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Book reviews for "Windsor,_Patricia" sorted by average review score:

The Summer Before.
Published in Library Binding by HarperCollins Children's Books (1973)
Author: Patricia Windsor
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $5.50
Average review score:

True love, true writing
This is a novel I return to on a regular basis, both for its beauty and its tender wisdom. The portrayal of long friendship ripening into love is quietly and movingly convincing. Sandy's journey from heartbreaking loss to hard-won renewal gains more with every reading; its clear prose, sometimes sharply witty, always lyrical and poignant, is a model of exquisite writing. I had the distinct pleasure of meeting the author several years ago, and it was plain to see the source of this fine novel's emotional depth, insight, and refreshingly sly humor. I only hope that it is reprinted - it is a superb work deserving of rediscovery by a new generation of readers.

My Favorite Book
I first read this book in seventh grade and I fell in love with it. I recommend this book to all readers.

A Lyrical and Moving novel
The Summer Before is simply one of the best books ever written. With its poetry, beautiful imagery, and descriptions of a once in a lifetime love, it is sure to become one of the most memorable books you will ever read. This book deals with loss and youth and coming of age in a way that is sincere and hard hitting. The characters of this tale will stay with you forever.

Killing Time
Published in Library Binding by HarperCollins Children's Books (1980)
Author: Patricia Windsor
Amazon base price: $10.89
Used price: $8.00
Collectible price: $13.22
Average review score:

The Willie Mays of Contemporary Novelists
As different from the author's best known work, The Little Big Man, as that novel is from another comic masterpiece of his, Reinhart in Love, which was completely different from Arthur Rex, Berger's gleeful subversion of the historical novel, which is .... If I were one of those vitamin-deficient, pellagra-ridden geeks who believe in conspiracy theories, I'd believe that there is one, and has been for 35 years, to keep this author down. If this author's books aren't forthwith reprinted, someone ought to die. The body of his work is so rich and varied, in style and subject matter, that he makes Updike seem like the schoolmarmish fuddy duddy he essentially is and Roth the sophomoric he would like to be. Killing Time (now, get this) is about a lovable killer, a man who kills certain people because he felt sorry for them. Yes, Joe Detweiler seems to be a mystic, but at the same time he seems very much a down to earth naif who only wants to become one with the universe (that's why he like to have his penis amputated). Along the way to the transcendent awakening he so devoutly seeks, Joe befriends and mystifies the detective who is trying to solve the murder case, Tierney, the woman who Tierney is having an affair with, who is the sister and daughter of the victims, and (not least) the attorney Melrose, who thinks he has it altogether and who wants to save the childlike Detweiler from himself and an world that just won't understand Detweiler, even though Detweiler thinks his reasons for what he did are so obvious they should go without saying (he himself had forgotten he had committed the murders). And that's just a glib from-the-hip abstract of this highly original novel.

One of the best crime novels I have ever read.
The most serious crime involved in Thomas Berger's "Killing Time" is that the book is out of print. The author lets you know early on who committed the triple murder that's discovered in the opening pages. The joys of the book are the why, the personality of the killer, how it ends, and the kinky truths in the lives of the other characters, major and minor, who Berger creates with a reality, a wit and a way with words that are, simply, tops. Hunt down a copy, read it, and cajole the publisher to reissue this classic

The Sandman's Eyes
Published in Paperback by Laureleaf (1992)
Author: Patricia Windsor
Amazon base price: $3.50
Used price: $1.77
Collectible price: $29.00
Average review score:

Did he do it or not?
The Sandman's Eyes is a great mystery and is worth reading for anyone who loves mysteries. In this book Michael Thorne is committed and put into a mental hospital for something he didn't do. He has to find out who is the murderer and then maybe be could live a normal life. A man named Gary is writing a book about Michael and helps him figure out clues that may prove his innocence. With the help of Gary, Michael will find out who murdered the woman the night in Monrovia Park.

