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This book presents the most important, most effective and powerful models and techniques, many written by their original developers. It is a valuable, unique resource, primarily for professionals and practitioners. It provides both theoretical and practical technique information. But it is probably not the best book for the average layman wanting to deal with stress more effectively. Laymen (and professionals) should consider the Relaxation and Stress Workbook, in that case. But professionals will want the Lehrer Woolfolk, compilation because of the detailed theoretical grounding provided for the techniques, which include Autogenic training, Clinically Standardized meditation, Progressive muscle relaxation, biofeedback. And many more.
I can't emphasize enough that these are not just chapters written by anyone. This is the "Woodstock" of stress theory and practice books, with chapters by the "stars" of the field.

Used price: $9.27

List price: $42.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $28.00
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Almost all of the major opinions and arguments pro and con for each passage are cited along with their respective proponents and they are presented with great precision and scholarship. Although the author definitely has his own point of view, he is careful to write in a manner that at least comes across on paper as being fair and impartial to the reader.
Even though the exegesis is scholarly, it is not written to such a technical extreme that no one but a PhD can understand it. On the contrary, it is quite accessible to the average reader, yet has enough "meat" for anyone intersted in an indepth study. In short, you will enjoy reading it. This volume along with its companion volume on chapters 8-22 by the same author would be a highly prized addition to your library.

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Collectible price: $21.18
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Used price: $1.53
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It might be helpful to read (or re-read) the introduction after having read part of the book (say, into the first Roman visit).

Never before had I encountered a questing mind quite like Goethe's. Almost from the moment to left Carlsbad in September 1786, he was noticing the geological structures underlying the land and the flora and fauna above it. He sits down and talks with ordinary people without an attitude -- and this after he had turned the heads of half of Europe with his SORROWS OF YOUNG WERTHER. Here he was journeying incognito, apparently knowing the language well enough to communicate with peasants, prelates, and nobility.
One who abhors marking books I intend to keep, I found myself underlining frequently. "In this place," he writes from Rome, "whoever looks seriously about him and has eyes to see is bound to become a stronger character." In fact, Goethe spent over a year in Rome learning art, music, science, and even sufferings the pangs of love with a young woman from Milan.
Bracketing his stay in Rome is a longish journey to Naples and Sicily, where he becomes acquainted with Sir Warren Hamilton and his consort Emma, the fascinating Princess Ravaschieri di Satriano, and other German travelers. One of them, Wilhelm Tischbein, painted a wonderful portrait of Goethe the traveller shown on the cover of the Penguin edition.
The translation of W.H. Auden and Elizabeth Mayer is truly wonderful. My only negative comments are toward the Penguin editors who, out of some pennywise foolishness, have omitted translating the frequent Latin, Greek, and French quotes. I am particularly upset about the lack of a translation of the final quote from Ovid's "Tristia." In every other respect, this book is a marvel and does not at all read like a work written some 215 years ago. It is every bit as fresh and relevant as today's headlines, only ever so much more articulate!