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Book reviews for "Blackstock,_Terri" sorted by average review score:

Broken Wings
Published in Paperback by Zondervan (01 June, 2000)
Author: Terri Blackstock
Amazon base price: $8.79
List price: $10.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $7.64
Buy one from zShops for: $7.54
Average review score:

From one author to another I tip my hat to Terry Blackstock for this supurbly written ROMANCE. How refreshing to read about characters that could live next door instead of with 'the rich and famous.' "Broken Wings" rings with realism and the authentic action and dialogue will often reduce the reader to grab for the tissue box. Masterfully researched, this narrative and its study of fear and its effect on our lives will bring back similiar experiences for many of us. The author offers insight into recovery with out sounding preachy. Actually the best romance I have read in a long time. Plan to read more from the talented Terry Blackstock.
Beverly J Scott author of Righteous Revenge

The Heart Reader :
Published in Paperback by W Publishing Group (August, 2002)
Author: Terri Blackstock
Amazon base price: $9.99
Used price: $2.99
Collectible price: $8.71
Buy one from zShops for: $4.74
Average review score:

Interesting Concept
I read this book in one setting, and although the idea was a good we all need to evangelize and tell others about Jesus and that He is the One in control, the story bogged down somewhat and was boring in spots. Overall, it was a great idea to get people up and going for Christ. Worth the time to read. Chero'ne author of "Dancing Around the Throne"

The Heart Reader
I loved this book, and carry it with me every where I go. Due to heavy work schedule, I read a line or two between events and am facinated with the concept of this story line. Its for anyone who has postponed or have a deep sincere soul desire to break out of their complacency to bear fruit in their life as a soul winner. It is truly a remarkable book and I would love to meet Terri Blackstock or at least have her share how she came to write the book.

This book was exactly what I needed! It is a simple story with a simple message. The main character, Sam Bennent is given the gift of "hearing what God hears", the innermost thoughts of a person's soul, thus he is able to approach strangers, and speak to them of their spiritual needs. Some get angry and turn away, but others recognize their own need and are open to Christ. In this way Sam, and the others that begin to witness with him, learn how to do the work of a true Christian. The message of the story though, is that Sam, nor anyone else, does not have to know a persons specific need in order to witness, all that is needed is the knowledge that Christ is the answer. This is a story that all Christians should read, and then act upon.

Times and Seasons
Published in Audio Cassette by Recorded Books (October, 2002)
Authors: Beverly N Lahaye, Terri Blackstock, and Beverly LaHaye
Amazon base price: $81.00
Average review score:

Times and Seasons
This series was wonderful. I read all three books within 4 days. I felt like I was part of that community. Like they were my neighbors. In the second book, Cathy's boyfiends daughter changed to Amanda then in the third book changed back to Tracy.

Beautiful demonstration of the prodigal son!
Just as Steve and Cathy are planning their wedding, her fifteen year old son Mark is picked up on a drug charge. Angry, frustrated and guilt-ridden, Cathy calls off the wedding indefinitely.

The other members of Cedar Circle are secondary characters in this book. The Flaharty family is central. Nineteen+ year old Rick is preparing to leave for college. Eighteen year old Annie is in flux-she is a high school grad,and a pretty, somewhat materialistic girl. Lacking a father's encouragement and love, her life is quite shallow until she commits to the biggest challenge of her young life. Steve and Cathy have started major remodeling which cannot be postponed. Mark's arrest places all the adults in precarious positions. Cathy is determined NOT to marry Steve until Mark approves or he is free.

Brenda and David Dodd are dealing with a son who is learning to drive. Tory and Barry are learning to parent and cope with the challenges of a baby with Downs. Tory's overprotectiveness and fear needs some adjustment, but is she ready? Dr. Harry and Sylvia are still in Nicaragua, serving God and feeding the hungry. Their devotion is astonishing at their age.

Central to this story is the change that comes to Mark while he is incarcerated. An unlikely source provides support, while his father, Jerry, keeps his distance, ashamed and angry at Mark for embarrassing him. One Bible story in particular impacts Mark's life and when he is finally released, the story comes alive in its' greatest beauty, with both spirituality and human emotions.

