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The author, Rosalind Kerven has written and edited several highly acclaimed collections of myths and legends from all over the world. She trained as an anthropologist and her writing reflects an understanding of various cultures. With an expert storyteller's skill, she retells the original Celtic and medieval legends to show the rise to power of a boy who was decreed by fate to be the King of Britain.
Tudor Humphries was trained in London as a theater costume and set designer. When he graduated, he decided to concentrate on children's book illustration. His illustrations evoke all the magic and romance of King Arthur's story.
Photographs and paintings help to reveal Arthur's real identity and the religion and chivalry of his court. On the contents page we find all the main characters pictured in a sort of photo gallery. Then, the story of the sword in the stone, miraculous powers, the gift of Excalibur, the Knights of the Round Table, the Knights of King Arthur, evil enchantments, the Holy Grail, the end of the Fellowship, the last battle and the once and future king are revealed.
Even with all this detail, the figure of King Arthur is shrouded in mystery. It is impossible to prove he ever existed. Some historians believe he was a great warrior who lived in the late 5th century. The key events in the story are shown on two pages complete with a map of Britain in the 5th century.
Painters, poets, composers and moviemakers have been inspired and intrigued by this legend. Most recently, I enjoyed watching the 1995 movie First Knight. My other favorite is the movie Camelot from the year I was born in 1967.
Was Merlin really a Druid? Did Celtic noblewomen participate in politics and would Guinevere have been expected to play an important role in governing the kingdom? Did you know that the lady of Shalott died of grief because she loved Lancelot, but he refused her love? These are just a few of the details you will find in this book.
This book makes it possible for children to enjoy reading about the details behind the Arthurian legend while also being able to read a full story. The use of photography with narrative illustration will captivate children just as the story of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table have fascinated generations of eager listeners.

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BUT, I struggled to even finish the book. Herodotus's digressions are MADDENING. I have trouble keeping track of who did what to who. Just when I get a hold of what is going on, he changes the focus to another part of the world or another facet of culture.
Most introductions don't help at all with this. The scholars all assume that you already know enough of the main history and get into the deep, involved parts. Now, if Robert B. Strassler would do for Herodotus what he has done for Thucydides, it would be a lot easier for the uninitiated to read.
Maybe it's because I'm a poor, unattentive reader, but I just can't give it a high rating.
Good book, bad edition, hence the two stars. I recommend this to lovers of ancient history with the above reservations.

Despite the rather formal language of the translation, the Histories are very engaging. Herodotus not only illuminates critical details of historical events but enlivens them with anecdotes and legends, some of this likely apocryphal. Rawlinson's translation is very good and his footnotes, despite their age, are outstanding. The best thing is that they are footnotes, not endnotes, so you won't break your fingers constantly flipping to the back of the book.
One critical missing element, however, is a map. A map of the world in Herodotus's time (such as I found online) would really make a lot of the events clearer.
In the time since I have read Herodotus, I have begun to appreciate how his Histories are the cornerstone of a classical education. The Histories are constantly referenced in western literature in everything from the Divine Comedy to the English Patient to Lawrence of Arabia to Ball Four.
If you're trying to give yourself a good foundation in history and western culture, this is the best place to start.

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The events which occur in Gilded Splendour center around Chippendale's life, even though he is not always the focus of the story. A fictional character, Isabella Woodleigh, who finds herself linked to Chippendale, also helps to carry the plot. The two separate stories, like individual threads forming a quilt, are slowly woven together until one believes Isabella Woodleigh and Thomas Chippendale were actually involved.
The characters are so well defined you might discover you are gritting your teeth at the thankless and cruel Sarah Woodleigh, sister of the heroine and one of the villain's in this novel. You might find yourself crying out in pain at the lost opportunities of love between a few of the characters. The simple twists of fate that keep certain characters from living happily ever after together will have you gnashing your teeth in exquisite frustration.
The only negative comment I have to make about this novel is sudden appearance of one major character, Owen Marwell. The relationship between him and Isabella Woodleigh, the heroine, develops rapidly with little attention given to their courtship or the flourishing of tender love. Isabella, healing from a loveless marriage and the sudden death of her repulsive marriage, seems to fall into bed with Marwell, and this does a serious disservice to her character, which had been sketched as a woman of straight-laced morals.
Laker, a master at descriptive literature, splendidly details Chippendale's pieces without boring the reader. Chapter by chapter, she painstakingly describes the efforts that went into Chippendale's work and his impressive abilities at marquetery, veneering and gilding.
After reading her novel, I could clearly picture a secretaire and silver looking glass with candelabra. I was delighted to then visit Thomas Chippendale at Harewood House and look at the pieces she described. I could pick them out easily from her descriptions.

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