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Book reviews for "Gotfurt,_Frederick" sorted by average review score:

Hollywood 101: The Film Industry
Published in Paperback by Renaissance Books (2000)
Author: Frederick Levy
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.97
Collectible price: $20.64
Buy one from zShops for: $13.09
Average review score:

A Optimistic Joy
Excellent book about breaking into the "Industry". This book details almost all jobs in the industry and really tells you how to go about securing that job without knowing someone who can help you. You may find that you are better suited for another career within the industry, one you never would have dreamed of. Frederick Levy is a guy who knows his stuff and truly wrote this book to help you succeed with your career in film. He talks about writing a Television 101.......I am waiting!! Although Hollywood 101 was just as helpful! After reading your book, I am more than ever convinced that I shall succeed as well. Thanks Mr. Levy, I look forward to more books on the Industry from you!!

A Film Student's Bible
Hollywood 101, The Film Industry by Frederick Levy is an informative and helpfull guide to those who are interested in pursuing a career in the industry. Not only does the book break-down and define the players involved in the film making process but it also includes a long list of contact information, tips and real-life examples of what to do and not to do.

A former student of Levy's
To be honest, the inititial reason I bought this book was because Federick taught a class I had in college. At first I was a bit skeptical about this book. I didn't know how good of an author he turn out to be. Now, after having read it, and working in the Hollywood entertainment industry myself, I can tell you that this book is a must for anyone trying to succeed in any aspect of the film industry. This book teaches you what would usually take years of experience.

A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature
Published in Hardcover by University of Chicago Press (30 November, 2000)
Authors: William Arndt, Walter Bauer, and Frederick W. Danker
Amazon base price: $125.00
Average review score:

an essential
With the exception of the short dictionary at the back of my Greek New Testament, no tool has been of more use in my study of Biblical Greek than this lexicon.

More than just a dictionary, the strength of this lexicon is that it gives both specific meanings of words in context as well as a knowledge of the shadings of meaning that a word carries throughout the Bible. This moves the student from a general grasp of a thing to an attentiveness to the precise way God has made himself known--there is nothing quite like it.

As other reviewers have noted, this is probably not a good place for beginners hoping to do a word study to jump in. I'd recommend Vine's for that. I also recommend that those serious in the study of Biblical Greek use this book in conjunction with a Greek New Testament, Mr. Mounce's Grammar (his lexicon is handy too), and Zerwick's Grammatical Analysis. This broad group of tools should help keep you from falling pray to a single interpretive spin.

Don't let its size and price scare you off--this book is essential for the student of Biblical Greek.

Significant improvements in this edition
The third edition of this famous Greek-English Lexicon does not disappoint. It is a significant improvement in at least three respects. First, specific Greek words have been given general definitions even where the word covers a wide semantic domain. This was not the case in previous editions where the reader was left with the meaning of a word only in its particular occurrence. Now readers can draw some conclusion about the basic meaning of any given Greek word. The approach suggests a regression in the approach to biblical words spearheaded by James Barr in his "Semantics of Biblical Language" and a return to the approach of older lexicographers to the effect that words have meanings. Second, the range of Greek authors has been expanded and now includes more noncanonical (especially apocryphal) Greek writings of special interest for the study of early Christian origins. Third, the type set and publication of this edition is dramatically improved, making it as sheer pleasure to handle and read. The second edition suffered from typeset that was too small, and lacked bold catchy print for the words themselves. Readers who own the second edition will want to upgrade for this reason alone.

There are two drawbacks. The first is price. This is an expensive volume, but perhaps that is to be expected. The second is that I noticed several examples of errata. No doubt these will be removed with each new printing.

Confirmation of proper usage is very important
If it were not for this lexicon the serious, but "linguistically challenged" scholar, would have a hard time understanding the correct usage of just about any Koine Greek word. By comparring the usage in the NT and the writings of Josephus and early Christian writers, we can discern how the early church used a certain Greek word, in fact, what the Apostle's intended to convey in their writings. No other lexicon in existance does this. If there is such a thing a "truth" this lexicon shows what the early church taught that it was. Throw out all of your other lexicons and buy this one.

Godric : A Novel
Published in Paperback by Harper SanFrancisco (1999)
Author: Frederick Buechner
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $14.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $6.42
Collectible price: $12.71
Buy one from zShops for: $5.49
Average review score:

graceful and poetic.
Many other amazon reviewers have described the book as "poetic" and I must agree. Buechner has shaped this story with an economy of words, and it often reads like a superb narrative poem. I read it in one sitting and was captivated by its grace.

