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Book reviews for "Cohen,_Robert" sorted by average review score:

Encyclopedia of Drug Abuse
Published in Hardcover by Facts on File, Inc. (1992)
Authors: Robert O'Brien and Sidney Cohen
Amazon base price: $40.00
Used price: $1.55
Average review score:

Wonderfully informative
I used this book a great deal when I was a practicum student with little knowledge about substance abuse. It provides an extensive glossary/dictionary of both medical and slang terms for thousands of entries. I strongly recommend this book for anyone who would like to develop thier understanding of substance abuse.

Published in Paperback by Scribner Paperback Fiction (1997)
Author: Robert Cohen
Amazon base price: $21.95
Used price: $1.65
Collectible price: $7.46
Buy one from zShops for: $7.00
Average review score:

A wonderful book, beautifully written
Cohen is the type of author whose sentences you'll read and reread as you're going along -- they're so beautifully crafted. A wonderful story of a feckless young man trying to find some direction and meaning in his life. As soon as I finished it, I rushed out to get The Organ Builder, Cohen's first novel. (It's out of print, but I found it in a library.) It too was a good read, but I liked The Here and Now better. The Hasidic couple in the Here and Now is wonderful -- the opinionated husband who can't understand the protagonist's lack of direction, and his beautiful, much younger wife, whom the main character falls in love with. To anyone else who reads it, I'd love to discuss your interpretation of the ending.

Hereditary Hearing Loss and Its Syndromes (Oxford Monographs on Medical Genetics, No 28)
Published in Hardcover by Oxford University Press (1995)
Authors: Robert J. Gorlin, Helga V. Toriello, and M. Michael Cohen
Amazon base price: $199.00
Used price: $188.56
Buy one from zShops for: $169.95
Average review score:

My Favorite Book
It is the best book that exists for consultation on genetic syndromic hearing loss, since in very organized form it treats the audiologic aspects perfectly and genetic of these syndromes.It is my favorite book and I recommend it to you if you are geneticist or audiologist.

The Project Manager's MBA: How to Translate Project Decisions into Business Success
Published in Hardcover by Jossey-Bass (01 November, 2000)
Authors: Dennis J. Cohen and Robert J. Graham
Amazon base price: $40.00
Used price: $15.40
Buy one from zShops for: $33.68
Average review score:

New Responsibilities for the Project Manager
Future project managers' success will be graded by their contributions to the enterprise's economic value than their completing a project on time, within budget.

The authors argue project managers will function as entrepreneurs or CEOs, assuming responsibility for the ultimate success of their projects. In the business that means they will be responsible for producing a level of customer satisfaction high enough to produce sales generating enough cash flow to cover project and operating expenses, make a profit and pay back the cost of capital used to produce the product. Only at this point will the project produce enough economic value to enhance shareholder value.

To accomplish this, project managers will require new skills. They will rely not only on traditionally operational skills, but also knowledge of the enterprise's: 1.Accounting and Finance 2.Organizational Strategy 3.Marketing and Value Propositions 4.Human Relations 5.Internal Processes.

This will require, the authors say, a radical change in the measurement and control systems of most organizations. For project managers to act as CEOs, they will have to be treated as CEOs. They will have to be judged not only by detailed assessments of their project outcomes, durations and costs but by new metrics based on increases in shareholder or stakeholder value.

If the authors are correct, the Project Manager's maxim of "Make it fast. Make it good. Make it cheap.," is in the process of being replaced "Make it Economically Viable."

Sensing, Feeling, and Action: The Experiential Anatomy of Body-Mind Centering
Published in Paperback by Irene Dowd (1994)
Authors: Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen and Robert Tobey
Amazon base price: $25.00
Used price: $99.99
Average review score:

Insights into the Body
I work as an anatomy and physiology instructor in a teaching course for certified yoga teachers. This book is one of the finest books I have for insights into the body systems and how we can feel our own body to work with holistic programs, particularly for body-work specialists.

Syndromes of the Head and Neck (Oxford Monographs on Medical Genetics, No. 19)
Published in Hardcover by Oxford University Press (1990)
Authors: Robert J. Gorlin, M. Michael Cohen, L. Stefan Levin, and Stefan L. Levin
Amazon base price: $195.00
Average review score:

Complete review
This is a complete review of almost all syndromes affecting the face, with complete information about the most important conditions and very good references until june 2001. Congratulations to the authors for their great effort to put together a lot of information very useful to phisicians, dentists and many other specialists.

Understanding Peter Weiss (Understanding Modern European and Latin American Literature)
Published in Hardcover by University of South Carolina Press (1993)
Author: Robert Cohen
Amazon base price: $34.95
Used price: $15.00
Average review score:

Un interesante libro
No hay otro libro donde uno puede entender la mentalidad de Weiss, un dramaturgo que a través de sus obras nos muestra documentos de guerras. El teatro documento, es una forma de mostrar esa realidad que muchos vivieron y otros no, denunciando los horrores de la guerra, moviendo la conciencia social mundial para que se conozcan estos crimenes, que hasta el día de hoy siguen y seguirán sucediendo.

Working Wisdom : Timeless Skills and Vanguard Strategies for Learning Organizations
Published in Hardcover by Jossey-Bass (1995)
Authors: Robert Aubrey and Paul M. Cohen
Amazon base price: $17.50
List price: $25.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $1.54
Collectible price: $3.69
Buy one from zShops for: $3.25
Average review score:

Using your knowledge is Working Wisdom
This book is especially helpful for managers, with training employees to use knowledge effectively in group projects, team building and project management. Within intercultural work teams the book is indispensable to assist all members in moving forward with goals, projects and targets. Hands-on techniques are highlighted and several case studies show proof. Easy to read and glean the salient facts. Companion book for Individual Human Development is available in French, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese, called Enterprise of Self, also by Bob Aubrey. Timely stuff to get the team going!!

