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Book reviews for "Heritage,_John" sorted by average review score:

A Heritage of Great Evangelical Teaching
Published in Hardcover by Thomas Nelson (1996)
Authors: Martin Luther, John Wesley, Dwight L. Moody, C. H. Spurgeon, and Stephen L. Nelson
Amazon base price: $29.99
Used price: $9.41
Average review score:

Great life Man of Christ Pilgrim
Before I have read this book, I'm thinking why all of those man is very wonderful Christian man as other people said that I don't know what They're thinking about Christ. After I read this book, That would be amazing that God choose those man to speak about God's word to every single man with Christ's Heart

Houston's Forgotten Heritage: Landscape, Houses, Interiors, 1824-1914 (Sara and John Lindsey Series in the Arts and Humanities , No 2)
Published in Paperback by Texas A&M University Press (1998)
Authors: Dorothy Knox Howe Houghton, Junior League of Houston, Barrie M. Scardino, Sadie Gwin Blackburn, Katherine S. Howe, and William Seale
Amazon base price: $24.47
List price: $34.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $20.00
Buy one from zShops for: $24.29
Average review score:

Forgotten Heritage-Thankfully no longer forgotten.
The authors and contributors to this book worked deep in the fine details of Houston's past. So much of it has been lost to the ages, but with Houston's Forgotten Heritage, it almost comes back to life through the fine photographs of the opulent homes and even the log cabins. It is a joy to show this book to many of my "old-timer" neighbors, who remember a building here and there, and even the old fixtures, appliances, and ways of life. We should all be grateful to the authors of this book for reminding us of our glorious past.

John and Tom (The Family Heritage Series)
Published in Hardcover by Vermont Folklife Center (2001)
Authors: Willem Lange, Bert Dodson, and William Lange
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $6.50
Collectible price: $15.84
Buy one from zShops for: $9.50
Average review score:

This wonderful story about a boy and his horse shows that special bond that can exist between a person and an animal. The illustrations enhance the story. Our family read an article in the Randolph (Vermont) Herald that tells the real story of John and Tom.

Microbiology in Action
Published in Paperback by Cambridge Univ Pr (Pap Txt) (15 July, 1999)
Authors: John Heritage, Glyn Evans, and R. A. Killington
Amazon base price: $24.00
Used price: $11.45
Buy one from zShops for: $19.74
Average review score:

Fact-filled introduction to how microbes affect our lives
This is a companion volume to the undergraduate text Introductory Microbiology. The emphasis here is on what microbes can do presented in a relatively nontechnical fashion so that the material is accessible to an educated readership and not just to bio meds. The material is organized in eight chapters from "The microbiology of soil and of nutrient cycling" through "Food microbiology" (an especially easy and interesting chapter) to "Chemotherapy and antibiotic resistance." The longest and most densely-packed chapter is "7 Microbial infections." The sub-headings in the chapters are in the form of questions, such as "5.5.1 How do microbes cause food spoilage?" or "7.8 What causes infections of skin, bone and soft tissues?" This format seems to encourage communication from the authors to the general reader and improves the readability of the text. There is a glossary of bold-faced terms and an index.

I picked this up because I felt a need for a more fundamental and broad introduction to microbiology than I would get from a popular volume, yet I didn't want to read a textbook. Microbiology in Action turns out to be a perfect fit to what I need. There is of course a United Kingdom flavor to the language and some of the examples since the authors are from the University of Leeds and the book is published by the Cambridge University Press, but that is entirely tolerable.

What makes this an excellent book is the wealth of information it contains. I learned about how microbes are used in mining and in the oil industry, how microbes ferment and preserve food, how recombinant DNA technology allows us to use microbes to produce pharmaceutical products such as insulin, interferons, hormones and antibiotics. I was delighted with some of the peripheral information. I learned, for example, how some people managed to have ice cream in the summer time before the age of refrigeration. Some big estates built icehouses to store perishable foodstuffs. "These are large structures, often built underground for extra insulation. Ice from local rivers and the estate lake was collected during the winter months and stored in the icehouse. Because of the size of the ice stock and the insulation of the structure, the ice gathered one year would last through the summer and into the next winter. This provided ice for summer desserts" (p. 90). I also learned that there are typically about one hundred million to one billion bacteria per gram dry weight of soil (p. 5) and that the number of cells of, in, and on the human body is around ten to the fourteenth, 90% of which are not of human origin (p. 119).

It is now common knowledge that we are products of the microbial world and could not exist without it. Microbes conditioned, and are conditioning, the planet so that so-called higher forms of life might exist. Still the vast majority of life on this planet is microbial, and that is a compelling reason for us to be more informed about microbes. Reading Microbiology in Action is an excellent way to begin.

