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Book reviews for "Dickey,_Eric_Jerome" sorted by average review score:

Friends and Lovers
Published in Paperback by New American Library Trade (May, 2000)
Author: Eric Jerome Dickey
Amazon base price: $11.16
List price: $13.95 (that's 20% off!)
Average review score:

"Friends and Lovers" definitely shows the growth of Dickey as a writer. It is mature, insightful, passionate- just awesome. My sister and I have read this novel and enjoyed many lengthy conversations; especially about Shelby, Richard, and Tyrel's thang. "What is up" with that? The book was an emotional rollercoaster, especially what happened to Leonard. But who says that life isn't always flowers and candy. Even though Shelby got on my nerves, I loved her anyway. It is apparent that Dickey took efforts to make this story real. I thank him for allowing me to know Debra, Leonard, Shelby, and Tyrel while taking the chance to visit with Chiquita once again. I laughed and cried as I learned lessons I'll never forget. "Milk in My Coffee" is definitely on my list for September.

Eric Jerome Dickey held me hostage for two days!
This was my first time reading a novel by Eric Jerome Dickey. I was pleasantly surprised. His writing style is so captivating. From the moment I picked up the book, I could not put it down and I read almost non-stop until the wee hours of the morning. And that's not easy considering the fact that I'm the mother of six children. Eric held me hostage for two days.
I love his vocabulary. I love his style. I especially like the way he allows the story to unfold so smoothly. It really flows. His use of the first person voice is interesting and adds a personal touch to the story. It's as if you're having a one-on-one conversation with the characters. Leonard and Tyrel seemed to have their stuff together. I'd love to meet brothers like them and hook them up with my sisters. (I'm happily married - LOL).
I'm placing my order for the other Dickey books and can't wait to read them.

You will laugh, cry, scream, cheer, and shout!
When I read the last line of this novel and closed the cover, I cried. I cried because of the numerous emotions I experience during the reading of this book. I cried because of happiness, sadness, and lost. I cried because the story, which affected me drastically with its realistic characters, was over. Friends and Lovers will make you look at your friends and/or lovers and cherish every moment you have together. It will also allow you to see how background issues can affect a relationship as the characters in this thrilling novel deal with preconceived notions about each other, past hurts, and family problems. Recommendation: You will laugh, cry, scream, cheer, and shout! No one tells a more realistic story than Dickey! But I must warn you that prior to reading this, or any of Dickey's books you need to prep yourself. IF YOU ARE NOT READY TO GO THROUGH A WHIRLWIND OF EMOTIONS, YOU NEED TO SET THE BOOK ASIDE FOR A DAY TO GET YOURSELF TOGETHER! This warning in no way suggests that you should not read the novel because I highly recommend all of Dickey's books I have read to date. They will allow you to see things how they are and call a spade a spade. His novels really have the ability to make you more open-minded by showing a variety of viewpoints. He equally narrates from a male and female viewpoint. He does it so well it is scary. He does not sound like a man telling a woman's story but a woman telling her own story. I do not know how he does it but Dickey does it well. The man gets mad props! His novels read like a drama and make you feel like you are watching a movie as you read. His skillful use of dialog, language, etc. make for the most realistic people you have ever read about in a fiction book. Clearly Dickey has done some real life research. If nothing else, his books will leave you energized and get you to thinking. I am always riled up after reading one of his novels and need to tell someone about it. That is another warning I must give you. YOU CANNOT READ ANY DICKEY BOOK WITHOUT TELLING SOMEONE ABOUT IT! I have read all of Dickey's novels except two, and I haven't been able to do it. I am absolutely positive that the result of trying to do so would either be an explosion or implosion. You cannot read one of his novels and not be emotionally affected. So be sure to heed my warnings, grab your Eric Jerome Dickey novel and get to reading. Believe me you will not be disappointed.

