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Book reviews for "Brown-Azarowicz,_Marjory_F." sorted by average review score:

Classic Twosomes for Girl & Boy Dolls
Published in Paperback by Simon & Schuster Australia (2001)
Author: Marjory Fainges
Amazon base price: $10.40
List price: $13.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $9.42
Buy one from zShops for: $9.42
Average review score:

Classic Twosomes for Girl and Boy Dolls
The outfits are cute and adaptable to different sizes of dolls.

Dr. Bowdler's Legacy: A History of Expurgated Books in England and America
Published in Paperback by David R Godine (1992)
Authors: Noel Perrin and Marjory Wunsch
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $1.75
Collectible price: $5.04
Buy one from zShops for: $1.76
Average review score:

Hilarious, scary, informative
Yes, censorship is alive, even in the Land of the Free. Perrin's terrific book is essentially a history of censorship in the UK and US. In the US, the censorship appears primarily as "bowdlerization" in which the rougher edges of a written work are edited out to avoid offending sensitive readers or arousing witch hunters.

The "Dr. Bowdler" of the title refers to the guiding light of a printed version of Shakespeare that was popular in the US in the 19th century. Bowdler and family produced this edited version for "family" consumption, since "raw" Shakespeare was deemed too raw for popular sensibilities, and for children in particular.

For this paperback version, Perrin included an update to report on more recent events. The most incredible story had to do with Bradbury's famous anti-censorship SF novel "Fahrenheit 451" and how the complete edition was supplanted for a few years by a censored edition.

The Encyclopedia of Australian Dolls
Published in Hardcover by Kangaroo Press (1993)
Author: Marjory Fainges
Amazon base price: $39.95
Average review score:

Am Author - I now own the Copyright
Am looking for a new Publishe

The Gold-Lined Box
Published in Hardcover by Green Mansion Press (26 January, 2003)
Author: Marjory Hall
Amazon base price: $11.95
Used price: $6.95
Buy one from zShops for: $8.26
Average review score:

Wonderful book
I'm in the 7th grade, and I loved this book! I really related to Matilda O'Neill, and thought she was very brave and adventurous. This book also made me want to live in colonial times. I loved reading about colonial life. I also loved the descriptions of how people dressed and the ball Matilda went to. Read this book! It's great!

My Hair Is in the Outbox
Published in Paperback by M & C Pub (1995)
Author: Marjory L. McGrath
Amazon base price: $7.95
Average review score:

A Breath of Fresh Air Surrounding a Difficult Obstacle
This book provides the humorous and honest perspective of a woman battling a serious foe - ovarian cancer. Yes, the author's trials and tribulations were many and provide great insight into the minds of countless ordinary people facing cancer. However, after reading this book, readers - both healthy and ill - can expect to wake up the next day with a fresh and positive perspective about life in general. It's a quick read, but a very meaningful one which will inspire you to seek out the small, but beautiful things in everyday life. Very refreshing.

The Mysterious Horseman: An Adventure in Prairietown 1836
Published in School & Library Binding by Scholastic (1994)
Authors: Kate Waters and Marjory Dressler
Amazon base price: $15.95
Used price: $4.75
Collectible price: $6.35
Average review score:

a good look at life in the "west" for 1836
great pictures!!! a fun story (ofcourse) & very timely for autumn and halloween. this book gives children and adults a good peek into indiana as the west in the early 1800s. am awaiting the paperback version to buy serveral copies.

Never Say Stark Naked: A Novel
Published in Hardcover by Welcome Rain (2002)
Author: Marjory Bassett
Amazon base price: $17.50
List price: $25.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.99
Buy one from zShops for: $8.48
Average review score:

First Novel a Winner
I was completely charmed by Marjory Bassettt's "Never Say Stark Naked." In fact, I couldn't put it down. The spunky Phoebe Stanhope, whose life takes a fascinating turn when she leaves her native Kansas for New York, is a heroine anyone could love. And the cast of characters she meets there--daft English aristocrats, like Sir Chatham Wiggins who wears his collection of watches all up and down his arms; the imperious Selmabelle Flaunton, a P.R. doyenne for whom Phoebe works; the brothers Bradley--softspoken Gilbert, an artist who reminded me of Darcy in Pride and Prejudice, and his weak but seductive brother Lawrence; Jane, Selmabelle's spoiled niece; and the spunky Jill, who shares her apartment with Phoebe. All, including the "nice" characters, have their foibles, but Ms. Bassett manages to present them with sympathy as well as humor. The "country girl goes to the city" is a theme that's been done before, but rarely with such originality and wit. The dialogue virtually sparkles. The cover says that this is Ms. Bassett's first novel. Let's hope there will be more.

Nursing Diagnosis: Process and Application
Published in Hardcover by McGraw-Hill Companies (1982)
Author: Marjory Gordon
Amazon base price: $23.95
Used price: $2.95
Collectible price: $12.00
Average review score:

Core Collection in Nursing
This title was selected to be included in "Core Collection in Nursing and the Allied Health Sciences" by Oryx Press, 1990.

Seasons of Friendship: Naomi and Ruth As a Pattern
Published in Paperback by Innisfree Press (1987)
Author: Marjory Zoet Bankson
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $0.80
Collectible price: $5.29
Buy one from zShops for: $6.95
Average review score:

The Ultimate Friendship Book
Why is it that you can be close friends with someone, and then inexplicably, something happens and that friendship just dies out? How could two people be so important to each other, and then... they just don't seem to make time for each other anymore? What happened? How do you fix it? Should you fix it?

Seasons of Friendship is a study of the Book of Ruth, of the relationship between Naomi, an aged widow, and Ruth, her young daughter-in-law, also a widow. The author takes us through their relationship, using the metaphor of the changing seasons to describe the changes in their lives and relationship.

The author also uses examples from her own life, and encourages the reader to examine his/her own life, to discover the changing seasons and the cycle of life. As the stories unfold, an understanding of the nature of friendship evolves, so that the reader begins to understand which friends have helped most at different times, and how better to be a friend to others at different stages of their lives.

Best of all, by understanding our own lives and the nature of friendship, the book encourages us to develop our friendship with our Creator, who invented the concept in the first place.

I have used this book in small groups, where it has been wildly successful. Women have commented on how healing it is to understand the friendships they have had, especially the ones that just seemed to stop for no reason. It gave them a new appreciation for their friends, old and new, and motivation to understand where they were on their journeys through life.

Of all the books I have used, this has been the one which has been the most effective in promoting group discussion, bonding, and enthusiasm. Whether you are looking for something to study with a group, or just for your personal enlightenment, you just found the right book! END

The Sound of Anthems
Published in Paperback by Hodder & Stoughton General Division (01 March, 1986)
Author: Marjory Alyn
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

Touching and a must read for all ages!
This book was hard to put down. Although told through the eyes of an 11 year old girl it is very touching. It should be made a MUST READ! in high school. It touches on so many subjects that it will make you laugh, cry, and sympathize with everyone. The author has a way of taking you back through time and making you believe that you can smell the castle grounds, feel the joy, and playing with the kids on the block. If only we could live in that time when children played out of doors and innocence was still alive.

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