Negroes and Negro Slavery: The First an Inferior Race, the Latter Its Normal Condition (Black Heritage Library Collection)
Published in Hardcover by Ayer Co Pub (1973)
Author: John J. Van Evrie
Amazon base price: $31.95
Average review score:

Excellent for Black studies
This book is dating, but its analysis and insights are powerful! I loved it and highly recommend it.

Nicolas Legat Heritage of a Ballet Master
Published in Hardcover by Princeton Book Co Pub (1978)
Authors: John Gregory and Andre Eglevsky
Amazon base price: $39.95
Used price: $37.15
Average review score:

The book was WONDERFUL!-a "must have" for balletomanes
Having been a very young part of Andre Eglevskys' world (my mother, and I when I was old enough, took class daily with his teacher Maria Nevelska..."spelled "Nevelskaya" before coming to America) at Carnegie hall where he came frequently for class. This book brings back with clarity the attitudes, the "Feel" of the times, the dedication and love for the art of ballet, not only in the person of Nicolas Legat but of every person lovingly and sometimes humorously described. The sketches and caricatures are priceless...and so accurate! The classes described at the end are very helpful esp. to a teacher, advanced student, or ballet historian. The section on "the secret of the pirouette"you will want to try, it was the way I was taught and it works perfectly, and the section on Class Music is very in-depth and wonderful. Artistry at this level needs to once again be our dedication to the many facets of ballet...not just performance, but a life! Worth every penny!

Parents' Guide to the Spiritual Growth of Children (Heritage Builders)
Published in Audio Cassette by Tyndale House Pub (01 July, 2000)
Authors: Rick Osborne, John, Ph.D. Trent, and John T. Trent
Amazon base price: $16.09
List price: $22.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $6.90
Buy one from zShops for: $10.99
Average review score:

Focus on the Foundation of the Family
"Parents' Guide" offers parents an excellent resource for developing the spiritual life of our children. As a pastor and father, I'm glad for Trent & Osborne's research. If the foundation of a healthy society is found in the home, then the foundation of a healthy home is found in our spiritual life with God through Jesus Christ. For another book on Christian spiritual parenting, look into the recently published book, THE FAMILY CLOISTER: BENEDICTINE WISDOM FOR THE HOME, by David Robinson (New York, NY: Crossroad, 2000; 192pp., trade paperback). God bless you in your holy calling of raising spiritual children!

Structures of Social Action : Studies in Conversation Analysis
Published in Paperback by Cambridge University Press (2003)
Authors: J. Maxwell Atkinson and John Heritage
Amazon base price: $35.00
Used price: $24.50
Buy one from zShops for: $34.56
Average review score:

A classic collection of studies in Conversation Analysis
This edited volume brings together some of the central studies in the field of conversation analysis. Chapters in the various sections address such foundational topics as: Methodology; 'Preference organization'; Topic organization; non-vocal interaction; & 'aspects of responses to other's talk'. The chapters are written by scientists who are leaders in this field of research (e.g., Sacks, Schegloff, Jefferson, Pomertantz, Drew, Goodwin, Heritage, Atkinson, Button, etc.). This collection also includes two classic lectures by Harvey Sacks: one on 'methodology' of conversation analysis; the other a brilliant analysis on the ways in which one's viewing, experiencing, and subsequent reporting of events has 'built into it' the task of presenting one's self as a reliable, reasonable viewer of more or less typical events in the world. This book is an *essential* volume for anyone doing research on (or interested in) how human interaction is structured.

Talk at Work : Interaction in Institutional Settings
Published in Paperback by Cambridge University Press (1993)
Authors: Paul Drew and John Heritage
Amazon base price: $40.00
Used price: $24.00
Average review score:

"Talk at Work" & "Talk AS work"
This volume collects an excellent set of papers, each concerned with explicating the ways that people, through talk-in-interaction, do institutional work, (and thereby also 'do' or 'achieve' institutions as stable settings). The papers in this volume were written by leaders in the field of conversation analysis, including: Max Atkinson, Jorg Bergman, Graham Button, Steve Clayman, Paul Drew, John Heritage, Gail Jefferson, Douglas Maynard, Emanuel Schegloff, & Don Zimmerman. This book should be read by every serious social scientist.

Ten Commandments: Family Nights Tool Chest: Creating Lasting Impressions for the Next Generation (Heritage Builders)
Published in Paperback by Chariot Victor Pub (1999)
Authors: Jim Weidmann, John Warner, and Kurt Bruner
Amazon base price: $11.19
List price: $15.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.00
Buy one from zShops for: $11.06
Average review score:

Excellent!!! Fun!!! Exciting!!!
This book went beyond what I first thought it was going to be about. Thinking it would be a book on helping chidren understand how the 10 Commandments apply in our lives today. I was captivated on how well the authors explained the commandments and gave examples so simple that children of all ages can easily understand them especially the activities, where parents participate in with them. I highly recommend this book for every family whether you have children or not. You will get a much better understanding of the 10 Commandments and have alot of fun in the process.

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