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Book reviews for "White,_William_Joseph" sorted by average review score:

Joe Dodge, One New Hampshire Institution
Published in Hardcover by Phoenix Pub (1986)
Author: William Lowell. Putnam
Amazon base price: $16.00
Used price: $39.92
Average review score:

Amazing book!
Anyone interested in the White Mountains of New Hampshire will be fascinated by this compelling account of Joe Dodge, the real Old Man of the mountains. Putnam weaves humor and tragedy with his own personal knowledge of the man who was perhaps most responsible for the modern perception of the Northern Peaks. AMC Hutmaster, pioneer SAR organizer, co-founder of the Mount Washington Observatory, organizer of the legendary Inferno races from the summit of Washington to Pinkham Notch, it's all told in this wonderful book.

Abdominal Surgery of Infancy and Childhood (2 Volume Set)
Published in Hardcover by Dunitz Martin Ltd (1996)
Authors: William L. Donnellan, John D. Burrington, Ken Kimura, Joseph C. Schafer, and John J. White
Amazon base price: $415.00
Used price: $199.95
Buy one from zShops for: $409.81
Average review score:
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Airships for the Future
Published in Hardcover by Sterling Publications (1978)
Author: William Joseph White
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $3.99
Collectible price: $5.28
Average review score:
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