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Book reviews for "Fonda,_Jane" sorted by average review score:

Strong, Smart, and Bold : Empowering Girls for Life (Foreword by Jane Fonda)
Published in Paperback by HarperResource (19 March, 2002)
Author: Carla Fine
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $1.99
Buy one from zShops for: $2.35
Average review score:

Hanoi Jane's Desire to create more traitors?
So now you can learn how to teach your Daughter to be a traitor to her country and to spit upon the people that fought for it.

there are better books that will not support this traitor. Go find one and support an honest person.

Realistic, Real-Life & Researched!
For anyone who has a daughter, niece, sister. For mothers who were once-upon-a-time daughters. For fathers, uncles and friends. This is required reading and requested sharing. It is a realistic definition of "empowering" -- but more, of "inspiring" -- girls to find/use their voices and goals within a society that still has a "pink and blue" mentality. The base -- an organization, Girls Incorporated, that has inspired millions of girls for more than 80 years to discover, stretch, and own their possibilities. The content is not anti-male but is full of realistic (and research-based) ideas to help young girls (based on Girls Inc. experience with girls nationwide) reach their full potential. Everyday tips and experiences; teachable moments; eye- and mind-opening opportunties. No lectures; no heavy research -- just a solid dose of reality. Valuable for grown-up girls, too! (Mid-life crisis gift??)

Helpful Ideas for Parents of Girls!
This book reminded me of the thoughts I had when our younger daughter was born. How could my wife and I help her to have an open door to pursue the opportunities that meant the most to her? I wish this book had been available to us then!

Give this book to parents when their daughters are born.

The foreword by Ms. Jane Fonda particularly moved me. She describes how she went from being a person with strong ambitions to a teenager who was timid and concerned about how others would see her. For many years, her "inner voice" was lost, and she finds herself only recapturing it in her sixties.

The model of this book is to have girls know their rights as people and to be advocates of those rights for herself and others. Girls Inc. was founded in 1945 and has done good work in helping establish equal opportunity by gender.

The organization has established a bill of rights for girls that includes the right to:

-- "be themselves and to resist gender stereotypes"

-- "express themselves with originality and enthusiasm"

-- "take roles, to strive freely, and to take pride in success"

-- "accept and appreciate their bodies"

-- "have confidence in their selves and to be safe in the world"

-- "prepare for interesting work and economic independence."

Many people would agree that these are worthy goals. What I liked was that the book reported about research that Girls Inc. has conducted to find out how parents can help.

As you may have guessed, girls look to their Moms to lead the way. In a recent survey, 99 percent replied that Mom was their heroine and guide to planning their own lives. By describing her own life choices at the same age, Mom can help make these transitions more understandable and positive.

Further, Mom and Dad can work together to emphasize filling in experiences and knowledge that girls might not otherwise get. Why shouldn't girls find out how cars work? Sons will often benefit from the same instruction. I know I would have.

Unlike many books and research on gender issues, this book does not try to make males out as the villain of the problem. Instead, the book emphasizes how girls can become more knowledgeable, confident, and able to take care of themselves. I was especially impressed with the section called "My Future."

After you read and discuss this book, I suggest that you think back to where you lacked support (whether you were a girl or a boy) as a youngster. Will your children have the same issues? If so, how can you help them have better choices and capabilities? What other issues will your children have that you did not? How can you help with those?

Give your children the benefit of thinking through their lives carefully and knowledgeably . . . with as few limits as possible!

Citizen Jane: the Turbulent Life of Jane Fonda
Published in Hardcover by Virgin Books (18 October, 1990)
Author: Christopher Anderson
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $4.18
Average review score:

Hmm. Mixed bag.
The author of this "unauthorized biography" is obviously a fan of Jane Fonda the actress, but it is equally obvious that he is downright hostile to Fonda's political activities in the early 1970s. The chapters dealing with that portion of her life are full of one snide remark after another about Fonda's politics during that period as well as about the peace movement and new left in general. Whether that is a plus or a minus depends on the individual reader's politics, but frankly I would have preferred a book which approached the touchy subject of Jane Fonda from a neutral viewpoint, rather than reopening and dwelling on old wounds. There were a lot of strong feelings, and excesses, on both sides, and people on both sides who thought they were doing the right thing at the time have paid for it ever since. Why not a little forgiveness and national reconciliation rather than the "peace movement was wrong and Jane Fonda was an idiot for ever getting involved in it" approach of this book? I actually enjoyed reading the rest of this book, though.

