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Book reviews for "Tutu,_Desmond_Mpilo" sorted by average review score:

From the Ashes: A Spiritual Response to the Attack on America
Published in Audio Cassette by Penguin Putnam (2002)
Authors: Graham Billy, Richard Davidson, Alison Fraser, Billy Graham, Neale Donald Walsch, Desmond Mpilo Tutu, and Thom Hartmann
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $5.00
Buy one from zShops for: $19.19
Average review score:

Beautiful, inspiring, real
So many people are turning to faith since September 11, looking for reassurance, trying to find answers to hard questions. This remarkable book skips the banal platitudes; instead, it gave me real, solid guidance to begin to face those hard questions and try to make sense of it all. The variety and depth of this astounding collection of essays is breathtaking. I was astonished by how many different faiths are represented. Especially moving, to me, was a New York parish priest's account of ministering to victims. We also get to eavesdrop on the Beliefnet community as they helped each other cope in the days following the attacks; the personal interactions are riveting. Only Beliefnet could have created this book. This is a gift that truly will help us all rise "from the ashes."

This book gave me comfort
This wonderful, heartwarming book comforted me not just with inspiring words, but with the profound spiritual wisdom of a multifaith array of religious leaders. It is heartening to know that people of all faiths both condemn violence and believe that the human family can move beyond it. The community discussion part of the book -- in which computer users post messages of fear and suspense on as they realize what has happened with the crashed planes -- is gripping. These users' interfaith prayers and concern for each other show an Internet community at its best.

awesome and inspiring
Picked this book up at an airport just before
my flight and was unable to put it down during
the entire flight! It is filled with healing
words, inspirational thoughts, and wisdom from
some of the greatest spiritual leaders of our
times, at a time when so many are desperately
seeking answers to questions regarding this
horrific tragedy against mankind. I strongly
recommend this book --- a must read for all of
us who care deeply about what happened to our
nation on September 11.

Archbishop Desmond Tutu: An African Prayer Book
Published in Audio Cassette by Sounds True (1996)
Authors: Alice Walker and Desmond Mpilo Tutu
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $4.98
Buy one from zShops for: $4.69
Average review score:

very touching Book
i got this book a few years back&it touched me.the prayers&Poems really touched me alot.Desmond TuTu is a Great Human Being.This Man has touched many lives.i have enjoyed this book since day one.

Luminous - a wonderful collection of prayers and devotions
In "The African Prayer Book," Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Archbishop Emeritus of Cape Town has assembled a series of prayers on such topics as adoration, contrition, thanksgiving, supplication and daily life; ranging from authors who wrote their prayers in antiquity, and those living in modern times. Although the primary focus is Christian, prayers from other faith traditions are included.

This book is exquisite, to see and touch as well as to read, and the prayers are beautiful. Archbishop Tutu prefaces each chapter with a meditation on the topic: those alone are well worth owning the book. A wonderful collection.

The African Prayer Book
This book is just beautiful. It is a wonderful collection of prayers and poetry. The very first one entitled An African Canticle is worth the price alone.

Complete Idiot's Guide to the Life of Christ
Published in Paperback by Alpha Books (20 October, 2000)
Authors: William R. Grimbol and Desmond Mpilo Tutu
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.90
Collectible price: $16.96
Buy one from zShops for: $7.98
Average review score:

A Small Treasure
Unlike other books of this sort, "Life of Christ" actually manages to teach you something! Not only does it focus on the existence of Jesus, the greatest teacher and thinker of all time, but it also includes details about the patriarchs, the prophets, the related history -- all the information you need to fully appreciate the tragically inspirational story of Jesus Christ. The author is truly gifted and talented; his own attitude and writing style are something to marvel at! This is a definite must read for all who are curious about the world's most passionate teacher and savior!

Nice overview of Christ
I found this book to be quite excellent.It is written simply, like most Idiot's guides. The information to my knowledge is quite accurate. I was actually surprised at the quality of this book. From the culture surrounding Jesus, to his birth, life, and death, this book covers it all. The book is packed with interesting facts. It is not overly complex, and won't try to "convert" anyone. It simply gives an overview of Christ. But even non-Christians will admire Jesus Christ after reading about his truly awesome life on this earth.

