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Book reviews for "Child,_Philip" sorted by average review score:

Can You Find Bible Heroes?: Introducing Your Child to the Old Testament (Search & Learn Book)
Published in Hardcover by St Anthony Messenger Press (1998)
Authors: Phillip D. Gallery, Janet L. Harlow, and Philip D. Gallery
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.36
Buy one from zShops for: $10.52
Average review score:

You'll have to wrestle this one out of your kids' hands...
The artwork will draw your children into the book and the time spent searching through the pictures for hidden images will pay off as your children learn about the world into which Jesus was born. The book focuses on what Jesus and his friends might have been taught by their parents about their heritage and their God. Your kids will have fun searching for items relating to each picture's biblical theme as well as the ten important items that are found again and again throughout the book. And you'll find it painless to read this book with or to your child(ren). The illustrator has incorporated many humorous visuals to keep adults chuckling. The author has provided helpful "parents' guides" to make talking with your children about the important lessons in the bible easy. Before you know it, you and your kids will have learned a great deal about the Old Testament. The National Catholic Press named this 2nd book in the "Can You Find?" series its top children's book of the year (1999) as it did "Can You Find Jesus?" in 1997. This is a great gift for parents, grandparents, godparents and adult family friends to give youngsters whose spiritual development they care about. It's a sure bet to become one of those books your kids save to share with their kids...

Conducting Child Custody Evaluations : A Comprehensive Guide
Published in Hardcover by Sage Publications (1994)
Author: Philip M. Stahl
Amazon base price: $97.95
Used price: $93.05
Collectible price: $93.05
Average review score:

a must for all....
if you are going to have a child custody matter you better read this book!!! read what they look for before you have an evaluation, be prepared!

The Cradle of Knowledge: Development of Perception in Infancy (Learning, Development, and Conceptual Change)
Published in Hardcover by MIT Press (07 August, 1998)
Authors: Philip J. Kellman and Martha E. Arterberry
Amazon base price: $65.00
Used price: $25.00
Buy one from zShops for: $52.00
Average review score:

Philip J. Kellman's writting
Kellman's writting is magnificent. I hope to see many more books from this superb writer.


Ending the Cycle of Abuse: The Stories of Women Abused As Children and the Group Therapy Techniques That Helped Them Heal
Published in Hardcover by Brunner/Mazel Trade (1995)
Authors: Philip G. Ney and Anna Peters
Amazon base price: $33.95
Used price: $11.99
Buy one from zShops for: $25.00
Average review score:

A sound sample of efficient group therapy
A member of a therapy group recounts in her own words her personal quest for freedom from the traumas of sexual abuse. A group of eight women together makes a treacherous journey up through the depths of pain, despair, anger and fear toward newfound self-awareness and inner strength. The book describes a process that requires abuse victims to accept that they have been forever changed as a result of the abuse they endured. Group members are taught to constructively deal with the guilt, the anger, the rage, the fear and the despair stemming from their early experiences, and the majority makes remarkably good progress The described group therapy forms a basis for a further development of the group therapy called "Hope Alive" aimed at treating neglect and its devastating consequences on individuals and on society - not least the dehumanizing effects of abortion. This extremely efficient group therapy is further developed and taught from IIPLCARR (International Institute of Pregnancy Loss & Child Abuse Research and Recovery)

Elisabeth & Carl Sukkot

Joint Attention: Its Origins and Role in Development
Published in Hardcover by Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc (1995)
Authors: Chris Moore and Philip J. Dunham
Amazon base price: $59.95
Average review score:

Joint Attention, Masters and Directions
This volume laudably views research in the area of joint attention. Jerome Bruner's fascinating Forward provides a joint referent for the entire volume, beginning with his own long-standing interest in "sharing attention", coalescing the three primary strains of research which contribute to the current understanding of joint attention, and circling back to the question "what impels children to seek joint attention with others." Dunham and Moore choose their contributors to provide a broad spectrum of theoretical and research orientations which contribute to the amassed knowledge in this area, as well as providing their own historical perspective and current themes in research. Overall the book is not only scholarly, but erudite, and well written. For anyone seeking a basic review of the concepts and research in the area of joint attention, this book fills a unique niche.