Published in Audio Cassette by Viking Penguin Audio (July, 1999)
Authors: Eric Jerome Dickey, Brenda Denise Stinson, and Steven Anthony James
Amazon base price: $13.27
List price: $18.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

Great, true to life novel dealing with relationships
Cheaters is one of the best novels that I have read recently. It focuses on today's dating game and the twists and turns as it relates to relationships - be it one on one or more than one. The content of this novel deals with the aspects that many other writers opt not to deal with. It explores love, truth, honesty, sex, sexuality, pain, suffering and emotional turmoil. It really opens up an avenue that shows the side of African American males that they want to keep hidden. It addresses the sensitive side that men try to hide and opens a woman's eye to that side of men. It's a great book and I have recommended it to all of my friends and fellow readers. If you're just beginning to read or if you're a member of a book club I highly recommend Cheaters for your enjoyment. I've have enjoyed all of his novels to this date and I can't wait for his new novel.

You've done it again Mr. Dickey! This book was very good. I enjoyed it, and it makes a great vacation read. I have become a devoted fan. I thought the characters in this book had some serious issues. I would love to see a sequel, or at least a book featuring Tammy and Darnell. That was a total surprise. But I could see how he would be drawn to a woman like Tammy when he had a woman like Dawn at home. She gave her husband absolutely NO support for his dreams and wishes at all. It really showed that people should have a LOT of conversation befor they say those "I Do's!" Jake was a flake. He gave new definition to the word "dog" and I don't blame Charlotte for leaving him. And poor Stephan was a victim of his father's legacy. Karen, however, had some SERIOUS issues with her, not to mention her toy 'Victor'. Interesting for a man to write about that. That one called for one of those things that make you go 'hhhhhmmmmmm!' Chante really had to learn how to value herself as a person. All in all, I enjoyed this book very much. However, some of the characters were a little hard to warm up to. However, I am looking forward to reading EJD's newest effort, "Liar's Game," and anything else he may write. I have a select group of writers that I buy whatever they have out and I think Mr. Dickey has moved onto that list! If you haven't read any of this author's books, buy a couple at a time because when you finish one, you will want to immediately pick up another one. They are like those potatoe chip ads, you can't read just one!

Cheaters Review - good book!!!
The book "Cheaters" by Eric Jerome Dickey was recommended to me by a couple of my friends who read it before. It all starts of with 3 friends one which is married named Darnell, second is Jake who is engaged and the third the main character Stephan who loves them and then leaves them. This book is really good if you like drama and can take jokes. It also has a lot of descriptions of sex scenes if you are really into all that (yummy!). I really enjoyed the book because I'm the type of person that reads to escape from the world I'm living, and this book really described everything perfectly like every scenario and plot. I really recommend this book. I gave it 5 stars because I couldn't put the book down at all and I finished it in like less than a week (yes it was that good!).
What I think you guys will love about this book is that the women do get cheated on but they get back! They are not stupid enough to take some things like that.

Sister Sister
Published in Paperback by New American Library Trade (May, 2000)
Author: Eric Jerome Dickey
Amazon base price: $11.16
List price: $13.95 (that's 20% off!)
Average review score:

Hilarious and heart-warming!
(originally posted July 19, 1998)

Sister, Sister was the most amusing, surprising, and heart-warming story I've read. I laughed and cheered from beginning to end and thoroughly enjoyed the life-like characters created by Mr. Dickey. (He must have wonderfully honest female friends or is truly sensitive himself or both to create such a natural drama on paper).

The female and male characters were so real. The women were strong (or became strong) and soft without the cockiness of Amazons. The men even seem sincere and honest, even the "pie dog" who was honestly proud to be a dog. Anyway...

After the excitement, Mr. Dickey creatively ends the story on a heart-warming note. He reminds readers of the bonds that strengthen our families and friendships. EXCELLENT READ!

Hats Off To Eric Jerome Dickey
A definite fast read and A MUST READ for those individuals who doubt an African American male can write about the problems that African American females encounter in relationships and everyday life. I am a great fan of Terry McMillan but I have a new favorite in Eric Jerome Dickey. I thought his portrayals of Valerie, Inda and Chiquita were very sensitive, sassy and definitely people that I could relate to. It's so good that I am reading the book again. So again, hats off to this talented author and may he keep writing more books!!!