I really enjoyed this book. It kept me guessing about who committed the crime. Michael also faced many other problems that kept me thinking about other things, and not just the murder. While reading it, I had to think about Michael's other problems. It kept me side tracked and the author tried to keep me from figuring out the real problem, the murder.

I thought that the book was very interesting. Good Story.

Christmas Killer
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Author: Patricia Windsor
Amazon base price: $10.55
Average review score:

A mysterious book!
I am in 7th grade and I read this book for a AR test. That is a test you take on the computer after you read the book. I t was a wonderful book. But not to scary. You can't really know who the killer is until the end. So read this book to find out. It is a truly amazing book.

CK: Three S's: suspensful, scary, and sensational
The Christmas Killer will definetly keep your eyes moving, because once you pick up this book you won't want to stop reading! I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to read a great suspensful book. It is thrilling, and an exciting book that makes you think twice about the outcome. Even though this book's events are taken place during Thanksgiving and Christmas (hints the title) this book is a great read any time of the year. I recommend this to everyone and I know that some of my friends would also enjoy this book. So pick up this book and try to find out the killer yourself.

The Christmas Killer
The Christmas Killer was one of the most intriging books I have read. Patricia Windsor is the best at portraying how Rosecoleer was feeling in each chapter. She also told how the killer was feeling between chapters. If you're looking for a bone chilling thriller get this book. You won't be able to put it down!

Mad Martin
Published in Library Binding by HarperCollins Children's Books (1976)
Author: Patricia Windsor
Amazon base price: $10.89
Used price: $2.20
Collectible price: $4.24
Average review score:

You won't want to put it down!
This book was extremely good. The characters were well developed and believable. Though its somewhat dated, it's still really enjoyable. You truly won't want to put it down as you read about Martin and his life.

The Blooding
Published in Unknown Binding by Bt Bound (1901)
Author: Patricia Windsor
Amazon base price: $12.15
Average review score:

The Blooding
I hated it and if it was possible to give this book lower than a one, trust me I would! The plot is also slow moving and the description is horrid!
The relationship between the young girl and the man who's over thirty is appalling and the characters have almost no personality. The mood is darker and depressing but the plot is simply stupid- sorry to say. My thoughts: Read this book if you wish but don't be too dissapointed if it's nothing spectacular... It will keep you busy at least.

(PLOT: A young girl who's mother places no trust in her sends her off to help out an old friend with her children in England. While in England weird things begin to happen, the woman sufferes from a mysterious illness and Maris- the main character keeps hearing people come in and out at around 3am and hears someone being sick and finds blood in the bathroom.
To make a long story short Maris ends up trying to find out this family's secrets and falls in love with the father who is like 20 years older than her and gets entangled in a swirl of dark secrets, family fueds, death, and werewolves.)

The Mystery of Shapeshifting
I enjoyed reading the book and it was very interesting how everything came out in the end. I gave the book four stars because it was probably one of the best books that I have ever read.I liked how Maris dealt with everything and how determined she was not to leave England. I couldn't put this book down because I wanted to see what else was going to happen. The suspense never stopped and that's one of the things that made me more interested in the book. I hope to see a second part to this story because it interested me very much.

This was a pretty good book
I liked "The Blooding" as it was a bit more subtle and creepier then "Blood and Chocolate" which it sometimes gets compared to. It is not a very fast paced book but it still a good read. I suppose the bottom line is what sort of werewolf story you prefer.

Diving for Roses
Published in Hardcover by Harpercollins Juvenile Books (1976)
Author: Patricia Windsor
Amazon base price: $13.50
Used price: $3.40
Collectible price: $9.53
Average review score:
No reviews found.

The Dream Killer
Published in Paperback by Pan Macmillan (09 October, 1992)
Author: Patricia Windsor
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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Published in Hardcover by Delacorte Press (1988)
Author: Patricia Windsor
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $2.75
Collectible price: $5.29
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Home Is Where Your Feet Are Standing
Published in Hardcover by Harpercollins Juvenile Books (1976)
Author: Patricia. Windsor
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $1.67
Average review score:
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