A recurring theme in the book is the disparity between what is commonly perceived as "sainthood" or "saintliness" and what the saint, in fact, knows himself to be. Like Paul in the New Testament (see Romans chapter 7 for instance), Godric is continually brought to an awareness of his inner wretchedness as compared with other's perception of him. At one point his scribe Reginald reminds him that the name Godric means "God reigns" but Godric himself feels more affinity with the term "God's wreck." He says, "...Godric's sins have made a wreck of God."

Elsewhere he concludes that "life's a list. Good tilts with ill." Sounds negative? Well, if the sky is blue on your planet, pull up a chair and introduce yourself to LIFE! With those words, Godric is referring to the reality that in many instances evil men prosper while the good suffer privation. Even in the church, the Lord is oftentimes mocked by those who ought to have exalted Him the most. And sincere folks are often given to attributing holiness to those most undeserving. In this book we learn that holiness must, of necessity, be something other than good behavior... it turns out to be nothing other than the unmerited presence of God.

A beautiful book. Well worth reading, and as some have suggested, re-reading many times. I plan to. We see ourselves here.

Lyrical story of longing for oneness with God
Buechner once again shows he is a master, not only of prose, but of understanding what being human is. In spellbinding, rythmic language, he unveils the longings of the heart, as well as the deeds of the flesh, of an ancient hermit. Godric the man is a surprise of contradictions. His overwhelming passion for oneness with God is equalled only by his ability to be profane, and then to punish himself in penitence. He is a surprise, until we read the story of our own lives and find we are much like Buechner's sinner/saint. We want redemption, the touch of mysterious grace, but are too often confronted with evidence of our own humanness. I found myself both pitying Godric, and wanting to be him. Godric the book is beautifully crafted both in style and structure. Buechner's language has a beautiful visual quality. It creates, and leaves, pictures in the mind. The structure of the book is more episodic than chronological, placing stories of Godric's life into a well made mosaic of a saint and sinner.

beautiful. touching
A beautiful, touching story. Seemingly the tale of a crusty, hardened man, but that crust is merely the thin veil of a truly broken and human heart. One forgets that the story is primarily fiction. Though based on the life of an obscure cleric, it is the story of everyman -- I think most readers will find themselves in the person of Godric.

Buechner is not one of those authors who, when one reads his books says "Oh, this is Buechner." Each of his books is wholly unique and original. I would recommend anything he has written. (NOTE: I see that the long out-of-print Book of Bebb is being re-released in October. Highly recommended! Unlike anything else you've read!)

Stolen from Gypsies
Published in Audio Cassette by Reef Audio (2001)
Authors: Noble Mason Smith and Frederick Davidson
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $16.75
Average review score:

An outstanding, original novel.
Ambrogio Smith is a hypochondriacal British noble living in his bed as a seeming invalid, and attended by his story-loving Italian servant Antonio, whose main duty seems to be to provide his master with warm beet enemas under the direction of a randy Hungarian quack-physician. A husky but voluptuous serving girl makes an occasional appearance in this original and ribald comedic adventure set in the early 19th century. Stolen From Gypsies is a literate novel richly textured with word play, puns, malapropisms, and unusual references. Noble Smith's skill as a literate writer and engaging storyteller is simply first rate. His frequent use of ancient vocabulary and historical name dropping are a pure delight, but keep your dictionary and glossary close to hand! Enthusiastically recommended reading, Stolen From Gypsies is further enhanced for the reader's pleasure with brilliant pen and ink illustrations providing context and illumination for the outstanding narrative text.

The Gypsy In All Of Us
A completely first-rate novel, sublime in richly historical hysterical characterizations. In his first novel, Noble Smith fashions a completely original story-within-a-story. The subject, a smart and thumping love story which leaves you both wildly entertained, expanded in your vocabulary, and just a little more informed about the wild turns of history which by only the smallest chance may have turned out quite different for all of us.
Smith's 'Gypsy' character breathes hope into our sometimes gray hearts that we all have, deep inside of us, an erudite, bold gypsy inner-being longing to break free from the humps which define us to sing our passions to the world. The story is told smartly through a decrepit writer-in-exile's re-telling of this fantastic story to his servant. With joy we watch the transformation both he and his main character makes throughout the book, tying up spectacularly in the end.
Stolen By Gypsies is a read which will keep you on the edge of your seat, as empassioned as the Gypsy character who is striving to become his complete self. Highly recommended reading. Waiting anxiously for his next novel.

