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Book reviews for "Hanenkrat,_Frank_Thomas" sorted by average review score:

A Past-Life Interview With Titanic's Designer
Published in Audio Cassette by Edin Books Inc (01 June, 1999)
Authors: Thomas Andrews, Frank Baranowski, and William Barnes
Amazon base price: $18.00
Used price: $9.90
Average review score:

A wonderful audio tape. You feel his pain,and finally the truth comes out! No cover ups! If you love the Titanic as much as I do, this tape if for you!

So real, it sent chills up my spine
In this great audio book, which is the companion to "I built the Titanic," Willam Barne's publisher has done an excellent job in editing the actual past-life regression sessions into chronological order. The result is like hearing Thomas Andrews tell the story, step by step, in his own words and his own voice.

So real, it sent chills up my spine.

This is not just a re-hash of the material on the first book. In There is new regression material here, plus an excellent interview with William Barnes, telling how bringing forth the past-life sotry has brought healing and peace of mind in this life. You can also hear a very clear difference between the voice of Tommie and the voice of Bill Barnes. So much more convincxing that a printed book!

I recommend buying both of these "Titanic" audio books -- they really should be considered a two-part set!

A perfect companion for I Built the Titanic.
This book contains the actual past life regressions that brought forth Tommie Andrews and made him alive again. I can't get enough of the sound of of Mr. Andews speaking through the author. There are additional regrassions that weren't included in I Built the Titanic along with a terrific interview at the end, making this the perfect compliment.

Too Funny for Words: Disney's Greatest Sight Gags
Published in Hardcover by Abbeville Promotional (1990)
Authors: Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas
Amazon base price: $29.98
Used price: $70.00
Collectible price: $78.00
Average review score:

I forgot to list my stars in my seperate review!
Please read my other review where I listed the wrong amount of stars

Frank & Ollie
Anything by Frank & Ollie is golden with memories of the golden age of disney animation, and the part they played as part of walts top animators, "the nine old men" as they were lovingly known. Also be sure to get the documentary video "Frank & Ollie" to see for yourself what wonderful guys these two gents really are.

Another MUST HAVE...
Though not as 'deep' as The Illusion of Life, the book Too Funny for Words is a must-have for all animators and story people who want to peek into the serious world of creating movie magic... It is THE book on the subject of 'sight-gags'. (Remember to also get Frank&Ollie's Greatest Disney Villains and The Making of Bambi books! - You already have The Illusion of Life, of course!)

What's Love Got to Do With It: Love, Power, Sex, and God
Published in Paperback by Judson Pr (2001)
Authors: Frank A. Thomas, Jini Kilgore, Jini Kilgore Ross, and Jeremiah A., Jr. Wright
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $14.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.95
Buy one from zShops for: $9.73
Average review score:

Not just for teenagers!
I read this collection of sermons in one sitting, I couldn't put it down. And I wished I could have heard them. This message is powerful (of course! It's got the power of the Creator of the universe behind it!) and practical. These words grasp the hurting soul and show a better way, a way out of pain. No sugar coating or shortcuts here.

A Must Read for African American Teenage Girls
In looking for a book to give advice to a heartbroken teenage Christian girl - who had fallen into sexual sin- I stumbled upon this treasure. How refreshing to hear from an African American male on this subject. As a female, we can only give girls so much advice, but when the girls hear it from the male point of view, maybe they will believe what Christian mothers have been trying to say to their daughters for years. I also found the book helpful for parents as well. Have your teen read this book as soon as the issue of dating comes up!

What's God got to do with your Love?
It went from curiosity to a life-changing journey. Dr. Thomas has delivered his soul to people struggling with relationship additions. He delivered his heart and faith to the fiber of my feelings. It was during the second reading that I transformed from teacher to pupil. I have taught teens for years the fundamentals of love God's way. Never have I heard so succinctly the truth God's love His way. Melodramas, relationship additions, sex-capades and stuck on stupid are all spelled with care and honesty from an author with an attitude. His book shook my soul and broke my heart. I knew God was dealing with my own weaknesses, then. When God's uses this author in real time, you know a booklet of this caliber has the passion and power of a preacher at large. He delivered his soul and saved mine. Read it and be changed. It may save your relationships.

Wonderful Flying Machines: A History of U.S. Coast Guard Helicopters
Published in Hardcover by United States Naval Inst. (1996)
Authors: Barrett Thomas Beard and Howard B. Thorsen
Amazon base price: $39.95
Used price: $12.00
Collectible price: $26.47
Buy one from zShops for: $32.07
Average review score:

PTom's a Ptop Drawer Ptero!
Tom is a gem. He's one of the few people who has written of Coast Guard Aviation who knows that of which he speaks, having been there and done it. This is not to disparage the various historians and popular authors such as Sebastian Junger who have tried to get a handle on what it is we do, but we Pterodactyls are a tight-lipped bunch to outsiders. But Tom is one of us, and we're glad he blabbed. He has done a meticulous study of Frank Erickson and the evolution of the search & rescue helicopter and the mundane, but necessary innovations such as the rescue hoist. Without the machinations that Frank went through, rescue at sea would be a very different business today. Many people do not understand that the United States Coast Guard INVENTED hoisting people from the water. Frank was brilliant, uncredited, and unknown, outside of CG Aviation. He was disdained by the seaplane community in the CG during his lifetime. The passage of time has proven Frank right. In his book, Tom grasped and articulated the struggle that Frank went through proving his theories and nicely packaged Igor Sikorsky's vision for the helicopter as a tool for humanitarian service. Even my non-flying friends enjoyed the book...which I recommend when they ask what the heck it is that I do for a living.

