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Book reviews for "Alexander,_Robert_J." sorted by average review score:

Tchaikovsky Through Others' Eyes (Russian Music Studies)
Published in Hardcover by Indiana University Press (June, 1999)
Authors: Alexander Poznansky, Malcolm H. Brown, and Robert J. Bird
Amazon base price: $27.97
List price: $39.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $14.76
Collectible price: $36.52
Buy one from zShops for: $26.62
Average review score:

A wonderful biography
I enjoyed this book very much. A must for anyone interested in Tchaikovsky's life, yet seen through the eyes of people who were close to him. Highly Recommended!

The best kind of biography. A scholar's delight.
This is a marvelous book about Tchaikovsky compiled of diary entries from his contemporaries with commentaries and analysis by Alexander Poznansky. It is the best kind of biography that makes him seem very real, coming to life off the page. It begins in his school years and continues with a variety of rare diaries and letters of people who came in contact with him and kept journals or notes. It covers the entire social range from princes to valets, so we get quite a variety of observations from the intellectual esoteric to the very "earthy." We see not only Tchaikovsky the great composer, but also the student, the philosopher, the scholar, the workman, the card player, the bon vivant, the unsuitable suitor. It also includes explanations and diaries of his ill-fated marriage and many details of his rich personal life. The conflicts and turning points of Tchaikovsky's career and life are well illustrated. Each chapter is chronologically organized with often the inclusion of several diarists, most of whom are included in the copious illustrations. Poznansky begins each chapter with a biographical essay describing the importance of the contributor and the events of Tchaikovsky's life. The comprehensive scholarship is impeccable and the style superb. Poznansky is one of the only serious scholars, who can put together a well researched biography with style, flair and clarity that will satisfy the most stringent musicologist, while also entertaining and moving any Tchaikovsky admirer.

Adventures of the First Settlers on the Oregon or Columbia River, 1810-1813 (Northwest Reprints)
Published in Paperback by Oregon State Univ Pr (17 April, 2000)
Authors: Alexander Ross, William G. Robbins, and Robert J. Frank
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $5.65
Buy one from zShops for: $11.78
Average review score:

Six Stars!
An excellent first hand narrative with lively and descriptive writing by one of the first pioneers to help settle the untamed Northwest. Alexander Ross joined Astor's Pacific Fur Company expedition in 1810 and this is his story of the day to day struggles which he and the other men had to overcome. He left New York on the soon to be ill-fated, doomed ship the Tonquin, with a pompous and overbearing Captain Thorn. They sailed around the tip of South America, then to Hawaii and finally to the mouth of the Columbia River, all the while prevailing over many hardships during this voyage. Upon landing and without delay, the men began to construct the trading post Astoria. Ross' detailed descriptions of their adventures amidst the forces of Mother Nature, Indian relations, the Northwest Fur Company, geography, etc. makes this book a real page turner. They all had many obstacles to overcome, and as I said, his writing skills are exemplary. He devotes the last few chapters to the culture and customs of one of the local Indian tribes. The man was a keen and acute observer of all his surroundings and this is an energetic effort on his part to put it in writing.

Hurst's The Heart
Published in Hardcover by McGraw-Hill Professional (15 November, 2000)
Authors: Valentin Fuster, R. Wayne Alexander, Robert A. O'Rourke, and Hein J. J. Wellens
Amazon base price: $150.00
Used price: $68.19
Buy one from zShops for: $132.30
Average review score:

A true gem of a book
This book is an exhaustive compilation of articles written by leading cardiologists and medical researchers who study the diseases and functioning of the heart. The sheer size of the book (over 2600 pages) make it a challenge to read entirely, but the articles that can be read are worthwhile spending time on. The only minus to the book is that there are no articles on the mathematical or computational modeling of the heart. But for studies in anatomy and physiology of the heart, and treatment of heart disease, this book is excellent. One would expect a higher price for the book considering its size and the color plates it has enclosed, so even at $150.00 it is still really a bargain.

Thoracic Surgery
Published in Hardcover by Churchill Livingstone (July, 2002)
Authors: F. Griffith Pearson, Joel D. Cooper, Jean Deslauriers, Robert J. Ginsberg, Clement A. Hiebert, G. Alexander Patterson, and Harold C. Urschel
Amazon base price: $249.00
Used price: $138.49
Buy one from zShops for: $199.20
Average review score:

I need informatión about this book.

Ante-Nicene Fathers: Third Century (Early Church Fathers Series)
Published in Hardcover by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. (June, 1988)
Authors: J. Donaldson and Alexander Roberts
Amazon base price: $30.00
Used price: $10.60
Buy one from zShops for: $9.98
Average review score:

Skip the footnotes
The writings themselves are excellent. The print is often hard to read and the typeface varies from section to section. The introductions and footnotes show the editors biases and are best skipped -- let the writings speak for themselves.

