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Book reviews for "Cohen,_Barbara" sorted by average review score:

King of the Seventh Grade
Published in School & Library Binding by Lothrop Lee & Shepard (1982)
Author: Barbara Cohen
Amazon base price: $15.00
Used price: $2.21
Collectible price: $25.41
Average review score:

Jewish Disaster
Jewish Disaster

The book I read was King of the Seventh Grade. The book is about a boy named Vic who is thirteen. Vic hates Hebrew school he insults and annoys the teacher. The teacher sends Vic to the rabbi who has a meeting with Vic's parents. Vic and the Rabbi find out the worst or the greatest news of Vics life. When he has to make the biggest decision of his life he has some troubles. Will the outcome of the story be a good one?
I did not like this book because I like books with a lot of action in it. This one had nothing I like in it. I have not read anything in comparison to this book.

it was a great book
King Of the Seventh Grade

I would rate the book 4 out of 5 stars. I liked the book a lot because it is like my life. He gets in trouble for the same stuff I do. I liked it because the guy was in 7th grade. I would compare it to Time for Andrew because I liked that book also. Another book I would compare it to is More than Meets the Eye. I like when Abby Greenglass reveals that she has always liked him. But she didn't anymore because.... Well anyway I would read it again if it were an assignment.

By Ashley Shoemaker

King of the Seventh Grade - this book rocks
A boy named Victor goes to Hebrew School and hates it! He has a lot of tricks up his sleeve and hopes that he will get thrown out of Hebrew School for them. He doesn't get thrown out though. But one day he finds out that he's not Jewish. I would recommend this book and, if you read it, you will find out if he converts or not. You probably think he won't because he hates Hebrew School so much, but you might be surprised. I learned a lesson from this book which was: if you hate something, you might change your mind and like it later. Why don't you go to the library or bookstore and get this book right now!

213 Valentines
Published in Paperback by Henry Holt & Company (1993)
Authors: Barbara Cohen and Wil Clay
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $5.49
Buy one from zShops for: $5.49
Average review score:

Fun, but also honest and thoughtful.
Wade is NOT excited about going to a fancy school out of the neighborhood for a gifted program. But his family insists that he go, so each morning he and a girl from his school are taken across town to attend the gifted program. They are not given a royal welcome, but they are also both a bit reluctant to reach out. The realities of such a situation are clearly described. Thankfully, there is little attempt to preach a solution. Wade's uncle does mention prejudice against blacks and people from their neighborhood, but he doesn't leave out other factors. Wade does manage to reconcile himself to the circumstances and even to begin to feel more comfortable. Although he does get some support from his family, he and Dink do most of the work themselves.

Good enough and real enough to hold kids' attention, but there is also enough food for thought, too.

Memmler's Human Body in Health & Disease (Study Guide)
Published in Paperback by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers (2000)
Authors: Barbara Janson Cohen and Dena Lin Wood
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $7.95
Buy one from zShops for: $16.58
Average review score:

Easy To Understand
This book was used in my medical terminolgy in college and it really explain conditions of the body very well. It is also very easily understood.

Unicorns in the Rain
Published in Paperback by Simon Pulse (1988)
Author: Barbara Cohen
Amazon base price: $3.95
Used price: $35.99
Average review score:

Unicorns in the Cheese
I picked this book up at the library to read before handing it off to the nine year old reader in my life. It never made it that far. The prose was easy enough, but the drug and sex references would have been innappropriate for her.

I am confused by the overwhelming love for this book presented by the other reviewer's here. I'm not sure how old they were when they originally read it- but if I had read it 15 years ago, at age 13, I would have found it silly.

There was a lot of ambiguity in the book - is this the future? the past? Is the author promoting a look to God, religious theme, or doing a take on cult religion/fantasy? In the end, it's hard to care, although I felt a bit creeped out.

The prose is chock full of weepy romantics, tough girl exteriors, and goofy sex (I wanted to puke when the boy kept referring to Nikki as "Nikki darling," HOW old are these kids?)

I liked the ending, even though it was a seriously cliched message: your basic, "remember always, and what you have lost will never die." In an otherwise heavily flawed, junk novel, it was nice to feel SOMETHING, even though it was an overused truism bringing the emotion on.

short and sweet
This book starts out as a run of the mill fiction book, until the drugs and the families "secret" is revealed then the plot is twisted into a modern day Noah with whimsical feats and futuristic tales in it. Basically it is a 60's version of Noah. I recommend this book it is short and you will get something out of it. For ages 14+.

fond memories
Oh, how I wish this book were in print! I was thirteen when I read it, and it still haunts me. It is basically the story of a young runaway who meets an intriguing man, only to find that his family is what we might call these days a "survivalist cult", and they're convinced that the Great Flood is coming. Like Noah and his family, they are amassing two of each animal, and they've even found a unicorn. All they need now is its mate.

