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Book reviews for "Coffinet,_Julien" sorted by average review score:

South: A Play
Published in Paperback by Marion Boyars Publishers, Ltd. (1991)
Authors: Julian Green and Julien Green
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $9.00
Collectible price: $12.71
Average review score:

Down south
Set during the last day before the beginning of the American Civil War, "South" focusses on the doomed life of the Polish-American soldier Jan Wicziewsky as he visits his family's friends, the Brodericks. While setting up the usual opposing elements expected in anything about the American South (North/South, white man/black man, European/American views), Green also adds into this mix Jan's unexpressed sexuality. Having it bottled up for so long and with no avenue in which to voice his desires, Jan ultimately brings about his own downfall. It's a fascinating story that isn't as clear or as fully told as most modern drama, but for the time during which it was written, "South" is rather provocative.

Poignant Commentary of South on eve of the Civil War
Target Margin Theater in New York City just staged a production of South (1/97). The play is a penetrating commentary on the tensions on the Southern plantation on the eve of the Civil War. Set on a plantation an hour outside of Charleston, South Carolina on the night before the Federal forces reprovisioned Fort Sumter and the Confederate forces under General Beauregarde fired the first shots of the civil war. In this drama, field and house slaves, plantation owners, abolitionists, foreigners, catholics, lutherans, and young boys and girls grapple with the issues of love, honor, loyalty, decency and (as a subject male love). The writing is sharp and quick, even if some of the attitudes are somewhat dated

Henri Rousseau: Dreams of the Jungle (Pegasus Library Paperback)
Published in Paperback by Prestel USA (2000)
Authors: Werner Schmalenbach and Henri Julien Felix Rousseau
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $4.99
Buy one from zShops for: $6.70
Average review score:

A very good survey of Rousseau's art
The layout and color reproductions are quite good, considering the book's modest size. Werner Schmalenbach comments on the artist's charming paintings, their historical background and influence on comtemporaries, as well as key events in his life. The text is illuminating, lively, and unpedantic-- as Rousseau would have liked it. Also, the price is right. .... Get it! (Even though the book is out of print, I have seen several copies in art museum shops.)

Congratulations to Prestel, the publisher, for making Pegasus Library books available to the wide public-- great art books which are kind to the wallet.

Lonely Planet Corsica (Corsica, 2nd Ed)
Published in Paperback by Lonely Planet (2001)
Authors: Mark Zussman, Olivier Cirendini, Julien Fouin, Jean-Bernard Carillet, Christophe Corbel, Laurence Billiet, and Tony Wheeler
Amazon base price: $11.19
List price: $15.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.09
Buy one from zShops for: $10.52
Average review score:

A very good guide
I was traveling in Corsica summer 2001. I had bought this guide and the Insight guide about Corsica. Together they was a very good match.

LP's book have a good diving and walking section. The walking section covers the famous GR20 route in particular. The diving section contains a lot about the diving possibilities and where the best dives are.

There are a lot of small villages in Corsica. Many of them is not mentioned in LP. So don't forget to explore.

Man a Machine and Man a Plant
Published in Hardcover by Hackett Pub Co (1994)
Authors: Julien Offraye De LA Mettrie and Julien Offray De La Mettrie
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $24.35
Collectible price: $12.71
Average review score:

Boy has Society Come a Long Way.
This was a very interesting read. La Mettrie spends the course of two essays describing what for the most part may well be common knowledge now. What amazed me is that this was a banned book at one time and that he originally published it anonymously for fear of repercussions. Boy has society come a long way.

The Other Sleep
Published in Paperback by Pushkin Press (2002)
Authors: Julian Green, Julien Green, and Euan Cameron
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $14.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $9.73
Collectible price: $14.82
Buy one from zShops for: $6.98
Average review score:

Landmark of Gay literature
Julian Green's 1931 novella about a young man who comes to awareness of same-sex desire is a landmark of Gay literature, long out of print. Still, readers who encounter _The Other Sleep_ may find that this voice from the past eerily resembles that of the contemporary Gay writer Edmund White. (I suspect that Green, not Proust, is White's true literary forebear.) Half a century before the classic coming-out novel _A Boy's Own Story_, Green explored very similar emotional territory, and did it at least as well as White.

That said, Euan Cameron's translation is much too mannered and precious for my taste. Green has generally been ill served by his translators (which is why, outside of France, he has never been as widely read as he should be), and Cameron is no better or worse than the rest of the lot.

Printing Special Effects
Published in Paperback by Rockport Publishers (2000)
Authors: Julien Busselle and Steve McLeod
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $7.99
Buy one from zShops for: $29.95
Average review score:

Good intro
Good intro to b&w printing and processing. Includes good examples but the pictures aren't that exciting. The book is well-written with examples specific to the topic. Buy this book if you need an intro to b&w printing.

The Religious Dimensions of Biblical Texts: Greimas's Structural Semiotics and Biblical Exegesis
Published in Hardcover by Society of Biblical Literature (1990)
Author: Daniel Patte
Amazon base price: $39.95
Average review score:

Biblical structuralism
Patte has developed a personalised interpretation of Greimas' works which is valuable to those interested in structuralism and its application to the Bible.

Patte depends on placing heavier emphases on Greimas' understanding of actants that are manifestly true to the reader than anyone else who uses Greimas' methods. Greimas would have had no problem with Patte's approach. He was frequently happy to watch the impact his methodology would make in the area of biblical studies.

Several of Patte's publications are important to biblical structuralism, not least because I would content that Patte has created an important branch of biblical structuralism. Although he is methodical himself, Patte is heavy going! But that is in the nature of Greimas' works!

The Stars of the South: A Novel
Published in Hardcover by Marion Boyars Publishers, Ltd. (1996)
Authors: Julien Green, Alan Sheridan, Julian Green, Robin Buss, and Robin Russ
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $2.00
Collectible price: $15.88
Buy one from zShops for: $3.79
Average review score:

literate but disturbing
I read this right after I finished The Distant Lands, inspired to read both books by news of the author's deaath in Paris on August 13. So I have read some 1500 pages of Green since he died. Some of the things in this book were annoying, but if one looks at the whole as painting a picture I believe one can see a reason for the sometimes tedious detail. His characters sure do a lot of kissing, and apparently the central character and her husband were more uxorious than the usual fictional characters, which is saying quite a bit.

The Treasury of Basel Cathedral
Published in Hardcover by Metropolitan Museum of Art (1901)
Authors: Timothy Husband, Julien Chapuis, N.Y.) Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, and Historisches Museum Basel
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $127.53
Average review score:

The book ISDN 3-85616-142-2 covers the exhibition, shown in New York, Basle and Munich, in more detail and in German.

Uncle Alphonso and the Frosty, Fibbing Dinosaurs (On My Own Book)
Published in Paperback by Chariot Family Pub (1999)
Authors: Jack Pearson and Terry Julien
Amazon base price: $4.99
Used price: $2.95
Average review score:


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