Used price: $24.24
It has a great pace, and fits somewhat into the cat and mouse category. The search and chase for the info leads protagonist Adam Bruno across the country, back in time and in contact with a wide array of potential leads. It is easy to follow the logical pattern. The procedure is clearly delineated and makes sense.
The characters were cleverly drawn and it was no problem to cheer for Adam Bruno. He showed street smarts, resourcefulness and imagination; tinged with just enough sarcasm directed at his smug adversarial employer.
I did not find it excessively gory or profane. People who have been thru what many of "The Codicil"'s characters experienced do express themselves in this fashion. I found it realistic and not overdone.
It is truly a page turner that took less than a weekend to read. Great stuff!!!
Used price: $10.00
Collectible price: $15.00
Used price: $3.50
Collectible price: $15.88
Used price: $4.98