Can Anything Good Come out of a "Complete Idiot" Book?
Yes, something good can come from Nazareth, and here we have something good about the same thing, coming out of Complete Idiot-land. It's a little hard to get used to, since it's not really a Sunday school paper, but not quite a copy of the New Testament, either.

Includes sections on how Jesus fulfilled Old Testament prophecies, and a section analyzing the Book of Revelation. Doing this explores the context of Christ's life, and this format ends up producing a refreshing new look.

The radical nature of Christ's message comes out clearly, as the author here boils it down: don't worry about anything; disregard hypocrites; love your neighbor.

The anaylsis of the four gospel books is pretty standard. For a guy who, according to the back cover, is on a teaching gig at St. John the Divine cathedral in NYC (home of ultra-liberals like William Sloane Coffin), the author is remarkably Orthodox in his approach. Althouth he's a Presbyterian, he's in touch with urban ministries and younger people, all of which comes out here.

The anti-scholastic tone achieved by the cover and packaging may also be more authentically Christ-like than most people would think. The author leaves room in his writing for doubts about who Jesus was, or is, which is also appropriate for this medium.

The Rainbow People of God
Published in Paperback by Image Books (1996)
Authors: Desmond Mpilo Tutu and Nelson Mandela
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $8.75
Collectible price: $21.18
Buy one from zShops for: $10.64
Average review score:

Outstanding collection of Tutu's antiapartheid efforts
The Rainbow People of God is a must-have anthology of Desmond Tutu's most motivating and inspiring letters, sermons and addresses between 1974 and 1994. John Allen (editor) includes some of Tutu's most memorable public addresses and skillfully weaves historical background information into the public addresses for the reader's benefit. This proves extremely helpful in painting an overall picture of the antiapartheid movement in South Africa. Anyone who has listened to Tutu speak understands that he often employs humor to illustrate the darkness and oppression caused by apartheid. Readers expecting such humor will enjoy complete satisfaction in this collection of Tutu's speeches. Through Tutu's voice, we learn how he successfully merged African and Christian philosophy to become one of the key players in defeating apartheid.

Desmond Tutu is definately a man of God. His love, forgiveness and courage is set firmly in his belief of the Gospel. Through this book he clearly demonstrates the power that comes from a belief. The journals will inspire anybody.

Exploring Forgiveness
Published in Paperback by Univ of Wisconsin Pr (1998)
Authors: Robert D. Enright, Joanna North, and Desmond Mpilo Tutu
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.85
Buy one from zShops for: $11.17
Average review score:

A Pioneering Work on the Power of Forgiveness
In the first chapter, the two editors state that this book emerged out of the very first conference ever held on the topic of interpersonal forgiveness at any university. That fact alone is worth picking up this book. Besides this, you will be challenged to see how forgiveness fits into a wide variety of areas such as family studies, psychotherapy, law and politics. In every chapter there are golden nuggets of information about how to successfully apply forgiveness to help people's lives. Even Desmond Tutu's brief foreword is filled with great ideas (he even seemed to derive the title of his popular book on forgiveness from one of the sentences in that foreword). Marietta Jaeger's tender story of forgiving the murderer of her daughter will make you weep. This book successfully explores forgiveness and readers are the beneficiaries.

No Future Without Forgiveness
Published in Hardcover by Doubleday (05 October, 1999)
Author: Desmond Mpilo Tutu
Amazon base price: $23.95
Used price: $11.00
Collectible price: $12.71
Buy one from zShops for: $19.88
Average review score:

Great Topic, but Something is missing
I enjoyed the amazing scope of Desmond Tutu's thought process and his ability to commit it to paper; but sometimes I found exploring one thought from so many angles a little unnecessary. I also had trouble with the absence of enough Aparthied history to ensure complete comprehension by all readers of all ages. I longed for more explanation to help me get through this book and really appreciate what happened during Aparthied and in the aftermath for which the commission Tutu was a member was formed.

