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Book reviews for "Baum,_L._Frank" sorted by average review score:

Oz-story 6
Published in Paperback by Hungry Tiger Press (July, 2000)
Authors: L. Frank Baum, Eloise McGraw, Harlan Ellison, Philip Jose Farmer, Eric Shanower, Ruth Plumly Thompson, John R. Neill, Steve Lieber, Steven "Ribs" Weissman, and Anna-Maria Cool
Amazon base price: $19.95
Average review score:

A "must" for all Oz enthusiasts of any age!
Oz-story #6 is the annual anthology of stories, comics and verse generated by L. Frank Baum's legendary "Land of Oz" books. This wonderful, large format collection features contributions by L. Frank Baum, Eloise Jarvis McGraw, Harlan Ellison, Philip Jose Farmer, Ruth Plumly Thompson, Glenn Ingersoll, Eric Shanower and others. Oz-story #6 is profusely and charmingly illustrated by the work of John R. Neil, Eric Shanower, Anna-Maria Cool, Marge, and others. There are comic panels by Walt Spouse, Steve Lieber, Tommy Kovac, Steven Weisman, W.W. Denslow and others. The center piece is perhaps L. Frank Baum's "Annabel", his least known children's novel which was originally published in 1906 and presents a rags-to-riches story of a young boy who finally wins the girl! With its flawless and pains-taking production values, Oz-story #6 is a "must" for all Oz enthusiasts of all ages.

Oz: The Hundredth Anniversary Celebration
Published in Hardcover by Harpercollins Juvenile Books (October, 2000)
Author: Peter Glassman
Amazon base price: $17.47
List price: $24.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $1.94
Collectible price: $4.99
Buy one from zShops for: $3.97
Average review score:

Gorgeous Gift Book
This book has art and stories from some of my most favorte children's book creators--people like Madeleine L'Engle, Eric Carle, Paul Zelinsky, Chris Van Allsburg. All of them show how Oz entered their imagination and influenced them. You can really see how passionate about it they are--plus they donated their work (to support Reading Is Fundamental). It's a great gift for anyone who likes Oz.

Patchwork Girl of Oz
Published in Paperback by Dover Pubns (January, 1997)
Author: L. Frank Baum
Amazon base price: $2.95
Used price: $1.95
Collectible price: $8.95
Average review score:

Yet Another of Baum's Masterpeices!
This book is fantastic! It's funny, and full of fun! A "crazy-quilt" girl comes to life, Unc Nunkie turns to stone, and Ojo, along with his friends Bungles the glass cat and Scraps the patchwork quilt girl, goes on a journey to find the ingredients to brink Nunkie back to life. On the way, they make some unusual aquaintances! Filled with great fun!

Pirates in Oz
Published in Unknown Binding by ()
Authors: Ruth Plumly Thompson, L. Frank Baum, and John R. Neill
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $60.00
Collectible price: $235.00
Average review score:

Flying pig spotted!
In this rousing adventure story, the Gnome King returns from exile and plots to conquer Oz yet again, this time with a band of pirates at his side. Samuel Salt, a renegade pirate, joins up with Peter, Roger the Read Bird, Pigasus the flying pig and the thrill-seeking king of the Octagon Isle to thwart the Gnome's scheme. Beautiful illustrations, plenty of action and a heavy dose of Ruth Plumly Thompson-style humor make this a rousing tale indeed.

The Rundelstone of Oz
Published in Hardcover by Hungry Tiger Press (15 June, 2001)
Authors: Eloise McGraw, Eric Shanower, and L. Frank Baum
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $19.95
Collectible price: $27.75
Average review score:

A "must" for Oz fans
In The Rundelstone Of Oz, author Eloise McGraw demonstrates the kind of writing skills that have marked her as a three time Newbery honoree. The latest entry into the legendary fantasy world of Oz first created by L. Frank Baum, The Rundelstone Of Oz is a welcome addition that will become as classic an entertainment as any in the Oz series. Superbly illustrated by Eric Shanower in the "Oz Tradition", The Rundelstone Of Oz is a "must" for Oz fans, as well as a highly recommended acquisition for school and community library collections.

Speedy in Oz
Published in Unknown Binding by ()
Authors: Ruth Plumly Thompson, L. Frank Baum, and John R. Neill
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $124.99
Collectible price: $124.99
Average review score:

A true Thompson book!
This is Thompson at her best! Although OZ is at the end, it's a wonderful new story about SPEEDY from THE YELLOW KNIGHT OF OZ and how he, Princess Gureeda and Terrybubble the Dinosaur skeleton save Oz from the terrifying giant Loxo!

The Tin Woodman of Oz
Published in Digital by Amazon Press ()
Authors: L. Frank Baum and John R. Neill
Amazon base price: $2.99
Average review score:

The perfect Childens Book
I'm sure you've watched The Wizard of OZ the movie but ever try reading the books they really brought a lot of joy to my kids and I hope that your kids will enjoy them as well. I know nobodys gonna read this but just go to the library or buy them here at

Yellow Bricks and Ruby Slippers: An Anthology of Very Short Stories, Essays, and Poems
Published in Paperback by John Daniel & Co (March, 2002)
Author: John Daniel
Amazon base price: $8.00
Average review score:

Rubies in the Land of Oz...
Okay so I am biased. I was lucky enough to be one of the mini authors in this delightful anthology containing an assortment of poems, short stories and quirkly little pieces that never go over the 99 word mark. Written partly as a dedication to the classic novel "The Wizard of Oz" this collection of easy to read shortlets (a great way to describe each piece)is wonderfully reminisent of an age long since past. Occasionally sentimental but never syrupy, this little book is pleasure to read, and it will have you giggling and crying in the same breath.
Yellow Bricks and Ruby Slippers might not be the best seller of the century but it is a wonderful little page turner that allows you momentarily to be nostalgic and enter a timeless world full of Munchkins, witches, dogs and little girls whose friends are scarecrows, cowardly lions and tin men who want a heart... If you are a "Wizard of Oz" fan this book will pique your funny bone and remind you that you too can click your heels and know that there is no place like home.

