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Book reviews for "Thomas,_Theodore_L." sorted by average review score:

Jennie Gerhardt (University of Pennsylvania Dreiser Edition)
Published in Paperback by University of Pennsylvania Press (1992)
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $5.00
Used price: $5.00
Average review score: 

Most of us know the genius of Dreiser, the lyrical capabilities of this author is astonishing. He humanizes literature, the characters posess complex personalities and physical appearances. He takes the aesthetic beauty of the surreal and the honesty of harsh reality and combines these potent elements into a story of life, almost more believable than our own. This story follows Jennie Gerhardt, a young German girl living with her poor family in Ohio before the turn of the century. Honest but hard work puts her into the path of Senator Brander a benevolent mature man, but his ardent passions soon destroy Jennie, and her life is tainted with shame. She leaves her home, and life take her on many journeys, mostly unpleasant. This story chronicles how one mistake can change your life, and the domino effect takes place, constantly misplacing your life as you try to escape the past. I would also recommend "Tess of the D'Urbervilles" by Thomas Hardy

It seems each time I finish one of Dresier's works I think it is my favorite. Such is the case with Jennie Gerhardt, at least until my next Dresier. This heart-wrenching saga takes the reader through Jennie's life from cleaning houses with her mother, bearing a child by a US Senator and living and loving a man beyond her society class. Lester (the man she loves after the Senator), for his part, is unwilling to marry Jennie and is cut-off from the family and it's millions for loving someone "below" his class in society. Jennie remains true to herself, following her heart and the dicates of a harsh scoiety. She makes amendes with her father and is the only child to nurture him through his final days and death. She takes her daughter away from Chicago and leaves Lester so he can reclaim his family fortune. Her daughter dies, leaving her alone but the strength of Jennie's character comes through when she adopts orphans, for if she isn't nurturing she isn't living. Dreiser drives home his theme of fate and how some can dictate it while others are a slave to it. But even this distinction isn't black and white. Lester seems not to care what fate has in store for him until he takes it into his onw hands and marries the society girl he arguably should have married before he hooked up with Jennie. Alas, Jennie never mastered her fate. She was punished for loving two men from the upper-crust of scoiety instead of taking the crusts that high-living classes would toss her.

Dreiser's Russian Diary (University of Pennsylvania Dreiser Edition)
Published in Hardcover by University of Pennsylvania Press (1996)
Amazon base price: $39.95
Used price: $7.00
Collectible price: $37.50
Buy one from zShops for: $20.00
Used price: $7.00
Collectible price: $37.50
Buy one from zShops for: $20.00
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Dreiser-Mencken Letters: The Correspondence of Theodore Dreiser & H. L. Mencken, 1907-1945
Published in Hardcover by University of Pennsylvania Press (1986)
Amazon base price: $49.95
Average review score:
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Dreiser-Mencken Letters: The Correspondence of Theodore Dreiser and H. L. Mencken 1907-1945
Published in Hardcover by University of Pennsylvania Press (1987)
Amazon base price: $49.95
Used price: $11.00
Collectible price: $12.95
Used price: $11.00
Collectible price: $12.95
Average review score:
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Hands-On Biology: Introductory
Published in Spiral-bound by McGraw-Hill Higher Education (01 May, 1991)
Amazon base price: $38.00
Used price: $28.32
Used price: $28.32
Average review score:
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Theodore Dreiser
Published in Hardcover by Twayne Pub (1963)
Amazon base price: $15.95
Used price: $12.50
Collectible price: $14.82
Used price: $12.50
Collectible price: $14.82
Average review score:
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Thomas Nelson Page
Published in Textbook Binding by Twayne Pub (1970)
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $21.00
Used price: $21.00
Average review score:
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Though she makes some bad decisions and often lacks the confindence that could have reinvented her in the magnified binocular-eyes of society, Dreiser's love for the character shines and we, the readers, grow to love her also. Several glimmers of why Dreiser is the transcendent novelist that he is peek out from the fast moving story of Jennie Gerhardt.
"She was not, like so many, endeavoring to put the ocean into a tea-cup or to tie up the shifting universe in a mess of strings called law."
"The loveliness of seventeen is centuries old. That is why passion is almost sad."
"So this little household drifted along quietly and dreamily indeed, but always with the undercurrent of feeling which ran so still because it was so deep."
I admit to you, I have never been very interested by the sometimes dry prose offered in the writing of earlier time periods. But Dreiser seems to me a rare gem in the world of early 20th century fiction.
However, the one reason I am writing a 4 star review is because of the ending of this novel. After several mini-climaxes, the book ends. --just like that. With a grim display of "if only". And although most, if not all of us, identify with that theme, I felt like I MUST have read 366 pages for something other than that.
However, I would still recommend it. It is a delicate work of art whose power and beauty cannot be denied.