I hope there is a fourth book in this series, featuring Dr. Harry and Sylvia, the missionaries.

Times and Seasons
This book was awesome. It is the third book in a series. I was never a reader until I read the first book of this series and then I read the second I would look on the shelf for the third book every time I went into the book store. Even though this book is classified as fiction, Cedar Circle in Breezwood really exists in my life. I enjoy forgetting life and sinking into the lives of these four families. I feel like the authors keep the lives very realistic and they apply the word or God to the situations in a way that ministers to you. I never looked at the story about the Prodigal son the way the book did it. I learned something about God and him being my father. I can't wait until the 4th book is released.

When Dreams Cross
Published in Paperback by Zondervan (01 June, 2000)
Author: Terri Blackstock
Amazon base price: $8.79
List price: $10.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $6.35
Buy one from zShops for: $7.59
Average review score:

Suspense and mystery entwined with romance
This is the first of Blackstock's novels that I ever read, and have since read all of Second Chances, Suncoast Chronicles, and Newpointe 911. The romance part of When Dreams Cross was not very creative and it was easy for me to figure out that Justin and Andi would eventually find each other in the end. However, what made this book great was the suspense and mystery throughout the story and the apparent sabotage of Promised Land. This thread of trying to figure out "whodunnit" kept me reading until the outcome and was the first inkling that I got that Blackstock is a much stronger suspense writer than she is romance writer. Apparently, she now realizes that too, because her later two series bring her skill of mystery writing to the forefront and put the romance angle as pleasant secondary plotlines. When Dreams Cross was a great mystery and only a fair romance (which is why I deducted one star), but worth reading by any Blackstock fan, any Christian who has ever questioned God's plan for the future, or anyone who has ever failed at romance and gun-shy to try again.

Terry Blackstock's "When Dreams Cross" is a well written story about the distructiveness and havoc that too much pride can have on a relationship. Without preaching, this talented author gives readers insight into the struggle we all face to let GOD be first in our lives and to learn to bend to his will. This is my first Blackstock book and I am now a fan with the intent to read more from this great author.
Beverly J Scott author of Righteous Revenge

A Great Battle of His & Her Wills!
This well done romance begins strong in first chapter with development of two strong-willed, prideful people who need each other to accomplish their dreams. Could feel the torrents of clashes between Justin and Andi keenly, inside and out, and enjoyed the challenging roller coaster of circumstances that finally grounds their mutual faith and drives them to work together. Marked my book throughout with checks where the author delivers memorable descriptive phrases, such as, "Just Justin. The words didn't go together. It was like saying, 'Just napalm.'"

Trial by Fire
Published in Paperback by Zondervan (01 October, 2000)
Author: Terri Blackstock
Amazon base price: $10.39
List price: $12.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $4.98
Collectible price: $4.95
Buy one from zShops for: $7.50
Average review score:

Still trying to figure out if I like it...
While I consider this average reading, especially with it's predictability factor...I have still found myself finishing the series. Obviously something draws me back to it. I do like TB's afterword thoughts and appreciate her faith, but as for being a challenging and mysterious read with turns and twists, none of this they are...But, still must support the effort...

Loved it!
This book, the last in Blackstock's Newpoint 911 series is fabulous as all of the previous in the series were! She is an amazing writer and I recommend this book to anyone!

I would also recommend: The Second Chances Series & The Sun Coast Chronicles Series both by Terri Blackstock. GREAT READS!:)

Trial By Fire
The book discription does not do this book justice. Terri's discriptive wording makes you feel as though you are there with them. You can even feel the fear. When I started reading this book I was unable to put it down. It will captivate your attention from the beginning. There is always something exciting happening. I recommend this book to all my friends and family.

