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Book reviews for "Williams,_Ioan_Miles" sorted by average review score:

Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom
Published in Hardcover by (2003)
Authors: William and Ellen Craft
Amazon base price: $94.99
Average review score:

A Daring Escape to Freedom!!!
Ellen and William Craft were a young (mid-20's) slave couple who made a daring escape to freedom. Light-skinned Ellen cut her hair short and dressed in the suit and tophat of a white planter. Since she was illiterate, her husband William made a sling for her arm, so she had an excuse not to sign hotel registers. And since she had a womanly voice, the couple devised a poultice tied around her jaw indicating she had a bad toothache and could not speak. William played the role of his white massa's slave. And the couple traveled by train, steamship, and wagon to their destination in the north. They soon became popular lecturers in the United States and Europe. This is a remarkable story of daring and bravery and should be read by everyone. Anyone who wants to introduce their children to good historical fiction should get them The Journal of Darien Duff, an Emancipated Slave, The Diary of a Slave Girl, Ruby Jo, and The Journal of Leroy Jones, a Fugitive Slave.

I read this for a college history survey course before it was mistakenly announced that the book was out of print. The book was dropped from the syllabus, but I am glad I read it anyway.

The first and shortest part of the book is William Craft's powerful account of how he and his wife Ellen executed a daring escape from servitude in Georgia. Their plan was remarkable in its ingenuity: The almost white Ellen, outfitted with a master's clothes and a poultice on her face to prevent incriminating speech with strangers, and her husband William, disguised as a servant, escaped to freedom in the north. Travelling by rail, the pair exultantly crossed over into Canada and from thence headed for England.

The second part of the book is a third person summary of the couple's travels after their ambitious escape. It follows them from Georgia through the slave and free states, in which they were well received and protected (especially in Boston), up to Halifax and across the water to England. I found the final two thirds of the book the most enjoyable, as it treated of foreign travel, in which I have a keen interest. Both portions of the book are beautifully written and often gripping. I hope a few of my classmates read this before that announcement. This book is both pleasurable to read and historically vital.

The Freedom you will get when you read this book.
This book is a captivating account of the injustices of slavery and a amazing story of two fugitives running for there freedom. This book is a great story that should be taught in schools and should not be ignored in American History classes. It opened my mind to the horrors slavery actually caused. It represents a part of our history that should never be repeated. 5 plus stars.

Bob Dylan: In His Own Words
Published in Paperback by Omnibus Press (1993)
Authors: Bob Dylan, Miles, Christian Williams, and Chris Williams
Amazon base price: $15.95
Used price: $9.95
Collectible price: $22.95
Buy one from zShops for: $10.94
Average review score:

Starting A Dylan Book Collection?
This is really a (the) great book for the base of a Dylan book
collection. Each of the 112 pages comprising this paperback
has at least one photograph, and many pages have two or three!
In my mind the pictures alone are worth a binding of their own. They
include many of his co-workers, and famous peers. After looking
at all of them for the first time, you really get a "feel" for
the environment in which he has been working (living) for the
last 30 - 40 years.

The entire collection of quotes (quotes and pictures are all you get, folks)
are catagorized by a plethora of topics, which enables quick referencing,
so you really should learn ALOT about his PERSONALITY.
I say "personality" because the quotes are in
conversational mode, candid, ranginging from silly quips and
understatements to very sincere and thoughtful comments; the way
I imagine he shares with intimates. This is not a stilted,
unemotional, professional collection of aphorisms, and I feel better informed
as a result.

A must for any Dylan fan
Bob Dylan fans will enjoy this book that features over 100 pages of Dylan quotes on subjects ranging from music, the 60's, drugs, love, his idols, songwriting, and more. Everybody knows that Dylan was a wily and occasionally malicious interviewee, and this book reflects that. I laughed out loud several times at his witticisms directed back at the hollow questiosn that were put to him. However, there are some very pointed answers that he serves up here as well, that seemingly give a real insight into his persona, his life, and his views. There are also a lot of high-quality pictures. My only complaint is that the book is a little short-you can easily read it all in one setting, though it's probably a book that you'll go back to time and again to see what Dylan offered up on a particular subject-it would have been nice, for instance, if it had a section where Dylan commented upon particular songs of his, such as was done in the Leonard Cohen book in the "In His Own Words" series. Still, Dylan interviews are always hard to come by, and this is the best copendium you'll find featuring them.

