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Book reviews for "Graham,_John" sorted by average review score:

Armstrong Encore: The 2000 Tour De France
Published in Paperback by Velo Press (30 November, 2000)
Authors: John Wilcockson, Charles Pelkey, Bryan Jew, and Graham Watson
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $13.50
Buy one from zShops for: $10.95
Average review score:

Armstrong Encore - A Real Cycling Book!
Armstrong Encore is the best cycling book I have ever read. It does not insult the cyclist intelligence like most other cycling books I have read. It gives in-depth information of day-by-day following the 2000 Tour. It give explainations and insight that can only come from the pro's themselves. This kind of coverage is not found on TV or videos.

Great Book
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great coverage of 2000 tour de France
I've read many books about cycling races over the years and this has to be about the best. excellent in-depth coverage of Lance Armstrong and the US Postal squad as they attempt to repeat their previous year's victory. I could hardly put it down. in fact I'm already reading it for the second time.

The Garden Planner
Published in Hardcover by Time Life (2000)
Authors: John N. Walker and Graham Strong
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $23.75
Collectible price: $22.50
Buy one from zShops for: $22.49
Average review score:

Just plain fun!
I discovered "The Garden Planner"...It is a fun book, hardback (with a spiral bound flipbook inside.) The flip-pages are divided into 4 sections allowing you to mix and match varieties of plants, shrubs, and trees to your hearts content! Each selection is numbered and a description is given (with information on blooming period and planting guidelines.) It is just plain fun to do. It's an interesting format, and provides lots of information for the "plan-minded" gardener. Really a "fun" flower book!

Best Overall Garden Book
This book is wonderful for all levels-- beginning gardeners to experts. I have an extensive gardening library and this is by far the most "user friendly". The pictures help to identify plants and they also suggest other plants to accompany your selection, so I always take it to the nursery with me as a resource. It's also durable and can be left in the dirt without damage. One warning, however, check your index because mine is a mis-print and the last page is missing, replaced by a duplicate first page. Despite this flaw, I plan to buy more as gifts.

Very Useful and Fun Flip-Book
This is the most amazing garden planning book, presented in a way so simple (and even "retro"). Each page is divided into four flip sections, and you can visually mix and match flowers and shrubs to see how they'd look next to each other in your garden. The back of each picture has full planting information which makes planning even easier. Buy this book for yourself, and then order more copies as gifts for your friends!

Mmpi-2: Assessing Personality and Psychopathology
Published in Hardcover by Oxford University Press (1993)
Author: John R. Graham
Amazon base price: $52.95
Used price: $10.00
Collectible price: $36.00
Buy one from zShops for: $29.95
Average review score:

Gold Standard
I used this book in grad school--it is the gold standard in MMPI coverage, clinical uses, etc.

Excellent resource for MMPI-2'ers.
I have used this text for my graduate class I teach on the MMPI-2. It is an excellent text. Very comprehensive. My graduate students found it very helpful in learning to appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of the MMPI-2. Awareness of any tests strengths/limitations is crucial to the appropriate use of all psychological tests. Learning to appropriately utilize this test as part of a psychological screening or battery is critical for the training of all clinical psychologists. Graham does an excellent job of presenting the information in a readable and understandable format.

An updated edition to a classic guide and text to the MMPI
This is a superbly useful, updated version of his prior work on MMPI-2 interpretation. As always, Dr. Graham hits the bullseye for clinical usefulness and readability. His interpretive strategy is thorough and pragmatic. While others base their interpretative statements on clinical lore and antedotes, Dr. Graham backs up his interpretations with research. This text is a "must-have" for anyone who administers the MMPI-2--students and clinicians alike.

