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Book reviews for "Davis,_Donald" sorted by average review score:

Disney's Mix and Match Villains Book
Published in Hardcover by Disney Press (1997)
Authors: Eric Goldberg and Susan Goldberg
Amazon base price: $12.95
Collectible price: $11.95
Average review score:


Party People
Published in Audio Download by ()
Amazon base price: $6.36
List price: $12.00 (that's 47% off!)
Average review score:

Donald Davis is one of the best Storytellers ever.
I had the pleasure of hearing Party People told directly byDonald Davis at the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival. I laughed SOhard, my sides hurt, and then found myself getting teary eyed at the touching ending. I have listened to many of Donald Davis' stories. They are masterful, and a JOY to hear.

Ride the Butterflies: Back to School With Donald Davis
Published in Paperback by August House Pub (2000)
Author: Donald Davis
Amazon base price: $4.95
Average review score:

Ride The Butterflies Back to School with Donald Davis
This was an exceptional book that covers a school boy's memories of teachers and fellow students that left impact on his life. These memories are vivid with the tall, but true, tales that we can call relate to in our childhoods.

See Rock City
Published in Audio Download by ()
Amazon base price: $6.36
List price: $12.00 (that's 47% off!)
Average review score:

Funny, touching, and all-to-true
My wife and I, along with our kids (23, with wife, 17, 8, and 6)(all boys) listened to it several times. We loved it! All of us! Warning: it is dangerous to listen to while driving as it hard to keep the car on the road during a belly laugh. Both stories are very funny, and you will fall in love with Miss Rosemary. Mr. Davis does a wonderful job telling the story. I'll bet his books are great, but I am now in the process of acquiring all of his works on audio just to hear him tell the stories. Well worth the money! Get the tape!

The Southern Bells
Published in Audio Download by ()
Amazon base price: $6.36
List price: $12.00 (that's 47% off!)
Average review score:

Whole families will roll on the floor in laughter!
I have heard Donald Davis tell this story in person at several venues, large and small, and it always results in laughter so exhuberant that there's not a dry eye in the audience. This recording captures that experience. You will love it yourself and enjoy sharing with friends and family. A great pick for a car trip.

Stanley Easter
Published in Audio Download by ()
Amazon base price: $6.36
List price: $12.00 (that's 47% off!)
Average review score:

Most of us know a Stanley Easter. Be reminded ...........
I saw Donald Davis tell this story live and have never forgotten the impact that it had on me. The story finds familiar links to the most private parts of my past that I think many of us secretly share. I highly recommend this one.

Butterscotch: The Flavor of the Invisible (Book 1)
Published in Paperback by NBM Publishing, Inc. (1994)
Authors: Milo Manara and Pratt Manara
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $4.88
Collectible price: $8.47
Average review score:

Ahhhh...No Masterpiece
Many of Manaras books are outstanding, not only because of his great art, but because the story is smart and funny! Ahhh...but i am afraid this one is no masterpiece. Is the art good? Yes, but even here it's not top notch. The story in this one is just not very smart...if this is the first book you purchased by Manara (and of this nature), you might like it...but comparing it to the first Butterscotch, it falls very short. Sometimes youre just going to say, 'this is stupid' and these situations hurt the book. If your looking for something nice and funny by Milo Manara, I would recomend: "Butterscotch", "Gullivera", another hot title is "Click 1-3", and "To see the stars".

Nice and Quick
Another nice story by the grand artist, Milo Manara. The plot of the story is nice and "tastefull"...not overly explicit or extremely perverted. The reason the plot is good in my opinion is because Milo Manara worked with another artist, Pratt Manara who makes his stories work. The art is really nice, and the story is pretty funny...but what keeps me from giving this 5 stars is,[like with many other adult stories, the author has nice pictures but "nothing smart to say". This makes some situations seem very stupid if you actually read it! HaHa...

A real Manara's Masterpiece!
"Il profumo dell'invisibile" (the real italian name for Butterscotch) is a funny and sweet comedy about a girl named Mel (Miele, "Honey" in italian) and about a genius who invented a great potion to become invisible. Manara dives into every people's fantasy: the power of becoming invisible! This comic book is a real masterpiece: don't miss it!

OKU Orthopaedic Knowledge Update: Sports Medicine 2
Published in Paperback by Amer Academy of Orthopaedic (15 July, 1999)
Author: Elizabeth A. Arendt
Amazon base price: $119.00
Used price: $9.95
Collectible price: $11.59
Buy one from zShops for: $15.73
Average review score:

Complete, but poorly organized
A paper copy of the manual can be most useful, since I, like most people, find it hard to wade through an online manual.

But there is one area in which the online form is more useful: searching. By opening the MySQL manual in a text editor, one can search it, making the poor organization of the manual less of a problem.

The printed copy suffers from the same poor organization (indeed, it is the same as - or very, very close to - the online manual) but without the ameliorating factor of searchability. The index is not very good, but even if it was better, the scattering of information throughout the book would make for lengthy index entries.

