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Book reviews for "David,_Anne" sorted by average review score:

Building Integrated Office Applications
Published in Paperback by Que (1996)
Authors: Gordon Padwick, Lisa A. Bucki, Kim Demers, Bob Dover, David, Dr Fullerton, Stuart Kippelman, John Lacher, William J. Orvis, Rod Paddock, and Rama Ramachandran
Amazon base price: $59.99
Average review score:

A heavily dog-eared and marked up book on my shelf.
My thanks to Gordon Padwick. Integrated Office Application lifted the veil from my eyes and I finally understood how to control one MS Office application from another. It has great, practical examples of how to control Excel from Access, Access from Excel, Excel from Word, etc. Learning about CopyFromRecordset (an Excel Range method) was enough to justify purchase of this book! I grok it now.

The Case of the Crazy Collections
Published in Paperback by Minstrel Books (1991)
Authors: Laura Lee Hope, David F. Henderson, and Anne Greenberg
Amazon base price: $2.95
Average review score:

Express yourself
If most interiors books/magazines leave you feeling like someone else is trying to impose their taste on you, this is the book for you. It helps you identify your own personal style (easier said than done I find, especially as most people only get to decorate an apartment once every few years - you have to live with your mistakes). If you've just got one or two whimsical foibles, and a few strong likes or dislikes, it helps you locate these in one of six categories - e.g. pure. maverick, urban. Most of the time - and you can try the exercises on your friends - it gets it exactly right, and, more excitingly, makes you realise things about your taste you never would have guessed otherwise. In short, a lot of fun - and a much cheaper investment than buying something only to discover it doesn't go with any of your other stuff.

Game Programming All in One
Published in Paperback by Premiere Press (02 February, 2002)
Author: Bruno Miguel Teixeira de Sousa
Amazon base price: $39.99
List price: $49.99 (that's 20% off!)
Average review score:

Good set of books. . .
This set of books is very informative. The entries are interesting as well. It has lots of good pictures too. I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in life science.

Encyclopedia of Natural Healing: The Definitive Home Reference Guide to Treatments for the Mind and Body
Published in Hardcover by DK Publishing (01 December, 2000)
Authors: Anne Woodham and David Peters
Amazon base price: $40.00
Average review score:

Everything you ever wanted to know and more
I am a huge fan of DK reference books and this book did not disappoint - beautifully set out, utterly readable and throughly researched. I have taken this book out of the library again and again and finally decided that I just couldn't do without my own copy. How much do you know about rolfing, tragerwork or the Feldenkrais method? This book gives you an overview of all sorts of therapies and it's colourful pages inspire you to study them all - if only I had enough hours in the day!!

Gb David Boreanaz
Published in Hardcover by Andrews McMeel Publishing (01 July, 1999)
Authors: Unknown and Michael-Anne Johns
Amazon base price: $4.95
Average review score:

David Boreanaz
All the information on the ANGEL himself. Now see his life from his point of view, exploring what makes him, him.Complete with pictures.

Healthy Habits: 20 Simple Ways to Improve Your Health
Published in Paperback by J. P. Tarcher (1998)
Authors: David J. Frahm and Anne E. Frahm
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Average review score:

A practical book that should be in every home.
This excellent book is a sequel to the Frahm's first book, and is written for anyone who wants to develop healthy lifestyle choices, especially in the area of nutrition. It is practical, well written, and easy to understand and implement.

The Informed Woman's Guide to Breast Health: Breast Changes That Are Not Cancer
Published in Paperback by Bull Pub Co (1992)
Authors: Kerry Anne McGinn, Kerry Ann McGinn, and David C. Bull
Amazon base price: $12.95
Average review score:

A well-written, informative book.
This book is extraordinarily well written. I read the book after having a biopsy on calcifications in my breast (which were benign, thankfully). But this was a full three weeks after I first heard about the problem with calcifications on my mammogram, and since I knew nothing about them, I spent many anxious hours worrying if I were going to lose my breast, die sooner rather than later, etc. Had I read the book at that point, my mind would have been so much more at ease.

This is fairly easy reading, with helpful graphics and excellent explanations, even of technical and medical terms. The explanation of the different types of biopsies is very good, as is the chapter on the risks of breast cancer (diagnosis rates and mortality rates). It's not as scary as we've been led to believe by the media.

I recommend this book to two audiences: 1. Women who have been told they have any sort of breast problem, whether cancerous or not. 2. Medical practioners who do not specalize in breast health, but who talk to women with potential problems. For example, my GP didn't know as much about calcifications, the biopsy procedures, and treatments, as I do, now that I have read the book.

The Usborne Illustrated Dictionary of Biology (Illustrated Dictionaries)
Published in Paperback by Usborne Pub Ltd (2001)
Authors: Corinee Stockley, Kirsteen Rogers, Carrie A. Seay, and Corinne Stockley
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Average review score:

Out of Print? Out of my Mind!
To Whom It May Concern: Buy this book! Or borrow it your literary neighbor, or steal it from the library; anything, just get you hands on it. Out of This World is a comprehensive lexicon of of the life of the infamous St. Mark's in the Bowery Poetry Project. From Ginsberg to Ashberry, from O'Hara to St. Francis, from the down and dirty free verse of Paul Beatty and Jim Carroll to the the luminous prose of Mary Montenegro, this book is finger lickin' good. While it is dissappointing at times not to have more that one or two pieces by each poet, it gives you a scope that few works do. Elegantly edited and sequenced by Anne Waldman, the project's long-time director, Out of This World is a five-pound gem worth dodging library security or the wait for an out of print copy. Dig it.

Long Wandering Prayer: An Invitation to Walk with God
Published in Paperback by BRF (The Bible Reading Fellowship) (18 January, 2002)
Authors: David Jan Hansen and Anne Hibbert
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Reclaim Your Health
Published in Paperback by J. P. Tarcher (1998)
Authors: Anne E. Frahm and David J. Frahm
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)

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