Best Interview Book Around -- Fun
This book contains a compilation of Dylan's own words, transcribed from interviews, press conferences, radio, and TV shows. Complete with scores of pictures, In His Own Words is a must for any Dylan fan. Dylan dons persona after persona, and the results are quite entertaining.

Favourite Tales from Shakespeare
Published in School & Library Binding by Rand McNally & Co (1984)
Author: Bernard Miles
Amazon base price: $21.27
Average review score:

Favourite Tales from Shakespeare by Bernard Miles
This book is undoubtedly one of the best exposures to Shakespeare for children. My eight year old daughter loved it so much she brought it to school and shared it with the class. Her teacher found a copy and made it part of his curriculum. Parents were delighted and tried to find their own copies. I must say this was back in 1978! I have recommended this book over the years to numerous young parents who cannot find this wonderful book. Very sad. To not have this book would be like missing "Pat The Bunny" or "Good Night Moon".

Get your kids into Shakespeare
This book and its amazing illustrations will expose your children (and yourself) to the wonderful world of Shakespeare. Several of Shakespeares best known plays are retold as stories, without the complicated language. Bernard Miles is able to weave these tales so well that you get completely drawn into the characters and the time. Reading these as a kid (the stories are long, probably best for 12 and up) gave me an interest in Shakespeare and help me to understand them when I read or saw them as plays. Don't miss an opportunity to get a copy of this book!

Comprehensive Textbook of Genitourinary Oncology
Published in Hardcover by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers (15 January, 2000)
Authors: Nicholas J. Vogelzang, William U. Shipley, Peter T. Scardino, Donald S. Coffey, and Brian J. Miles
Amazon base price: $199.00
Used price: $47.00
Buy one from zShops for: $99.95
Average review score:

Excellent reference
This text has managed to do the impossible - succinctly summarize the vast and complicated field of GU oncology into a single volume readable precis. The chapters cover all aspects of the relevant malignancies complete with clinical manifestations of disease, current staging systems, pathology considerations and finally standard, novel, and experimental treatment protocols. It certainly is an important reference for those training in urology or those involved in the urologic oncology field.

Conversations With Contemporary American Writers: Saul Bellow, I.b. Singer, Joyce Carol Oates, David Madden, Barry Beckham, Josephine Miles, Gerald Stern, Stephen Dunn, Etheridge Knight, Marilynne Robinson And William Stafford.(Costerus NS 50)
Published in Paperback by Rodopi Bv Editions (1985)
Author: Sanford Pinsker
Amazon base price: $11.00
Used price: $16.00
Average review score:

The last Dodo.
This Book is about a king who lives in a castle. He has a baker called Adrian.The King always eats eggs. Adrian makes the king chicken eggs,goose eggs,duck eggs.Then he shouts More More More! The Next day he read in his Newspaper that a dodos egg was spotted on an island.So he told Adrian to prepare the boat.To get to The island.

Essential Guide to Knowledge Management, The: E-Business and CRM Applications
Published in Paperback by Prentice Hall PTR (15 December, 2000)
Author: Amrit Tiwana
Amazon base price: $24.49
List price: $34.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.73
Collectible price: $13.71
Buy one from zShops for: $10.06
Average review score:

Review from an Experienced Marketing Manager w/ an MBA
This book is a must read for any Executive through manager in a company that is entertaining a CRM implementation. The book covers many helpful hints and constructs that will help save time, money, and human capital. In today's business climate of collaborative solutions pitched by the major competitors (SAP, Siebel, PeopleSoft, J.D. Edwards, etc.), many of their software offerings, solutions, and web sites are geared from their perspective. It's not too hard to get lost in all of their jargon. This book shows the other side--from an business point of view--to implementing a knowledge CRM business strategy. The book covers how to evaluate people for the team and progress throughout the project. The tables throughout the book are outstanding as they compare, contrast, list critical success factors, metric measurement, audit questions and methods, etc.

