Murder of Innocence: The Tragic Life and Final Rampage of Laurie Dann, the Schoolhouse Killer
Published in Paperback by Warner Books (1991)
Authors: Joel Kaplan, George Papajohn, and Eric Zorn
Amazon base price: $4.99
Used price: $2.49
Collectible price: $2.64


More Frightening Than Any Horror Novel!

Could it happen to you?
Balancing Act: Washington's Troubled Path to a Balanced Budget
Published in Paperback by Vintage Books (1998)
Authors: George Hager and Eric Pianin
Amazon base price: $19.00
Used price: $5.00
Buy one from zShops for: $12.00

This thorough and enjoyable book reads like a good novel!

Great book, but it's Mirage, which they published in 1997
Jerusalem and the Holy Land Rediscovered: The Prints of David Roberts (1796-1864)
Published in Hardcover by Duke University Press (1997)
Authors: David Roberts, W. D. Davies, Eric M. Meyers, Sarah Walker Schroth, and George Croly
Amazon base price: $95.00

A gorgeous book, by a great artist

A true vision of the holy land.
Army Life in Virginia: The Civil War Letters of George C. Benedict
Published in Hardcover by Stackpole Books (01 February, 2002)
Authors: G. G. Benedict and Eric Ward
Amazon base price: $18.87
List price: $26.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $18.82
Collectible price: $23.29
Buy one from zShops for: $18.77

Excellent all around!
Capital Times: Tales from the Conquest of Time (Theory Out of Bounds, Vol 6)
Published in Hardcover by Univ of Minnesota Pr (Txt) (1996)
Authors: Eric Alliez, Geroges Van Den Abbeele, and Georges Van Den Abbeele
Amazon base price: $68.95

A Truly New Philosophical Theology
Cardiac Arrhythmias: An Integrated Approach for the Clinician
Published in Hardcover by McGraw-Hill Professional (15 January, 1994)
Authors: Eric N., Md. Prystowsky and George J., M.D. Klein
Amazon base price: $67.00
Used price: $99.75

Cardiac arrhythmias.An integrated apppoach for the clinician
Dynamix: Great War Planes: The Ultimate Strategy Guide
Published in Paperback by Prima Publishing (1993)
Authors: Tom Basham, Bill Ciciora, Eric Matthew Pearson, Dynamix, and George Fontaine
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $7.50
Collectible price: $15.88

Great War Planes.
Foreign Affairs
Published in Digital by Renaissance eBooks ()
Author: Eric George
Amazon base price: $4.00

Intriguing stories...
Live in Japan
Published in Hardcover by Genesis Publications (01 January, 1993)
Authors: George Harrison and Eric Clapton
Amazon base price: $498.00

George and Clapton Live in Japan
Hacking Java: The Java Professional's Resource Kit
Published in Paperback by Que (1996)
Authors: Mark Wutka, David Baker, David Boswell, Ken Cartwright, David Edgar Liebke, Tom Lockwood, Stephen Matsuba, George Menyhert, Eric Ries, and Krishna Sankar
Amazon base price: $59.99
Used price: $2.45

A must-have for any Java programmer

Great value for intermediate/advanced

Excellent book
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