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Book reviews for "Eisman,_Hy" sorted by average review score:

New Essays on the a Priori
Published in Paperback by Oxford University Press (2001)
Authors: Paul Boghossian and Christopher Peacocke
Amazon base price: $27.50
Average review score:

Hilarious and perceptive
This book is both hilarious, and frightenly accurate.
Us guys have always heard women judge men by their shoes , but this woman is a 'shoevoyant' !
With uncanny accuracy she evaluates typical male shoes and reveals the personality and foibles of the men who wear them.
Kathryn Eisman is the Nostradamus of shoes !
A wonderful, entertaining, delightful read.

Men exposed and raw
Until now we boys had all types of shields from exposure -- underpants, condoms, hats, balaclavas, suncreams and so on. But girls knew about these things so we did not get away with much. Nothing like they get away with with makeup, lift up and hold apart bras (or no bras at all), no nickers (or no nickers nickers), thongs (or no thongs) etc!!

Now all we had left is revealed by this book -- our shoes. We previously thought that our charisma, bed prowess, interest in particular things or activities, as demonstrated by what we put on our feet, was a secret known only by and to us. Alas, no longer!

Although beautifully written, and powerfully illustrated, with tongue firmly planted in cheek (the facial one), this book has actually exposed us in the raw. It is so funny, yet so true. And the author has so cleverly fingered us for what we really are -- conniving, sinister, manipulative little so and so's who, unlike women with plunging necklines, bits or butts hanging out, or the shortest skirts or briefest shorts revealing everything except the little they cover, had hoped that our secrets were well tucked away, out of sight, mind, mouth and hand, if not imagination.

Now that Kathryn has destroyed that image with this great little book about how our footwear actually reveals all to all, where do we go now? Hopefully, her next book will not be about jocks, sox or box!! If it is, be ready for men to disappear from city streets altogether so that you girls will have to come looking for us instead of the other way round.

I wish I'd found this book years ago!
This book is so accurate and witty! I mean not only is it extremely funny, 'How to Tell a Man by His Shoes' is spot on when it comes to judging mens personalities. I was given it as a gift and now I've gone out and bought it for all my girlfriends for Christmas. I've started using the book and I have been attracting a much better type of man...WHY DIDN'T SOMEBODY WRITE THIS BOOK YEARS AGO AND SAVE ME ALOT OF MISTAKES!!! Ha ha. A fun read and a delicious present.

Basic Course in Vegetarian and Vegan Nutrition
Published in Cards by Diet-Ethics (1999)
Author: George L. Eisman
Amazon base price: $21.95
Average review score:

Enlightening for experienced vegetarians as well as newcomer
I took the Vegedine course, which uses this material, a few years ago. Although I was initially skeptical about whether I would learn anything new, I was pleased to find that Eisman covers many topics to a far greater depth than I have seen in other vegetarian books.

The Basic Course in Vegetarian and Vegan Nutrition will answer virtually any question you can think of on the subject. Not only is the course comprehensive, but Eisman has explained things in a readable and easy-to-understand way. Topics covered include carbs, fibre, fat, protein, vitamins, minerals, digestion and absoption, vegetarian foods, diet-related chronic disease, and vegetarianism throughout the life cycle. After completing the course, you will be able to respond to questions not only from family and friends but even from (less informed) health professionals (informed health professionals will not question a balanced vegan diet).

As a registered dietician and practicing vegan, Eisman is eminently qualified to write this authoritative work, in an intelligent way without any of the flaky or sensationalistic overtones found in some other books. Definitely a worthwhile investment of your time and money!

An excellent resource
I think this book should be essential reading for all dietitions and health professionals. The format of the book is simple (just word processed with clipart), but the research behind the book is extensive, current, and the information is clearly presented. Last night I was reading this book along with a 750-page college text book on nutrition. I found "A Basic Course" to contain fewer words, while still being more informative. Quizzes at the end of each chapter help to reinforce the information. I intend to complete the book, take the proctored tests, and get the certificate.

I'm not vegetarian, by the way, but I'm VERY compelled by the research: enough to want to eat much more healthfully.

MCAD/MCSD Self-Paced Training Kit: Developing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft Visual C# .NET, Second Edition
Published in Hardcover by Microsoft Press (26 March, 2003)
Authors: Microsoft, Microsoft Corporation, Jeff Webb, and Microsoft Corporation
Amazon base price: $48.99
List price: $69.99 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

A Great Guide!
Like having your own personal shopper. Very unique, friendly and easy-to-use.

