Book reviews for "Besant,_Annie_Wood" sorted by average review score:

The Ancient Wisdom
Published in Paperback by Quest Books (October, 1999)
Amazon base price: $9.20
List price: $11.50 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $9.90
Buy one from zShops for: $8.57
List price: $11.50 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $9.90
Buy one from zShops for: $8.57
Average review score: 

Besant, together with Blavatsky, brought into being the Theosophical Society and made it an extraordinary influence in Europe, the US and India. One doesn't have to be anything like a Theosophist to appreciate what Besant is attempting here -- and what she ably pulls off. Contemporary Theosophists may think this book is far too elementary, but the fact is that most people interested in New Age thinking and the occult or estoreric or mystical "teachings of the ages" don't know much, if anything, about this is a pretty good place to start.

Annie Besant, social reformer and leading Theosophist in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, wrote brilliant and clear texts on many aspects of theosophical cosmology and anthropology. While Blavatsky also wrote clearly (at times), Besant brought the entire legacy of Blavatsky to a new level of articulation and probed into its ramifications. Yet she shows in her masterpiece "The Ancient Wisdom" that she had an independent and creative mind of high order. The book shows how the seven-fold nature of the human self works out its eternal drama in consort with the underlying cosmology that it mirrors. The so-called "higher" triad of the self (spirit, intuition, and mind) is displayed against the so-called "lower" quaternity of the self (lower mental, emotional, etheric, and physical). Unfortunately, in the climate of 1897, still lingering under the repression of the late Victorian era, the anthropological categories get mingled with value categories. Thus we read that the lower dimensions of the self are somehow morally tainted when contrasted to the higher dimensions. By contrast, Sri Aurobindo, writing in an overlapping period, was far less dualistic, refusing to conflate descriptive with honorific categories. This negative dualism haunts much of the early theosophical literature, but does not seem to be a necessary component. Besant does an excellent job in explaining the twin concepts of karma and reincarnation, convincing me that this model may be the best that our various traditions have to offer concerning justice and the complexity of the afterlife. Her discussion of the astral plane (certainly one issue that would cause strong resistence in the contemporary mind-set) opens up some vistas that are worthy of sustained probing. If this section of the book is augmented with her book "Thought Forms" (co-written with Leadbeater), much can be gained about how this surrounding field of energy might operate. She introduces Sanskrit language in a careful way so that it is always correlated with English rough equivalents. One comes away with the feeling that a master architect has been at work on "The Ancient Wisdom;" one who can build with materials from her native English world with those she acquired during her life in India. In short, this book is far from being simple (it is not) or a mere introduction, but stands on its own as a classic text.

Bhagavad Gita
Published in Hardcover by Quest Books (IL) (September, 1986)
Amazon base price: $11.50
Average review score: 

The narration of this version is over-acted, lacking the quiet contemplative atmosphere fitting a text of this magnatude and importance. The speaker seems to be more of a "new-ager" type than a spiritual seeker. The narration tends to distract from the message of the text. The translation is a bit over the top as well, being done in an old time King James-ish style with lots of thy's and and thou's thrown in to perhaps make it seem more legitimate to western ears for the time that it was translated (1940's or 50's?). Download the out of print version with Jacob Needleman as the narrator from It's truer to the message of this holy book

I am a Baptist/christian and I found that no matter what religion you are this teaches a lot about how all the religions are very similar, they may believe in a god with a name but hey, muslims believe n the christians god allah. So READ THIS BOOK IT IS GREAT!

This was the best book I have read since Harry Potter! Ipersonally am Hindu so this book taught me a lot about my religon. Ihope you read this book too!

Esoteric Christianity or the Lesser Mysteries
Published in Paperback by Theosophical Publishing House (June, 1975)
Amazon base price: $10.00
Used price: $4.00
Collectible price: $4.99
Used price: $4.00
Collectible price: $4.99
Average review score: 

Annie Besant was President of Theosophical Society at the beginning of 20th century. Theosophy, however concerned by all religions, is based at the origin on hindouism and buddhism teachings. It is in this context that this book takes all its interest. Annie Besant tells us about secret teachings that were given to early christians and that was hidden by the church. Jesus Christ is described as a great master of the great white brotherhood and as one the humanity great teachers such as Buddha Siddarta or Krishna. Whatever the truth is, what impressed me, is that the author gives some good esoteric interpretations of christian rituals such as water baptism or eucharisty. She develops further some initiatic subjects such as redemption, sacrifice, god trinity, sins forgiveness and much more. My conclusion is that it is a good esoteric study of christianism!

The Masters
Published in Paperback by Theosophical Publishing House (January, 1991)
Amazon base price: $3.95
Used price: $3.88
Collectible price: $4.00
Buy one from zShops for: $3.56
Used price: $3.88
Collectible price: $4.00
Buy one from zShops for: $3.56
Average review score: 

Well I must say that I was disappointed by this book. Maybe I thought that I would gather some secret knowledge about secret masters of the white lodge. But curiousity with no real good intentions never go far. So I found nothing in this book that is really hepful for the seeker since what can we know of them except that it is presumption to think we can know something about them. So this book is of no utility for a true seeker on my point of view, but that's mine!

7 Principles of Man
Published in Hardcover by Theosophical Publishing House (December, 1991)
Amazon base price: $8.50
Used price: $11.50
Used price: $11.50
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Ancient Wisdom
Published in Hardcover by Anglophone (December, 1994)
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $106.94
Collectible price: $34.95
Used price: $106.94
Collectible price: $34.95
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Annie Besant (Lives of Modern Women)
Published in Paperback by Penguin USA (Paper) (July, 1987)
Amazon base price: $4.95
Used price: $12.00
Used price: $12.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Annie Besant : An Autobiography
Published in Hardcover by Theosophical Publishing House (January, 1995)
Amazon base price: $22.95
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Annie Besant and Progressive Messianism: 1847-1933
Published in Hardcover by Edwin Mellen Press (January, 1988)
Amazon base price: $119.95
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Annie Besant: A Biography
Published in Hardcover by Oxford University Press (April, 1992)
Amazon base price: $65.00
Average review score:
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