Just Get Me Through This! : The Practical Guide to Breast Cancer
Published in Paperback by Kensington Pub Corp (1900)
Authors: Deborah A. Cohen and Robert M. Gelfand
Amazon base price: $13.00
Used price: $3.18
Collectible price: $12.00
Buy one from zShops for: $3.19
Average review score:

Practical easy-to-read, also good for friends and family
This is the most helpful book so far - recommended by several in support group. When I got this, I'd already read several useful books which were very helpful in understanding the jargon and in weighing the alternatives. They were necessary reading for me, but this is so far the one I'll go back to, the one I want my friends and family to read, the one I wish I'd read much earlier so I'd have been a better supporter for friends coping with breast cancer. The advice is practical, thorough, well-presented, and a good combination of no-nonsense "this is how it may be" and warm reassurance. The organization is logical and comprehensive. She includes good advice for family and friends, concise technical sections by doctors, a good index, and a very useful list of resources (good after the impossibly long lists which in some other books gave you no idea of what to expect from each).

I'll be asking people to read this, putting it in church library and recommending it to people who want to help others get through this, as well as to friends who "just need to get through this."

Inspiring book for those of us fighting the battle
I've found this book to be very helpful during a very miserable and sad period. It's been a few years since my treatment, but I find myself referring back to the book every now and then for advice. To the reviewer who gave the book a rating of 2 stars and said the book wasn't helpful to her because she has in situ carcinoma, let me suggest that she read a more appropriate book for her condition. For those of us you have invasive cancer and who undergo treatments such as mastectomy, radiation and sadly chemotherapy, this book has been very helpful. Don't discount the valuable advice in this book. For those of us fighting the real battle, this book is excellent.

"A must read for any woman"
I recently completed Deborah A. Cohen's book about breast cancer, and I was blown away. Ms. Cohen has made a very important contribution to the woman's health field while fighting her own battle with breast cancer. I thought the tone of the book was non-threatening and engaging, and the content helpful, interesting, and enpowering. I'd highly recommend this book to anyone who has breast cancer, has a family member or friend with breast cancer, or simply wants to better understand the breast cancer experience.

Inspired Sleep : A Novel
Published in Hardcover by Scribner (2001)
Author: Robert Cohen
Amazon base price: $17.50
List price: $25.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $2.11
Collectible price: $7.41
Buy one from zShops for: $2.74
Average review score:

Very good but would have liked more Bonnie and less Ian
First, I agree with all of the reviewers who commented on how well-written the book was. Cohen is simply an excellent writer who really can string words together beautifully. I was particularly impressed by little touches such as Cress' book report on Macbeth, where he has to write as a 15-year old like Cress might write, and the E-mail exchanges, and the E-Mail exchanges. The dialogue is great too. I really admire his talent. In addition, I don't necessarily agree with those who criticized the entire cast of characters in the book, as if to throw them all in a pot together. However, I did find all the chapters about Bonnie and her world (Larry Albeit, Cress, her kids etc.) to be much more interesting than the chapters about Ian and his world (Heflin, Marisa Chu, Erway, Eddie, etc.). And therein lies a problem: As the novel went on, while there is obviously some intersection between Bonnie's life and Ian's life, it seemed that Ian and his world took center stage more and more while Bonnie and her group got pushed to the sidelines. Not completely of course, but enough to annoy. I would have enjoyed more about Bonnie & Co. and less about Ian & Co. It also seemed to me as if, except for one twist, the ending seemed to fizzle out a little, as if the author lost some of his focused edge. Nevertheless, still a fine novel.

An intriguing read from a writer of gorgeous prose
Robert Cohen has won numerous awards, and I can't quite understand why his
name and sales don't rank right up there with other contemporary writers
like Michael Chabon and Tom Perrotta. In INSPIRED SLEEP, Cohen examines the
public's dependence on/love affair with prescription drugs such as
anti-depressants. Chapters rotate between the perspective of two main
characters --Bonnie Saks, a divorced mother of two, and Ian Ogelvie, a
psychiatrist/researcher on a project designed to enhance REM sleep and
thereby elevate the subject's mood. Saks is an insomniac who becomes a
subject in Ogelvie's study at "Boston General" hospital. The novel explores
a lot of big issues -- such as the way today's medical researchers are in
bed with big pharma -- and all the room for corruption/lapses of ethics that
can create. The book also looks at the potential impact of placebos,
explained in detail by Ian as expectancy theory -- the idea that merely
wanting something to come true can bring about its fruition. It's
fascinating to watch the varied perspectives -- Bonnie's a cynic, who is
depressed about her life -- and Ian is an idealist, who has complete faith
in the medical model, believing that one day medicine can find a
drug-related cure for every human ailment -- emotional and physical. As much
as this book will get you thinking, though, the greatest joy comes from the
way Cohen writes. He drafts some of the most beautiful sentences I've ever
read. If you like this one, go back and read The Here and Now and The Organ
Builder. Both are terrific reads as well.

Keep on playing those mind games ...
Extremely successful novel that takes the premise - whether prescribed mind drugs have any useful purpose - and explores it in a compelling fashion. Cohen writes in a way that gets under the characters' skins. Quite unusual in contemporary literature, this one is so well researched, so relevant, it was impossible to put down.

It did however leave me feeling as if I too had taken the drugs and experienced the highs and lows together with Bonnie and Eddie. By the end I was emotionally drained, wrung out, but in a good way!

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