Take security for example. What is the recommended process for securing a fresh MySQL installation? Start at the Table of Contents: Aha! 4.3 "MySQL User Account Management" Sounds promising. P. 249. GRANT and REVOKE Syntax? Not what I had in mind. I just want to know about the right way to secure the system and create new users. Back to the Contents. 2.4 "Post-Installation Setup and Testing" P.113. Nope, nothing there.

Last resort: The index. Security, against hackers, p.227. Nope. But that page is in section 4.2 "General Security Issues and the MySQL Access Privilege System." Now that sounds like it. Start reading section 4.2.1 on p. 224... "If you are able to connect successfully to the server without being asked for a password, you have problems! ... Review the MySQL installation instructions..." I thought I just did that. Now I know the secret is burried in the installation instructions. Back to Chapter 2. Still no dice.

Give up and install phpMyAdmin.

While I don't doubt that the answers to this and a myriad other questions are in there somewhere, the poor structure of the book makes it extremely hard to find anything.

A complete rewrite would do the trick.

As stated earlier, complete but poorly organised...
This book is the printed version of the online documentation available through the MySQL site. It is the definitive version of documentation for MySQL, but it is also left wanting. The authors, two of the principle programmers of MySQL, provide comprehensive coverage of all aspects of MySQL.
That being said, one of the biggest problem with this book is not its subject coverage, but its organization. Most technical books begin with installation instructions, or a brief overview of the software's purpose and the need it addresses and then moves into technical subjects. This one spends the first 10% telling you why you should use MySQL, and only then does it start delving into technical matters.
Skipping past that, the book's other big shortcoming is that it's biased towards a Unix mindset. Granted, the software was developed on Unix and the largest portion of deployments are on *nix. However, as a long-time Windows user with little *nix familiarity, a lot of the material is over my head. If they want Windows users to use MySQL correctly, they're going to have to make it much easier for Windows users/admins to understand.
The one thing I found the book does really well is to teach you exactly how to use MySQL using SQL, and documenting well where MySQL diverges from ANSI SQL compliance. The portion of the book strictly dedicated to teaching the user how to use it is well-written and thorough, I wish the rest of the manual was written this well.

Good things worth waiting for
It's been a long wait, but finally a comprehensive MySQL Reference manual has arrived ! Definitive comprehensive and one might even say exhaustive - you'll want to keep this one handy.

Fabulous Fragrances: How to Select Your Perfume Wardrobe-The Women's Guide to Prestige Perfumes
Published in Hardcover by Crescent House Pub (1900)
Authors: Jan Moran, Eileen Heyes, and Jan Halper
Amazon base price: $29.00
Used price: $2.67
Buy one from zShops for: $3.00
Average review score:

Describes over 300 women's perfumes. Fun and informative.
Detailed descriptions of many perfumes (over 300). Good for those who want an idea of what is in their favorite perfume, those who are looking for a new one, and those, like me, who just plain enjoy reading voluptous descriptions of fragrances (the adjectives abound!)
I recommend it.

Psycho-Analytic Explorations
Published in Hardcover by Harvard Univ Pr (1989)
Authors: Donald Woods Winnicott, Clare Winnicott, Ray Shepherd, and Madelein Davis
Amazon base price: $51.00
Used price: $2.59
Buy one from zShops for: $2.50
Average review score:

Plenty of gossip; little information
Well, Strathern is certainly entertaining, if not informative. He gives us the dirt on each philosopher, tells us who was overweight, cheap, pushed people around, etc. This would be great if we were reading about movie stars or politicians but I bought these books in order to understand something about what these philosophers thought. He does reserve a few pages at the end of each volume to tells us one or two of their ideas and gives us a handful of quotes. A total waste of money unless you hate your philosophy classes so much that you want to hear how awful the personal lives of the philosophers were. A new low in publishing.

"Augustine in 30 Minutes"
Paul Strathern's concise overview of St Augustine's life, thought, and influence upon the world will be an invaluable introduction for anyone seeking to begin a study of the man whose doctrines and aspirations changed the face of Christendom. Strathern sets the stage by discussing some of the various philosophies prevalent in the Roman world during St Augustine's time and constructs a quick run-over of Augustine's battle with sin, struggle with the problem of Evil, and final journey to truth. Augustine's epic and exhaustive conflicts with heresy in order to edify and preserve the tenets of Catholic doctrine will be found here as well. Finally, Strathern closes this sharp, to the point work, with a succinct survey of some of the later Christian philosophers up until St Thomas Aquinas and the downfall of the Platonist tradition. This work serves its purpose well; even average readers will be finished and find much useful information at their leisure in at the least thirty minutes.

Strathern does it again
Strathern is a master at this kind of work, which mixes biography, critical analysis, historical context and humor all in a concise, informative & entertaining package. He lists a time line for the philosopher, his place in world/philosophic history & a selection of works for furthur reading. This series of books by Strathern is a wonderful course in Philosophy 101 without ever having to go to college, all presented in plain, easy to understand English without being bogged down with philosophy's often confusing vernacular. If you are expecting an in-depth review or complete analysis of the philosopher's life & work, read another book. This is meant to be a quick, concise overview & that's just what it provides.

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