Shadow of Doubt
Published in Paperback by Zondervan (01 October, 1998)
Author: Terri Blackstock
Amazon base price: $10.39
List price: $12.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $4.49
Buy one from zShops for: $7.98
Average review score:

A Mystery??????
This is a good book. The only proble is... half way through I knew who the criminal was. Don't get me wrong, the ending was awesome, but it would have been even better if Terri Blackstock had made it a little less predictable. But if you want to read a good book, read this. Maybe you'll think differently

This is the second in '911 Newpointe' series and also the second book I have read by Terri Blackstock. I was a fan after reading the first book in the series but this just confirmed it. I love the suspense and intrigue she puts into her stories. All the ingredients that make up a good suspense/mystery novel are here. The story also shows the importance of friends and of their trust in you. In addition, it portrays the faithfulness and total reliability of God when people can be cold and accusing. A brilliant book.

One of two of the best books I have EVER read
This was an excellent murder mystery thriller. I LOVED it. I won't be able to wait 24 hours before starting the third. It is so suspenseful the whole way through. I thought I knew who did it but that changed within minutes because of all the unexpected turns. We also learn that if we put God in control the outcome will change majorly. If you do decide to read this I strongly suggest reading the first book "Private Justice" first. It ranked as sky-high as this one.

Covenant Child
Published in Hardcover by Thorndike Pr (Largeprint) (August, 2003)
Author: Terri Blackstock
Amazon base price: $28.95
Average review score:

Disappointed <sigh>
Tired themes and characterizations plague this book and the quality of writing suffers (lack of complexity and depth). I wish Christian publishers held to higher standards for their authors. The reading level is only about 6th or 7th grade level. Hey, if you're looking for a readable novel for your preteen this might be a good one. It *is* interesting, I just want more than pablum - I would love to see excellence. Try "Arena" by Karen Hancock - it's closer to the mark.

Blackstock Does it Again!
In the realm of Christian fiction, there are few writers that combine irony and symbolism with character and plot development well. Most can develop plots but not characters, while others develop characters but not plots.

Terri Blackstock does all the above exceptionally well.

Covenant Child is a stunning, modern-day portrait of Christ's relationship to us. Blackstock does an outstanding job of bringing the characters to life. Their struggles are real; the questions they raise are real; their responses are also real.

This is one of Blackstock's finest.

One of the best books I've read in a long time!
First of all, I have to tell you that I'm really don't read much fiction at all. My preference in books is Christian non-fiction, mainly Christian Living books, devotionals, books on prayer, and the like.

But I did pick this book up and I had a very hard time putting it down. This is the story of twin girls whose father dies and they find themselves going from a very nice well-provided-for life to being treated horribly and not even having basic needs (clean clothes, decent food, and a clean bed to sleep in) met! The money-hungry grandparents get custody of the girls early in the story and most of the book takes place during those 15 years between the time the girls were 3 and when they turn 18.

As another reviewer says, this is a modern day parable. Your heart will ache for these girls and what they are missing. I felt anger and resentment towards these people who took care of them. Terri Blackstock is an excellent writer and you will find yourself very engrossed in this book within the first couple chapters. You might want to make sure you have plenty of time to read before starting this book, because it's very hard to put down!

Of course I won't give you any hints about how it ends - you'll have to read the book yourself!

This book is in a series of unrelated novels by different authors under the umbrella of "Women of Faith Fiction". I realized what makes these books special after I had finished the book and then came across a good-sized section of discussion questions! These would be probably best-used in a group setting, but of course can be used as individuals as well. The questions relate the plot of the book to concepts from the Bible. There are passages to look up and insightful questions to discuss. I highly recommend doing these questions, with a group or by yourself.

This book would make a perfect choice for a Book Discussion group! And it isn't preachy, so the group wouldn't have to be made of solely of Christians.

Please check out my other reviews of Christian books and music!

Never Again Good-bye
Published in Paperback by Zondervan (01 June, 2000)
Author: Terri Blackstock
Amazon base price: $8.79
List price: $10.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $2.95
Collectible price: $11.99
Average review score:

Sweet Sweet Sweet
This book is a great, sweet story of overcoming grief and struggles and giving it all to God in love. I love this book and I would recommend it to anyone who want to read a the sweet story of Wes and Laney as they both go through trials and hard times for the love of their daughter Amy. Read this book!