And it keeps on raining. Are they right in their predictions? Will they find the second unicorn, and what happens if they do? _Unicorns in the Rain_ is a sad, haunting, beautiful book that I hope I can read again someday.

More Secrets of Successful Exhibiting
Published in Paperback by Aviva Publishing (01 July, 1998)
Authors: Susan Friedmann, Charles Greene III, John Hasbrouck, Sam Lippman, Jim Obermeyer, Mark S.A. Smith, Skip Cox, Christine A. Ellis, Elaine Cohen, and Marcia A. Smith
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $9.94
Average review score:

Save your money.
You know, typically people don't make you pay to read their advertisements. This is an exception. Each of the self-serving articles in this book is followed by a 1-2 page advertisement for the author that, not surprising, offers a service to solve the problem outlined in the article. How convenient! This book is a glorified collection of vendor-sponsored white papers.

More Secrets, More Success
This book was a valuable resource. Many tid bits of info that can really make a big difference for your success.

Lover's Games
Published in School & Library Binding by Atheneum (1983)
Author: Barbara Cohen
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $2.07
Collectible price: $8.73
Average review score:

Get the blood flowing!
Ok, results may vary, and satisfaction is never quite gauranteed, but I will say my experiences of oral sex did increase quite significantly!

People Like Us
Published in Hardcover by Bantam Doubleday Dell Pub (Juv (1987)
Author: Barbara Cohen
Amazon base price: $13.95
Used price: $4.45
Collectible price: $12.71
Average review score:

Fools in love
This book is mainly about this 1 girl and she thinks that she isn't cool at all! But then she changes her whole out fit just for other people to like her! She thinks that she will never get a boyfriend, but finally she gets 1! When she thinks that she is finally so cool her mom doesn't like who she is going out with, because he isn't the same religion as her she is Jewish and he isn't! They end up going out any ways she didn't care what her mom said and you will find out the rest when u read it. I don't think that u should read this because this book was really boring but in some parts it was good!

People like Us
People like Us

This book was about a Jewish girl and her family. Her over coming the pains that she went through in high school, and why her grandparents and mother don't like inter-religion relationships.
When Sarah would go to school every morning, she would always wait to get to her art class because her crush was in that class with her! One day he went up to her and asked if she would like to help with a school project that he was in charge of. She said yes, after thinking about the whole thing for more than three days. They became very good friends and he started to get that little high school crush on her too! He asked her if she would like to go bowling with him and some guys that Friday she went home told her mom and they both were thrilled. After her grandparents heard everything, they asked what religion he was. She didn't know and she told them that but she also knew that he wasn't Jewish. Her mom didn't like the idea of going out with someone that's not the same religion as they were. They didn't want her to start something she couldn't finish.
Overall I did like the book because it brought something in to my life that I would other wise not even think about. It's sad to see someone that may be head over heals for someone else, and they couldn't even get started. I would recommend this book to everyone! I love it!

Marriage and Family Experience
Published in Hardcover by Wadsworth Publishing (01 September, 2000)
Authors: Bryan Strong, Christine Devault, Barbara W. Sayad, Theodore F. Cohen, and Brian Strong
Amazon base price: $86.95
Used price: $26.90
Buy one from zShops for: $81.95
Average review score:

Don't bother reading this book
I read this book for a Sociology class and was not impressed. The book contained many factual errors. More importantly, the book is offensive to any moral person. The author took every opportunity to beat up on religious people and their beliefs.

I don't think that it's unreasonable to assume that the author is a devout socialist. Furthurmore, the author did a good job of accusing white Christian males of causing all of the world's problems. I would highly recommend that you don't read this book.

Limited textbook on marrige and the family
This is the standard textbook for studying marriage and the family, unfortunately. It is quite a good introduction with interdiscplinary perspectives from thee authors, but their underlying definition of "family" is inherently flawed. The traditinal "family" definition is not covered, nor are alternatives to contraception and abortion like chastisty and nurturing women who want to keep their baby.

Someone needs to write a similiar textbook without this underlying bias. I hope there is a publisher out there that will agree.

Memmler's the Human Body in Health and Disease
Published in Paperback by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers (15 January, 2000)
Authors: Barbara Janson Cohen, Dena Lin Wood, Ruth Lundeen Human Body in Health Memmler, and Disease Memmler
Amazon base price: $39.95
Used price: $26.00
Buy one from zShops for: $31.99
Average review score:

Memmler's The Human Body in Health and Disease
There is some misinformation and lots of typos in this book. I would not rely on this study guide to pass an exam.

A Clean Sea: The Rachel Carson Story
Published in Hardcover by Cascade Pass (2002)
Authors: Carol Halgartner Schlank, Barbara Metzger, Judith Love Cohen, and David Arthur Katz
Amazon base price: $13.95
Average review score:
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