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Book reviews for "Bruce,_Debra" sorted by average review score:

Celebrate the Journey: Discovering God's Vision for Your Life
Published in Paperback by Concordia Publishing House (2000)
Authors: Debra Fulghum Bruce and Ellen W. Oldacre
Amazon base price: $14.99
Used price: $1.98
Buy one from zShops for: $2.50
Average review score:

Celebrate the journey!
This book will speak to all women and remind them that God wants women to seek their dreams! Amazing book, very encouraging and uplifting. A must read for those that need to be reminded that God is with us each and everyday.

Stop Osteoarthritis Now: Halting the Baby Boomers' Disease
Published in Paperback by Fireside (1996)
Authors: Harris H. McIlwain and Debra Fulghum Bruce
Amazon base price: $16.75
Used price: $2.50
Collectible price: $24.99
Buy one from zShops for: $13.95
Average review score:

Book gives natural remedy to STOP OSTEOARTHRITIS PAIN
Natural remedy greatly reduces pain associated with osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia. Books give insight into a natural remedy for arthritis pain--and it's free! Jacksonville, Florida, September 10, 1997: Baby boomers may think they can have it all. But as they age, they might get more than they bargained for, specifically, two debilitating forms of arthritis called osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia. While many have turned to nutritional supplements for the "cure," these are not approved by the FDA and are not substantiated by clinical trials. "There is a natural remedy that many are unaware of," reported Harris H. McIlwain, MD, a Florida-based board certified rheumatologist and gerontologist and coauthor of Stop Osteoarthritis Now! Halting the Baby Boomer's Disease (Simon & Schuster Publishing) and The Fibromyalgia Handbook (Henry Holt and Company). The treatment? A combination of conditioning and strength-training moves that almost anyone can do. "Exercise is the easiest and most guaranteed way to ease pain and stiffness associated with osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia--the two most common forms of arthritis," McIlwain said. With increased years, the chances of getting osteoarthritis increases, as the body becomes less efficient at repairing itself. After age 50, 80 percent of America's population is affected to some degree with osteoarthritis, showing signs of pain and stiffness. Likewise, more than 10 million Americans have fibromyalgia, mostly women ages 40 to 55, which causes deep muscle pain, depression and fatigue. "Imagine what 50 years of use and 200 pounds of weight can do to your muscles and joints," McIlwain said. "But this exercise program will help to maintain a normal weight and keep aging muscles strong and joints lubricated. For fibromyalgia patients, exercise will reduce deep muscle pain, ease depression and promote healing sleep." McIlwain believes in this treatment so strongly that he developed a step-by-step treatment and prevention plan for his patients. The activity-based program he promotes helps to stop these forms of arthritis and gives patients a higher quality of life. "I even see elderly patients who, by staying on this exercise and strength-training program, are able to feel great improvement with reduced pain in just a few weeks," McIlwain contended. "Many have delayed or prevented worsening of arthritis with this plan." Helping the body heal itself with exercise is fully described in McIlwain's latest books, Stop Osteoarthritis Now! Halting the Baby Boomer's Disease and The Fibromyalgia Handbook, as well as in his Winning Series--Winning with Back Pain, Winning with Arthritis, and Winning with Osteoporosis (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.). Winning with Back Pain and Winning with Arthritis. All are now available at major booksellers.

Super Calcium Counter
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Kensington Pub Corp (Mass Market) (2000)
Authors: Harris McIlwain, Debra Fulghum Bruce, and Harris McLlwain
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $3.25
Buy one from zShops for: $5.67
Average review score:

Super Calcium Counter
Great book and the recipes are both nutritious and easy. Good advice on preventing osteoporosis -breakthrough medications - Bone Boosting vitamins and minerals and easy to read. I keep it in the kitchen so I can use it when I make my grocery list each week. I am teaching my children about osteoporosis, I didn't know you needed to start early to build strong bones.

The Osteoporosis Cure : Reverse the Crippling Effects With New Treatments
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Avon (1998)
Authors: Harris McIlwain and Debra Fulghum Bruce
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $2.20
Buy one from zShops for: $3.93
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This book tells all about Fosamax--and it really builds bone
I have been on Fosamax for the past 8 months. In this time, my bones have become stronger and have even gained 3 percent more bone as measured by a bone density test. I saw this book on the Internet and ordered it. It is easy to read and understand and tells HOW osteoporosis destroys bone and HOW Fosamax builds bone again to prevent fractures. FOSAMAX SAVED MY LIFE! I'm not afraid to be active again, and this book explains all about it.