Stolen From Gypsies is a beautifully written laugh riot
Stolen From Gypsies is an incredibly creative and fun-filled take on the classic love story. Noble Smith has created a rich and detailed fantasy world for his "book within a book" while loading the "real" world of the narrator with juicy historical tidbits. Part of the fun of the book for me was translating the invented words with the helpful glossary in the back of the book. I laughed out loud at many points during the day it took me to devour this charming book. The humor is lavished over every word, but the book is not a hollow series of comic "interlewds" (to quote one of the characters); the central messages of looking beyond surface impressions, of faith in one's self, and of relishing the beautiful in the absurd are timeless and important. Who doesn't need to be reminded of these things from time to time? Calling it a comic fairy tale for adults is about as close as I can come to categorizing Stolen From Gypsies; it defies categorization while remaining totally accessible. I highly recommend Noble Smith's Stolen From Gypsies.

Race, Religion & Racism
Published in Hardcover by Faith One Publishing (22 November, 1999)
Authors: Frederick K. C. Price and D.D. Frederick K.C. Price
Amazon base price: $23.95
Used price: $8.00
Collectible price: $24.00
Buy one from zShops for: $12.71
Average review score:

race religion and racism
This was a well composed presentation of an old and sensitive subject that most people especially the 'powers that be' would love to forget. Rev. Price managed to do a full expose` of a very difficult subject beginning with his reasons for wanting to discuss the problems of racism in the Christian Church especially the white Christian church. He puts the responsibility for this problem-and the ultimate solution- where it belongs and that is squarely on the heads of white people especialy the white Christian Church which willing choose to fornicate with the pro-slavery movement. Their lust for money and power encouraged them to create new and unusually cruel ways to deny Africans their God given humanity, hence the branding of American slavery as the "strange and perculiar institution". To this end, they, white Christians , even created their own tainted version of the Bible( the King James translation) to support their continual economic exploitation and dehuminization of Black peoples. The effects of slavery and the subsequent racism that continues to this very second, ravages the Black family and community. Is it any surprise when African Americans have been erroneously told from the beginning that they were a curse of God! What that has done to the collective Black psyche? is also reviewed well. Rev. Price very methodically uses history, science and the Word of God to identify and negate the falicies of centuries of lies against Blacks. Most impressive to me was that he supported his explainations with documented facts and an extensive list of references from prestigious Black and white authorities. His most skilfully built arguement was on the location of the Garden of Eden and the Biblical,scientific and genetic evidence about Adam and Eve .I am not a history buff but this book made me want to study geography, archcheology,and world and religious history. I emphatically recommend Race, Religion and Racism to ANYONE who really wants to discover the truth as I found through this reading that it indeed will make you free.

Insightful, challening, informative, accessible.
Race, Religion & Racism illustrates and documents how White Christians have failed to address wrongs done to Blacks in American society. Author Frederick Price advocates the governmental and societal changes needed to enable individuals of color to live and work productively together. Price points out that Adam, Eve and Jesus Christ were all individuals of color; slavery in America was enabled by the corruption of Scripture; that millions of Americans of diverse racial background feel the Christian Church has failed them; that despite differences in color and culture resulting from historical, cultural and geographical isolations, all men and women share the same blood as demonstrated through the fact that any racial roup can share blood through transfusion; that Christians who do not say anything condemning racism are as guilty as those who contribute to the racial dilapidation of society. Race, Religion & Racism is an important, well researched, admirably reasoned, and reader friendly contribution to the on-going national dialogue within the churches on the subject of racism, the brotherhood of man, and the role of the Christian to address the evils present in the secular world -- and within some professedly Christian congregations and movements.

Excellent Resource For African Americans
I found this book to be well written and documented. I understand the anger that Dr. Price feels as I am an African American who has seen some of this subtle racism. It is a shame when men who for years were examples of godliness, yet also secretly harbor feelings of white superiority. Dr. Price shows us that no man is better than another based on the color of that person's skin.

Dr. Price writes this with tough love. He displays his love for his white brothers and sisters but shows his strong committment and lack of compromise in support of his own race. Jesus is truly in the heart of Dr. Price.

It is time for those in the church who have even the smallest of "white supremacy" in their hearts to ripp that thing out through the blood of Jesus and repent for it. It is also time for African Americans to realize who they are as a people and most of all, who they are in Christ. We are not inferior but we are created in the image of God.