Toys to Grow With: Infants and Toddlers: Endless Play Ideas That Make Learning Fun
Published in Paperback by Perigee (1986)
Authors: John J. Fisher and Philip Lief Group
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $0.87
Average review score:

Give your kids more than red and yellow plastic
Too bad this book is out of print!! I read this book avidly from cover to cover. As a parent I was disappointed by the plethora of plastic toys for babies and toddlers, especially things that used to be wood, metal or some other material when I was a child. Author Fisher writes concisely, giving good instructions (not easy to do in this pseudo "cookbook" for toys). One disappointment: some of the materials used frequently are not easily available where I live, so one needs to check local supply stores. For first-time parents this is also an excellent introduction to child development.

Using Gopher
Published in Paperback by Que (1995)
Authors: Keith Johnson, Philip Baczewski, Melody Childs, and Thomas P. Copley
Amazon base price: $19.99
Used price: $4.75
Buy one from zShops for: $6.89
Average review score:

Keith Johnson is amazing!
Best Gopher book of ALL TIME!

Voices of Reason, Voices of Insanity: Studies of Verbal Hallucinations
Published in Library Binding by Brunner-Routledge (20 June, 2000)
Authors: Ivan Leudar, Philip Thomas, and Trevor Lubbe
Amazon base price: $75.00
Average review score:

Are 'voices' really a sign of madness?
In this challenging book, psychologist, Ivan Leudar traces voice-hearing and its interpretations through 2,800 years of history. Through six cases of historical and contemporary voice-hearers. Leudar assisted with some contributory chapters by psychiatrist Philip Thomas demonstrates how the direct experience has been changed from being a sign of virtue to being a sign of insanity, signaling 'psychosis' or 'schizoprenia'.

Leudar asks the question if the experience should be taken out of the hands of psychiatry and rehabilitated as a normal, although uncommon human experience.

Leudar lists an impressive number of historically significant voice hearers, including Soctates and Pythagoris. Pointing out that voices were implicated in the religious conversions of St. Augustine and Hildegard of Bingen. Other voice hearers like Galelio, heard the voice of his dead daughter or threatening voices like Daniel Paul Schreiber ( a nineteenth century German judge) who heard voices that boomed abuse at him.

The conclusions that Leudar draws from this fascinating study is that hearing voices is no more insane than other psychological faculties; such as thinking or imagining or seeing. Leudar and Thomas conclude that:

- In general voices are very ordinary and relate to ongoing activites (as with ordinary inner speech). - The voices are typically orientated towards the voice hearer, without direct access to each other or to other people. - Voices typically do not force voice hearers to do things, rather they influence voice hearers' decisions on how to act (an important differentiation) - Voices are not persons in the sense of being capable of reflection - there could be no voices who hear voices. - Most importantly, voice hearers do not mistake 'hallucinatory' voices for other people thinking. They follow, publicly available reality testing procedures to establish their status.

The authors locate the main problem of what voice hearers themselves make of the experience as being one that is caught between 'the rocks of mysticism and pathologisation'. The issue then is a political one and the resolution is to bring back voice-talk back into ordinary everyday life.

This book flies in the face of accepted theories about the meaning of voices and represents an important contribution to the debate about the meaning of voices and indeed mental illness.