Of all the books out, this book tells it like it is--and gives amazing hope for those with osteoporosis. It tells WHO is at risk, HOW osteoporosis destroys our bones, and HOW to resolve it--easily using FOODS, EXERCISE, LIFESTYLE CHANGES, and MEDICATIONS, if needed. Glad to have the book--hope it saves many lives. Read this--if no other--for it is easy to understand, interesting, and HELPFUL--outlining a complete program for keeping bones strong all your life. Loved it!

Finally . . . THE CURE for fractures
READ THIS BOOK. It changed the way I saw my future--with two sisters and a mother with osteoporosis, I KNEW I was doomed. I started Fosamax last year when it came out (at age 56). It does work. Reading this book just CONFIRMED that this drug is the miracle CURE for osteoporosis!! Pass it on to a friend--and tell the friend to teach her children to take care of their BONES. If only people would get educated about diseases, we could live longer--without spending millions on healthcare. This book will definitely educate you!

Bone Boosters: The Essential Guide to Building Strong Bones
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Kensington Pub Corp (Mass Market) (1998)
Authors: Harris H. McIlwain, Debra Fulghum Bruce, and Harris McLlwain
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $2.91
Buy one from zShops for: $3.94
Average review score:

Kids need this book!
My grandmother has osteoporosis and my mom has told me we need to start early to prevent! This is the book she gave me. It makes it very simple to learn how to eat the right food now so I will never have to have the pain my grams has now. Great book for teens!

Had NO idea osteoporosis could be prevented early in life
I'm a 22 year old college student and found Bone Boosters at a local bookstore. I then ordered it on Had no idea osteoporosis could be prevented. I've been using the food diary to chart my nutritional intake each day and found I was not getting nearly enough calcium and vitamin D for strong bones. What a wake-up call for me! I've now figured out how to BOOST my intake of these vitamins and minerals and have loaned the book to my MOTHER!

Super calcium counter.
This is a nifty little book--gives the nutritional value of 2,000 favorite foods--specifically CALCIUM. I've seen no book like this. GREAT JOB, and GREAT to have around. Fits in my pocket!

Making a Baby: Everything You Need to Know to Get Pregnant
Published in Paperback by Ballantine Books (Trd Pap) (05 July, 2000)
Authors: Debra Fulghum Bruce and Samuel S. Thatcher M.D. Ph.D.
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $6.99
Buy one from zShops for: $8.95
Average review score:

I recommend this book to my clients.
I have recommended this book for two years to my infertility clients at our clinic. The section on stress and complementary and alternative medicine modalities for relieving stress is superb. I believe stress not only interferes with ovulation and conception, it is also a major factor in coping with all the tests and therapies couples undergo at a fertility clinic. Using the stress reduction methods in Making a Baby, my clients tend to have better coping skills and are more prepared for the grueling procedures that are sometimes necessary to get a healthy baby.The book is written in such a compassionate tone and is easy-to-read. The authors' credentials are astute.

Stop stressing and read this book!!
This is the most informative book we've read on infertility and getting pregnant. We particularly liked the new findings on food and alternative therapies to boost fertility and enjoy using the relaxation treatments to de-stress. The book also fully discusses what every man should know about infertility and his own reproductive health (something most men don't think about!!). It's a very meticulously researched book and has given us the tools to keep trying to make a baby!

Great BABY MAKING TIPS for women & men!
When my OBGYN said we might have infertility problems and recommended that we see a reproductive endo--we were frightened. We were perfectly HEALTHY!! Why couldn't we conceive? We're working on the problems now with excellent medical help, and the RE we see recommended that we READ this book.

This book has given us more information than we could have asked for. It is an excellent book for men and women who wonder if they will ever get pregnant--and stay pregnant. The authors discuss many common pregnancy barriers such as endometriosis, age, ovulation problems, polycystic ovarian syndrome, pelvic inflammatory disease, and more and give the latest methods to manage or resolve these. The book has an excellent chapter on midlife mothers (I was a midlife mother and thought I was still young at 38!) It also has great information on stress management and alternative therapies for relaxing during infertility testing and treatment. I highly recommend this book for anyone. DEFINITELY worth the money.