Pneuma Life Publishing also publishes many good books along these lines. Do a search for them here at

Captured by the Indians: 15 Firsthand Accounts, 1750-1870
Published in Paperback by Dover Pubns (1985)
Author: Frederick Drimmer
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $4.30
Collectible price: $8.47
Buy one from zShops for: $6.87
Average review score:

Good read
This was definitely a good read, no doubt about it. I'm sort of surprised that other people say it gives insight into the daily lives of the indians though, because I didn't get that at all. More what I got was insights into the way indians generally treated their captives (the ones who ran away and told their stories) and the way things were seen and the life of the settlers maybe (only by how they told the story). The book is all firsthand accounts from escaped captives and is sometimes gruesome but always very interesting. People back then knew how to tell stories.

Facinating info about native american life and culture

An amazing amount of material on the wildlife of North America and, the "wild" lives of American Indians and captured settlers.

The book includes firsthand accounts of Indian life, gruesome conflicts, brutal torture, spectacular escapes, and spirited pursuits. The Indians killed, tortured, and sometimes adopted white settlers. Some were made into slaves, some fully adopted as family members, and other slated for, and escaped sure death.

I was particularly facinated by descriptions of the wildlife. The size and age of trees. The abundance of wild animals--particularly the bears.

I've read this book twice and found every story interesting.

Not often do we get glimses of the past through ordinary people, placed in extra-ordinary situations. Many of these people could not read or write but told their stories which were dutifully recorded. The feeling of authenticity of the stories is strong.

Everyone should read this book to fully understand the capabilites of humans, both in brutality and in kindness and understanding.

An unforgettable book.

Excellent Collection of Indian Captivity Narratives
This is a short collection of some of the most famous Indian captivity narratives written during the late 18th and 19th centuries when warfare raged between white settlers and the native Indian inhabitants of North America. These narratives are not only interesting and entertaining as drama, but are invaluable to historians and ethnographers as they provide some of the best first-hand accounts of life among the native tribes of the United States at a time when they were being wiped out by white expansion.

These narratives show what life was like as an Indian, including all the blood and horror as well as the genuine kindness and devotion inherent in any human society. You will note that many captivity accounts were in many ways positive experiences for the captives who were adopted into a tribe and treated with the love and respect they would accord any of their own people. Such is the case with men like James Smith who spent five years living with the Ohio Indians along Lake Erie. These tales were popular in their own time for providing an entertaining escape for people who were both fearful yet fascinated by the Indians and their "savage" ways. From these accounts we learn much about Indian lifeways, food, culture, and religion. We also learn of the cruel barbarities that the Indians could inflict on their enemies, as we see in the tale of Dr. John Knight who witnessed the horrific torture and death of Col. William Crawford in 1782, or the daring escape of John Slover, who had spent many years among the Shawnee and Wyandot as a captive and who later escaped and returned to wage war against his former captors, only to be retaken after the Battle of Sandusky. A slow and terrible death awaited any escaped captive who fell back into Indian hands. But what is really interesting is the number of captives who spent many years living, happily in many cases, with the Indians, showing that they were not the totally savage heathens protrayed in many boosk and movies, but a society of human beings who could love and hate as equally as any other.

This is a valuble introduction to a fascinating genere of litereature and is an important part of history that should not be overlooked. To anyone interested in delving deeper into this subject I would also recommend checking out Archibald Loudon's "Indian Narratives" as well as "A History of Jonathan Alder".

Mathematics of Classical and Quantum Physics/Two Volumes in One
Published in Paperback by Dover Pubns (1992)
Authors: Frederick W. Byron and W. Fuller Robert
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $12.95
Buy one from zShops for: $13.82
Average review score:

A lot of fun!
The Byron & Fuller provides a serious introduction in mathematics of classical and quantum physics. This book is designed to complement graduate-level physics texts and one of its goal is to introduce the physicist to the language and style of mathematics. Consequently, this book may be really useful to people with strong skills in physics and maths. No doubt that they will have fun reading the theory of vector spaces.
For the others, just like me, not really specialized in physics and maths, but maybe just curious, this book can bring you a lot of fun too. It reminds you of what you may have studied a few years ago... And more than that, you cover with this book other fields of mathematics that are not taught to non specialized students like Hilbert space, quantum physics, theory of analytic functions, Green's functions and integral equations.

To conclude, if you're curious about mathematics and physics, you should buy this book. If you're good at maths and physics, you should already own this book.
And now, with this special price, do the maths!

