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This story begins by placing Thomas J. Everyman in the all too common circumstance in which many of us find ourselves. However, when the paradigm that defines the life of Thomas J. Everyman begins to breakdown, he is presented with an opportunity to either drown in his circumstances or leverage them in order to design a more meaningful life.
The formula for designing one's life, as well as one's ability to define the ideal paradigm for participating in this new life is one of the most valuable perspectives toward self-improvement that I have encountered. The Emancipation of Thomas J. Everyman is a well-articulated story containing one man's wisdom, a man who definitely understands life and its importance.
If you're ready to improve the quality of your life, The Emancipation of Thomas J. Everyman, should be moved to the top of your reading list.

Used price: $39.00
Collectible price: $47.65

List price: $14.98 (that's 50% off!)
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Well worth the read!

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Used price: $26.94
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However on to what I learned from Ch 12 - the patterns that are put into action are wonderful! I've used MVC in the past - but adding the 'Command & Controller' to MVC is a real boon! I've not been successful with pattern books in the past, because they typically do not provide code examples, which I find a great learning tool [ I'm a "visual" learner ]. This book includes great code examples, the graphics are very professional, and helpful also.
4 of 5 stars - I've not read the whole book - I've got to reserve total commitment til then.

It is a must have for any serious web-application devloper.
It explains well all the subjects you need to know about servlet programming.
Buying this book saves you lot of learning-by-step time.
I really suggest this title.
Finally one book that i'm glad to pay.
This is my forst wrox book but, if all worx books are like this one, for sure not the last.

I have this book for sometime now, and I think, you can't have a better book to learn Servlets 2.3 API. Specially, the Chap on MVC pattern was very good. I liked the way the book has been written. There are lots of practicle examples in the book. The Patterns have been explained in a very good manner. But my favourite is Chap 8. Its downright interesting that how you can combine a database with a JSP page to create a Web Apps. I had some problems in Running the code and had to take the help of Wrox People, But I managed it with there help. Overall, a dependable book.