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Book reviews for "Turner,_Guinevere" sorted by average review score:

Go Fish
Published in Paperback by Overlook Press (1995)
Authors: Guinevere Turner, Rose Trouche, and Rose Troche
Amazon base price: $15.95
Used price: $1.89
Collectible price: $2.75
Buy one from zShops for: $3.83
Average review score:

And did i say boring?
I am quite interested movies i would call: off center. Took a chance and picked this up at a rental place knowing nothing but what i read on the box. Normally i have an uncanny knack for knowing which non-mainstream films i'm going to connect with. But this sucker was boring. I'd proceed from here with details and well thought out reasons except that this movie was too boring to put that much effort into.

All those characters and issues and what should have been interesting insights and even humor, and yet i found it extremely boring. The characters were boring, the story was boring... there was just so many things here that bored me to death that i'm sure this review will be equally boring. This monstrosity can be summed up with one word...

Quite missable- only if REALLY you have nothing else to do!
I guess for its time this movie was really groundbreaking because it was the first film made by lesbians for lesbians. But seeing it now is just painful. Aside from Guin Turner, this movie boasts some of the scariest looking females I have ever seen. The dialogue is contrived and the acting is appalling. I mean I realize they had a really limited budget to work with or whatever, and kudos, but theres really no reason you should waste 2 hours of your life on this film. Get something else.

One of my favs!!!
I'm not a big-time film buff, but "Go Fish" has been one of my all time favorite flicks since I set my beady little B.D. eyes (and that has *nothing* to do with B/D/S/M!) on it so many years ago. I had such an intense connection with the film right from the start that I have never been able to get very involved with deconstructing or criticizing it. Yes, the acting is a bit stilted in parts, but the entire experience was so *real* to me that I could forgive that shortfall. Maybe the "sub-par" acting was just one of the many things that endeared it to me! I can remember the second time I sat down to watch the movie and realizing that I never noticed it was in black and white the first time I watched it! And for the lady who bought this film for her 5-year-old daughter because she thought it was about a child's card game --- duh! You're on Amazon, you're on the internet -- do your homework first! Did you even look at the film rating or read any of the reviews before whipping out your credit card number? *honestly...* Anyway, if you're "in the life," and especially if you're an energetic little journal-writing, people-watching fledgling from the closet, and you're ready for something NOT shiny and unbelievably airbrushed *straight* (pun intended) out of Hollywood, this film is sure to light a fire under you!

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