The Fibromyalgia Handbook
Published in Paperback by Owl Books (1996)
Authors: Harris H. McIlwain and Debra Fulghum Bruce
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $0.82
Collectible price: $7.71
Buy one from zShops for: $3.00
Average review score:

The best source on fibromyalgia that I've found
I have had fibromyalgia for 7 years and have suffered needlessly with pain, fatigue and even depression. This book was given to me by a friend last December l996. I was skeptical at first, but then started the treatment plan--I had no alternative or hope for cure. After six weeks, I noticed that I was sleeping through the night--without awakening. I felt more positive during the daytime hours. I even started to enjoy the exercises described in the book. If you have this syndrome--take it from me--this program will work. No, it is not a cure--there is no cure for fibromyalgia. But you will feel better--I know because I've been there. Good luck.

An excellent book and credible
As a physician who suffers with fibromyalgia, I am stunned at the many books available for lay readers on how to treat fibromyalgia. That's why when I find a book that is credible with NO HYPE, I carefully read it and tell my patients. THE FIBROMYALGIA HANDBOOK by McIlwain is such a book. It is filled with scientific studies, easy-to-understand explanations, and a 7-step plan that is guaranteed to reduce your stress and chronic muscle pain--if you commit to doing it. The sleep and nutrition chapters were especially helpful to me, as I've found when i lose sleep, I hurt more. Thank you for writing something we can trust, Dr. McIlwain.

SUPERB book on FMS--a painful and debilitating problem
My wife has fibromyalgia and until she read this book, she lived with the unending muscle pain, fatigue to the point of exhaustion, and anxiety. Thank you, Dr. McIlwain and Mrs. Bruce!! This book changed her life--and our marriage. She started the 7 steps and the exercise was difficult for the first few weeks. I was her "coach" and encouraged her to stick with the program. She began taking the natural supplements suggested (she had great luck with SAMe), for pain and sleeplessness.
There is no cure for FMS her doctor told us but using this book, she has her life again. She is back to her teaching job, and we do things together after work. If you have fibromyalgia, realize there is new information on how to LIVE successfully with this problem. READ this book. It might change your life too.

The Snoring Cure: Simple Steps to Getting a Good Night's Sleep
Published in Hardcover by W.W. Norton & Company (01 June, 1999)
Authors: Laurence A. Smolley and Debra Fulghum Bruce
Amazon base price: $23.95
Used price: $1.44
Buy one from zShops for: $4.00
Average review score:

How to stop snoring: see your doctor, lose some weight, exercize, don't drink alcohol or caffeine in the evening. There. That's the book. Saved you [$$$] + P&H.

Superb book on a serious problem
Buy this book if you snore--or if your bed partner snores. It will change the way you sleep and feel. Everyone over age 30 should read this--and prepare ahead of time for the "snoring years" at midlife. Excellent book and scientifically sound.

Finally . . . I SLEEP and my husband DOES NOT SNORE!!!
Superb book on how to stop snoring--and how to know if you may have OSA (sleep apnea). I bought this book because I was SICK AND TIRED of being TIRED all the time--my husband has snored for 9 years. For the first time--in a long time--he is NOT snoring and I'm sleeping 7 long hours without awakening!!! That's great! Buy this book--your sleep will thank you.

Reclaiming Intimacy in Your Marriage
Published in Paperback by Bethany House (1996)
Authors: Robert Bruce and Debra Fulghum Bruce
Amazon base price: $10.99
Used price: $0.95
Buy one from zShops for: $4.94
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Practical Help for marriages
After reading this book, I'm buying 20 copies for friends and family. I read it in about a week, it's full of simple assignments to do to help you apply the material. The examples and stories will benefit everybody.

The ABCs of Christian Marriage: Twenty-Six Ways to Love and Nurture Your Spouse Today and Every Day
Published in Hardcover by Concordia Publishing House (1999)
Authors: Robert G., Jr. Bruce and Debra Fulghum Bruce
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $11.99
Buy one from zShops for: $2.99
Average review score:

Save your money!
There are many great books on marriage out there. This is not one of them.

I'd recommend this book because it gives helpful ideas for a Christian marrage. Books like these are difficult to find. I think it's a great reference for any marriage.

Writer at BellaOnline

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