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Book reviews for "Wolff,_Ruth" sorted by average review score:

Crack in the Sidewalk
Published in Paperback by Scholastic (1967)
Author: Ruth Wolff
Amazon base price: $1.95
Used price: $1.45
Collectible price: $1.40
Average review score:

Highly recommended (rare book)
If you're looking for something for a young lady experiencing her "awkward years," this may be the perfect gift. I first read this book when I was 12. I lost my copy when I was 16 and just recently bought it again at the age of 30. Great "triumph of the human spirit" read.

Linsey is the second oldest and only red-head in a poor family of five children. Outshined by her older sister in beauty and by her younger sister in brains (and then beauty again). A compelling coming-of-age story for those looking for a happy ending. Runs the emotional gammut with death, spiritual triumph, unrequited love, family bonds, and ultimately true love realized.

Ruth (Victorian Fiction: Novels of Faith and Doubt)
Published in Hardcover by Garland Pub (1975)
Authors: Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell and Robert L. Wolff
Amazon base price: $66.00
Average review score:

Good example of period literature, little else
Ruth is much like many books of it's time. It often seems overwritten and contrived, and it is full of cliches and melodrama. It fails to question many sterotypes. However, it is not without redeeming value. It does have some interesting if not groundbreaking social commentary. Unless you know really love literature from this period don't bother to read Ruth. The bottom line is that there is a reason it is not a considered a great classic of literature.

Quiet Brilliance
Elizabeth Gaskell is often referred to as the forgotten classic author and "Ruth" is a prime introduction into this obviously complex and passionate woman. "Ruth" is a truly brilliant novel dealing with the issue of a fallen woman due to an illicit affair and subsequent birth of a bastard child. This, due to the societal assumptions of morality and righteousness, lead the main character into a series of deceptions and tribulations in an attempt at redemption. Gaskell's eloquent prose engrosses the reader into the lives of the multiple characters and as it is in three volumes, much time is spent developing each individual. This allows for a true feeling and understanding of the motives and meanings behind every action. The character of Ruth is obviously the most important and Gaskell allows her to develop into an almost Christ-like figure in her beliefs, faith and actions. "Ruth" is a novel that tackles incredibly sensitive and deep subject matter and reaffirms ones belief in a higher power. This is a novel that should be introduced back into the mainstream to achieve the stature that it deserves as a classic of literature.

A Must Read (if you can find it...)
I just finished reading Ruth last night. I could never seem to find it anywhere before, but I did and I'm glad, having now read all of Mrs Gaskells novels. Before I started reading I had a look over the chapter titles and after reading the first few chapters I had an idea of what would happen. There is a chapter called 'Nursing Mr Bellingham' and I began to suspect the story would be simialr to that of 'Sylvia's Lovers'. Mr Bellingham would have some proper excuse (being sick maybe?), then Ruth would meet up with him again after years of seperation. He would die, and then she. Of course I was wrong. We've had single motherhood in the 19th century before, with Adam Bede and Tess of the D'Urbervilles, but in neither of these cases did we see the children surviving. Although Ruth is hidden behind a widow's identity we know how people would disown her if her secret was revealed. And when it is we see the hypocrisy of those condemning her. And Mr Donne disappears without any of our sympathy.

Der Heilige Franziskus : in Schriften und Bildern des 13. Jahrhunderts
Published in Unknown Binding by Gebr. Mann Verlag ()
Author: Ruth Wolff
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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Empress of China
Published in Paperback by Broadway Play Pub (1986)
Author: Ruth Wolff
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $7.45
Average review score:
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The Space Between: A Novel.
Published in Hardcover by John Day Co (1970)
Author: Ruth. Wolff
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $8.00
Average review score:
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Susan Hertel: A Retrospective
Published in Paperback by University of Washington Press (1999)
Authors: Susan Hertel, Mary Davis MacNaughton, Scripps College Ruth Chandler Williamson Gallery, and Theodore F. Wolff
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $28.00
Average review score:
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A Trace of Footprints: A Novel.
Published in Hardcover by John Day Co (1968)
Author: Ruth. Wolff
Amazon base price: $6.50
Used price: $2.77
Collectible price: $2.75
Average review score:
No reviews found.

The Writings and Letters of Konrad Wolff: (Contributions to the Study of Music and Dance)
Published in Hardcover by Greenwood Publishing Group (30 July, 2000)
Author: Ruth Gillen
Amazon base price: $89.95
Used price: $42.50
Collectible price: $42.35
Buy one from zShops for: $109.16

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