Very interesting and inlighening about Coast Guard aviation
This book kept me interested thru out. The story of LT Frank Erickson is one of persistance and will. I felt the books ending is what really made it all come together "The Sum of All dreams". The story of Michael Odom is a book within itself. This autor really did his home work and left me understanding the importance of helicopters and the U.S. Coast Guard.

Strong-willed officers advance the cause of whirly birds.
U. S. Coast Guard aviator, Lt. Frank Erickson, on December 7, 1941, saw sailors struggling in the waters of Pearl Harbor. He remembered an article about a small helicopter developed by Igor Sikorsky. Erickson felt here was the ideal rescue tool for the U.S. Coast Guard aviators to help those in distress. From this time forward Erickson worked toward this goal. In the end, it cost him his career. Erickson ran head-long into those officers who felt seaplanes were the ideal rescue device. The book traces the struggle to have the helicopter accepted by the U.S. Coast Guard. One of the interesting currents running through the book is that of strong-willed officers fighting for a cause and willing to sacrifice their careers to advance it. This is one of those rare histories that show the contributions the U.S. Coast Guard has made to naval history. The book is recommended to anyone interested in military and naval history, either in or out of aviation.

The Age of Reason: Examination of the Prophecies
Published in Paperback by American Atheist Press (1993)
Authors: Thomas Paine and Frank R. Zindler
Amazon base price: $12.00
Average review score:

This book is a excellent antidote to books like "Evidence that Demands a Verdict" that fool unsuspecting readers into the validity of the Bible. Paine's work "Examination of Prophecies Age of Reason" examines one by one, each alledged prophecy and compares them to the Old Testament to determine if the texts where prophecies or not. It's a superb work on the NT but really belongs with a Christian, he needs to read it much more than a non-believer.

A look at out-of-context prophecies.
Many Christians cite Old Testament passages as prophecies of Jesus that appear in the New Testament. In this work, Thomas Paine exposes all of the so-called prophecies as either irrelevant or taken out of context from the original Old Testament passages. This is the Third Section of his masterwork "The Age Of Reason" which does not make all editions, due to its' content, yet it is probably the most vital section. This particular edition is made even all the more valued by the footnotes of American Atheist scholar and writer Frank Zindler. He does an excellent job in clarifying the Greek and Hebrew grammar problems and also in making certain chronologies clearer. This is an excellent book for the debunker of Biblical claims.

Citrus Cookbook: The Art of L'Orange Cuisine Food & Beverage Recipes from Around the World
Published in Paperback by Clear Light Pub (2001)
Authors: Frank Thomas and Marlene Leopold
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $8.88
Buy one from zShops for: $10.34
Average review score:

Finally a citrus book with really great tasting recipes. I made one of the appetizers for a family dinner and got compliments from everyone. I would easily reccommend it to anyone who likes to cook.

Best cookbook around!
Great book. Plenty of healthy citrus recipes from everywhere in the world. We've been into citrus cooking for years and this is the best book we've found to date.

A Concise History of the Common Law
Published in Hardcover by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. (2001)
Author: Theodore Frank Thomas Plucknett
Amazon base price: $125.00
Used price: $49.99
Collectible price: $75.00
Average review score:

Excellent overview of an often complex history
I recently ordered this book from Amazon. I had been looking for a more concise rather than lengthy explanation for many of the legal mechanisms and principles we enjoy (endure?) today. Without question, the "History of the Common Law" goes far to do just that. It is well organized and deftly written. I am reluctant to admit this about a history of law, but I confess that I found it hard to put down. Forty years after publication, the book remains a pillar and outstanding guide to our legal heritage

Our legal heritage
While it has been many years since I read this book, I recommend it to any who have an interest in our common law legal heritage. Of particular interest was the part of the book that explained the political genius of the Normans who instituted a much superior system of courts throughout England that replaced the manorial courts. These courts made available a body of law "common" to all of England and supplanted what could only have been a patchwork of arbitrary rules and procedures. If the Normans achieved an astounding political legitimacy after invading England with this stroke of genius, consider what is happening in the United States as our legal system gradually transforms itself into a dominant central government and weak state governments serving only as administrative units of that central government, and otherwise becomes an instrument of extortion.

Disney Animation
Published in Hardcover by Bdd Promotional Book Co (1989)
Authors: Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston
Amazon base price: $49.95
Used price: $68.10
Collectible price: $63.53
Average review score:

goldmine in need
this book is really very much demanded by the young animation student like the publisher should try to reprint this kind of a goldmine of animation.and i am sure as the animation world is expandind day by day it will be demanded more and more.our library has a couple of book and some of the animators possess them but still every animator should carry this Bible the lifelong.