Important Information
This book is not, and I repeat, IS NOT for the inexperienced. This book is a GRADUATE LEVEL TEXT on mathematical physics. If you are an undergraduate student taking a physics class, this book will be of no use to you. I recommend that anyone interested in purchasing this book have a somewhat decent amount of mathematical background. I personally recommend Calculus I-IV, Advanced Calculus and Linear Algebra.
If, though, you have this background, then this book is may just be for you. It is concise, to the point and presents a clear and well written discussion of mathematical physics.
I just felt that before you dive, head first, into the world of mathematical physics, somebody needed to warn you about what you were getting yourself into.

An introduction to the basic mathematics of physics
This book introduces the reader to the basic mathematical structures of theoretical physics: mainly Quantum Mechanics, Electromagnetic Theory, And Classical Mechanics. I used this at UC San Diego for a year long graduate course on Mathematical methods in physics and engineering. If one has the time, there is really a lot to be gained by carefully studying this book. A big part of the book is geared toward developing in detail the mathematics of the Quantum Theory. This is a good thing because in my experience most QM books are too eager to "get to the physics". It is true that you can get by with a superficial understanding of functional analysis and still do QM, but this book will give you an immensely deeper understanding of the underlying structure of the theory. In particular, the treatment of Green's functions and integral equations is good. There is chapter on Group Theory and it's uses in QM. Also is a chapter on Complex analysis, although it is a wise idea to read a book entirely devoted to this subject. Overall, I like this book very much.

New Testament Documents : Are They Reliable?
Published in Paperback by Intervarsity Press (1984)
Author: Frederick Fyvie Bruce
Amazon base price: $7.00
Used price: $5.57
Buy one from zShops for: $5.50
Average review score:

Compelling Argument for the NT's Historicity
This book is a fantastic guide for any person, Christian or otherwise, who would like to understand the level of historical accuracy that can be found in the New Testament documents. In that Christianity is a religion whose truth claims are allegedly rooted in historical fact, it is key that the works through which we read of those "facts" be considered reliable. Bruce does a great job of doing just that. No historical account, regardless of reliability, can prove miraculous events. However, Bruce argues, if a work can be proven to be historically and culturally accurate with respect to most of its content, that document then becomes-on the whole-more compelling. Any historian would then need to take more seriously the author's questionable claims such as the miracles, and Christ as God and savior of humanity. For if an author can be shown to be reliable in all other aspects of his work, why should he lie with respect to the documentation of miracles? This line of reasoning, and many other arguments, make Bruce's short book a compelling read for anybody interested in this topic.

Several sections of this book stand out. Bruce provides an introductory discussion regarding how historians have arrived at different dates for the original writing of the NT books. That particular chapter thus demonstrates how soon after the actual events of the NT that those events were actually captured in written form. Also, he briefly explains how the different NT books came to be "canonized" during the first three centuries the Christian Church. Throughout the rest of this book, Bruce provides internal and external evidence that point to the historical reliability of the NT. Perhaps most impressive is the fact that Bruce does not try to convince his readers that Christianity is true; that is not his goal. It is only his aim to demonstrate that the NT documents, which themselves assert Christianity's truth claims, are as historically reliable as any documents of antiquity. In fact, based on the guidelines that historians use to determine historicity, the NT books can be considered much more reliable than ALL other documents of antiquity. That being the case, it then is up to the reader of the NT to determine if they will choose to believe or disbelieve the truth claims that the authors of the NT assert.

The objectivity with which Bruce approaches this book makes it a must read for Christians who want to better understand the historical roots of their faith, and non-Christians who believe that the Bible is mere religious myth. Both groups of readers stand to have their minds opened by Bruce's careful scholarship.

good book
Bruce is one of the most important new testament scholars. His book contains valuable information, but it is a little dated. For example, Bruce doesn't think it reasonable to date Mark any further back than 65 a.d., but some scholars now have argued that perhaps it could go back as far as 50 a.d. based on internal evidence in the gospels and Acts. (Has anyone else noticed the similarity between the mini-apocrypha in Mark 13 and Daniel 9:24-26? Perhaps even atheist scholars could accept this early date) I was hoping for a more thorough treatment of the Pauline epistles and the rest of the new testament, but the focus is clearly on the gospels. Bruce does, however, include a chapter on the Pauline epistles. It's a good book, especially if you're not acquainted at all with new testament scholarship. A more thorough and up-to-date approach to some of the problems Bruce discusses can be found in "The Historical Reliability of the Gospels" by Craig Blomberg, who also discusses the rest of the new testament briefly.

Reliable Conservative Bible Scholar writes of NT Reliability
With all the press the historical critical people get these days, it is so good to have such as Bruce to offer as a scholarly option.

