive but to conquer many of the plague threats that once terrorized it.

Socrates Litsios

The Hippocrates Diet and Health Program
Published in Paperback by Avery Penguin Putnam (1984)
Author: Ann Wigmore
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $6.70
Collectible price: $23.29
Buy one from zShops for: $6.67
Average review score:

Read, then act on this!!!
This book spells out easily and completely the way to take charge and improve your health now. If you never start, you will not begin to reverse the years of food, chemical, and environment poisoning that your body has become accustomed to leading to the onset of the major diseases and ill health conditions that his generation is experiencing in proportions never before known.

In conjunction with other Wheatgrass and Ann Wigmore books, I feel better without medicine or pharmaceuticals of any kind in only a few short weeks. I lost 15 pounds the first two weeks without strenuous dieting. My craving for sweets has disappeared without any thought or struggle. Understanding these simple practices of biology is made easy through these books fromthe Hippocrates Institute.

Enzymes, Enzymes, Enzymes
This is one of the few books out there which teaches you how to take charge of your health in a very simple approach. No matter if you need to loose weight, want to save money in the kitchen or have more serious health problems such as cancer or chronic fatigue; Ann Wigmore gives you a clear picture how to get started.
Basically it's all about enzymes which metabolize your food and which are needed for every function in your body. Without enzymes there would be no life in your body. Where do you find these enzymes? They are avaiable by eating fesh organic fruits, vegetables, sprouts and nuts/seeds.
After 20 years of trying diffrent approaches to become healthier, this is the most significant one I've taken. It really makes a difference. Do you ever feel tired or bloated after a meal? Try her recipes and you will feel light and energized afterwards. I can really recommend this book to everyone who wants to be healthier, happier and more loving.

This Book May Save Your Life!
My Natural Medicine practice specializes in the recognition and utilization of diet, nutritional supplements, acupuncture and detoxification. One of most patient's problems is understanding what to eat and when. This book COMPLETELY describes the types of food and why and how to eat them. Cancer, depression and autoimmune disease (to name only a few) like rheumatoid arthritis are the end result of chronic exposure to environmental toxins like solvents and pesticides AND chronic nutritional deficiencies from eating fast food and junk food. This is the most important book you can buy to teach you how simple it is to regain your health AND prevent chronic illness like cancer.This book forms the basis of how we should eat AND understand the life-saving principle of intestinal and liver detoxification. Read, learn, and live a healthy life!

The Alarming History of Medicine/Amusing Anecdotes from Hippocrates to Heart Transplants
Published in Hardcover by St. Martin's Press (1994)
Author: Richard Gordon
Amazon base price: $22.95
Used price: $1.59
Collectible price: $6.87
Buy one from zShops for: $5.00
Average review score:

Light and funny, by fermed
Richard Gordon is a physician, a writer and a humorist. His history of medicine is, indeed, alarming. It was not so much what wasn't known that mattered, but what physicians thought they knew and did not. The book is light and quick paced. At times I wished Gordon had quit trying to be funny and had spent a little more time expounding on his massive knowledge of medicine and its history. I am not an expert in this field, but I did make an effort to check some of his facts...and he was right on target. The book is packed with medical trivia and funny gossip (sometimes horrible gossip) about its practitioners. Much of the information is astonishing if not alarming. The book lacks an index, which is infuriating and should be forbidden in these days of computers. It does have a few pages of references. In all I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, and I certainly learned a great deal of new and interesting facts, despite the author's obsession with the quick, witty phrase.

Highly entertaining and interesting.
If you enjoy Jeeves-type British humor and obscure non-fiction (as I do), this book will provide you with many delights. I can see how the "Briticisms" could annoy (I happen to enjoy this stuff), but overall Gordon is a very skillful comic writer, able to highlight the silliness in an anecdote without hitting you over the head with it, and at the same time offering a glimpse of his obviously vast knowledge of medical history.
Regarding content, suffice it to say that Gordon's book stands as further proof that fact is far stranger, more intriguing, and alarming than fiction could ever hope to be.

Nicomachean Ethics
Published in Hardcover by Kluwer Academic Publishers (1940)
Author: Hippocrates Aristotle
Amazon base price: $278.50
Average review score:

The Art of Living
"Every art or applied science and every systematic investigation, and similarly every action and choice, seem to aim at some good; the good, therefore, has been well defined as that which all things aim."

