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Book reviews for "Cleland,_David_I." sorted by average review score:

Project Manager's Portable Handbook
Published in Paperback by McGraw-Hill Professional (06 November, 1999)
Authors: David I. Cleland, Lewis R. Ireland, and Lew Ireland
Amazon base price: $54.95
Used price: $42.43
Buy one from zShops for: $42.43
Average review score:

A Real On-The-Job PM Tool
Finally, the PM profession has a follow-on to Linn Stuckenbruck's "The Implementation Of Project Management: The Professional's Handbook." Lew and Dave have packaged the esentials of the PM profession in one excellent book. The only thing lacking would be some templates for examples. I now have a replacement text, to accompany the "Guide to the PMBOK," for the PM courses I teach. This book is where the PM profession is going.

A Project Management "Must-Have"
David and Lew and achieved a great deal in project management. Now, they are practicing what they preach. This book, much like a Work Breakdown Structure, is a thoughtful, logical (and very readable) decomposition of the work to be done in establishing and maintaining individual projects or a vast project management enterprise.

The Best Feature? The annotated bibliographies are peerless in terms of adding value and pointing toward other quality project management information.

Good detail from the work package to the program level.

Field Guide to Project Management
Published in Paperback by John Wiley & Sons (26 September, 1997)
Author: David I. Cleland
Amazon base price: $70.00
Used price: $38.50
Buy one from zShops for: $49.99
Average review score:

Valuable study aid & practical guide
I struggled through months of preparation for the PMI exam until I ordered this book. In this one reference, I was able to find all of the detail that was required to master the practice exams and that wasn't included in the PMBOK.

Since passing the PMI exam, this is the only PM book that remains on my desk. It is my key PM reference with pratical approaches to most of the issues faced by PM's today. Now that I am mentoring other PM's, this has become the first tool that I recommend for improving their day-to-day PM practices and preparing for the PMI Exam.

A single point reference for day-to-day PM challenges
A very good collection of Project Management articles. This book covers most day-to-day challenges a Project Manager faces. I no longer have to refer to various textbooks and journals on PM all the times. On the flip side, the illustrations are tardy, at times illegible.

Annotated Bibliography of Project and Team Management
Published in Paperback by Project Management Institute (2000)
Authors: David I. Cleland, Gary Rafe, Jeffrey Mosher, and Cleland Rafe Mosher
Amazon base price: $119.95
Used price: $68.00
Buy one from zShops for: $45.95
Average review score:
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The Automated Factory Handbook: Technology and Management
Published in Hardcover by Tab Professional & Reference (1990)
Authors: David I. Cleland and Bopaya Bidanda
Amazon base price: $69.95
Used price: $35.00
Average review score:
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Engineering Management
Published in Textbook Binding by McGraw Hill Text (1981)
Author: David I. Cleland
Amazon base price: $46.00
Used price: $33.22
Average review score:
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Engineering Team Management
Published in Hardcover by Krieger Publishing Company (1990)
Authors: David I. Cleland and Harold Kerzner
Amazon base price: $44.95
Used price: $19.95
Average review score:
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The Frontiers of Project Management Research
Published in Hardcover by Project Management Institute (2002)
Authors: Jeffrey K. Pinto, David I. Cleland, and Dennis P. Slevin
Amazon base price: $55.30
List price: $79.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $55.25
Buy one from zShops for: $54.39
Average review score:
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Global Project Management Handbook
Published in Hardcover by McGraw-Hill Professional (01 October, 1993)
Authors: David L. Cleland, Roland Gareis, David I. Cleland, and Roland Garies
Amazon base price: $99.00
Used price: $64.99
Buy one from zShops for: $65.00
Average review score:
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Management: A Systems Approach
Published in Hardcover by McGraw Hill Text (1972)
Author: David I. Cleland
Amazon base price: $28.95
Used price: $24.95
Average review score:
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Matrix Management Systems Handbook
Published in Hardcover by Van Nostrand Reinhold (1984)
Author: David I. Cleland
Amazon base price: $85.00
Used price: $82.00
Collectible price: $103.18
Average review score:
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