RUN, do not walk, to your nearest bookstore to get this gem!
I cannot say loud enough how much I enjoyed the debut novel Sister Sister by the fantastic new author Eric Jerome Dickey. The first time I read this book (in December of 1996) I could not put it down and finished it in one day. I'm currently reading it for the second time to get another dose of my girls Valerie, Inda, and Chiquita and their realistic, exciting, and hilarious lives and loves. If you haven't read this book yet, all I got to say is: What are you waiting on??? You won't be disappointed and you will be thoroughly entertained! P.S. Scratch my booty!

The Other Woman
Published in Audio CD by Sound Library (May, 2003)
Authors: Eric Jerome Dickey and Tracey Leigh
Amazon base price: $74.95
Average review score:

WOW...What a Story!!
I must admit I was kind of scared to read this one. I attempted to read "Theives Paradise" but I could not get into it. But I loved many of his other novels.

The narrator, who is dedicated news producer, describes her marriage as strong and loving. She works nights, weekends, holidays, birthdays and all of the other very important dates. Her husband Charles is a middle school teacher - lots of free time. Her world turns upside down when she receives a call from a David Lawrence-the antagonist- who has been trying desparately to track her down. You see... his wife has been having an affair with her husband. Things begin to get ugly. Yet, the unique part of EJD story is the relationship between the narrator and David Lawrence. There is passion, lust, excitment, pain and craziness that is shared between these two couples as they try to save their marriages and find themselves. I definately was not prepared for what happened next.

EJD....excellant. It was wonderfully written. I really enjoyed the relationship between the narrator and her friend. David Lawrence was my favorite character.

Peace and Blessings!!

More! More! More!
EJD has superseded my expectations with "The Other Woman." The nameless narrator is emotional, driven, and imperfect. She is realistic in her actions and thoughts. The book leaves you wanting to know more. Wanting to know where these characters are in a few years? Still having problems? Or have they changed, and grown? I guess that's what makes a book great, when the readers are left wanting more, when they feel like they know the characters and are genuinely interested in their future. Well....Eric Jerome Dickey has certainly left me as well as my book club members wanting more. "The Other Woman" is definitely his best work to date. If you've never read a EJD book before, read this one first! If you've read them all, then run out and get this one! You won't be disappointed! I Promise!!

I was completely FLOORED by this book. I am a fan of EJD, have read all of his work, and I think that this is quite possibly the best book that he has ever written.

I knew that the book focused on infidelity; obvious from the title. But I was completely unprepared for how events unfolded.
I was expecting fights, unhappiness, SOME level of drama prior to the infidelity; but there was none. What I was faced with was a seemingly happily married couple who seemed to be totally in sync--sexually, spiritually, financially. Until our narrator--who remains unnamed throughout--is contacted by the husband of the Other Woman. His name is David Lawrence--and he informs our narrator that her husband is sleeping with his wife.

What follows is a tale of revenge, betrayal and tragedy that the reader probably doesn't expect. What makes this tale so unique is that since the reader is seeing everything through the eyes of our narrator, all we see is a great relationship--until the Phone Call. And then we see a relationship unravel; and we find ourselves also the unwitting partner in a marriage who sees everything as being wonderful when it most certainly is not. We are truly the partner who "thought everything was fine," while the miserable other half seeks solace in another.

This book actually made me cry, and took me completely by surprise. It is quite possibly Mr. Dickey at the top of his game.

Griots Beneath the Baobab: Tales from Los Angeles
Published in Paperback by Larod Publishing Company (05 April, 2002)
Authors: Randy Ross, Erin Aubry Kaplan, Eric Jerome Dickey, and Jervey Tervalon
Amazon base price: $14.95
Average review score:

griots beneath the baobab - tales from los angeles
More, more, more. This book brought back many memories for me.
Thank you.

Griots beneath the baobab offers lessons about humanity or the lack of it with a collective embrace.

Skillful writing reveals characters held in the moment, and each scenario hits the mark exposing love, turmoil and forgiveness. These tales are consuming and energizing.

Milk in My Coffee
Published in Paperback by Signet (July, 1999)
Author: Eric Jerome Dickey
Amazon base price: $6.99
Average review score:

Excellent Human Story. Racial issues or Not.
The Sistas are going to hate me for this review but .....