My Ocean Liner: Across the North Atlantic on the Great Ship Normandie
Published in Hardcover by Stemmer House Pub (01 December, 2000)
Authors: Peter Mandel, Betsey Macdonald, and John Maxtone-Graham
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $11.78
Buy one from zShops for: $9.08
Average review score:

Great book!!!
After taking my first Caribbean cruise this past year, my interest in ocean liners peaked. In my "web surfing" I came across this striking book cover with the title "My Ocean Liner". After discovering it was a tale of a child's adventure on the Normandie, I thought it would be a perfect book for my 2 children.
We were not disappointed. My younger child was enthralled when I read it to her the first time. My older child has read and re-read the story many times and will read it on request to his younger sister! Both can't wait to take their first cruise. It seemed to have much more impact than our photographs.
The story is fun and exciting. The illustrations are amazing. I love the one of the massive engine room and also the huge colorful dining room. You get a clear feel for how amazing this enormous ship must have been. Ms. MacDonald must be an accomplished artist.
All in all, my children, wife and I give it a unanimous 5 Stars!!!

Excellent Find!
Not only does this children's book allow the reader's imagination to delve into a realistic journey aboard the incredible Normandie, but what children's book is complete without magnificent illustrationns! MacDonald's depictions of times aboard the ship are filled with color and life. My children are not yet able to read it on their own, but they love to turn the pages and look at the many beautifully done illustrations that could tell the story on their own. Don't pass this one up!

MY OCEAN LINER is a "gem"
The best children's books always seem to have adventure at their core, and this charming illustrated story brings to life the wonder and excitement of a small boy who sails the Atlantic on a classic ocean liner. Both kids and parents alike will find themselves happily at sea aboard the Normandie--probably the most magnificent ship ever built--and absorbed in a nautical mystery that deepens as the ship braves wind, waves and storms and nears safe harbor along the coast of France. An extra bonus is the book's introduction to easy French words and seafarin' facts of all sorts. A must for those who like boats, and a good story too!

Billy Graham: God's Ambassador A Lifelong Mission Of Giving Hope To The World
Published in Paperback by W Publishing Group (13 November, 2001)
Authors: Russ Bus, John Hagee, Russ Busby, Tehabi Books, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, and Tahabi Books
Amazon base price: $24.99
Used price: $1.75
Buy one from zShops for: $5.25
Average review score:

I loved this book. It was an inspiring and delightful time spent viewing the photos and reading about this man's life. I ended the book with the feeling it was more than just a book about Billy Graham - it was a book of history. Mr. Graham has touched the lives of countless people, but has also had the opportunity to meet with more heads of state and influential people than most public officials. The pictures and commentary were indeed a trip through history. Billy Graham is a true public servant as well as a preacher. What a great gift has been given to this man of God!

This book covered everything I could hope for on this man who has been voted one of the most admired and influentuel men of the last century.I loved the photos as well as the commentary by himself and from so many other sources. It was inspiring and informative. My husband and I were competing for our chance to enjoy the book. Should have bought two copies!

Bonnie Dundee
Published in School & Library Binding by E P Dutton (1984)
Author: Rosemary Sutcliff
Amazon base price: $12.50
Used price: $5.00
Collectible price: $13.72
Average review score:

A Bonnie Book!
This is a wonderful story of the first Jacobite rising of 1689 against William of Orange, newly crowned King of England. John of Claverhouse (Bonnie Dundee) was a staunch supporter of King James, who was deposed in favor of William by parliament. The story is told from the perspective of Hugh Harriot, a young lad who soon becomes a devoted follower of Dundee. While intended as a children's or young adult book, this is a rich and detailed account suitable for any age group. Young readers might find it challenging, as the scots brogue of many of the characters is hard to follow at times. Nonetheless, this is a fascinating look at late 17th centruy Scotland and the origins of the Jackobite movement which would later see full fruition in the disasterous rising of 1745 under Bonnie Prince Charlie. John of Claverhouse who became Viscount Dundee by order of King James for his service against the disruptive religeous group known as the Covenenters, is an inspiring Scottish hero, a far greater man of honor and ability than either William Wallace or the rogue Rob Roy in the opinion of this reviewer. But in comparison to the other two he is little known. Dundee was an aristocrat who championed the cause of the Stewarts, and this may account for his being less known. His career was also tragically cut short at the famous battle of Killiecrankie in 1689 where Bonnie Dundee and his Highland army routed the government forces, but sacreficed his life in the process. With his death the Stewart cause was doomed in Scotland, and the rebellion was over almost as soon as it started. The reader will learn about these inspiring events through the eyes of the protagonist, Hugh, who is portrayed as one of Bonnie Dundees devoted followers. Sutcliff's research and skill of telling a story long forgotten are to be commended. This reviewer highly recommends this book either for sophisicated young readers, or adults who enjoy good historical fiction. You can see where the old famous scots tune "Bonnie Dundee" came from by reading this fine work.