Great for what it is.
I love a good bio, especially one that tries to tackle a complex and controversial subject like Jane Fonda (a brilliant actress). Yet, I guess what I also want is something that examines her approach to acting and the making of some of her films, that kind of thing facinates me.

Political critique merited
This book does an excellent job in its political critique of Jane Fonda. Her hands are seriously bloody and there's no way around it. Read's account of her Vietnam activities because they are NOT a matter of debate. Just a matter of shame and Fonda's attempts to cover up.

Aid and Comfort: Jane Fonda in North Vietnam
Published in Hardcover by McFarland & Company (04 March, 2002)
Authors: Henry Mark Holzer and Erika Holzer
Amazon base price: $38.95
List price: $39.95 (that's 3% off!)
Used price: $33.50
Collectible price: $75.00
Buy one from zShops for: $30.00
Average review score:

Get real America!
Where have the authors been for the past 30 years?
Times have moved on. Yet the writers seem to be stuck in this time warp where this matter is still relevant. Like it or not, Jane Fonda's visit happend - end of story.
The US goverment have bigger fish to fry than a 65 year old actress living in Georgia.

- This book is great for Vets and patriots that just wont move on, or atlease feel the world still owes them some thing.

Though I disagree with the book's conclusions, in fairness, the authors set a clear argument with their reasons why Jane Fonda should be tried for treason and use as many facts as possible (instead of lies)

Its not "ancient" history
...A lot of US soldiers were betrayed by what Ms Fonda said and did during her trip to Vietnam. Many of her ilk (for example Bill Clinton)protested our involvement in Vietnam because it was fashionable. Unfortunately, Vietnam vets weren't allowed to be fashionable as they were dying overseas to the tune of 58 thousand over 10 years.The purpose of the book as I see it is "He who forgets history is doomed to repeat it"...

This text is a superbly written and seriously scholarly product that provides the fundamental basis, based on a foundation of thorough legal analysis of documented events, for formulating what amounts to an indictment of the behaviors of a traitor. The text is fascinating but nevertheless maintains a rigorous adherence to analyses of various data bases, and provides the reader with a fine example of integrated logic and reasoning in what could easily have been be a purely emotional treatise which typically characterizes much of the published articles concerning Ms. Fonda's behaviors in time of war.

Jane Fonda (Pb)
Published in Paperback by Millbrook Pr Trade (01 October, 1991)
Author: Russell Shorto
Amazon base price: $5.95
Average review score:

about vietnam- soft writing about a traitor to the U.S.
I read books with more truths between the cover when I was going through my local library's book rummage sale (sci-fi pile). What I can't believe is why a person would chose to write anything about "Hanoi Jane". If you want to market a real book, try writing one with the truths about her war crimes against the American's who fought, the p.o.w.'s and the now dead, (several due to her directly!)

Betraying America : the Jane Fonda-Tom Hayden axis : a documented report
Published in Unknown Binding by The League ()
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Citizen Jane: The True Story of Jane Fonda
Published in Paperback by Virgin Books (18 March, 1993)
Author: Christopher Andersen
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $2.99
Average review score:
No reviews found.

D'une étoile l'autre
Published in Unknown Binding by Edition no. 1 ()
Author: Roger Vadim
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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En Forma Con Jane Fonda/Jane Fonda's Workout Book
Published in Hardcover by Diana/Mexico (1983)
Author: Jane Fonda
Amazon base price: $27.50
Average review score:
No reviews found.

The fabulous Fondas
Published in Unknown Binding by McKay ()
Author: James Brough
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $0.57
Collectible price: $17.18
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Famous in America: The Passion to Succeed: Jane Fonda, George Wallace, Phyllis Schlafly, John Glenn
Published in Hardcover by E P Dutton (1985)
Author: Peter N. Carroll
Amazon base price: $2.98
Used price: $1.80
Collectible price: $3.60
Average review score:
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