This learned man writes of the NT Canon, how it came it be, on what basis and by whom.

What Bruce outlines the rest of the way is not the faith in what the NT documents proclaim, but rather the historicity of the documents themselves.

Here is where prejudice plays in for too many of our time. The NT documents themselves are very historically reliable. More so, as Bruce points out, than many every learned person would not fail to believe in, such as Julius Caesar, etc. Using these same historicity standards, Bruce debunks such myths and presupposed opposition.

Believing them as personal truth is one thing; to deny or change their historicity, low down scholarly dishonesty. Nice intro to the subject; serious students will want to go on into the isagogics of each book. Valuable to have in one's library!

Conscious Conception: Elemental Journey Through the Labyrinth of Sexuality
Published in Paperback by Freestone Publishing (1986)
Authors: Jeannine Parvati Baker, Tamara Slayton, and Frederick Baker
Amazon base price: $25.00
Used price: $15.13
Buy one from zShops for: $24.99
Average review score:

Conscious Conception
You will not find this perspective anywhere else. These two remarkable authors have graciously shared their unique life experience of fertility awarness, spirituality and how the two interact. This voluminous book is packed full of fascinating journeys into the mind and hearts of parents-to-be. They give the unborn baby spirits a voice - whether you wish for children or not, you can still speak to them softly with intent. Although it is not a scientific guide to fertility charting (there are many other fine books that do that), it does delve into the uncharted waters of consciously creating a family with honesty, courage, love and spirituality.

Elements for co-creating bliss
Both a practical handbook and a treasure mine of thorough research, meditations, and musings on conception and the primal period of life, Conscious Conception answers every question a reader could have about this essential part of family life.

Central to the book are the Bakers' dialogue and questions about every aspect of welcoming a "pre-baby" into a family, with corresponding articles by many different contributors. The book is arranged in thematic sections symbolized by the elements - earth, water, fire, air, and ether - each section opening with a metaphoric fragment of Greek mythology. What follow are incredibly rich pieces covering everything from optimal pre-conception nutrition, to men and women's physical and celestial rhythms, beautiful rituals for enhancing creativity, fertility and conception, healing ceremonies for abortion, dreamwork, etc.

While borrowing examples and guidelines from a panorama of references and cultural backgrounds, such as the Vedic scriptures, naturopathy, Chinese medicine, feminist literature, ancient healing arts, Jungian psychology, tarot, astrology, anthroposophy and other esoteric arts, it never stays stuck in one optic. Instead, it suggests how we can use all of these tools to forge our own path. By embracing a broad vision, it transcends the usual do's and don'ts of accepted traditions, and joyfully shows how uniting to co-create new life can be a truly spiritual and full path towards enlightenment. It celebrates love, life, and family in all their beauty and freedom.

What makes the book so special is that despite the intense debates and meticulous articles, it never takes itself seriously, and always reaches out to include the reader, while remaining light and fun in the process. It is a book you'll find yourself underlining and dog-earing throughout, reading and re-reading, at once lending out to all your friends and wishing you had it back.

Conscious Conception offers the eye-opening and optimistic message that conception is not a random act. It is a sacred celebration to be carefully planned, as it holds the potential not only for a more fulfilling family life and caring society, but an opportunity to grow, to heal ourselves, indeed, to "heal the earth by healing birth."

Kee's review
Had I read the book concious conception before hand, I would've reconsidered abortion and viewed pregnancy completely different and with out fear.... Well, not the kind of fears that I endured atleast. I started to cry when I read the section: Ritual 4 healing abortion. Until I read the book, I didn't even think I could heal from it..... We just get so caught up in the way society deals w/it....just ignore it or pretend it never happened ! (And we wonder where disease comes from...) Until I read this book, I never learned how to honor my true self and didn't think it was possible to heal from certain things.... But it is ..... you can learn to heal yourself in so many ways. Not just live w/it! So what I'm trying to say is : Conscious Conception thought me alot more than conception...... It showed me how to be "concious" of my life,of who I really am. It gave me back my POWER as a WOMAN! Thank you Jeannine, for such insight and for sharing it with the rest of the world.. " I AM WOMAN and I am PROUD!" Kyera

Honor Bound: American Prisoners of War in Southeast Asia, 1961-1973
Published in Hardcover by United States Naval Inst. (01 March, 1999)
Authors: Stuart I. Rochester and Frederick T. Kiley
Amazon base price: $31.50
List price: $45.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $24.95
Collectible price: $31.76
Buy one from zShops for: $29.70

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