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Book reviews for "Hillman,_John" sorted by average review score:

SEBS 23 The Biosynthesis and Metabolism of Plant Hormones
Published in Hardcover by Cambridge University Press (1985)
Authors: Alan Crozier and John R. Hillman
Amazon base price: $37.95
Used price: $12.00
Collectible price: $33.80
Average review score:
No reviews found.

SEBS 28 Biochemistry of Plant Cell Walls
Published in Textbook Binding by Cambridge University Press (1985)
Authors: C. T. Brett and John R. Hillman
Amazon base price: $47.95
Used price: $154.65
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Soul and Money
Published in Paperback by Spring Audio & Journal (1982)
Authors: James Hillman, Arwind Vasavada, John Weir Perry, and Russell A. Lockhart
Amazon base price: $9.50
Used price: $47.65
Average review score:
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