I am a white woman and after reading many of this books reviews have come to realize that this book was not, initially well received by the black community. From what I've read, the 'backlash' was because it centered on an inter-racial relationship, which is not openly accepted; even in this day and age. I realize my perspective is completelty different, but Sistah's PUL-LEAZZEEE!

This author is magnificent. He captures relationships like no other author I can think of (okay, besides Terry McMillan), he is funny, real, and makes us keep picking his books up! Also, Kudos to a man who can 'understand' a woman's thoughts; this is displayed in his on-target storytelling that every woman I know relates to and loves.

Although this is a 'black' novel, there are still stereotypes of 'white' women in this novel that aren't so great either. It was odd to me to hear the main character's personal struggle in dealing with a white chick; a pale one, wondering how his friends would react to him dating a white woman. The bottom line is that not every story is a pretty one when it comes to human beings. We are all different. We all have issues that we struggele with.

I felt this story was awesome. A very entertaining story about friends, relationships, family, ups-and-downs, with a 'white/black' chick thrown in.

Bottom line, this book was extremely enjoyable, realistic, and human. Period.

Amazing style of story telling. Hits the Right spot. Enjoy!
It isn't just the story itself but how well Eric tells a story. What I found worked well was the fact that anyone reading this book could relate to it from any perspective, black, white, American, British, male, female. Unlike a growing number of books that have become fashion accessories, to be seen with, This is the original, draw-the-curtains, switch-off-the-phone, put on your fave sruff wear and veg out book (phew! ). It is a fun read without being frivolus and serious without being heavy. What makes it extra special is that a man wrote this, showing sensitivity to both the male AND female psyche, another stereotype smashed. The flair with which Eric interweaved the issues addressed in his novel left me breathless, brilliant. The best compliment I could possibly pay is to strongly recomend it ti all my freinds who will definitly appreciate it as much as I did. Essence were right, Eric did it for me. I'M GOING OUT RIGHT NOW TO BUY THE OTHER 3 TITLES. (I'll stop now before I get carried away)

Breaking down the color barrier with a surprising twist
Mr. Dickey as always provides a realistic look at relationships: past-lovers, lovers, best friends, and families. Never have I read novels by a brother who could actually write from the point of view of a black woman and make me believe it.

"Milk in My Coffee" dealt with issues still very sensitive to African American women and the country. I loved the twist that came at the end.

I also admire Mr. Dickey's ties to his roots. Being from a small town in TN and my husband is a native of Memphis, I found myself reading parts of the book that took Jordan Greene back home and him saying "yeh that's in (pick your direction) Memphis" or "my dad lives a few streets over from there."

I look forward to reading "Cheaters" it takes me only a day to read your stuff, I can't put it down

Hidden in Plain View
Published in Audio Cassette by The Publishing Mills Audiobooks (30 September, 1999)
Authors: Blair S. Walker, Eric Jerome Dickey, and Eric J. Dickey
Amazon base price: $24.95
Average review score:

Excellent murder mystery with interesting hero and villan
Blair Walker has done an excellent job creating a believable character and hero, Darryl Billups the reporter, who I could really relate to as an African American professional. The plot of "Hidden in Plain View" is very fascinating and the murder method of the serial killer is completely original! Once into it, I could barely put the book down. I am now ready for the NEXT Darryl Billups mystery! A special thanks goes to Blair Walker for coming out and discussing his novel with our Book Club. It definitely provided us a new perspective on the book and writing in general.

This was a unique, enjoyable book from a black author
I got this book in the mail by accident, because I wanted the Hidden In Plain View about African American quilts. I'm glad about the mixup, though, because I had never heard of Blair Walker. This brother definitely has a fresh writing style and a different world view. And his main character, Darryl Billups, is witty and kind-hearted. I could relate to the way Darryl and his girlfriend Yolanda have a normal, loving, respectful black relationship, something you rarely see in literature. And sisters, you will not believe who is killing the buppies dying in this book. I didn't particularly care for the incest scene, but it did make a strong point about the killer. There were some other freaky things in the book, but they weren't objectionable. And I loved how the pace zips along without boring lulls. Blair Walker, you go boy!