In his Ethics, Aristotle does little more than to search for and examine the "good." Aristotle examines the virtues and vices of man in all of his faculties.

Aristotle refers to three types of lives, the common life, the political life, and the contemplative life, to which he assigns the highest order. Certainly, this is the most difficult life. Similar to Plato, Aristotle believed that "the unexamined life is a life not worth living." Aristotle does nothing other to examine the life of man and what is the best life to live.

Unlike Plato, you do not need to read the entire work to walk away with some useful insight into life. Though the over 100 chapters, divided into ten books, flow and build upon each other, you can read just one of them and be benefited. Aristotle covers many different subjects such as the good, morals, virtue, vice, courage, generosity, justice, intelligence, art, science, friendship, love, pleasure, and pain.

I can not say enough for the depth of insight Aristotle has into living the good life. Nicomachean Ethics is well written and presented in a clear manner that should be accessible to most readers. This is a must read for everyone.

The Book that Created Ethics; Don't Miss It!
The Nicomachean Ethics is the first systematic description of an ethical system. It has the clearest formulation of the questions that Ethics asks: 1. How should we live? 2. Why? 3. Why is that best? Aristotle's answer to 1. is that we should avoid extremes, because (answering 2.) every extreme is evil, and (answering 3.) since the opposite of any extreme is itself an evil extreme, we must therefore avoid extremes. The book has been read by every serious ethical philosopher since history began. Because of this, every serious ethical work can (and should) be read as a dialogue with Aristotle, as he sets the rules, and then challenges, "I know of no good that crosses all the categories . . . but in each category there is one particular good." Kant's Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals is an attempt to find a normative good that crosses all categories, a "categorical imperative." Likewise Bentham's discussion of what has come to be called utilitarian ethics. Really, a most important book.

The Pleasures of Contemplation
More than any other of Aristotle's writings, the Nicomachean Ethics speaks in a powerful voice to our own age; not only as an artifact of thought, or as a key to the historical interpretation of "Western Metaphysics", but as a challenge to our values, our assumptions, and, above all else, the complacency with which we approach the task of living life. Yet precisely because of its apparent immediacy, we must remain vigilant regarding the prejudices that we bring to the act of reading. Even the title, in this regard, presents difficulties. Ethics, for Aristotle, is not the same as "morality" or "right conduct": rather it means the cultivation of habit of the soul, --- a disposition towards the passions --- that is conducive to virtuous action. The very notion of virtuous action is itself misleading. Aristotle is not so much concerned with individual "actions" - let alone with the "moral dilemmas" so many so-called "ethicists" - as with the activity that, as the proper work or function (ergon) of human beings, grants a unifying purpose to all the "doings" that constitute life. This "work," - which must be nothing else that the work of our entire lives -, is either the political life or the life of contemplation. The first is the highest purely human life; the latter, in contrast, is divine. Perhaps the strangest notion of the Nicomachean Ethics, however, is pleasure: pleasure is neither a passive sensation, nor some sort of activity, but rather that which brings the activity to perfection, supervening on the activity like "the bloom of health in the young and vigorous."
If we have learned our lessons from Darwin, and have the strength of mind to behold a nature without purpose and a human race with no proper and essential function, what can then remain for us of an ethics grounded upon a natural and immanent teleology? Must we insist upon the fact/value distinction in all its rigor and exile ethics into the stars? Or are we left only with an act of pure, groundless will - a will that exists only through the act of positing values, of assigning to things their worth and thus giving human kind its end and meaning? Perhaps Aristotle's "pleasure" points towards another possibility: the joyful contemplation of this life in the blossom of its ephemerality and contingency.

Aristotle's Politics
Published in Hardcover by Peripatetic Pr (1986)
Authors: Hippocrates G. Apostle and Lloyd P. Gerson
Amazon base price: $24.00
Used price: $35.40
Average review score:

Not Bad
This read is pretty easy. The best time to read this would be after reading Plato's Republic. The similarites are astounding. You really will be able to see the concepts that helped to shape the nations of the world and their governments. These are the basic theories that helped to shape the philosophers that followed such as Rousseau and Hobbes. If you are interested in government theory this is definitely a must read.

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