Favorite Tales from Shakespeare
Published in Hardcover by Checkerboard Pr (1983)
Author: Bernard Miles
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $19.90
Average review score:

Shakespeare for children to love
My 27 year old son just picked up this book from my desk and said, "Wow, this is the book that got me interested in Shakespeare when I was six! It was my favorite book for years."
This is Shakespeare for children and for parents who may not even like Shakespeare. We wore out one copy and I had to buy another. The illustrations are wonderful and contribute to discussion about the plays. All three of my children credit reading this book with their comfort with Shakespeare in high school. One become an English major. I am very sad to see that
it is out of print. I have grandchildren coming up!

Hausaland Divided: Colonialism and Independence in Nigeria and Niger (The Wilder House Series in Politics, History, and Culture)
Published in Hardcover by Cornell Univ Pr (1994)
Author: William F. S. Miles
Amazon base price: $55.00
Used price: $37.95
Average review score:

Good stuff!
A long-running debate in the study of 20th Century African history has been whether there really was any substantive difference between French "direct" rule and British "indirect" rule in the colonial era. Miles gives us a new perspective by focusing on the contemporary differences between two neighboring Hausa-speaking communities -- one in Niger (formerly a French Colony) and one in Nigeria (formerly under British rule). By examining not only conteporary conditions but also the memories of the respective inhabitants, Mile's careful study provides scholars and interested readers with an insightful perspective into the impact of the past on the present. Well-written accessible, and smart.

The Velveteen Rabbit
Published in Paperback by Scholastic (1990)
Authors: Margery Williams, Elizabeth Miles, and Margery Williams Bianco
Amazon base price: $3.50
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $6.00
Buy one from zShops for: $0.18
Average review score:

My daughter's favorite book!
Daughter Anna (now 19 years old) loved this book. It was her favorite above all others. As we sorted through some old kid things for give-away purposes, we stumbled upon this old, well worn copy of "The Velveteen Rabbit." She insisted we keep the book for HER children.

This was her book that Mama (me!) had to read to her again and again and again. As soon as the last word was read on the last page, it was "Mama, please read it again!"

(how I miss those days, by the way!)

The book also has a powerful message about Love that children understand and cherish.

This is a wonderful book. No child should be without their own copy of "The Velveteen Rabbit."

Velveteen Rabbit story good for parents and children
It's a sweet story of a 'simple' stuffed rabbit amidst the more 'complex' modern toys in a boy's "toy collection". The rabbit starts to believe that in order to get the love of the boy, he needs to appear 'real', or be able to zoom about like the motorized toys...
(And I'm not going to tell you the end hahahahaha!!!)
It was great having that read to me, while I was hugging my stuffed animals in bed.
But -- in a way, at first glance it looks like a simple story, but it is actually a surprisingly complex story. Leave it on your child's bookshelf as he/she grows up and he/she will reread it again and again as he/she questions issues such as "who am I?", "what does it mean to be 'real'"?, "what is my role in this world?", and even "what is death"?

I seldom write reviews on children's books, although I love them with a passion. My children are now mothers and my grandchildren are past young childhood. However, I believe that somewhere deep inside each of us remains a small child that still loves fairy tales, cotton candy, and walking barefoot in the grass. This book was one of my children's favourites, along with "Charlotte's Web;" both were also my own personal favourites. When my children were six years old reading this book became a nighly adventure until I knew the words by heart. For the reviewer who rated the book with a one star due to a spelling error, my heart goes out to you; you have sadly missed something very important - the message. The book is not about spelling, editing or lack thereof; it is about encouragement and love.

The book tells the story of a toy, sawdust-filled rabbit who wishes with all his heart to become real. The message contained in this book is poignant, heart-warming and touching, and one that you will never foreget as long as you live. It is a story of beauty, wonder and love. Any child who misses out on "The Velveteen Rabbit" is missing out on one of life's greatest lessons. I cannot say enough good things about this wonderful, wonderful book and highly recommend it to children...and the grown-up child in all of us.

