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Book reviews for "Thompson,_Bard" sorted by average review score:

Liturgies of the Western Church
Published in Paperback by Fortress Press (1980)
Amazon base price: $16.10
List price: $23.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.84
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List price: $23.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.84
Buy one from zShops for: $15.08
Average review score: 

This book is mainly a collection of texts with short introductions. And what you get is a sampler of Eucharist service from several of the major Christian denominations. You get a copy of the Tridentine Mass, Luther's DeutschMesse (in english translation of course) and the Eucharist from the first Book of Common Prayer. Also several other Protestant Eucharistic liturgies. The emphasis is less on telling you about comparative liturgy and more on letting you compare.

Humanists and Reformers: A History of the Renaissance and Reformation
Published in Paperback by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. (1996)
Amazon base price: $40.00
Used price: $29.00
Used price: $29.00
Average review score: 

I have been reading sections of this book for a class in Church History that I am co-teaching this semester, and I love it. Thompson does an inspiring job at making each individual a "real person" for the reader, which is often hard to find in history texts. Also, his in-depth and thorough look at both movements and people never becomes pedantic or tiresome, but rather creates a greater context into which these elements truly make sense. His writing is reachable, clear, humorous - friendly to the casual and professional student of the Reformation. Highly recommended!

A Bibliography of Christian Worship
Published in Hardcover by Scarecrow Press (28 June, 1989)
Amazon base price: $90.00
Used price: $46.35
Buy one from zShops for: $57.95
Used price: $46.35
Buy one from zShops for: $57.95
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I used this book for a Master's level History of Christian Worship course at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. I found it interesting to follow in terms of various traditions of worship, and fascinating to follow.
The various liturgies include: the First Apology of Justin Martyr, the apostolic tradition of Hippolytus, the Low Mass (of Roman Catholicism), Martin Luther's "Formula Missae and Deutschemesse", Zwingli's Zurich Liturgy, Bucer's Strassburg Liturgy, Calvin's Form of Church Prayers, First and Second Prayer Books of King Edward VI (i.e., some of the Book of Common Prayer), John Knox's "Forme of PRayers", the Middleburg Liturgy of the English Puritans, the Westminster Directory, Richard Baxter's "Savoy Liturgy", and John Wesley's "Sunday Service."
Thompson gives good translations (E.g., the Mass is both presented side-by-side in latin and English) and draws upon copies of many original documents to insure accuracy. There's lots of bibliographical information (e.g., "for further reading") in addition, for those who want to do further research.