Death Trap
Published in Paperback by Fawcett Books (1990)
Author: John D. MacDonald
Amazon base price: $4.95
Average review score:

Whenever a discussion of economics in the modern space age arises, I recommend this book. I think it is really the seminal work on this topic, and that not enough people have read it.

What I like best is how completely the costs of extremely high flight are quantified. The Pegasus comes off looking very bad, and rightly so, I think.

You should read this book. Maybe twice.

For Good and Evil: The Impact of Taxes on the Course of Civilization
Published in Hardcover by Madison Books (1999)
Authors: Charles Adams and Alvin Rabushka
Amazon base price: $29.95
Average review score:

Wonderful Information
This book explains how one's diet can affect the world in many different ways. From impacts on the global hunger situation to personal health issues, the author succintly examines our food choices, and makes recommendations for improvement. Great tables, food guides, and recipes make this a marvelous resource.

The Bald Truth : The First Complete Guide To Preventing And Treating Hair Loss
Published in Paperback by Pocket Books (2000)
Authors: Spencer Kobren, Spencer David Kobren, Diane B. Eisman, Eugene H. Eisman, and David Kobren
Amazon base price: $16.95
Average review score:

Not worth the paper its printed on.
This reminds me of a freshman college term paper, not a very good read, just purely a regurgitation of what anyone can easily find by doing a yahoo search on the topic. I'm leaving my copy in the bathroom as a backup just incase I run out of toilet paper.

Great Book,Great Radio Show!
I've been listening to Spencer Kobren's radio program "The Bald Truth" through his web site for about four weeks. At first I was a bit skeptical, but after listening to the way he fielded people's questions I realized that this guy is for real. So I decided to pick up his book. WOW, I was truly impressed with what this young guy has been able to accomplish! I'm 44 years old and have been losing my hair for what seems like an eternity. After reading The Bald Truth I truly felt that there may be help for me yet. It's a fast, easy read, packed with information that all of us suffering with hair loss need. If you are concerned with hair loss Spencer is definitely the guy to turn to! I've read the other reviews and would also like to say THANK YOU to Mr. Kobren for understanding that this subject is so important to so many millions of us. Keep up the fine work!

A Truly Inspirational and Informative Book!
This extremely well written book is truly The First COMPLETE Guide to Preventing and Treating Hair Loss. Kobren's approach is quite refreshing. He provides the reader with every thing he/she needs to make an informed decision about combating hair loss. After reading his book I had a better understanding of what my options were and what to avoid. I was able to relate to his personal struggle which gave me a sense of kinship with the author. I think that his efforts have already had a profoundly positive impact on this insidious and parasitic industry. I was horrified to see what had happened to The Hair Restoration Casualties and was left with a feeling of empowerment after putting the book down. I refer to it almost on a daily basis. It's much easier to turn to this handy guide than to search the net for info which is usually conflicting. Kobren takes a strong stand and tells it like it is. He doesn't pull any punches and that's what makes this book so powerful. I recently began to listen to his radio program in LA. His sincerity is at times overwhelming and adds to his credibility. His delivery is both inspiring and compassionate. Even though he tries to bring new subject matter to each show he is still willing to go off topic to answer all the questions that come his way, no matter how silly some may be. He treats people with the utmost respect and ads a sense of dignity to talk radio that is seldom heard. I admire this man more than mere words can say. He has been able to bring attention to this devastating problem in a way that no one in history has ever been able accomplish. He has answered my countless e-mail questions with intelligent and enlightening answers. I want to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Kobren for what he has done. He has provided me with hope and I can't thank him enough. I know it's been said here before, but God bless you Spencer. If you believe in karma, your in for a wonderful life. If I could give it TEN stars I would!

Current Functioning and Future Priorities in Family Planning Services Delivery
Published in Paperback by Alan Guttmacher Inst (1983)
Authors: Torres, Darroch, Eisman, and Orr
Amazon base price: $10.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

El arte del bordado en Granada, siglos XVI al XVIII
Published in Unknown Binding by Universidad de Granada, Excma. Diputaciâon Provincial de Granada ()
Author: Carmen Eisman Lasaga
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Establishing and Sustaining Constellations of Distributed Satellites: A Space-Based Radar Example
Published in Paperback by Rand Corporation (2003)
Authors: Bob Preston, Mel Eisman, Michael Brown, and A. J. Anderson
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Factores determinantes del rendimiento en E.G.B
Published in Unknown Binding by ICE, Universidad de Granada ()
Author: Leonor Buendía Eisman
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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