List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
For a humor book, it has an unusual format: a series of about one hundred questions and answers concerning aspects of retirement. Each q and a is a page, and there are some humorous illustrations to go with some of the q and a's.
What I liked was that the better q and a's mirrored things that my retired friends have said to me.
"Q: What amazes most new retirees?
A: They're so busy now, they don't know how they ever had time for work."
This seems to be true because retirees find so many interesting things to do, and more time to do them.
Here is one to think about:
"Q: What are the greatest perks of retirement?
A: Running errands in the middle of the day and never standing in line."
You can organize your day to be much more efficient by picking the times to do things when everyone else is at work.
As you can imagine, there are the inevitable jokes about how many retirees it takes to change a light bulb, and other familiar gags.
I felt that the message of the book transcended the humor to actually make me think more realistically about retirement.
People who are retired might see this book as poking fun at them. People who are about to retire would see it as an object lesson. I recommend it for the latter.
Most potential retirees would probably not buy this book for themselves, so you should give it to them as a gift. Then, a nice thing to do would be to have a friendly conversation about retirement plans with the person you gave the book to. That would allow for a greater chance that the book's message will sink in: Retirement can be the best time of your life, but you have to get organized to take advantage of that.
I also used, After the Tears, A Gentle Guide to Help Children Understand Death. (video)
List price: $55.00 (that's 30% off!)
As I read more about the acknowledged Jewish roots of Christianity (which is touched on in this little guidebook), I am mystified at how there ever could have been an Inquisition and how any member of the Church could have felt anything but empathy for the Jewish people and thankfulness for the heritage they passed on to the world. It called to mind my Irish grandmother who was surprised when I told her Christ was a Jew. The Church's acknowledgment of its Jewish foundation is a positive development in Church history.
I highly recommend this little gem to anyone who wants a simple, straightforward handbook to the mass and what it should and can mean to Catholics today.
For me its mind blowing to note that there are 3 independent conditions for you to decide weather or not the nominative case applies. There are 8 conditions for the accusative, 9 for the dative and 7 for the genitive. What detail.
The book is heavy in examples. Other dedicated chapters take you into the deep meaning of a lot of special phrases or communication styles.
If I listed out the table of contents it would use up the 1000 word limitation I have to write this review (or come close).
A Grammar for Reading German, and I have found the explanations
extremely helpful and the readings more interesting than the
standard textbook fare. Initially, the book looked scary, even to me, and I teach German! Therefore, I think it is more useful as a review book than as an introductory grammar. For the price, it's an excellent value, and a useful reference for anyone seriously interested in reading German scholarly texts.
List price: $18.50 (that's 30% off!)
The boy's sister is older than he. His revulsion for her DS seems unlikely since she's been around all his life and since their parents seem to be loving and accepting.
From the families I have seen, children accept their siblings, DS and all. I found it offensive that this boy did not and must question how many families with DS the author has been around. Probably none.
List price: $21.95 (that's 30% off!)
So you can't think of a reason to quit? What are ya deaf, blind, dumb, and living on a deserted island?
Search the Internet, learn about tobacco related illness and ask any ex-smoker what's wrong with now have a TON MORE than this book is going to offer you.
However, if you need a small paperback pocketbook that simply lists items such as "Your mama is going to be so pleased with you" and "Less risk of illness" then go ahead and spend your money on this book.
The book is worth FAR MORE than a pack of cigarettes so if it comes down to smokes or this book..then buy the book.
List price: $10.95 (that's 20% off!)