Incredible - every human being should read this book
After the fall of apartheid in South Africa, a remarkable shift occurred. Rather than forming war crimes tribunals, rather than whitewashing or ignoring the past, the democratically-elected government, led by President Nelson Mandela, formed a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. In exchange for amnesty, those guilty of war crimes were required to appear before the commission and make a complete and full disclosure of any and all atrocities committed, receiving in turn a full pardon.

This is extremely difficult and painful reading. The atrocities are grisly, and I only had to read about them, not listen to them, nor experience them. In clear, unvarnished prose, Archbishop Tutu covers the difficulties in forming and leading such a commission, the differences and problems the commission members themselves had, and the response to it on the part of South African citizens. Yet, with all of the limitations Archbishop Tutu outlines, this was a remarkable, hopeful, amazing process, unlike any in human history. The book concludes with a fascinating, intriguing discussion on the nature of forgiveness. A wonderful, painful and inspiring book: one that shares the best and worst of the human condition, written by a great moral leader of our time. This book should be required reading for every human being alive.

Walking the Road of Reconciliation
No Future Without Forgiveness chronicles the path that South Africa walked after the election of Nelson Mandela and the end of the systematic apartheid. It was a time when so many people did not even know what had become of their loved ones, and they struggled with how to deal with their grief. They struggled with forgiveness, and they struggled with the connection between confession and truth and forgiveness and reconciliation. Yet in their terrible grief, they did not set up a war tribunal to prosecute, judge and punish those who committed these acts. Instead, they recognized a higher authority. They built a model based on the Christian principles of truth, confession and reconciliation. "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." The government formed a Truth and Reconciliation Committee and said to those who committed these horrible acts, "Come and tell us the truth, and we will grant you amnesty and we will be reconciled so that we can heal."..."You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free." Quite remarkable, right? This is an entire country carrying out the Christian model in the midst of horrendous grief.

In his book, Desmond Tutu talks about this walk with the commission that he led. It's a remarkable story about a remarkable Christian witness. In my opinion, it's one of the most important books of the past century and one that everyone should read

Freedom from Fear and Other Writings
Published in Paperback by Penguin USA (Paper) (1996)
Authors: Aung San Suu Kyi, Michael Aris, Aung San Suu Kyi, Aung, and Desmond Mpilo Tutu
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $2.50
Collectible price: $6.69
Buy one from zShops for: $6.98
Average review score:

Freedom from fear
this book is very good for me to build my strength
and power for fight against military dictatorship
in my country. Thank you for Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.


This book was for me an opener into the evolution of Burma's political scene, and it proved to be a good one.

Whilst it takes some time to get accustomed to the many abbreviations of Burma's political parties and factions, once it is gotten used to, Freedom from Fear becomes an essential book for those interested in the becoming of Aung San Suu Kyi - daughter of Burma's national hero, the late Aung San - and her process of fighting and eventually winning the support of the country she always called home depite her international influences.

Though Freedom from Fear would be a good book to start learning about Burma's modern political history, I would suggest first reading about pre-colonial Burma to get a better grasp and understanding of the country's stand and place in Southeast Asia.

Freedom from Fear and Other Writings
This book really inspired me. And all the details information written in this book are 100% accurate and I was so suprised to read all those history things that I have learnt in my childhood in my country, Myanmar. I believe this is one of the books that every patriots of Burma should have.

South Africa: A Modern History
Published in Paperback by Palgrave Macmillan (2000)
Authors: T. R. H. Davenport, Christopher C. Saunders, and Desmond Mpilo Tutu
Amazon base price: $35.00
Used price: $5.66
Average review score:

a remarkable story lost in turgid detail
S Africa is one of those countries that seems to create both dangerous and yet fundamental historical precedents. Its history is peopled by individuals who went on to become great by any world measure: not only did Mahatma Gandhi pioneer his methods of non-violent protest there, but Winston Churchill first distinguished himself for his leadership qualities during the Anglo-Boer War. Then there was Nelson Mandela, a man who emerged from over 25 years as a political prisoner without bitterness and ready to help a divided society begin to heal. And there are scores of others, including the ruthless Cecil Rhodes and dynamic chiefs whose struggel to maintain their culture and independence was doomed. Of course, S Africa set a series of horrible precedents as well: the refinement of civilian concentration camps at the turn of the century, institutionalised racism, and the heartless exploitation of captive ethnic groups.