Blair Walker sweeps you along on another incredible case of his nemesis, Daryl Billups, and what a case it is. He allows you to walk in the footsteps of the murderer and see through their eyes without ever once looking in the mirror to tell you exactly who it was. From this vantage point the reader experiences the insanity even though they can't quite grasp the process that makes it tick. Hidden In Plain View provides the reader with enough suspense to keep them in the pages and enough thrills to insure completion. Congratulations Blair on another intelligent, insightful and well written offering to the literary arena.

Liar's Game
Published in Audio Cassette by Viking Penguin Audio (July, 2000)
Authors: Eric Jerome Dickey, Gabriella Callender, and Kim Gruenenfelder
Amazon base price: $13.27
List price: $18.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

This one missed the mark.
I was't not impressed with Liar's game at all. It lacked identity. I could not distinguish this book from Cheaters, Milk in My Coffee or Friends and Lovers. The characters were damn near identical. The same basic story line, boy meets girl, they date, have explicit sex, go through unrealistic drama, break up then go through some lame self exploration and some how work things out. The one positive thing that I want to say is there was no "Jerry Springer" drama in this one. I think Mr. Dickey tried to go for substance this time around. I for one am pleased about that. Of course I like to read about folks clowning and acting a fool, just not all the time, I want susbtance. I want to take something away from the novel. Which brings me to my final point. What was this story about? What was I susposed to get from reading this? I couldn't find the moral or the point of view of this story. Mr. Dickey I think that you are a talented author but this one left something to be desired. Waiting for your next one.

The need for honesty in the relationship game.
Once again EJD has created a book that is realistic, funny, and heart-warming. The characters in this book are down to earth people with real life everyday problems. Vincent is a hardworking man who is looking for some true love in his life, but must also deal with a past that won't escape his memory. He is also a father who wants desperately to see his daughter, but must deal with his selfish, manipulative, control-freak ex-wife. Dana is a real estate agent who is trying to start her life over in a new environment. A native New Yorker who leaves NY behind to escape the bitter aftertaste of a love gone wrong. However, L.A's sunny days can not take away the cold and pain in her heart.

We also have the background characters like Gerri, who is Dana's friend and co-worker. A single mother of two, struggling to make ends meet, and to find someone special to share her life with. Womack is Vincent's best friend. They share a history that is filled with laughs, tears, and a brotherly love that is tried, tested, and true. Womack is a man who will learn that love is not enough to keep a marriage going, and he will have to rededicate himself to the woman that he loves. Rosa Lee is Womack's wife. She is in need of something outside of work and family to fulfill her life. Just where exactly is she going to fulfill this need? Womack's father Harmonica gives the book some wisdom, and is the ever-present father figure to Womack and Vincent. He provides them with knowledge and wisdom that only age can bring. Then there is Naomi and Juanita the lesbian couple who lives next door to Vincent. Their on again, off again romance is definitely chaotic, and adds spice to the novel.

The plot begins to heat up when the lies that Dana and Vincent told in the beginning of their relationship start to unravel. Vincent and Dana will show the reader the need for honesty and respect in a relationship. They will also make you question just what are the boundaries in a new relationship? These two will take the reader on a whirlwind romance that at first seems to be moving too fast, too soon. Only with time do they get to test the limits of this so called love that they keep expressing for each other. Dana and Vincent will also learn what being a good friend is all about.

The Liar's Game is a page turner, that the reader will not be able to put down. The characters will make you laugh, and they will definitely make you angry! Most of all they will make you think, and show the reader the true value of respect and honesty in any relationship.