Other sweet recommendations:
Robin Jones Gunn- The Glennbrooke Series

Once again Terri Blackstock has penned a winner with her novel
'Never Again Good-Bye.' Combining the issue's of: losing your life partner and looking for and finding the child given up for adoption. Mss. Blackstock has written a captivating narrative that will keep you turning pages clear to the end. How refreshing to read a well-written entertaining novel without having to put up with unnecessary verbal garbage.
Blackstock is a talented author. I will continue to seek out
books she has written.
Beverly J Scott author of Righteous Revenge

A Novel that will leave in awe!!!
you what they say! "Never judge a book by its cover" well to be totaly Honest thats exactly what i ended up doing. Ladies you know how it is you walk into your favorite Christian book store and that awesome wellcrafted cover just jumps out at you. and to top it all off the words you read the words on the back cover and your like oh man this sounds really Good. one things for sure Terri Blackstock is a very talented writer that can give a good helping of romance with a life changing message.

Southern Storm
Published in Paperback by Zondervan (01 May, 2003)
Author: Terri Blackstock
Amazon base price: $10.39
List price: $12.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $9.03
Buy one from zShops for: $8.98
Average review score:

Somewhat Disappointing !!
I am a huge fan of this writer as a rule but "Southern Storm" was not the usual gem of a read Terri Blackstock usually provides. I found it somewhat of a disappointment, I'm sorry to say. I would have given this book 3 1/2 Stars if that were an optiion. The storyline was dragging and lacked the usual snap Terri is so well-known for but I love the characters so even though the plot was at times boring the book is still worth the read. I'd check it out at the library however if they carry it.

Typical wonderful Terri Blackstock
I have not finished this book, but I am an avid reader of Terri Blackstock and this is like her other books, very suspensful and leaves you only wanting to read. Which reminds me, I need to get off here, that book awaits.

Wow, just when I thought Terri wrote her best!
I read this book in two nights. It would have been one but I had to go to work the next day. Terri did some real changes to her plot writing on this one, and added more twits then the windiest road. The second half was so intense your heart skips a beat and your palms get sweaty. I suggest wearing gloves on the second half. j/k.

I highly recommend this book! But only if you read Cape Refuge, you will be lost otherwise.

The worst part of this is that I have to wait a couple of months for the next in the series.

Emerald Windows
Published in Paperback by Zondervan (01 October, 2001)
Author: Terri Blackstock
Amazon base price: $8.79
List price: $10.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $2.12
Collectible price: $3.99
Buy one from zShops for: $3.95
Average review score:

Disappointment with Blackstock
I just finished reading Emerald Windows and was once again disappointed with Terri Blackstock.
The book was full of stereotypes and was just too predictable for my taste. I kept waiting for a surprise to happen and instead I got a modern retelling of "The Gift of the Magi" and saw the events happening pages before they did.
For people who want good Christian fiction, I would recommend Blackstock's Sun Coast Chronicles--for those who just want a nice story, this is probably as good as any.

another great Terri Blackstock
I really can't say anything more than if you haven't read any Terri Blackstock books you've got to start! She is a terrific writer, definitely using her books to God's glory. She writes incredible murder mystery series but some of her books are not murder mysteries and are just as good. I loved some of her series and then I read Covenant Child which is an incredible book that I gave to 4 people for Christmas 2002. THis was also very very good, but then, I don't think I have actually read a Blackstock that I didn't like.

Terri Blackstock is awesome!
TO tell you the truth when i picked up this book i was not sure what to expect. but when i got home the day after Christmas i cracked open. and it was likeso goodthat could not stop reading. the plot was very organised, the charactors were so real the one thing that i always look for in agood book is a good fast moving plot, sold charactors, and of course christian based. so if you so if your like and you can't wait to get your hands on a awesome book be sure to check out Emerald windows trust me you won't be disappointed with a good writer like Terri Blackstock you well be wanting more of her books and in enjoying to the fullest.

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