Unfortunately, instead of telling these tales with drama and flair, this book gets bogged down in laborious descriptions of the recommendations of obscure commmissions, tallying election results, and the complete details of discriminatory wage policies. Alas, reading this offers about as much pleasure as wading through a Webster College Dictionary page by page. How can academics turn something so fascinating into a sludge of seemingly disconnected facts? In the rate moments when I felt my interest rising on a particular topic, the authors abrupty dropped it in the middle and fail to follow it up.

Moreover, though it purports to be a modern and updated history, this book stops at the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (yes, it gets boring treatment as well) and barely even addresses the twin crises that threaten to rip this fragile new society apart: escalating random violence and the threat of Aids, which may kill 25% of the population or more in the next ten years. Can S Africa continue even to exist? Was all the struggle for naught? If you are interested in these questions, you have to look somewhere else, I'm afraid. The authors don't even offer a conclusion to sum up their points of view.

Look elsewhere, unless you crave scholarly detail at the expense of even minimal storytelling.

Dense Details
Dear Reader,
This book is very useful. It can't be read in one sitting since it is quite dense, but it provides a marvelous level of detail aobut South Africa. Great as a reference book and, although it must be read over a long period of time, it also has an engaging narrative. It has excellent newspaper political cartoons that give a sense of the political commentary of the day.

Reconciliation: The Ubuntu Theology of Desmond Tutu
Published in Paperback by Pilgrim Pr (1997)
Authors: Michael Jesse Battle and Desmond Mpilo Tutu
Amazon base price: $14.00
List price: $20.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.90
Buy one from zShops for: $13.85
Average review score:

A much needed corrective to rampant individualism
Christianity in North America and Europe tends to buy into the Enlightenment ethos of "enlightened self-interest" and "rational individualism." The individual as free agent is the starting point for thinking about society, and this of course reduces community to little more than a collection of individuals who come together out of self-interest. A Christianity saturated with this way of thinking about the relation between persons and society tends to focus too much on individual salvation and individual sin and too little on the Kingdom of God as communitarian ideal, collective salvation, and corporate sin.

The underlying principle of Archbishop Tutu's Christian ethics is the African notion of "ubuntu." Ubuntu is a difficult word to translate, but it connotes community, with the understanding that it's impossible to isolate persons from community, that there's an organic relationship between all people such that when we see another, we should recognize (an important word for Tutu) ourselves and the God in whose image all people are made. Interdependence and reciprocity, not independence and self-sufficiency, are the keys here. As Tutu magnificently says, "A self-sufficient human being is subhuman. I have gifts that you do not have, so consequently, I am unique--you have gifts that I do not have, so you are unique. God has made us so that we will need each other. We are made for a delicate network of interdependence." (p. 35)

Michael Battle, an African-American theologian who lived and worked for a while in South Africa, has written a comprehensive and lucid account of Tutu's understanding of ubuntu. He carefully explores its ethical, theological, and spiritual implications for Tutu and, by association, for contemporary Christianity. Battle is generous in his quotes from Tutu, but he also provides insightful commentary on Tutu's words. Strongly advised for anyone wishing to explore Christian social ethics. I recommend it be read along with Bishop Tutu's *No Future Without Forgiveness.*

The Words of Desmond Tutu
Published in Paperback by Newmarket Press (1996)
Authors: Naomi Tutu and Desmond Mpilo Tutu
Amazon base price: $7.95
Average review score:

Good collection, covers many topics
The Archbishop Desmond Tutu has been one of the foremost spokesmen for political religion in our times (whatever Pat Robertson may think). This collection of various speeches he gave brings his personality into focus - that of a deeply spiritual man interesting in his country and his people. None of the selections are overly long though some I thought got a bit repetitive (sp?). Divided into several sections, this book is probably of use to those interested in the political-religious intersection as well as those who like to read books of quotes. I am not one of the latter, but the fact that this book appealed to me speaks well of it.

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