The Games People Play
E. Jerome, he's just the cutest brother, enough of that. I just put the book down. The only reason that I did that was because I was finished. Don't you just get tired of folks playing games? We find out that sometimes when we tell the truth, folks just can't accept it, so we decide to bennnnnnd the truth, just a lil'. That's what happened to Vince, tol' one sister the truth and she jetted, so he decided to make it 'look good' for the next sister. BIG mistake. One MAJOR omission of truth does not a good relationship make. It was as though he had just left out a chunk of his life, namely an ex-wife and a child. You know how it is when you run into friends and they don't know the lies you told, or what you DIDN'T tell and find yourself looking kinda' stupid? Vinces stuff started coming apart when an unsuspecting friend asked an innocent question. Now Dana, his love interest, wasn't coming correct either. Girlfriend had some skeletons rattling around in her closet too. Ex-boyfriends name 'is' Claudio. Now you'd think that 'ex' meant gone' past' finito, but things start popping up all over the place. Things start flyin', I mean that literally, and the ch*t really hits the fan. Girlfriend started trippen' off of boyfriends lie and forgot allllll about her own, go figure. The line, "if we had only talked like this before," says it all. Throw in some interaction with (i'd take a bullet for you) friends dealing with demons of their own and you've got major drama. Womack and Rosa Lee, married early with multiple 'chiren and a live in father/in-law and 'do you love me still' issues. Gerri and Jefferson with the usual $$$ issues and the 'older woman/younger man/don't play me' thang going on. Live and learn. Those old sayings, It hurts so good and Pain before pleasure, definitely do NOT come to mind in this relationship. The moral of this story is 'Be Up Front' and that AIN'T no fable. Oh yeah, brothers, when you finish reading this book, leave those crazy azz sisters alone and come on ova heah!

Thieves' Paradise
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Signet (06 May, 2003)
Author: Eric Jerome Dickey
Amazon base price: $6.99
Average review score:

Count your fingers after you read this book . . .
to make sure that you weren't somehow beamed into the pages of Thieves' Paradise without your knowledge or consent or got conned on your way out at the end by that sweet talking Dante Black. Eric Dickey always takes us in a different direction than most writers, yet he keeps us grounded in reality. He even keeps us off balance by writing novels that don't resemble each other in any shape, form or fashion. Who have you read lately who tells the story of a bodyguard's life and makes you enjoy it? Dickey's "got jokes" galore and snappy jargon. Always expect Dickey to be unique. Now he's telling the story of a thinking bodyguard/hustler and we can even like this con artist without thinking about the stereotypical muscleman image that characters such as this usually conjures up. That's because Dickey catches us before we start those preconceived notions and tells us the heart wrenching story of Dante Black's adolescent trauma.

And who else have you read lately (male or female) who can write... (not love) scenes that makes you sweat! I've read all of the major male African American fiction authors, but nobody and I do mean nobody can whip it on you like Eric Dickey. Just ask Pam (Dante's love interest/... actress/partner in crime) who is much older than Dante, but admits that even with her experience with men she can't keep up with Dante's 25-year-old sex feasts. Many women would die tryin'!!

The other cast of characters become someone you've met before but can't remember where. They are just that familiar and comfortable, but don't let me convince you. Just read the first chapter and then try to put the book back on the shelf. Betcha can't read just one!

Fast paced and exciting
In Thieves Paradise we meet Dante Brown, a twenty five year old who is down but not out and determined to make it. Old school friend Jackson is between jobs and dealing with stressful issues from his babies mother and lady friend Robin. Scamz is a con man and master mind of the game. Pam is the waitress want to be actress that Dante is infatuated with. Hold on tight because Thieves Paradise offers a bumps ride over a three day period.

EJD has mixed in suspense, a taste of erotica, scams, and a dash of action to give us a different genre this time around. Another good one to add to my collection. Love and support to you Eric. Looking forward to your next release.

BRAVO, Powerfully, Edgy, Gritty Bestselling Read
All I can say is Eric Jerome Dickey has done it yet again. Thieves Paradise pulls you in from the very first page and keeps you there until the end. What a powerfully, edgy and gritty book, that's sure to be another bestseller for the man with the magic touch and insight. Since I've read his first book, I've been a "HUGE" fan of Eric's and he hasn't disappointted me yet. I like the fact that his books don't all have the same plot or storyline and that he carries people over from his books. It makes for a more realistic type of read. T.P. follows the life of Dante Black and some of his colorful friends like, the unforgettable Scamz, Pam, Jackson, Sabrina, Robin, Big Slim, Molly and sisters Sierra and Arizona, who give a whole new meaning to sisterly love. This book has it all and is sure to be a page-turner for you. You can't/couldn't be disappointed in it the least. It reads so realistically with it's action and drama filled pages, which is something I've always loved about Eric's books. Well EJD, you've done it once more for me and I'm already looking forward to next's newest, hottest, bestseller from you. Blessings and continued success always to one of my favorite writers. The Sistah Circle Book Club-Houston, will there to support you as always.

