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Book reviews for "Gallegly,_Joseph_Stephen" sorted by average review score:

Implementing Tqm: Competing in the Nineties Through Total Quality Management
Published in Paperback by Technical Management Consortium (1994)
Authors: Joseph R. Jablonski and Stephen R. Covey
Amazon base price: $17.95
Used price: $3.25
Collectible price: $9.45
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Average review score:

A guideline for in-house facilitators
If you are already familiar with the theory of TQM, this book is helpful for you to implement TQM in your company. The author presented his methodology Five-Phase Approach(TM) in detail, so that the in-house facilitators can incorporate this approach into their own implementation plan. For those companies want to save consultation fees, this book is a good saving.

Joseph Campbell: A Fire in the Mind
Published in Paperback by Inner Traditions Intl Ltd (30 April, 2002)
Authors: Stephen Larsen and Robin Larsen
Amazon base price: $15.40
List price: $22.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.95
Collectible price: $14.95
Buy one from zShops for: $10.88
Average review score:

Joseph Campbell: A Fire in the Mind
Since Joseph Campell was such a prolific writer of journals, letters, essays and books, this book was able to capture, in such detail, not only his life events but also the evolution of his studies and thoughts about myth, art, religion and the world. I originally checked this book out at the library but I am buying it as a reference guide because it touches on so many fascinating points about religion and the most prominent spiritual leaders in the last century.

Milton Babbitt: Words About Music
Published in Paperback by Univ of Wisconsin Pr (1987)
Authors: Stephen Dembski, Joseph N. Straus, and Milton Babbitt
Amazon base price: $21.95
Used price: $21.94
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Average review score:

Milton Babbitt is the most intelligent and articulate of the serialist propagandists. He is very often dead wrong, but he is always worthwhile to read. His monographs published in "The Journal of Music Theory" and elsewhere have been very influential, but as far as I know they have never been collected in book form. This is a valuable compendium of his thought. The last lecture reprises the argument of his notorious "Who Cares If You Listen?" article. For a reprint of the original article and an apposite rebuttal, see "Music in the Western World: A History in Documents" edited by Piero Weiss and Richard F. Taruskin.

I also recommend (very much) PENTATONIC SCALES FOR THE JAZZ-ROCK KEYBOARDIST by Jeff Burns.

Nelson in the Caribbean: The Hero Emerges, 1784-1787
Published in Hardcover by United States Naval Inst. (2002)
Authors: Joseph F. Callo and Stephen Howarth
Amazon base price: $24.47
List price: $34.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $24.29
Buy one from zShops for: $18.95
Average review score:

A bit dull but nonetheless very informative
There is a fashion among Nelson writers to pick a year or two in Nelson's life and then to write every known thing about him during that time. This is one of those books. Still, it reads well and contains a lot of information (even though it's detail-heavy). I recommend it, but not as strongly as the other new Nelson books out this year (Vincent, Hayward).

The Plumber: The True Story of How One Good Man Helped Destroy the Entire Philadelphia Mafia
Published in Paperback by Knightsbridge Pub Co Mass (1991)
Authors: Joseph Salerno and Stephen J. Rivele
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $0.52
Collectible price: $9.95
Average review score:

Honesty can pay
An excellent book,how one small time man can bring down a large powerfull organisation,very well detailed, leaving you in no doubt as to the strugle that the plumber and his family had to go through, the court transcripts at the end are and added bonus that i enjoyed very much

Published in Hardcover by Prentice Hall (12 November, 1996)
Authors: Stephen F. Davis and Joseph J. Palladino
Amazon base price: $49.00
Used price: $2.00
Buy one from zShops for: $16.95
Average review score:

Psych info made easy.
This book was a good introducion to the field of psychology. It was a great help to me during my general psychology course. Aside from presenting its information in a clear and easly understandable way, the text is well organized and full of study aids. The chapters are helpfully subdivided and each segment provides a synopsis and a "study break" self quiz so you can test yourself and see how much of the material you have asimilated. Margin definitions and summeries of all the important terms and concepts are presented adjacent to the full explanations of the material. The graphs and illustrations in each chapter are very informative and useful in explaining the concepts and experiments presented. Overall this is a good book for anyone who wants a genral overview of psychology.

Stephen Crane a Study in American Letters 1923
Published in Paperback by Kessinger Publishing Company (2003)
Authors: Thomas Beer and Joseph Conrad
Amazon base price: $23.00
Used price: $22.95
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Average review score:

Interesting biography of a hard subject
This is the first biography and one of the few available about Steven Crane, published about a decade after his death, by a personal associate of Crane's (Thomas Beer - a contemporary author in his own right). Beer does a good job at dispelling popular myths at the time of Crane's death about Crane's life. Probably of most interest to those reading Crane's work and wish to know more about Crane. Published in 1933.

The Vermont Ghost Guide
Published in Paperback by University Press of New England (2000)
Authors: Joseph A. Citro and Stephen R. Bissette
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $9.00
Buy one from zShops for: $9.00
Average review score:

Not enough meat to this book
As someone who has read and enjoyed several of Mr. Citro's previous books on Vermont and New England ghosts and unexplained phenomena, I was eagerly anticipating this latest effort. I was, however, disappointed to find that it is a very slight volume with bare thumbnail descriptions of Vermont ghostly activity, usually with only the most rudimentary description of where they occurred. As one who is becoming something of an amateur ghost-hunter, this was a let-down, as the title and description of this work would have you believe it provides directions to find these haunted locales. Sadly, it does not.

Enthralled by Vermont's Haunts
This is just the kind of travel guide I like: condensed little stories of doom and eccentricity set in the pastoral splendor and the down-home warmth that is Vermont. I don't think any other state has earned this type of tribute. Just a wonderful book.

Everyday Lakota an English-Sioux Dictionary for Beginners
Published in Paperback by Tipi Pr (1997)
Authors: Joseph S. Karol and Stephen L. Rozman
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $5.95
Average review score:

Wished I could review, but right now I give a -0-.
I wish I could give a review, but I have been waiting for this book since December 2002.

Very good English-Lakota Dictionary.
This dictionary concentrates on commonly used words. It is the best English-Lakota dictionary I've read. It's biggest weakness for someone trying to communicate is it has no Lakota-English section. I've bought many of these and give them away to friends trying to learn the language.

The Ithaqua Cycle: The Wind-Walker of the Icy Wastes (Call of Cthulhu Fiction)
Published in Paperback by Chaosium (1999)
Authors: James Ambuehl, Blackwood Algernon, Joseph Payne Brennan, Pierre Comtois, August Derleth, George C., Ii Diezel, George Allen England, Gordon Linzner, Brian Lumley, and Randy Medoff
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $8.95
Buy one from zShops for: $9.14
Average review score:

i have seen the wind, and it's cold enough for me
this book opens with blackwood's great story: the wendigo. B is the master of the setting, noone can create the background and atmosphere like him. a very well written story from Brennan here. and Meloff's story is also an interesting read. derleth is at his best here. i don''t care that much for the guy, have never considered him to be HPL's great successor or anything, but he knows how to write, and i have always considered his story about Ithaqua to be his best contribution. the rest of the stories are well written. i don't think any of chaosium's anthologies contains of so much good writing than this. but good is not great. and the rest of the stories never turns out to be really good. the suspence killed by irrelevant writing going on for too long, mostly. sad. but the book is still wort reading

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