Used price: $12.48
Collectible price: $15.84

Used price: $2.50
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List price: $30.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $20.85
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At the same time it is real - you are there using every sense that you possess.
As a guest in the author's house, you sweat, your muscles ache and you get dusty as the rennovations take shape. You want to soak in a long hot bath after reading several pages.
You shop side by side with her at the market, smelling, hearing, touching and tasting all that Italy has to offer.
At her table you do not feel compelled to go to the fridge for a snack, but feel completely stuffed, like you have really eaten the meals she has described.
What a wonderful place to lose your self, but Under the Tuscan Sun.

Used price: $5.40
Collectible price: $26.47

I was intrigued by the way Cici (the main character) could be so brave in the face of danger. I knew I could never be like that. She could sneak around investigating Zoe's murder withour a hint of fear. It almost seemed like she was acting on instinct alone but along the way she was uncovering the truth. It was a really great book for anyone that enjoys a sense of danger and excitement. That's what kept me going till the end!

Used price: $0.43
Collectible price: $5.00
Buy one from zShops for: $8.50

This story is well-plotted, fast-paced and filled with terrific details and diamond sharp insights into character. Wayne Wilson's ability to transform the achy and awkward moments of life into moments of epiphany makes Eddie & Bella a soul-shaking read.

Used price: $5.75
Buy one from zShops for: $4.69

Now I'm tempted to pick up the other titles in this series, especially the ones on hats and footwear. If you're a costumer or reenactor, this is an excellent (and affordable!) resource to have in your library.

Used price: $6.22
Buy one from zShops for: $6.17

Used price: $31.66
Buy one from zShops for: $31.66

A lot happens in the week that the girls are at the manor. The girls get drunk, fight, excercise, meet boys (some men) and are taken advantaged and take advantage. Bathurst has a way with description, noting people and surroundings down to the last detail without overburdening us. When the girls talk to each other it seems like something real 13 year olds would say to each other. The end is jarring, completly coming out of left field. It's comparisons to LORD OF THE FLIES is justified. I thought about this book for days after finishing it. Highly recommended.