Between Lovers
Published in Audio Cassette by Viking Penguin Audio (25 June, 2001)
Authors: Eric Jerome Dickey and Richard Allen
Amazon base price: $18.17
List price: $25.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

This book would make a great movie!
This is the first book I've ready by Dickey and I picked it up because everyone talks about him so much. At first I was slightly turned off because he uses such detailed, artsy descriptive language and the story moves at a leisurely pace. I was waiting for the drama to just jump up and smack me in the face. But within a few chapters I was getting drawn in... in the end I was talking about the characters in this book like they were real people.

The topic of this book is a bisexual/heterosexual love triangle and in the process of reading the book I went from thinking that the characters were all freaks to actually feeling some type of empathy for them. It was quite a strange feeling, but that's why I think it would make a great movie. It's so scandalous, but not fake. I could see something like this happening to real people, that's what made it so wonderful.

I like Dickey's style. I'll definitely be picking up some of his other books. Just be ready for a book that really makes you think.

Exceptional writing
Between Lovers is the story of one man and two women who agree to an unusual love triangle. A man and woman openly and willingly divvy up the lips, bed, mind, and soul of another woman and they believe that this arrangement is doable, acceptable, and something that they're willing to endure because of their love for that one woman and her love for them. The center of this emotionally fascinating, yet disturbing relationship is Nicole, a woman who loves deep, loves hard, and if she has things her way, the two people to whom she wants to give all her love are a nameless male writer from Los Angeles, and an aggressive woman named Ayanna. The man is actually Nicole's former fiancé and Ayanna is the individual whose existence caused Nicole to change her mind about marrying him.

I really enjoyed this book for a number of reasons. For one, the story was written from one person's point-of-view, which is a different read for me from Eric Dickey. However, the writing wa!s detailed and thorough enough so that you're given a complete picture regarding the characters: the writer, Nicole, Ayanna, and especially Nicole's deeply religious mother, and the writer's father, a civil rights activist.

I also really liked the fact that the main characters have living parents. Sometimes their presence helps the reader to understand the main characters a little better. The novel is structurally sound: no noticeable gaps, great intensity, everything was done very well. I enjoyed the setting (Oakland) and the vivid writing makes you feel as if you're walking alongside the characters.

One other thing I was happy about is the word orchestration/combination of long and short sentences (as opposed to a lot of short sentences). To me this gives the novel more of a lyrical or poetic feel and I loved that aspect.

I truly believe the readers will enjoy Between Lovers once they settle down and begin to is the type of story that takes you! to another place and that's what novels are supposed to do.

On the constructive side: the writer might want to watch those spellings of celebrity names...(Atlantic Starr). Sometimes those misspelled words stand out like a cop car sitting in front of your house. :)

In summary, I love that Eric's writing is evolving & going to an even higher level, and Between Lovers is wonderful evidence of that growth.

I have to say that this is like no other love story I ever read. You have to give props to the gentleman who continues to love and support the woman who left him to follow a love of her own---one who happens to be another woman.
Most women who are in search of a "good man", however, will eventually find his persistence hard to swallow (find a woman who is more deserving!); that is certainly how I felt. Nicole, the love of this man's life, I disliked as a character. I found her to be selfish, and self-centered, and certainly undeserving of the love that is showered upon her by both her past boyfriend and current lover.
Ayanna, Nicole's new love, was difficult to like as a character also; I found her to be both angry and spiteful. Overall, I could not fathom why the two of them continued to pursue Nicole as they did...
The storyline was original and extremely interesting. And the way this man writes and describes the lovemaking between all involved is pure poetry.....well done, EJ.

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