A touching story of a boy who fights for what he believes in
Hugh Herriot was an orpan who lived with his grandfather. When he was twelve, he was given a job as a horse tender at a large house. There he first met John Claverhouse or Bonnie Dundee. Hugh is so inspired by this man, that he joins his army which eventually leads him to fight against his own family. On his journeys he meet many characters who shape his life and personality including a young gypsy girl, Darklis, who holds his heart.

Chess: The Complete Self-Tutor (Algebraic Classics Series)
Published in Paperback by Batsford (1997)
Authors: Edward Lasker, John Nunn, and Graham Burgess
Amazon base price: $35.00
Used price: $31.15
Buy one from zShops for: $32.20
Average review score:

Fantastic book... and easy to understand!
As a high school chess coach, this is the greatest book on chess that I have ever found. It unfolds like a "choose your own adventure" book, with the reader analyzing a scenario, and making a "move" by turning to a certain page. That page explains why the move was correct, or why it wasn't, in detail so that the reader can understand the strategy behind the reasoning. I picked this book up ...on sale... and immediately bought 5 more for my team! Buy this if you can find it!

Utterly brilliant gem of a book.
I own 300+ chess books, and this one is my absolute favorite. To give you an idea of others in my top 10: The Amateur's Mind by Silman, Middlegame Planning by Romanvosky, My System, 300 Chess Games by Tarrasch, Grandmaster of Chess by Keres, Alekhine's Best Games. My version of "The Game of Chess," by Lasker (which has been re-named The Complete Chess Self-Tutor in this new edition) is from 1972 (I am not famililar with the edition that is currently in print but I understand it to be superb). This book is an utterly brilliant (and very demanding) chess course. It uses a unique method of instruction. The reader is given some textual introduction to a problem, and then is presented with three options for moves to pick. Depending on which option you pick, you are referred to a different section of the book. That new section will tell you if you picked the best move. If you picked the wrong move, it referes you back to try another choice. But even on the wrong choices, Lasker goes to great lengths explaining to exactly why it is not the best move. He presents variations of likely scenarios to make his point. He does this in a style that instructs, enlightens, and informs, always referring you to general principles to follow. Then, when you finally pick the right answer, you are presented with the next problem, which logically follows from the prior one. As a result, you gradually work your way through the book. There are large sections on the opening, the middlegame, and the end game. This is the greatest chess instruction book I have ever seen. Unlike so many chess masters, Lasker is a brilliant writer as well. His style is articulate, patient, and comprehensive. He does not "dumb-down" to you, but presents things more clearly than I have ever seen in the whole history of chess literature. He published this book when he was 84 years old! It has the feel that he wanted to sum up his life's work in chess in a manner that would leave a legacy to the aspiring player. Well, he did an amazing thing for chess players: he poured himself into this work with a sincerity and devotion that is unparallelled in chess history. His career was so long that he played against Em. Lasker, Capablanca, Nimzowitsch, and Alkehine, and here he is analyzing Bobby Fischer's famous 5. 0-0! in the Exchange Variation of the Ruy Lopez. Lasker is the Bertrand Russell of chess: a man who lived for 95 years, who saw the richest epoch in the development of chess, and who knew how to assimilate it and summarize it in an instructional format that would be of maximum value to the student. This is that rare work that demands hard work of the student, but constantly inspires you to continue tackling it. You will emerge from its hallowed pages a far stronger player. This is a stupendous work, that for some reason is almost unknown. If I had one book to take to a desert island, it would be this one. I could go on and on, but you get the point. Get the book!

