Used price: $5.90

I'm in love.
Nobody outsmarts, outfights, or outlasts bad guys like Seneca adventurer Jane Whitefield. The first three books in Perry's wonderful series--Vanishing Act, Dance for the Dead, and this one--are the only books that can stand comparison to Tony Hillerman's "Navajo mysteries." And in some ways, Perry is the better writer. Don't miss these books.

This one was the most complicated and presented by far the biggest challange to her talents and abilities. I decided to give it four stars, only because I felt that this novel caused me to suspend belief just a few too many times. Having Jane get married a book or so earlier, Mr. Perry also deals hardly at all, with the ease that Jane leaves her husband to go about the very dangerous business of making people disappear.
In this book, she takes on an additional burden. One of her charges, "Bernie the Elephant" knows where all of the Mafia's ill gotten gains are and a scheme is devised to make all of that money disappear as well. I give credit to the way that this is to happen, but it is really hard to believe that when all of the Mafia familes in the United States are looking for you and even have a rather accurate picture of what you look like, that a woman, an elderly man and a teenager are going to be able to elude these forces and remain safe while they travel about the United States and impoverish the Mafia. I also have some trouble with Jane's never ending source of money to buy cars, houses, clothing, etc. for herself and for those she is helping. How she came by that wealth is never really adressed in any of Mr. Perry's books. Having said all that, I really enjoyed the book. Its quite a tale and worth your time to read it.

Used price: $14.98
Collectible price: $19.86

Here's the premise -- Jane Whitefield is half Native American and is in the business of helping people disappear. She has spent the last ten years of her life hiding people with the full knowledge that if they can disappear, without leaving a trail, and stay hidden for two or three months, the chance of ever being found drops considerably. Her clients run the gamut from wives escaping spousal abuse to informants escaping the mob -- all innocent people who cannot be suitably protected without some kind of help. Jane is considered a "guide". She guides people out of their fragile situations with the aid of her network of willing accomplices who help her with new identifications and transport for these runaways.
The setting of this episode takes place in Upstate New York where Jane is able to use her Native American instincts to weave her way through the lakes and forests of this region. In the true tradition of her Seneca ancestors, her ingenuity is remarkable and her intuition extraordinary. This was the interesting part of the book as I learned about the cultures of the tribes that originally inhabited this area as Jane actually takes one of her fugitives to an Indian reservation for refuge.
The opening chapter starts off with a chase through the airport as a victim of an abusive spouse is being trailed by a bounty hunter hired by her husband. Little does the bounty hunter know that Jane Whitefield is in that same airport setting the stage for an exciting story. The events that follow include the mob, embezzling, a deadly poker game, a framed accountant and a chase against the elements.
I was finally happy to be reading a book centered around a female heroine as opposed to the usual wise-cracking, ex-alcoholic, male private eye who usually appears in most of the mystery series I read. However, for a book that started out great, this one went downhill as the plot became very predictable before page 60. This was disappointing but not enough to keep me from following this character to the second book in this series -- "Dance For The Dead." Another Amazon reviewer wrote -- "Jane Whitefield for President." These are my sentiments exactly and if you take the time to get involved in this series, you'll especially enjoy the skill and resourcefulness of this true ancestor of the Seneca Indian tribe now turned "guide to those in desperate need."

Read *Vanishing Act*, *Shadow Woman*, and *Dance for the Dead*. These are the must-haves of the series. Perry manages to create a believable Seneca world while maintaining a respectful distance, and his intricate plotting sustains each book. Read for the plot, read for the Indians: either way, you'll be happy.

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