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Book reviews for "Herbert,_Stephen" sorted by average review score:

The Essential Teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong: His Teachings Focused on the Incredible Human Potential. Did He Solve the Mystery of the Ages
Published in Paperback by Writers Club Press (2002)
Author: Stephen W. Boston
Amazon base price: $20.95
Used price: $7.95
Average review score:

Who is this book for?
If this book is for people who want to know Armstrong's doctrines, they could just as easily read his final work, "Mystery of the Ages".
(That was as good a summary of what he taught as any.)
If it's not for people new to Armstrong, then who is it for?
The author's website may provide a clue: among those who have been recipients of this book are the leaders and/or big names of the major groups that split off from Armstrong.
So, could it be that Dr. Boston hopes to target the thousands of ex-members of Armstrong's church?
(P.S. You can probably find a copy of "Mystery" at your local library or used book store.)

Concise Summary of Mr. Armstrong's Teachings
This book provides an accurate summary of Herbert W. Armstrong's teachings with out commentary or editorial bias. The book is divided into two sections. Part I is about the purpose of mankind and the plan God has for bringing the majority of mankind into the Kingdom of God. Part I also covers Mr. Armstrong's teaching about the soul, heaven and hell, and life after death. Part II is about the United States and Britain in Prophecy. I recommend this book to either students of the Bible or those seeking an accurate summation of Mr. Armstrong's teaching.

The Vitamin Pushers: How the "Health Food" Industry Is Selling America a Bill of Goods (Consumer Health Library)
Published in Hardcover by Prometheus Books (1994)
Authors: Stephen Barrett, Victor Herbert, and Gabe Mirkin
Amazon base price: $24.50
List price: $35.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $6.45
Collectible price: $10.59
Buy one from zShops for: $22.63
Average review score:

Extremely Biased
There may be some extreme views about vitamins, but there has been much documented scientific evidence that illustrates that prescription drugs do far more harm than good to the liver, and many other organs of the body. Your body is made up of vitamins and minerals, and it makes sense that if you supply it with the vitamins and minerals that it needs that it will be in much better health. We are bombarded on every side by carcinogens and preservatives in our food. Since 1938 it has been known even by Congress that our food is lacking in mineral content because of the depletion of the soils. It makes sense that we need to get these minerals in our diet somehow. Prescription drugs are synthetic substances that are foreign to the body. They may help with one problem, but they often create other bad side effects. If we were created to use prescription drugs, then we would have been born with a prescription in our hands. There have also been many doctors that have hundreds of cases to attest to the value of vitamin and mineral supplementation, and their role in the treatment and prevention of disease.

This book was written in part to make sure there is a nice long line of sick customers at the doctors office to maintain cash flow. The medical industry is a business, just like any business, that depends on people being sick for their money. Same story for the pharmacutical industry.

Is it not strange that their are so few doctors practicing preventative medicine? Why - because there is NO MONEY in it!

Is is not strange that the medical industry has been working on curing cancer for almost 70 years, using billions and billions of taxpayer dollars, and the problem just keeps getting worse. The cure rate is no better than it was in 1935, despite what you may read in the newspaper.

The info in Barrett's book is pure garbage. If you wish to prove that to yourself, look at the many fine books Amazon sells on Vitamins, written by MD's and PHD's. People like Lester Packer, a top biochemist, he does his own research - see "The Antioxidant Miracle". Look at any of the many books Amazon sells on Biochemistry. For example, "Harper's Biochemisry". It is not light reading, but a quick scan thru it will show the most casual observer just what those vitamins and minerals actually do to preserve your health, and why the body needs them. You would die fairly quickly if certain vitamins were removed completely from your diet.

Vitamins and minerals alone will not cure disease but it is very clear from reading any biochemistry book that they will help prevent it from occuring in the first place.

Check it out for your self and don't believe Mr. Barretts lies.

No helpful information. Much of the quackery characterizations are literally decades old. Justifies the phrase 'the greatest fanaticism is always seen in those who are challenged by changes to the status quo.'

A hate book if I ever read one..

Annual Review of Physical Chemistry: 1992 (Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, 43)
Published in Hardcover by Annual Reviews (1992)
Authors: Herbert L. Strauss, Gerald T. Babcock, and Stephen R. Leone
Amazon base price: $48.00
Used price: $30.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Annual Review of Physical Chemistry: 1994 (Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, 45)
Published in Hardcover by Annual Reviews (1994)
Authors: Herbert L. Strauss, Gerald T. Babcock, and Stephen R. Leone
Amazon base price: $51.00
Used price: $60.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Annual Review of Physical Chemistry: 1995 (Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, 46)
Published in Hardcover by Annual Reviews (1995)
Authors: Herbert L. Strauss, Gerald T. Babcock, and Stephen R. Leone
Amazon base price: $51.00
Used price: $19.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Annual Review of Physical Chemistry: 1999 (Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, 50)
Published in Hardcover by Annual Reviews (1999)
Authors: Herbert L. Strauss, Gerald T. Babcock, and Stephen R. Leone
Amazon base price: $128.00
Used price: $8.64
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Annual Review of Physical Chemistry: 2000 (Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, 51)
Published in Hardcover by Annual Reviews (2000)
Authors: Herbert L. Strauss, Gerald T. Babcock, and Stephen R. Leone
Amazon base price: $134.00
Used price: $127.09
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Published in Paperback by Columbia University Press (1985)
Author: Stephen Koss
Amazon base price: $27.00
Used price: $8.80
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Beyond the Heroic "I": Reading Lawrence, Hemingway, and "Masculinity"
Published in Hardcover by Bucknell Univ Pr (1999)
Author: Stephen P. Clifford
Amazon base price: $48.50
Average review score:
No reviews found.

China Under Jurchen Rule: Essays on Chin Intellectual and Cultural History (Suny Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture)
Published in Paperback by State Univ of New York Pr (1995)
Authors: Stephen H. West, Hoyt C. Tillman, and Herbert Franke
Amazon base price: $21.95
Buy one from zShops for: $16.63
Average review score:
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