Best collection, but needs to be updated.
This 10-volume set is a treasure trove of the writings of the early church translated into English, from the Apostolic Fathers to the Nicene Council. The problem with it is that it is only a reprint of a collection originally published in 1885. Because of this it carries over many of the pruderies Alexandria's Miscellanies (in volume 2 of this set) is printed only in enters upon the refutation of the false-Gnostics and their licentious tenets. Professing a stricter rule to begin with, and despising the ordinances of the Creator, their result was the grossest immorality in practice. The melancholy consequences of an enforced celibacy are, here, all forseen and foreshown; and this Book, though necessarily offensive to our Christian tastes, is most useful as a commentary upon the history of monasticism, and the celibacy of priests, in the Western churches. The resolution of the Edinburgh editors to give this Book to scholars _only_, in the Latin, is probably wise." In other words, because it may corrupt our Christian morals, we won't print it in the venacular, but instead keep it only in the hands of professors. This editorial decision was disgustingly illiberal; a scholar should make all information accessible. Besides, Clement of Alexandria isn't considered a heretic; he's one of the official Church Fathers. Now a decision like that may have been acceptable in 1885, but it can scarcely be defended today. I do not see what could have kept this set's reprinters from providing a translation of Book III, if only as an appendix. I have not noticed any other example of suppression in these volumes, although the fact that there is even one instance is disturbing. This only serves to convince me that a new, fresh edition of these writers is needed. Many new writings have been discovered in the century since, including complete books by Irenaeus, Hippolytus, Melito of Sardis - this alone makes a new collection desirable. In the late nineteenth century all kinds of collections of these early writers were being published - why not now?

Every Christian should read this
This is the (basically) complete set of the Early church writings up until 325 A.D. These 10 volumes contain quite a lot of material. Volume 10 is actually an index of all of the earlier books. The complete works of Justin, Clement, Athenagoras, Ignatius, etc are found within. I agree with the other poster that there are some problems. The issue of new texts discovered is a big one. Since the time this series was published many new texts have been found, such as the Gospel of Thomas and 2 works by Origen. So that is an issue. Also the way they put Clement of Alexandria's third book in Latin is silly today. Luckily I managed to find another translation that had it. The third problem is the English is pretty stagnant at times. Its very stiff and complex at times, but I actually have come to like it (don't ask me why!). But I am still giving this 5 stars because the set is fairly affordable, and there is a lot of great stuff in here for the price. Virtually every pre-Nicene writing, from the Didache to Alexander of Alexandria's letters to Arius, is in here. I would never be without this set.

Pre Hospital Management for the Geriatric Patient
Published in Paperback by Prentice Hall (01 September, 2003)
Authors: Bruce M. Becker, Robert A. Partridge, Alexander, R.B. Anderson, Barrera, Becker, Janet Brigham, Fessler, Frank, and J. Gray
Amazon base price: $33.33
Average review score:

Excellant companion book for practice development
This book is written in an accessible and practical format. It assumes nothing but at the same time treats the reader as an intelligent participant on the journey to understanding evidence based practice.

It is up to date and I was especially impressed with the web address it gives to ensure the reader is kept abreast of any changes since publication.

It systematically explains the need and use of 'evidence', how to find it (the search advice is comprehensive and includes details such as search terms and the best search engines aswell as web addresses) how to evaluate it and also how to act on it.

All in all this book was great, and I would reccomend it to anyone involved in evidence based healthcare practice as it will guide you through the thorniest problems.

Data Structures and Program Design in C++
Published in Textbook Binding by Prentice Hall (23 September, 1998)
Authors: Robert L. Kruse, Alex Ryba, and Alexander J. Ryba
Amazon base price: $89.33
Used price: $19.99
Buy one from zShops for: $25.00
Average review score:

needs thorough revision and update
I agree with the reviews on this book...this book is really a bad choice for an ADT class ....there are no complete code examples, everything is in parts, and the author does not explain how to fit these different code pieces together...apart from that if being a novice I could detect programmatic errors within the first 4 chapters, that shows how poorly written this text is...someone recommended "Data-Abstraction and Problem Solving in C++" by Carrano, and boy, it was a life saver....the carrano text is probably the best written ADT book available.....

Intro to Data Structures for an intermediate programmer
If you're an intermediate C++ programmer, then this book presents data structues in a very clear way with some of the very best graphics I've ever seen in a textbook. Each chapter concludes with very good exercises, and a thoroughly described advanced reading lists (excellent feature). Probably not detailed enough for an advanced student, but I really enjoyed studying with this book. Thank you very much to the authors!

best book on data structures available
The previous Pascal edition of this book was extremely readable and what I learned data structures from. It had a lot of diagrams which were invaluable to understanding the algorithm. This book improves upon that edition by adding even more illustrative pictures and is updated with new algorithms and analysis techniques like amortized analysis which were not around when the old book was written. The writing style of the author is impeccably understandable. I collect books on algorithms and data structures and this is the most readable book ever.

P.S. I've found the books which use STL to be opaque and focus more on STL and C++ than on understanding the data structure and algorithm. This is why many authors, including Sedgewick, eschew STL in their books. STL is also not relevant when programming in other languages, like the ubiquitous C programming language.

The ABC Presidents: Conversations and Correspondence with the Presidents of Argentina, Brazil, and Chile
Published in Hardcover by Praeger Publishers (December, 1992)
Author: Robert J. Alexander
Amazon base price: $74.95
Used price: $72.50
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Advanced Neurosurgical Navigation
Published in Hardcover by Thieme Medical Pub (15 January, 1999)
Authors: Eben Alexander and Robert J. MacIunas
Amazon base price: $199.00
Used price: $58.99
Buy one from zShops for: $55.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Anarchists in the Spanish Civil War
Published in Paperback by Paul & Co Pub Consortium (July, 1999)
Author: Robert J. Alexander
Amazon base price: $34.50
Average review score:
No reviews found.

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