Now I Know Why This Book is So Hard to Find
Finally, I found a used copy of this book in Chicago. I had heard it was the "Bible" of animation, but I was skeptical; I have seen too many glorified advertising campaigns sold in coffee table format. (Did we really need any background information on "Hercules?") But now that I actually own a copy and have been reading it - I am really blown away by how much I didn't know I didn't know.

This book gives a perspective on animation I have been searching for for a long time. Short of plunking down $10,000 to attend animation school, this book has helped me understand what is necessary to look for from an artistic angle when I am drawing. Over and over I have been told to draw more, but from what perspective, with what emphasis, to what end? All of that is covered in such an elementary way that I can't believe I never got it before now.

This book is worth all of the praise I have been hearing about it. It was also worth every ounce of energy I have used trying to find a copy to purchase. As for the negative comments I have heard about the reprint Hyperion version of this book, for me it simply doesn't matter. Can I see a difference in the plates? Sure I can. Is the information presented any less valuable or understandable? No. And that's the bottom line for me.

Amazing book. I can't believe it is out of print.

How to Write the Story of Your Life
Published in Hardcover by Writers Digest Books (1984)
Author: Frank P. Thomas
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $1.99
Collectible price: $6.86
Buy one from zShops for: $4.95
Average review score:

Well organized; great prompts
This is a great read for those interested in writing their life story. Mr. Thomas goes from early childhood through retirement, and being a 20-something, some of the information did not apply. However, it is still well worth the reading. He has specific prompts, and works with small "chunks" of life. Entwined are guides to good writing, and other aspects of writing a great story.

A Must Read For Autobiographers
I've worked most of my adult life as an actor. One of my grandchildren was watching television and saw an old movie in which I appeared. "Grandpa, is that you?" After having to explain what I did for a living, it occurred to me that I was no different. I knew very little about my ancestors. At the time, I didn't know what my own grandfather (who died before I was born) did for a living. I wanted to make sure that future generations of my family know that I existed and what I did for a living. It was then that I realized how important it was to write my life's story to preserve my legacy.

Of all the books I researched when I first set out to undertake this task, I found Frank P. Thomas' "How to Write the Story of Your Life" to be among the most concise and most helpful. It became my constant companion as I spent those long hours at night in my study pounding away on my keyboard or sitting at the dining room table handwriting a vignette to be added to the book.

Thomas' book is laid out in an easy-to-read format, lending itself not only as a step-by-step guide, but sectionalized in such a way as to be used as a handy research resource manual. There is a lot of sound advice contained within his book that I found to be highly effective. For example, it helps not to ignore news and current events occurring during the telling of one's life, even if you don't actually relate the news items directly. By spending a few hours in the library to research certain magazine articles and newspaper headlines from a particular period, I found my memory banks were stimulated and I was often able to capture a flavor of the political climate, social mores, fashions, and/or cultural fads of the time. Those influences were incorporated into the events of my life. Sometimes I was able to relate to current events of the time directly, which helps to allow readers to identify with you personally.

Another important lesson I learned was that in order to capture and maintain a reader's attention, you must stimulate as many of his/her senses as you can. Therefore, I found myself going through my text trying to find places where I could introduce stimuli to sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell.

This is but a mere sampling of the invaluable direction I received from Thomas. The result was my autobiography was published under the title "Surrender the Jealous Mistress" (available through, which I'm told is engaging and reads like a novel. If that's true, then I attribute a large portion of that compliment to Frank Thomas' sound advice and guidance.

No matter how insignificant you may perceive it to be (it's not), I encourage you to attempt to write your life's story. Once that decision is made, I highly recommend obtaining a copy of Frank Thomas' book, "How to Write the Story of Your Life," to guide you through the process.

Walt Disney's Lady and the Tramp (The Sketchbook Series , No 6)
Published in Hardcover by Applewood Books (1998)
Authors: Frank Thomas, Walt Disney, Ollie Johnston, Ward Greene, Disney Studios, and Ward Kimball
Amazon base price: $70.00
List price: $100.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $69.50
Collectible price: $125.00
Buy one from zShops for: $59.95
Average review score:

Disney's Sketchbooks - Great Resource for Artists!
This fine addition to the Disney Sketchbook series has many of the wonderful sketches done by Disney's animation department for Lady and the Tramp, including many pieces from the storyboards, and several sketches of scenes that never made it into the final film.

Artists that would like to study the Disney style of drawing and animation should find this volume a terrific addition to their collection despite its rather high price. As a student of art, and a fan of the Disney style, I highly recommend any of these books for your library.

A must-have for animation fans!
The Lady & the Tramp sketchbook is just a beautiful book to add to any Disney fan's collection. This book is HUGE and it is full of wonderful sketches of all of the characters (even minor ones) and full color photos from the movie. This is an excellent book for anyone who loves Disney animation.

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