A Hundred Miles of Bad Road
Published in Paperback by Presidio Pr (15 June, 2000)
Authors: Dwight W. Birdwell and Keith William Nolan
Amazon base price: $12.57
List price: $17.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.59
Collectible price: $11.65
Buy one from zShops for: $12.00
Average review score:

A compelling account of Vietnam combat
Dwight Birdwell and William Nolan have produced a very good personal account of an armored crewman's 16-month tour in Vietnam. In addition to absorbing combat narratives, Birdwell provides a lot of details and context to help readers understand his story. He gives explicit reasons why his unit's morale and performance deteriorated over his tour, and how the Tet Offensive changed the nature of the war. I highly recommend this book to any student of the military or the Vietnam War. U.S. military officers should read it for examples of how good leadership can inspire a unit, and bad leadership can cost lives. Birdwell highlights the role of good, solid NCOs as the beating heart of a military unit.

Having read hundreds of books about Vietnam war combat from the perspective of infantry, Rangers, Special Forces, LRRPs, SEALs, and helicopter gunships, I was pleased to find a rare book dealing with American armor combat. With the help fo veteran Vietnam war book author Keith William Nolan, Dwight Birdwell has produced an action packed, easy to read, page turner on his 16 months in Vietnam with a 25th Division armor unit, protecting the main supply route from Saigon to Tay Ninh near the Cambodian border. Arriving Sept. 1967, pre-Tet Birdwell's service as a M48 Patton tank crewman, began with a well lead unit, high moral, and eager for a fight with the Viet Cong. Tet changed all that when Birdwell's unit was dispatched to Saigon where they ran headlong into an enemy regiment which had broke through the wire at Tan Son Nhut Air Base on January 31, 1968. Birdwell's bravery and initiative under intense enemy RPG and gunfire and panic of some fellow troopers won him a Silver Star and a Purple Heart. The narrative of the searing engagement draws one into the action like you are a witness to the blast of tank cannon and the whine of enemy bullets. Birdwell wins a second Silver Star at An Duc in July, 1968, while describing the steady decline of morale and efficiency as troopers realize Washington had no strategy for winning the war. Despite heavy combat, Birdwell manages to preserve his humanity and a measure of idealism, which motivated him to volunteer for Vietnam service, as a teenager. Upon his return to Oklahoma, Birdwell used his G. I. Bill to get an education and eventually earn a law degree and now practices law in Oklahoma City. Of Cherokee heritage, he served for two years as the Chief Justice of the Cherokee Nation. Birdwell's book provides an excellent map to conveniently track ambush and battle site. Also, there are 16 pages of photographs. His epilogue features a "status report" on many officers and troopers he served with and survived the war, including his squadron commander Glenn K. Otis, who went on to be Commander and Chief, U.S Army Europe. Birdwell's book should be on the must read list of every military officer and NCO who might serve in a ground combat unit or support them.

The Truth About Vietnam By Birdwell & Nolan
This Is a story of truth from the men who were In vietnam.Nolan served in the vietnam war.And from reading this book he takes you there.And tells us the american people what we never knew that happened during this war.An amazing truthful book to read.I would give it ten stars."Truth In justice for all of our vets" They are the back bone of this country.The goverment should know. When our vets came home sick and dying from agent orange.Our goverment denied everything.Even the one who gave the orders to drop It. Killed his own son.When his son died he knew it was from agent orange. He later killed himself because of his guilt.Since he was a high ranking officer he was sworn to silence.Like all the other military officers. Our goverment does not care about the men who not only died for this country.Also the ones they killed and never admitted to.The cost to the goverment would be to great.So deny ,deny, at all cost. As the govement has always lied about our vets.When they came home sick from Vietnam also Saudi Arabia.The goverment denied all of this again.Deformed babies,cancer,of all kinds.The goverment again denied our men came in contact with any chemicals to make them sick.When it has been proven that the air they breathed and the contact with tanks were contaminated from Iraq weapons used on our military soldiers.WHY''

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