Wizard of Oz
Published in Hardcover by Amereon Ltd (June, 1985)
Author: L. Frank Baum
Amazon base price: $20.95
Average review score:

Striking Yet Unusual Illustrations
L. Frank Baum's enduring story is wonderfully presented in this elegant edition and the Washington Post called Lisbeth's The Wizard of Oz "the loveliest edition imaginable."

However, the assessment of the local kids is the drawings are "weird." Perhaps intended for a more adult audience, the illustrations are beautiful--I enjoyed them--but their idiosyncratic style may not appeal to the younger set.

The characters pictured in the illustrations are dramatcially reinterpreted by the artist, however this may disappoint some viewers. The Scarecrow will look nothing like any scarecrow you've imagined. The Witch of the North is difficult to identify. This fresh point of view will be enjoyed by some but is sure to disappoint others.

I also felt the illustrations don't tell the story as well as the edition by Michael Hague or the original edition with W. W. Dinslow. (This is more important to the younger, read-to crowd, than the older, I can read it myself crowd.)

My daughter asked that we return the book and get a different edition for her. I would urge you to carefully consider the sample pages, except the sample pages don't cover a broad range of the illustrations included with this edition. The sample pages do include an image of the dramatic and striking cover. Unfortunately, in the judgement of several reviewers from 4 to 40, the other illustrations were noticably more "weird" than the cover and I don't think the sample pages represent the overall reading/viewing experience scrupulously.

The Wizard of Oz
The Wizard of Oz is about a girl named Dorothy who is a farm girl from Kansas. One day Dorothy is carried away by a cyclone to a magical land called Oz. While she is there she meets a tlaking scarecrow, a man made of tin, and a cowardly lion afraid of his own shadow. Dorothy and her friends follow a yellow brick road to the Emerald City where they hope to find the famous wizard that can grant each of their wishes. But the wicked witch keeps trying to ruin their trip to the Emerald City.
The setting of the book is in a magicla land full of little people called Munchkins, flying monkeys, and a wicked witch that will melt if touched with water. The characters have their separate reasons for wanting to see the wizard. As the story goes on, the reader can not help but fall in love with them.
The text gives great detail as to what everything looks like and with those details the whole world of Oz can come to life in the readers imagination.

The Wonderful Wizard
The Wizard of Oz written by L. Frank Baum is a wonderful book about a young girl who goes on an adventure full of excitement and fun. Dorothy the main character lives on a small country farm in Kansas with her Aunt, Uncle, and small dog, Toto. One day a twister comes over their country farm and whisks Dorothy along with her little dog away to a make believe land called Oz. There she is greeted by the people who live there. She asks them how she can get home to Kansas. They tell her that the Great Oz will help get her home. But before she heads on her way to Oz the Good Witch of the North kisses her on the forehead and says that with that kiss no one can harm her. So she and Toto head on their way to Oz. On her way she meets The Scarecrow who wants a brain, a Woodman made of tin who wants a heart and a Cowardly Lion who wants courage. These four new friends eimbark on an adventure to the great city of Oz. Will they all get their wishes? Find out when you read the Wizard of Oz. I loved this book because not only did it have fantasy but it is a great book for all ages. I recomend it to anyone who loved being a child.

The Emerald City of Oz
Published in Audio Cassette by Piglet Press, Inc (01 October, 1995)
Authors: L. Frank Baum, Tim Hunter, Debbie Deutsch, Alexandra Bradbury, Lily Harvey, Aliza Finley, and John R. Neill
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $125.00
Average review score:

The Emerald City of Oz
NOTE: This is not the edition of the book I would have liked to review. I just didn't see it anywhere. This review is based on the Del Rey edition.

The Emerald City of Oz is about how Dorothy, Aunt Em, and Uncle Henry go to live in Oz because of financial problems. Also, the Nome King is plotting to conquer the Emerald City along with many other dreadful creatures. To find out what happens, read The Emerald City of Oz. It's very exciting!

best oz book
Though I loved the original Wizard of Oz, and have enjoyed all the Oz books for more than 20 years (back to when my mother first read them to me), Emerald City ranks as my all-time favorite. It's full of adventure, suspense and humor. Who could forget the ridiculous roly-poly Nomes and their quixotic plan to conquer Oz with the help of some rather bizarre allies? Or the village where every house and fence (not to mention every inhabitant) was edible? As I write this, my week-old son sleeps in my lap. I can't wait to read him this book when he's old enough to appreciate it.

One of my favorite Oz books
This Oz book is one of the more disjointed ones, more a sort of package tour of Ozma's magic kingdom than a quest. But the vignettes are charming and stick with you. The "Rigamaroles" have become part of this family's culture, with my 12 yo son and I occasionally getting into rigamarole competitions, where we go on and on without saying anything. Bunbury and Bunnybury also stuck with me during the six years between reading this to my first son and my second; utensia is ... punny; and the cuttenclips, the fuddles, and the flutterbudgets are all cute and endearing. A great read aloud for the 5 to 10 set.

Onr thing, though: The famed metallic ink in the Books Of Wonder edition is just sort of glittery. Nice, but not really any big deal. I don't think that this is the best looking BoW Oz book.

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