Book reviews for "Wheelwright,_Steven_C." sorted by average review score:

Managing New Product and Process Development: Text and Cases
Published in Hardcover by Free Press (1993)
Amazon base price: $60.00
Average review score: 

I have found this book an excellent starting point to understanding product development cycles, the values of planning, and effective project management. The best book I have read on the topic yet. I have bougt many books on this topic and none of them have covered the topic better.

Don't be turned away by the pub date--this is still the best book out there on the topic of new product development. The development framework that informs the structure of the book and their prescriptions is insightful and elegant. I have used the book for many years as a main text book for my 'management of technology' classes, to both engineering and business students, and most students love the book, especially those with real life experience. It's a great book to introduce engineering students to business/project management issues for the first time, and visa versa. The cases are also very well selected.

of the book "Revolutionizing Product Development", same authors. The chapters are segmented according to the logic of the previous mentioned book. It is worth mention the chapters about the application of the "Aggregate Project Plan" and "Structuring the Development Funnel". These chapters tell us about the pitfalls and gave some useful proposition on how to solve it. The examples are OK. It could be a bit difficult to undestand how the process works without the previous reference cited before. There is also some "study questions" that suggests that this book is also for training people on Innovation. Very good idea indeed!

The Product Development Challenge: Competing Through Speed, Quality, and Creativity (A Harvard Business Review Book)
Published in Hardcover by Harvard Business School Press (1995)
Amazon base price: $22.75
List price: $32.50 (that's 30% off!)
List price: $32.50 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score: 

A series of excellent articles on the new product processes. Especially recommend the article on "Make Projects the School for Leaders". A prediction for the future that many companies are beginning to experience. Highly recommended.

Restoring Our Competitive Edge : Competing Through Manufacturing
Published in Hardcover by John Wiley & Sons (1984)
Amazon base price: $31.47
List price: $44.95 (that's 30% off!)
List price: $44.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score: 

I think this is one of the better books explaining various types of manufacturing and the possible strategies the companies would use. This book also details vertical integration pros and cons. The person reading this book should have some knowledge of strategic planning and cost accounting to get the full impact. A required reading for the APICS Systems and Technology test. I would not have passed the test without this book.

Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation
Published in Hardcover by McGraw-Hill/Irwin (26 July, 2000)
Amazon base price: $127.80
Average review score: 

The policy that strenthens the focus of leading high technology firms is concentrating R&D on one or two areas. Such startegy enables these business to dominate the research. Their commitment to R&d is both enduring and consistent. It is mainteained through slack periods and recessions because it is believe to be in the best long term interest of the stockholders.

The policy that strenthens the focus of leading high technology firms is concentrating R&D on one or two areas. Such startegy enables these business to dominate the research. Their commitment to R&d is both enduring and consistent. It is mainteained through slack periods and recessions because it is believe to be in the best long term interest of the stockholders.

This book offers a large number of case studies from the areas of research and technology development in various industries. It covers most the important concepts of technology management such as "core competencies". It follows the traditional model employed in business schools: learning from others' experiences by means of case studies. Particularly relevant are the sections on "heavyweight teams".

Creating Project Plans to Focus Product Development
Published in Digital by Harvard Business School Press (28 June, 2003)
Amazon base price: $6.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Forecasting Methods for Management
Published in Paperback by John Wiley & Sons (1977)
Amazon base price: $27.95
Average review score:
No reviews found.

The Handbook of Forecasting
Published in Hardcover by John Wiley & Sons (1987)
Amazon base price: $64.95
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Link Manufacturing Process and Product Life Cycles
Published in Digital by Harvard Business School Press (28 June, 2003)
Amazon base price: $6.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Forecasting : Methods and Applications
Published in Hardcover by John Wiley & Sons (1997)
Amazon base price: $90.65

The Handbook of Forecasting: A Manager's Guide
Published in Hardcover by John Wiley & Sons (1987)
Amazon base price: $175.00
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