Competitive Positioning: The Key to Marketing Strategy
Published in Paperback by Prentice Hall (1993)
Authors: Graham J. Hooley and John Saunders
Amazon base price: $33.95
Average review score:

Competitive Positioning the key to market success
This a powerful tool for any one wanting to create and sustain a superior position in the marketplace. Models throughout the book outline marketing dynamics and strategies.
Besides strategic market planning and competitive market analysis, market segmentation and portfolio planning are covered in depth. This is an excellent battlefield manual for the marketplace. Marketing positions are analysed from many angles while strengths and weaknesses of the various models are covered.

Marketing Strategy & Competitive Positioning
An excellent book for those who are preparing for an examination in Marketing and for those who are in the Marketing Profession.

This book contains the most up to date contemporary thinking on marketing and surely has redefined what marketing really is. After reading this book, I suddenly realise that I knew so little about what marketing is all about all these while.

The Evangelist
Published in Hardcover by Word Publishing (27 March, 2001)
Authors: Lewis A. Drummond and John R. W. Stott
Amazon base price: $22.99
Used price: $0.54
Collectible price: $1.07
Buy one from zShops for: $0.60
Average review score:

Everybody has a hero mine is Billy Graham. Finally, a book that does justice to a great man and his message of salvation through the LORD Jesus Christ. Iam a Christian and after I read this book,I learn more about the man that I ever imagine before. I attended his Philadelphia crusade in 1992, but if you want to know the whole story buy this book and listen to his message. You will never regret it.

A Inspirational Book about Billy Graham and his ministry!
I was very impressed with this book. This book can be for anyone. If you just want to learn about Billy Graham and his ministry and how it functions and how it has served God then this book is for you. If your in the ministry and want to feel inspired you can learn about how Billy Grahams ministry has chnaged the world that may give you inspiration in your ministry. I recomend this book to anyone really. It's easy to read and understand and covers the material very well. The special CD on Billy Graham is also very nice and inspirational. Every time I read about Billy Graham, I am in awe about him and how faithfull he was and is to God's calling to be a evangelist. This will make a addition to any library.

Lance Armstrong & the 1999 Tour De France
Published in Paperback by Velo Press (1999)
Authors: Graham Watson, John Wilcockson, Charles Pelkey, and Frankie Andreu
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $12.49
Average review score:

Boy, is this a good book!
I do recommend the book. The first part was kind of boring but when it gets into the tour itself that's when the emotional part starts. Wilcockson and Pelkey do an excellent job bringing the excitement of the tour to the reader. They are the anchormen, narrating the action. But the fact that we also have Andreu's diary pages there too, that gives us the action from a participant point of view. Tons of useful information, a lot of interesting details. If you like biking, this is the book for you. On the other hand, if you cannot tell the difference between a 55 and an 11 you better get something else to read.

Event capturing at its finest
Honestly, this is one of the finest non-fiction cycling books on the Tour de France that one could own. While the photographic clarity is outstanding, the foldout "in-scale" maps are supurb. Authorship is genuine, descriptive, and insightful. A must for any library!

Vive le Lance!
This book provides the reader with a fascinating insight into the behind-the-scenes operation of one of the World`s major sporting events,the TOUR DE FRANCE,and also the miraculous comeback from cancer by Lance Armstrong. It is presented in a straightforward,easy to read style,a characteristic of author,John Wilcockson`s writing manner,and I personally found it very hard to put down.(I read it in 2 days!) The daily stage entries by Frankie Andreu are always humorous,as in the previous year`s CONQUESTS & CRISES(The 1998 T de F) and provide a light-hearted alternative to the darker side of a currently,much-maligned sport. Another of John Wilcockson`s books I would thoroughly recommend to any cycling enthusiast is, WORLD OF CYCLING. A 30 year retrospective of Velonews stories. All three of the above-mentioned books get a 5 star rating from me.

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