A 'must read' for voice hearers and interested professionals wanting to discover a new perspective on this troubling and egmatic experience

The Bilingual Family
Published in Paperback by Cambridge Univ Pr (Pap Txt) (1987)
Authors: Edith Harding and Philip Riley
Amazon base price: $22.00
Used price: $18.31
Buy one from zShops for: $18.30
Average review score:

Raising kids bilingually? Esto es para ti!
This is a fantastic book for parents who want to or need to raise their children in a multilingual environment. The approach is scientific, though the prose is not at all technical (it uses clinical studies, but you do not need a PhD in linguistics to understand the very real comforting and practical advice. We are a bilingual couple (English/Spanish) living in Japan. It was wonderful to read about the experiences of others in similar situations. The only (very mild) criticism I have is too much space spent debunking old ideas about bilingualism which seem out-of-date today. However, I understand that these ideas were entrenched in certain segments of society and need addressing for many people (meaning we, as parents, need the information to be able to handle skeptics as we encounter them). Case studies cover just about every contingency, and although the book is obviously based on European languages, the results can easily be seen to apply regardless of which languages are in question. It may take a little longer for certain language skills to develop between Japanese and English than between English and French, but the main point made is precisely that language aquisition is all relative. And kids will eventually sort it out. If you're worried or wondering about raising your kids with more than one language, buy this book. I'm glad I did.

A useful book for middle-clas bi- and multilingual families.
This is a useful book for middle-class families that are trying to raise their children bilingual. It's subjects are mostly (but not all) educated middle class families that are bi- and mulitilingual "by choice" (i.e. living in a foreign country because of the parents' job, parents with different native languages, etc.) and speak European languages. It provides basic conceptual framework for bilinguality and goes through all possible cases of bilingual families. These examples are very helpful - not only one of them is likely to fit your particular situation, but you get a feel for how different language arrangements can work out. The book is very optimistic and encouraging in tone. It is very useful introductory reading on the subject. It is probably not going to be very useful for families in forced emigration, families with foreign adopted children, or monolingual families that wish their child to learn a foreing language. It does not have any detailed instructions, as its main purpose is to show that bilinguality is doable and comes in many different flavors. I was very reassured by this book in my desire to raise my children bilingual and bicultural.

A useful book for middle-class bi and multilingual families.
This is a useful book for middle-class families that are trying to raise their children bilingual. It's subjects are mostly (but not all) educated middle class families that are bi- and mulitilingual "by choice" (i.e. living in a foreign country because of the parents' job, parents with different native languages, etc.) and speak European languages. It provides basic conceptual framework for bilinguality and goes through all possible cases of bilingual families. These examples are very helpful - not only one of them is likely to fit your particular situation, but you get a feel for how different language arrangements can work out. The book is very optimistic and encouraging in tone. It is very useful introductory reading on the subject. It is probably not going to be very useful for families in forced emigration, families with foreign adopted children, or monolingual families that wish their child to learn a foreign language. It does not have any detailed instructions, as its main purpose is to show that bilinguality is doable and comes in many different flavors. I was very reassured by this book in my desire to raise my children bilingual and bicultural.

Complex Issues in Child Custody Evaluations
Published in Hardcover by Sage Publications (1999)
Author: Philip M. Stahl
Amazon base price: $92.95
Used price: $88.30
Average review score:

What to know before you head into a custody evaluation
This book should definately be read by a lay person to obtain an understanding of the thinking in the custody evaluation process. An understanding of the family law process is a plus when reading the book. Generally, I found the book short of definitive guidance in the area of custody evalations and overpriced. Regardless of these shortfalls, the book is worth reading and consulting before treading the murky waters of a custody evaluation.

Complex Issues in Child Custody Evaluations
An absolute must for any mental health professional who does any custody related work, or any attorney who ever has, or might, handle a divorce case with contested custody!Phil Stahl is one of the most coherent, literate and useful writers in this area; he has the experience, the knowledge and a great way of telling it all so that it makes a great deal of sense. No library is complete without this title!

Complex Issues in Child Custody Evaluations
Highly comprehensive work in the area of child custody evaluations. Not for lay people. Highly recommended for psychologists and a must for Family Law attorneys dealing with child custody determinations.

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